1,156 research outputs found

    Juxtacellular Labeling of Stellate, Disk and Basket Neurons in the Central Nucleus of the Guinea Pig Inferior Colliculus

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    We reconstructed the intrinsic axons of 32 neurons in the guinea pig inferior colliculus (IC) following juxtacellular labeling. Biocytin was injected into cells in vivo, after first analyzing physiological response properties. Based on axonal morphology there were two classes of neuron: (1) laminar cells (14/32, 44%) with an intrinsic axon and flattened dendrites confined to a single fibrodendritic lamina and (2) translaminar cells (18/32, 56%) with axons that terminated in two or more laminae in the central nucleus (ICc) or the surrounding cortex. There was also one small, low-frequency cell with bushy-like dendrites that was very sensitive to interaural timing differences. The translaminar cells were subdivided into three groups of cells with: (a) stellate dendrites that crossed at least two laminae (8/32, 25%); (b) flattened dendrites confined to one lamina and that had mainly en passant axonal swellings (7/32, 22%) and (c) short, flattened dendrites and axons with distinctive clusters of large terminal boutons in the ICc (3/32, 9%). These terminal clusters were similar to those of cortical basket cells. The 14 laminar cells all had sustained responses apart from one offset response. Almost half the non-basket type translaminar cells (7/15) had onset responses while the others had sustained responses. The basket cells were the only ones to have short-latency (7–9 ms), chopper responses and this distinctive temporal response should allow them to be studied in more detail in future. This is the first description of basket cells in the auditory brainstem, but more work is required to confirm their neurotransmitter and precise post-synaptic targets

    Neural Plasticity in Tinnitus Mechanisms

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    Cortical Inactivation by Cooling in Small Animals

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    Reversible inactivation of the cortex by surface cooling is a powerful method for studying the function of a particular area. Implanted cooling cryoloops have been used to study the role of individual cortical areas in auditory processing of awake-behaving cats. Cryoloops have also been used in rodents for reversible inactivation of the cortex, but recently there has been a concern that the cryoloop may also cool non-cortical structures either directly or via the perfusion of blood, cooled as it passed close to the cooling loop. In this study we have confirmed that the loop can inactivate most of the auditory cortex without causing a significant reduction in temperature of the auditory thalamus or other subcortical structures. We placed a cryoloop on the surface of the guinea pig cortex, cooled it to 2°C and measured thermal gradients across the neocortical surface. We found that the temperature dropped to 20–24°C among cells within a radius of about 2.5 mm away from the loop. This temperature drop was sufficient to reduce activity of most cortical cells and led to the inactivation of almost the entire auditory region. When the temperature of thalamus, midbrain, and middle ear were measured directly during cortical cooling, there was a small drop in temperature (about 4°C) but this was not sufficient to directly reduce neural activity. In an effort to visualize the extent of neural inactivation we measured the uptake of thallium ions following an intravenous injection. This confirmed that there was a large reduction of activity across much of the ipsilateral cortex and only a small reduction in subcortical structures

    Nitric oxide increases gain in the ventral cochlear nucleus of guinea pigs with tinnitus

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    Previous work has led to the hypothesis that, during the production of noise‐induced tinnitus, higher levels of nitric oxide (NO), in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN), increase the gain applied to a reduced input from the cochlea. To test this hypothesis, we noise‐exposed 26 guinea pigs, identified evidence of tinnitus in 12 of them and then compared the effects of an iontophoretically applied NO donor or production inhibitor on VCN single unit activity. We confirmed that the mean driven firing rate for the tinnitus and control groups were the same while it had fallen in the non‐tinnitus group. By contrast, the mean spontaneous rate had increased for the tinnitus group relative to control while it remained the same for the non‐tinnitus group. A greater proportion of units responded to exogenously applied NO in the tinnitus (56%) and non‐tinnitus groups (71%) than a control population (24%). In the tinnitus group, endogenous NO facilitated the driven firing rate in 37% (7/19) of neurons and appeared to bring the mean driven rate back up to control levels by a mechanism involving N‐Methyl‐D‐aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors. By contrast, in the non‐tinnitus group, endogenous NO only facilitated the driven firing rate in 5% (1/22) of neurons and there was no facilitation of driven rate in the control group. The effects of endogenous NO on spontaneous activity were unclear. These results suggest that NO is involved in increasing the gain applied to driven activity but other factors are also involved in the increase in spontaneous activity

    FiberGLAST: a scintillating fiber approach to the GLAST mission

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    FiberGLAST is a scintillating fiber gamma-ray detector designed for the GLAST mission. The system described below provides superior effective area and field of view for modest cost and risk. An overview of the FiberGLAST instrument is presented, as well as a more detailed description of the principle elements of the primary detector volume. The triggering and readout electronics are described, and Monte Carlo Simulations of the instrument performance are presented

    Nitric oxide regulates the firing rate of neuronal subtypes in the guinea pig ventral cochlear nucleus

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    The gaseous free radical, nitric oxide (NO) acts as a ubiquitous neuromodulator, contributing to synaptic plasticity in a complex way that can involve either long term potentiation or depression. It is produced by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) which is presynaptically expressed and also located postsynaptically in the membrane and cytoplasm of a sub-population of each major neuronal type in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN). We have used iontophoresis in vivo to study the effect of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME (L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester) and the NO donors SIN-1 (3-Morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride) and SNOG (S-Nitrosoglutathione) on VCN units under urethane anaesthesia. Collectively, both donors produced increases and decreases in driven and spontaneous firing rates of some neurons. Inhibition of endogenous NO production with L-NAME evoked a consistent increase in driven firing rates in 18% of units without much effect on spontaneous rate. This reduction of gain produced by endogenous NO was mirrored when studying the effect of L-NAME on NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid)-evoked excitation, with 30% of units showing enhanced NMDA-evoked excitation during L-NAME application (reduced NO levels). Approximately 25% of neurons contain nNOS and the NO produced can modulate the firing rate of the main principal cells: medium stellates (choppers), large stellates (onset responses) and bushy cells (primary like responses). The main endogenous role of NO seems to be to partly suppress driven firing rates associated with NMDA channel activity but there is scope for it to increase neural gain if there were a pathological increase in its production following hearing loss

    Analytic Metaphysics versus Naturalized Metaphysics: The Relevance of Applied Ontology

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    The relevance of analytic metaphysics has come under criticism: Ladyman & Ross, for instance, have suggested do discontinue the field. French & McKenzie have argued in defense of analytic metaphysics that it develops tools that could turn out to be useful for philosophy of physics. In this article, we show first that this heuristic defense of metaphysics can be extended to the scientific field of applied ontology, which uses constructs from analytic metaphysics. Second, we elaborate on a parallel by French & McKenzie between mathematics and metaphysics to show that the whole field of analytic metaphysics, being useful not only for philosophy but also for science, should continue to exist as a largely autonomous field

    Beam test results for the FiberGLAST instrument

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    The FiberGLAST scintillating fiber telescope is a large-area instrument concept for NASA\u27s GLAST program. The detector is designed for high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, and uses plastic scintillating fibers to combine a photon pair tracking telescope and a calorimeter into a single instrument. A small prototype detector has been tested with high energy photons at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. We report on the result of this beam test, including scintillating fiber performance, photon track reconstruction, angular resolution, and detector efficiency

    The large numbers of minicolumns in the primary visual cortex of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas are related to high visual acuity

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    Minicolumns are thought to be a fundamental neural unit in the neocortex and their replication may have formed the basis of the rapid cortical expansion that occurred during primate evolution. We sought evidence of minicolumns in the primary visual cortex (V-1) of three great apes, three rodents and representatives from three other mammalian orders: Eulipotyphla (European hedgehog), Artiodactyla (domestic pig) and Carnivora (ferret). Minicolumns, identified by the presence of a long bundle of radial, myelinated fibers stretching from layer III to the white matter of silver-stained sections, were found in the human, chimpanzee, gorilla and guinea pig V-1. Shorter bundles confined to one or two layers were found in the other species but represent modules rather than minicolumns. The inter-bundle distance, and hence density of minicolumns, varied systematically both within a local area that might represent a hypercolumn but also across the whole visual field. The distance between all bundles had a similar range for human, chimpanzee, gorilla, ferret and guinea pig: most bundles were 20–45 ÎŒm apart. By contrast, the space between bundles was greater for the hedgehog and pig (20–140 ÎŒm). The mean density of minicolumns was greater in tangential sections of the gorilla and chimpanzee (1,243–1,287 bundles/mm2) than in human (314–422 bundles/mm2) or guinea pig (643 bundles/mm2). The minicolumnar bundles did not form a hexagonal lattice but were arranged in thin curving and branched bands separated by thicker bands of neuropil/somata. Estimates of the total number of modules/minicolumns within V-1 were strongly correlated with visual acuity

    Development and testing of a fiber/multianode photomultiplier system for use on FiberGLAST

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    A scintillating fiber detector is currently being studied for the NASA Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) mission. This detector utilizes modules composed of a thin converter sheet followed by an x, y plane of scintillating fibers to examine the shower of particles created by high energy gamma-rays interacting in the converter material. The detector is composed of a tracker with 90 such modular planes and a calorimeter with 36 planes. The two major component of this detector are the scintillating fibers and their associated photodetectors. Here we present current status of development and test result of both of these. The Hamamatsu R5900-00-M64 multianode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT) is the baseline readout device. A characterization of this device has been performed including noise, cross- talk, gain variation, vibration, and thermal/vacuum test. A prototype fiber/MAPMT system has been tested at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices at Louisiana State University with a photon beam and preliminary results are presented
