18 research outputs found

    Spiritual Needs of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients in Yogyakarta

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    Background: Spiritual is related to strength or enthusiasm, which aims to get meaning and goals, beliefs, hopes, and beliefs in oneself, others, and including beliefs in God.Objective: To identify the spiritual needs of nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Sleman Regency, YogyakartaMethod: This study uses phenomenological qualitative methods. The informants in this study were 12 informants consisting of 6 patients and six families determined by the purposive sampling method. In-depth interviews did data collection with interview guides. The Open Code 4.02 application assisted data analysis.Result: This study indicates that faith and the purpose of life affect one's self-acceptance of the illness. This condition affects the peace that is felt by the patient, thus affecting the commitment to worship.Conclusion: The spiritual needs of nasopharyngeal cancer patients are suitable, and there are changes in each dimension of spirituality. Meanwhile, we expect the future researchers will conduct research related to the motivation of health workers in the spiritual fulfillment of nasopharyngeal cancer patient


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    Abstrak: Dukuh Banyusri terletak di Kecamatan Jatinom Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah. Data dari sejumlah 42 warga yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pengabdian sebelumnya yang terdiri dari 24 perempuan dan 18 laki-laki diperoleh angka insiden buta warna sebanyak 43%, tekanan darah sistole tertinggi 248 mmHg, tekanan darah diastole tertinggi 147 mmHg (21 warga berstatus hipertensi dan hipertensi emergensi). Rata-rata tekanan darah sistole adalah 150,8 mmHg. Dari data ini menunjukkan bahwa warga Banyusri sudah berada pada level waspada atau zona merah terjadinya penyakit tidak menular terutama hipertensi. Komplikasi yang dapat muncul karena hipertensi ini meliputi stroke, gagal jantung, penyakit pembuluh darah tepi, gagal ginjal, serta kelainan saraf seperti retinopati. Program pengabdian masyarakat ditujukan untuk membentuk posbindu PTM sebagai pusat pemeriksaan kesehatan berbasis kemandirian masyarakat. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan menggandeng mitra perkumpulan remaja yang akan berfokus pada penguatan kapasitas pemuda untuk bisa menjadi pemuda peduli kesehatan warga. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuk Posbindu PTM “Mekar Asri” dan terlaksana kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Posbindu PTM terbentuk melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang meliputi pelatihan cara  melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan kepada kader (cara mengukur tinggi badan, berat badan, mengukur tensi), dan mengadakan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Jumlah kader Posbindu sebanyak 21 orang. Jumlah warga yang hadir sebanyak 94 warga (33 laki-laki dan 61 perempuan). Kondisi tekanan darah, indek massa tubuh rata-rata warga dalam kategori normal, namun nilai tertinggi systole mencapai 201 mmHg dan diastole 116 mmHg (hipertensi emergency). Faktor risiko PTM dari segi perilaku adalah frekuensi makan buah dan sayur kurang dari 5 porsi dalam sahari, serta kurang aktifitas fisik. Untuk faktor risiko PTM dari keluarga adalah adanya anggota keluarga yang merokok. Diperlukan peran Posbindu untuk mengendalikan faktor risiko PTM tersebut melalui kegiatan pemeriksaan Kesehatan secara rutin. Abstract:  Banyusri subdistrict is located in Jatinom district, Klaten regency, Central Java. Data from 42 residents who were involved in previous community service activities consisting of 24 women and 18 men obtained a color blind incidence rate of 43%, the highest systolic blood pressure was 248 mmHg, the highest diastolic blood pressure was 147 mmHg (21 residents had hypertension and hypertension status). emergency). The average systolic blood pressure was 150.8 mmHg. This data shows that the residents of Banyusri are already at the alert level or the red zone for the occurrence of non-communicable diseases, especially hypertension. Complications that can arise due to hypertension include stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, kidney failure, and neurological disorders such as retinopathy. The community service program is aimed at establishing a non communicable disease Posbindu as a center for health checks based on community independence. The activity is carried out by cooperating with youth association partners who will focus on strengthening the capacity of youth to become youths who care about the health of citizens. The output of this activity is the establishment of the "Mekar Asri" non communicable disease Posbindu and the implementation of health checks. The non communicable disease Posbindu was formed through a series of activities which included training on how to conduct health checks for cadres (how to measure height, weight, measure blood pressure), and conduct health checks. The number of Posbindu cadres is 21 people. The number of residents who attended was 94 residents (33 men and 61 women). The condition of blood pressure, the average body mass index of residents are in the normal category, but the highest value for systole reached 201 mmHg and diastolic 116 mmHg (hypertension emergency). The risk factors for non communicable disease in terms of behavior are the frequency of eating less than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, and lack of physical activity. The risk factor for non communicable disease from the family is the presence of a family member who smokes. The role of Posbindu is needed to control the PTM risk factors through routine health checks.

    Perilaku Cyberbullying Dengan Media Instagram Pada Remaja Di Yogyakarta

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    Adolescents cyberbullying behavior on social media has become one of unresolved problems. Factors that influence adolescents in cyberbullying includes high use of social media, low empathy, and experience of being bully victims. This situation can give a negative impact to victims psychological. This research use a qualitative method of the phenomenology approach. The data retrieval is done by deep interviews and observations through the social media Instagram informants. The informant in this research amount 5 students consisting of senior high school and junior high school in Yogyakarta determined by purposive sampling. The validity of data is done by using triangulation methods and peer debriefing. The data analysis researchers using open code software 4.03.        The results of research through observation on social media Instagram showed the types of cyberbullying carried out by adolescents in Yogyakarta such as : 1). Make rude comments, 2). Update instastory, 3).Upload photos, and 4). Comment on photos. In addition, the results of the research through deep interviews showed that the behavior of adolescent cyberbullying was influenced by several factors such as 1). The intensity of social media use, 2). The ability of empathetic actors, and 3). Character of the victim. Cyberbullying behavior in adolescents such as uploading photos, rude comments, updating instastories, and commenting on photos by using harsh words has a negative impact on both perpetrators and victims so they need more attention from schools and parents. Based on the results of the research, it can be suggested for the future researchers to be able to intervene through health promotion on social media related to cyberbullying behavior so that there is no increase in cyberbullying on social media besides that parents can build effective communication and provide moral support so that teens avoid cyberbullying behavior

    The Health and Adolescents’ Potential Community Movement

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    Perawat komunitas memiliki peran penting di tengah masyarakat terkini. Sejumlah peran yang melekat dalam perawat komunitas, di antaranya, adalah pencegahan, pemeliharaan, promosi kesehatan dan pemulihan penyakit masyarakat. Kalangan remaja merupakan pihak yang tak terkecuali menjadi target pembedayaan kesehatan oleh para perawat komunitas. Di kalangan remaja, masalah penyalahgunaan Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif (NAPZA) serta kehidupan seks menjadi hal yang perlu ditindaklanjuti. Hal itu dapat diamini melalui studi kasus di Dusun Kalipucang, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, yang menunjukkan beberapa remaja terlibat dalam perilaku menyimpang, seperti minum minuman berakohol, penyalahgunaan NAPZA, dan kehamilan di luar nikah –akibat minimnya pemahaman tentang dua hal tadi. Untuk itulah, kegiatan Gerakan Masyarakat Peduli Kesehatan dan Potensi Remaja (GEMA PESTA REMAJA) hadir. Kegiatan ini mencakup skrining kesehatan, pendidikan kesehatan, pembentukan dan pelatihan kader Posyandu Remaja serta optimalisasi peran kader-kader tersebut dalam mengelola Posyandu Remaja yang dibentuk. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan bagi para remaja Dusun Kalipucang. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari peningkatan pengetahuan para remaja, yang dikukur melalui post-test, tentang NAPZA dan kesehatan reproduksi yang mereka peroleh dari rangkaian kegiatan GEMA PESTA REMAJA.Community nurses have an important role in the current society. A number of roles are inherent in community nurses, among them, prevention, maintenance, health promotion and recovery of community diseases. The teenagers become one of the target of community nurses, in case of health care development. Among of them, the Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Addictive Substances (NAPZA) abuse and sex are things that need to be followed up. This can be agreed upon the case studies on Kalipucang Village, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, which show that some adolescents are involved in deviant behavior, such as drinking alcohol, drug abuse, and unexpected pregnancy –as the result of a lack of understanding of these two things. For this reason, the Youth Health Care and Potential Community Movement (GEMA PESTA REMAJA) activity be held. These activities include health screening, health education, formation and training of Youth Healthcare Services or Posyandu Remaja cadres, as well as optimizing the role of these cadres in managing the Posyandu Remaja that formed. The results of this activity showed a significant changes for the teenagers of Kalipucang Village. This can be seen from the increase in the knowledge of adolescents, which is measured through a post-test, about drug and reproductive health that they get from a series of GEMA PESTA REMAJA activities

    The Factors That Influence the Implementation of Smoke Free Campus Policy in University of Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA

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    Smoking is one of the problems in society today that difficult to resolve. There are 6 million deaths each year are caused by smoking. The number of smokers in Indonesia continues to grow, which is dominated by the age of 15 years and above. To overcome these problems the government issued a policy banning smoking in the learning process. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) was one of the places that already have implemented smoke-free campus since 2011, but until now there is smoke in campus. This study was to determine the factors that affect the implementation Kawasan Bersih Bebas Asap Rokok (KBBR) in UMY.This study was a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The data were taken using the method discussion focus groups, depth interviews and observation. Participants in this study were determined by purposive sampling counted 20 participants consisting of students and campus employees in UMY. The validity of the data in this study was done by using triangulation, triangulation methods and peer debriefing. Data analysis was performed with the help of software open code version 4.2. These results indicate that the factors that affect the implementation KBBR in UMY was knowledge of KBBR, attitudes toward KBBR, lack of socialization and prohibition signs of KBBR, the absence of strict sanctions against violators KBBR and environmental influences. This shows that UMY needs to improve socialization and give strict punishment for violation of KBBR

    Sikap Mahasiswa terhadap Kebijakan Kampus Bebas Asap Rokok di Universitas Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA

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    Smoking is one of the problems in society that is diicult to be resolved. In 2011, 6 million deaths each year are caused by smoking. The number of smokers in Indonesia continues to grow which is dominated by the age of 15 years and above. To overcome these problems, the government issued a policy of banning smoking in the learning process places. UMY is one of the places that have already implemented smoke-free campus since 2011, however there are people who still smoke in the campus.The purpose of this study was to determine how the students\u27 attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta toward a smoke-free campus policy. This studywasaqualitativeresearchwithphenomenological approach. The data was taken using the disccusion focus groups, depth interviews and observation. Participants in this study were determined by purposive sampling which were 20 participants consisting of students and campus employees in UMY. The validity of the data in this study was done by using triangulation, triangulation methods and peer debrieing. Data analysis by using the soft ware open code version 4.2. The results indicated that the students who were active smokers agreed and disagreed on KBBR, nevertheless there are diferences in attitudes related to compliance with these rules. Students who were active smokers who agreed to KBBR supported and there were students who did not support the KBBR. But students who were active smokers that did not agree to KBBR did not support the implementation of KBBR on campus. Unlike the students who were active smokers, passive smokers students all agreed and supported KBBR in UMY. By that attitude, UMY needs to increase their knowledge and socialization of KBBR to the students, therefore the students are able to increase the positive attitude towards KBBR in order to create a clean and smoke-free campus

    Sexual Behavior of Adolescents: Risk Factors in Rural Areas

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    The percentage of adolescents who have actively engaged in sexual behavior before marriage is 4.92%. Adolescents living in rural areas are more likely to be exposed to risky behavior than those who live in urban areas. This study aims to identify the factors that influence risky sexual behavior among adolescents in rural areas. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected using in-depth interview techniques on 12 participants consisting of 7 adolescents and 5 parents in rural areas. The samples were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The validity of the data was carried out using source triangulation and peer debriefing. The thematic analysis was carried out using Open code 4.03 software. This study showed that perception is a factor that can influence adolescents to engage in risky sexual behavior. It includes perceptions of risky sexual behavior such as dating, the definition of risky sexual behavior, risk factors, sexual relationships, and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, adolescents' perceptions of risky sexual behavior in health, psychology, education, and the future are also the factors that influence risky sexual behavior. Apart from the perception, other factors include discomfort feeling at home, sexual experience, the influence of social media, the influence of friends, love from partners, and environmental influences. Based on our results, the better the adolescent's perception of risky sexual behavior is, the lower the risk of adolescents engaging in risky behavior will be

    Treatment-seeking behaviour of nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Introduction: Nasopharyngeal cancer ranks first among head and neck cancer. About 60-95% of nasopharyngeal cancer patients seek for treatment at advanced stage. Attitudes and behavior of cancer patients in choosing healthcare is affected by the level of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Surgery and treatment costs are also the reasons patients to late seek treatment. This study aims to explore what contributes the treatment seeking behavior of nasopharyngeal cancer patients. It conducted in the Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Methods: As many as 20 patients were interviewed using questionnaire. All interviews were done using Opencode 3.6. To ensure the data validity, triangulation approach, peer debriefing and thick description were done. Results: it showed that there are five factors that affect the patients in seeking treatment: disease perception, medical services perception, medical expenses, external support and assessment of treatment process. Conclusion: This study may help to design health education programs to raise public awareness of nasopharyngeal cancer

    Fenomena Perilaku Bullying pada Remaja di Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Perilaku bullying yang dilakukan oleh remaja di Indonesia masih menjadisalah satu masalah yang belum teratasi. Tingginya angka kejadian bullying pada remaja memberikan dampak negatif bagi remaja seperti gangguan konsentrasi belajar, penurunan prestasi akademik, harga diri rendah, depresi, bahkan sampai keinginan remaja untuk bunuh diri.Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku bullying pada remaja di Yogyakarta.Metodologi: Penelitianan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Partisipan dalam penelitian berjumalah 14 orang yang terdiri dari orang tua, remaja, dan guru yang ditentukan dengan purposive sampling. Keabsahan data dilakukan menggunakan triangulasi metode, sumber, dan peer debriefing. Analisis data menggunakan open code 4.02.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa jenis bullying yang dilakukan remaja di Yogyakarta diantaranya bullying verbal seperti mengejek dan memberikan julukan tidak baik kepada teman. Bullying fisik seperti memukul, menendang, menjambak dan mencubit, kemudian ada juga bullying relasional seperti mengucilkan, mengintimidasi, dan mempermalukan teman di sekolah, serta cyberbullying seperti berkomentar kasar pada media sosial, mengupload foto, dan mengupdate instastory. Perilaku bullying pada remaja tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti ajakan teman, keadaan lingkungan di sekitar remaja, riwayat bullying, pengaruh media elektronik dan karakter sasaran serta pelaku bullying.Kesimpulan: Perilaku bullying pada remaja memberikan dampak negatif baik pada pelaku maupun korbannya sehingga membutuhkan perhatian lebih baik bagi pemerintah, sekolah maupun orang tua. Dalam penelitian ini menemukan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku bullying pada remaja, namun belum bisa mengetahui faktor apa yang paling dominan sehingga diperlukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode lain untuk mengindentifikasi hal tersebut.Kata Kunci: Perilaku Bullying, Remaja, Yogyakart