102 research outputs found
Rugged Single Domain Antibody Detection Elements for Bacillus anthracis Spores and Vegetative Cells
Significant efforts to develop both laboratory and field-based detection assays for an array of potential biological threats started well before the anthrax attacks of 2001 and have continued with renewed urgency following. While numerous assays and methods have been explored that are suitable for laboratory utilization, detection in the field is often complicated by requirements for functionality in austere environments, where limited cold-chain facilities exist. In an effort to overcome these assay limitations for Bacillus anthracis, one of the most recognizable threats, a series of single domain antibodies (sdAbs) were isolated from a phage display library prepared from immunized llamas. Characterization of target specificity, affinity, and thermal stability was conducted for six sdAb families isolated from rounds of selection against the bacterial spore. The protein target for all six sdAb families was determined to be the S-layer protein EA1, which is present in both vegetative cells and bacterial spores. All of the sdAbs examined exhibited a high degree of specificity for the target bacterium and its spore, with affinities in the nanomolar range, and the ability to refold into functional antigen-binding molecules following several rounds of thermal denaturation and refolding. This research demonstrates the capabilities of these sdAbs and their potential for integration into current and developing assays and biosensors
Requirements, benefits and competencies for higher education in midwifery: findings of an expert survey in Germany
Background: Higher education in midwifery is considered necessary to meet the known challenges in the profession. Currently, there are only a few academic studies and reports dealing with this topic. Most notable is the lack of data concerning demand, potential practice areas, and the competencies which need to be taught in an academic study program for midwifery.Aim: The present study examines the need for academically qualified midwives from different practice viewpoints.Methods: Semi-standardized interviews were used for this exploratory research approach. These were then examined with respect to the three categories identified through data analysis (requirements of the academic program, benefits for the profession, and essential competencies).Results: From a practical point of view, the results identify a high demand for academically trained midwives. The participants underlined the benefits of such a study program for midwives. The findings back the notion that there are areas in the current non-academic midwifery training program [in Germany] that require further consolidation. Furthermore, the results endorse the competency profile of the German Midwifery Association [Deutscher Hebammenverband e.V.].Conclusion: There is undoubtedly a need for higher education of midwives in particular with regards to international standards. However, deficits and uncertainties with respect to the implementation of study programs and its consequences remain.Hintergrund: Bisher liegen wenig Erfahrungsberichte und wissenschaftliche Studien zum konkreten Bedarf, den potenziellen Aufgabenfeldern und entsprechenden abgeleiteten Kompetenzzielen eines Studiums fĂŒr Hebammen/Entbindungspfleger vor.Ziel: In der vorliegenden Studie wird der Bedarf an hochschulisch qualifizierten Hebammen/Entbindungspflegern aus den verschiedenen Sichtweisen der Praxis untersucht. Methode: DafĂŒr wurde ein exploratorischer Forschungsansatz gewĂ€hlt und teilstandardisierte Interviews durchgefĂŒhrt. Diese wurden im Hinblick auf die drei Kategorien untersucht (Anforderungen an den Studiengang, Mehrwert eines Studiengangs fĂŒr das Berufsfeld und fĂŒr die Praxis benötigte Kompetenzen).Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen den hohen Bedarf akademisch ausgebildeter Hebammen/Entbindungspfleger. So zeigt sich eine deutliche BefĂŒrwortung des Studiums hinsichtlich des Mehrwerts. Dies wird auch durch Resultate unterstĂŒtzt, die zeigen, dass es durchaus Bereiche gibt, die in der derzeitigen Ausbildung zu kurz kommen und in einem Studium intensiviert werden könnten. Weiter konnte das Kompetenzprofil des Deutschen Hebammenverband e.V. durch die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Der Bedarf an akademisch ausgebildeten Hebammen/Entbindungspflegern vor allem im Vergleich mit dem internationalen Standard ist unbestritten, trotzdem gibt es immer noch Defizite und Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich der Umsetzung einer Akademisierung des Berufs und dessen Konsequenzen
Wild E, Walper S. Familie. In: Wild E, Möller J, eds. PÀdagogische Psychologie. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer; 2014
Lernumwelten in der Familie
Walper S, Wild E. Lernumwelten in der Familie. In: Seidel T, Krapp A, eds. PĂ€dagogische Psychologie. Weinheim: Belz; 2014: 359-385
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