836 research outputs found

    Japanilaisen kirjallisuuden englanninnokset : kustantamo Alfred A. Knopfin käännöshanke 1955-1977

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    Japanese literature in English translation has a history of 165 years, but before the end of World War II no publisher outside Japan had put out a sustained series of novel-length translations. The New York house of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. published 34 English translations of Japanese literature between 1955 and 1977. This program was carried out under the leadership of Harold Strauss, who endeavored to bring modern writers of Japan to the stage of world literature. Strauss and most of the translators were trained in American military language schools. The aim of this dissertation is to study the publisher's policies and publishing criteria in the selection of texts, the actors involved in the mediation process and the preparation of the texts for market, the reception of the texts and their impact on the profile of Japanese literature. The theoretical backdrop is built around the distinction of product, process and function, viewed through the sociology of translation. This includes Pierre Bourdieu s constructs of habitus and capital and the Actor-Network Theory, as well as Karen Thornber s concept of literary contact nebulae in settings of less steeply inclined hierarchical relations. An examination of Japanese to English translations investigates the trends and practices which developed after the forced opening of Japan, drawing upon materials from the Knopf archives, including correspondence between the authors, the editor and the translators. Personal interviews and correspondence with the translators, autobiographies, and memoirs add to the archival records. Peritextual and epitextual data help trace events and actions within this period of Japanese literature in English translation and assist with the investigation into the reception and legacy of the texts. Findings clarify the policies and criteria employed at a major publishing firm. The role of the editor is explored in perhaps more detail than in earlier reports. Bourdieu's concepts of habitus and capital complement the notion of following the actors in Actor-Network Theory. Materials obtained from a translator and interviews with others add a qualitative perspective supported by the idea of literary contact nebulae. The Knopf translations have a wider circulation in Japan than in the English-language markets. Further, a number of the publications have proven more profitable in European languages. The long tail sales have kept the translations in print and in classrooms to this day. These findings point to new areas of investigation. Knopf was the most active publisher in a period where English translations were published for the general reader. The translations were later inscribed as text and research materials in the growing university curricula of the then-nascent fields of Japanese studies and comparative literature. Keywords: Japanese literature in English translation, habitus, capital, Actor-Network Theory, transculturation, translation historyJapanilaisen kirjallisuuden englannintamisella on 165 vuoden historia, mutta ennen toisen maailmansodan loppua ei Japanin ulkopuolella oltu julkaistu mittavaa sarjaa käännöksiä englanniksi. Newyorkilainen kustantamo Alfred A. Knopf julkaisi 34 käännöstä vuosina 1955-1977. Hanketta johti Harold Strauss, jonka tavoitteena oli tuoda modernit japanilaiskirjailijat maailmankartalle. Strauss ja valtaosa kääntäjistä olivat Yhdysvaltain asevoimien kouluttamia. Väitös tutkii kustantajan toimintatapoja liittyen tekstien valintaan, käännösprosessiin osallistuviin tahoihin ja teosten saattamiseen markkinoille sekä niiden synnyttämään kuvaan japanilaisesta kirjallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen kehys perustuu käännöstuotoksen, -prosessin ja -funktion erottamiseen; näitä tarkastellaan kääntämisen sosiologian kautta. Tämä tarkoittaa sekä toimijaverkkoteorian ja Pierre Bourdieun käsitteiden soveltamista että Karen Thornberin ideaa kirjallisten kontaktien nebuloista ympäristössä, jossa hierarkiset suhteet eivät ole kovin jyrkkiä. Tarkastelussa tutkitaan trendejä ja toimintatapoja, jotka kehittyivät Japanin avautumista seuranneina vuosikymmeninä. Väitös nojaa Knopfin arkistomateriaaliin, joka sisältää kirjailijoiden, kustannustoimittajien ja kääntäjien välistä kirjeenvaihtoa. Kääntäjien haastattelut ja heidän kanssaan käyty kirjeenvaihto sekä elämäkerrat ja muistelmat täydentävät tietoja. Peri- ja epitekstit auttavat tämän japanilaisen kirjallisuuden englannintamisen ajanjakson hahmottamisessa. Ne myös auttavat tekstien vastaanoton ja niiden synnyttämän perinnön tutkimisessa. Löydökset avaavat merkittävän kustantamon toimintatapoja. Kustannustoimittajan osuutta käsitellään kenties syvemmin kuin aiemmissa tutkimuksissa. Bourdieun konseptit habitus ja pääoma täydentävät toimijaverkkoteorian mukaista toimijoiden seuraamisesta. Eräältä kääntäjältä saatu aineisto sekä kääntäjien ja kirjailijoiden haastattelut tuovat tutkimukseen kvalitatiivisen näkökulman, jota ajatus kirjallisten kontaktien nebuloista tukee. Knopfin käännnöksillä on laajempi levikki Japanissa kuin englanninkielisillä markkinoilla. Useat eurooppalaisille kielille englanninnosten pohjalta tehdyt käännökset ovat myös olleet Knopfin julkaisuja kannattavampia. Pokkariversioiden myynnin ns. pitkä häntä on pitänyt käännökset julkaisulistoilla ja luokkahuoneissa nykypäivään saakka. Havaintojen perusteella voidaan nostaa tarkasteluun uusia tutkimusaiheita. Knopf oli aktiivisin kustantaja ajanjaksona, jolloin käännöksiä julkaistiin suurelle yleisölle. Teoksia on myöhemmin käytetty laajalti teksti- ja tutkimusaineistoina alati kasvaneilla Japanin tutkimuksen ja yleisen kirjallisuustieteen aloilla. Avainsanat: Japanilaisen kirjallisuuden englanninnokset, habitus, sosiaalinen pääoma, toimijaverkkoteoria, transkulturaatio, kääntämisen histori

    Game theory applications in agricultural decisions

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    The determination and analysis of Iowa land values

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    Studies examining the effects of interior loading on the location of the center of percussion (COP) of aluminium softball and baseball bats 'have resulted in recommended procedures for the systematic displacement 'of the COP. While the effect of distal displacement of the COP has been shown to improve pat performance, interior loading procedures have also been shown to dramatically change fundamental frequency and distance between the distal node of the fundamental mode and COP. Previous research with softball bats has shown that the COP a-d node of the fundamental mode are the preferred areas for ball-bat impact when they are relatively close together (less than 2 cm) with no significant difference between the two impact sites regarding preference. When these two parameters are farther apart, one site may be preferred over the other, as has been suggested in a recent study with tennis racquets. This study compared vibrational characteristics d perceptions of discomfort resulting from impacts on the Center of Percussion (COP) and fundamental vibrational node of bats with varying COP-node distances. Seventeen adult skilled slow-pitch softball players (9 females, 8 males) aged 25-40 years held each of four aluminium softball bats while they were impacted at the following locations by softballs at an approximate speed of 26 m/s: COP, distal node of fundamental mode, and midway between these two points. Results of a questionnaire regarding annoyance and discomfort were correlated with mechanical characteristics and vibrational characteristics associated with each impact location. The data indicated that: (1) discomfort was directly related to the degree of excitation of both the fundamental and first overtone vibrational modes, which was directly related to nodeimpact distance; (2) bats with higher fundamental frequencies &ere more comfortable than bats with lower fundamental frequencies: and (31 with bats having large fundamental node-COP distances (greater' than 9 cm) COP impacts are significantly less comfortable than impacts on the node

    Building capacity for learning communities: schools that work

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the practices of sixteen successful schools that are building capacity for a learning community. The conceptualization was based upon three capacities (personal, interpersonal and organizational) necessary for community building. Researchers conducted interviews with staff, students, administrators and parents. Whole class interviews and participant observations and document analyses were also made. Findings indicated that the participating schools utilized a child-centered vision, that there was pedagogic focus to the work of the staff, that school-wide systems varied, and that leadership was a crucial. Further, the meta-cognitive acumen of the staff and the explicit and conscious use of language contributed to the growth of features associated with learning communitie


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    Literature in translation has found itself at the behest of publishing economics and this is particularly true of less-translated languages. This is perhaps why translation studies has grown more focused on the social practices surrounding the selection, translation and diffusion of certain texts in certain language pairs at certain times. The concepts of the social theorist Pierre Bourdieu and the use of Actor-network Theory have been embraced in the scholarly community and have shown promise as a multimethod approach to ethnographic investigations. Archival research and the advance of the digital humanities has played an important role. This paper will employ the above-mentioned research apparatus with the use of archived correspondence to investigate the translation process of a Japanese novel, Nobi by Ōoka Shōhei, in translation by the scholar of Japanese studies Ivan Morris. This investigation adds further confirmation that the research apparatus brings depth to the findings and clarifies the historical accounts of the actors involved in the translation proces

    Adjustment Alternatives for North Central Oklahoma Wheat Farmers

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    Agricultural Economic