41 research outputs found


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    Los contaminantes ambientas presentes en el entorno humano debido a su resistencia a la degradación, bioacumulación y ubicuidad pueden producir efectos tóxicos inesperados afectando a la salud humana. A este grupo de compuestos, pertenecen los organoclorados que incluyen los insecticidas organoclorados. Ellos pueden interferir en el balance hormonal, actuando como disruptores o moduladores que cambian la homeostasis hormonal. Su actividad considera una posible interacción con el receptor estrogénico, acción antiandrogénica o  el cambio en el metabolismo del estradiol que aumenta la producción de metabolitos con mayor fuerza al receptor estrogénico. Esto produce una acelerada proliferación celular y la probabilidad de desarrollar neoplasias.  Abstract The environmental pollutants presented in the human environment, due to the persistence, bioaccumulation and ubiquity can cause toxic effects affecting human health. To the group of compounds belong organochlorine that include the organochlorine pesticides. These compounds can interfere with hormone balance, acting as disrupter’s o modulators that changed hormonal homeostasis. Their activity considers the possible interaction with estrogen receptor, action as antiandrogenic or by change in estradiol metabolism that increase metabolite production with higher reactivity to estrogen receptor. The effect results in accelerated cell proliferation and probability to neoplasm development. Palabras clave: compuestos organoclorados, moduladores hormonales


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    Los insecticidas organoclorados, los de mayor importancia por sus propiedades de biomagnificación en la cadena trófica, son el DDT, su metabolito el DDE y el isómero -HCH. Las rutas de ingreso al organismo humano de los plaguicidas persistentes comprenden la inhalación de sus vapores y la ingesta de alimentos contaminados. El monitoreo de tejidos humanos proporciona datos sobre la dosis acumulativa durante eltranscurso del tiempo, a través de todas las rutas ambientales de exposición. El tejido adiposo se ha seleccionado como el idóneo en los estudios de monitoreo, ya que esta compuesto de una gran cantidad de grasa neutra y por la capacidad de almacenar los plaguicidas persistentes.Palabras clave: tejido adiposo, bioindicador, plaguicidas organocloradosadipose tissue,bioindicator, organochlorine pesticide

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Stable population structure in Europe since the Iron Age, despite high mobility

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    Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000–3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed from the historical period onward (3000 YBP - present). To address this, we collected whole genomes from 204 individuals from Europe and the Mediterranean, many of which are the first historical period genomes from their region (e.g. Armenia and France). We found that most regions show remarkable inter-individual heterogeneity. At least 7% of historical individuals carry ancestry uncommon in the region where they were sampled, some indicating cross-Mediterranean contacts. Despite this high level of mobility, overall population structure across western Eurasia is relatively stable through the historical period up to the present, mirroring geography. We show that, under standard population genetics models with local panmixia, the observed level of dispersal would lead to a collapse of population structure. Persistent population structure thus suggests a lower effective migration rate than indicated by the observed dispersal. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be explained by extensive transient dispersal arising from drastically improved transportation networks and the Roman Empire’s mobilization of people for trade, labor, and military. This work highlights the utility of ancient DNA in elucidating finer scale human population dynamics in recent history