3,045 research outputs found

    Ionic charge distributions of energetic particles from solar flares

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    The effects which solar flare X-rays have on the charge states of solar cosmic rays is determined quantitatively. Rather than to characterize the charge distribution by temperature alone, it is proposed that the X-ray flux at the acceleration site also is used. The effects of flare X-rays are modeled mathematically

    A search for outflows from X-ray bright points in coronal holes

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    Properties of X-ray bright points using two of the instruments on Solar Maximum Mission were investigated. The mass outflows from magnetic regions were modeled using a two dimensional MHD code. It was concluded that mass can be detected from X-ray bright points provided that the magnetic topology is favorable

    Phase-dependent X-ray observations of the beta Lyrae system: No eclipse in the soft band

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    We report on observations of the eclipsing and interacting binary beta Lyrae from the Suzaku X-ray telescope. This system involves an early B star embedded in an optically and geometrically thick disk that is siphoning atmospheric gases from a less massive late B II companion. Motivated by an unpublished X-ray spectrum from the Einstein X-ray telescope suggesting unusually hard emission, we obtained time with Suzaku for pointings at three different phases within a single orbit. From the XIS detectors, the softer X-ray emission appears typical of an early-type star. What is surprising is the remarkably unchanging character of this emission, both in luminosity and in spectral shape, despite the highly asymmetric geometry of the system. We see no eclipse effect below 10 keV. The constancy of the soft emission is plausibly related to the wind of the embedded B star and Thomson scattering of X-rays in the system, although it might be due to extended shock structures arising near the accretion disk as a result of the unusually high mass-transfer rate. There is some evidence from the PIN instrument for hard emission in the 10-60 keV range. Follow-up observations with the RXTE satellite will confirm this preliminary detection.Comment: to appear in A&A Letter

    New Challenges For Wind Shock Models: The Chandra Spectrum Of The Hot Star Delta Orionis

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    The Chandra spectrum of delta Ori A shows emission lines from hydrogen- and helium-like states of Si, Mg, Ne, and O, along with N VII Lyalpha and lines from ions in the range Fe XVII-Fe XXI In contrast to the broad lines seen in zeta Pup and zeta Ori (850 +/- 40 and 1000 +/- 240 km s(-1) half-width at half-maximum [HWHM], respectively), these lines are broadened to only 430 +/- 60 km s(-1) HWHM. This is much lower than the measured wind terminal velocity of 2000 km s(-1). The forbidden, intercombination, and resonance (fir) lines from He-like ions indicate that the majority of the X-ray line emission does not originate at the base of the wind, in agreement with the standard wind shock models for these objects. However, in that model the X-ray emission is distributed throughout an expanding, X-ray-absorbing wind, and it is therefore surprising that the emission lines appear relatively narrow, unshifted, and symmetric. We compare the observed line profiles to recent detailed models for X-ray line pro le generation in hot stars, but none of them offers a fully satisfactory explanation for the observed line profiles

    X-ray Emission from Magnetically Torqued Disks of Oe/Be Stars

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    We focus attention on the Oe/Be stars to test the concept that the disks of these stars form by magnetic channeling of wind material toward the equator. Calculations are made of the X-rays expected from the Magnetically Torqued Disk (MTD) model for Be stars discussed by Cassinelli et al. (2002), by Maheswaran (2003), and by Brown et al. (2004). The dominant parameters in the model are the β\beta value of the velocity law, the rotation rate of the star, SoS_o, and the ratio of the magnetic field energy density to the disk gravitational energy density, γ\gamma. The model predictions are compared with the ROSATROSAT observations obtained for an O9.5 star ζ\zeta Oph from \Berghofer et al. (1996) and for 7 Be stars from Cohen et al. (1997). Extra considerations are also given here to the well studied Oe star ζ\zeta Oph for which we have ChandraChandra observations of the X-ray line profiles of the triad of He-like lines from the ion Mg XI.Comment: 28 pages with 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Preferences Toward Gender of Coach and Perceptions of Roles of Basketball Coaches

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(4): 303-317. Framed within role congruity theory this study examined (a) if female collegiate basketball players have a preference toward male or female head basketball coaches, (b) if the gender and enjoyment level of past head coaches influence preferences toward a male or female head coach and/or influence the perceived roles of women’s basketball head coaches, and (c) if there is a relationship between the perceived roles of women’s basketball head coaches and female collegiate basketball players’ preferences toward male or female head coaches. Fifty-nine women’s basketball players from 10 Division I universities completed a survey that included a consent form, demographic questions, the list of managerial sub roles, and questions regarding preferences, gender, and enjoyment level of past and current coaches. Participants significantly preferred male head coaches compared to female head coaches. A cluster analysis was conducted to group participants into a male coach profile and a female coach profile using the variables of gender of past and current coaches and the gender of coach enjoyed most. Results showed that the male coach profile group preferred male coaches significantly more than the female coach profile group. Because preferences for male coaches still exist, especially with female basketball players who did not have a female high school coach, it is vital that the numbers of female coaches increase, especially at younger age levels

    X-ray emission from the double-binary OB-star system QZ Car (HD 93206)

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    X-ray observations of the double-binary OB-star system QZ Car (HD 93206) obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory over a period of roughly 2 years are presented. The orbit of systems A (O9.7 I+b2 v, PA = 21 d) and B (O8 III+o9 v, PB = 6 d) are reasonably well sampled by the observations, allowing the origin of the X-ray emission to be examined in detail. The X-ray spectra can be well fitted by an attenuated three temperature thermal plasma model, characterised by cool, moderate, and hot plasma components at kT ~ 0.2, 0.7, and 2 keV, respectively, and a circumstellar absorption of ~ 0.2 x 10^22 cm-2. Although the hot plasma component could be indicating the presence of wind-wind collision shocks in the system, the model fluxes calculated from spectral fits, with an average value of ~ 7 x 10^-13 erg s-1 cm-2, do not show a clear correlation with the orbits of the two constituent binaries. A semi-analytical model of QZ Car reveals that a stable momentum balance may not be established in either system A or B. Yet, despite this, system B is expected to produce an observed X-ray flux well in excess of the observations. If one considers the wind of the O8 III star to be disrupted by mass transfer the model and observations are in far better agreement, which lends support to the previous suggestion of mass-transfer in the O8 III + o9 v binary. We conclude that the X-ray emission from QZ Car can be reasonably well accounted for by a combination of contributions mainly from the single stars and the mutual wind-wind collision between systems A and B.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for the ApJS Special Issue on the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), scheduled for publication in May 2011. All 16 CCCP Special Issue papers are available at http://cochise.astro.psu.edu/Carina_public/special_issue.html through 2011 at leas

    Direct comparison of high voltage breakdown measurements in liquid argon and liquid xenon

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    As noble liquid time projection chambers grow in size their high voltage requirements increase, and detailed, reproducible studies of dielectric breakdown and the onset of electroluminescence are needed to inform their design. The Xenon Breakdown Apparatus (XeBrA) is a 5-liter cryogenic chamber built to characterize the DC high voltage breakdown behavior of liquid xenon and liquid argon. Electrodes with areas up to 33 cm2 were tested while varying the cathode-anode separation from 1 to 6 mm with a voltage difference up to 75 kV. A power-law relationship between breakdown field and electrode area was observed. The breakdown behavior of liquid argon and liquid xenon within the same experimental apparatus was comparable
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