477 research outputs found

    Factors associated with midwives\u27 job satisfaction and intention to stay in the profession: An integrative review

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To conduct an integrative review of the factors associated with why midwives stay in midwifery. BACKGROUND: Midwifery retention and attrition are globally acknowledged as an issue. However, little is known as to why midwives stay in midwifery as the focus has previously focussed on why they leave. DESIGN: A structured six-step integrative review approach was used, and this involved the development of a search strategy, study selection and critical appraisal, data abstraction and synthesis, interpretation of findings and recommendations for future practice. METHODS: The review was conducted using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsychInfo. Included studies were in the English language with an unlimited publication date. RESULTS: Six studies were included in this review: one qualitative, two quantitative and three using mixed methods. Seven themes emerged from synthesisation of the data reported for the six included studies that together help answer the question of why midwives stay in midwifery. CONCLUSION: This integrative review has highlighted some important factors that assist in answering the question why midwives stay in midwifery. However, it has also highlighted the need for quality data that reflects the range of contexts in which midwifery is practised. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: There is an abundance of literature focussing on why midwives leave the profession; however, the gap exists in the reasons why midwives stay. If we can uncover this important detail, then changes within the profession can begin to be implemented, addressing the shortage of midwives issue that has been seen globally for a large number of years

    AMM15: a new high-resolution NEMO configuration for operational simulation of the European north-west shelf

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    This paper describes the next-generation ocean forecast model for the European north-west shelf, which will become the basis of operational forecasts in 2018. This new system will provide a step change in resolution and therefore our ability to represent small-scale processes. The new model has a resolution of 1.5 km compared with a grid spacing of 7 km in the current operational system. AMM15 (Atlantic Margin Model, 1.5 km) is introduced as a new regional configuration of NEMO v3.6. Here we describe the technical details behind this configuration, with modifications appropriate for the new high-resolution domain. Results from a 30-year non-assimilative run using the AMM15 domain demonstrate the ability of this model to represent the mean state and variability of the region. Overall, there is an improvement in the representation of the mean state across the region, suggesting similar improvements may be seen in the future operational system. However, the reduction in seasonal bias is greater off-shelf than on-shelf. In the North Sea, biases are largely unchanged. Since there has been no change to the vertical resolution or parameterization schemes, performance improvements are not expected in regions where stratification is dominated by vertical processes rather than advection. This highlights the fact that increased horizontal resolution will not lead to domain-wide improvements. Further work is needed to target bias reduction across the north-west shelf region

    Endothelial cells and angiogenesis in the horse in health and disease—A review

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    The cardiovascular system is the first functional organ in the embryo, and its blood vessels form a widespread conductive network within the organism. Blood vessels develop de novo, by the differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells (vasculogenesis) or by angiogenesis, which is the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones. This review presents an overview of the current knowledge on physiological and pathological angiogenesis in the horse including studies on equine endothelial cells. Principal study fields in equine angiogenesis research were identified: equine endothelial progenitor cells; equine endothelial cells and angiogenesis (heterogeneity, markers and assessment); endothelial regulatory molecules in equine angiogenesis; angiogenesis research in equine reproduction (ovary, uterus, placenta and conceptus, testis); angiogenesis research in pathological conditions (tumours, ocular pathologies, equine wound healing, musculoskeletal system and laminitis). The review also includes a table that summarizes in vitro studies on equine endothelial cells, either describing the isolation procedure or using previously isolated endothelial cells. A particular challenge of the review was that results published are fragmentary and sometimes even contradictory, raising more questions than they answer. In conclusion, angiogenesis is a major factor in several diseases frequently occurring in horses, but relatively few studies focus on angiogenesis in the horse. The challenge for the future is therefore to continue exploring new therapeutic angiogenesis strategies for horses to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle

    Simulations of idealised 3D atmospheric flows on terrestrial planets using LFRic-Atmosphere

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    We demonstrate that LFRic-Atmosphere, a model built using the Met Office's GungHo dynamical core, is able to reproduce idealised large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns specified by several widely-used benchmark recipes. This is motivated by the rapid rate of exoplanet discovery and the ever-growing need for numerical modelling and characterisation of their atmospheres. Here we present LFRic-Atmosphere's results for the idealised tests imitating circulation regimes commonly used in the exoplanet modelling community. The benchmarks include three analytic forcing cases: the standard Held-Suarez test, the Menou-Rauscher Earth-like test, and the Merlis-Schneider Tidally Locked Earth test. Qualitatively, LFRic-Atmosphere agrees well with other numerical models and shows excellent conservation properties in terms of total mass, angular momentum and kinetic energy. We then use LFRic-Atmosphere with a more realistic representation of physical processes (radiation, subgrid-scale mixing, convection, clouds) by configuring it for the four TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI) scenarios. This is the first application of LFRic-Atmosphere to a possible climate of a confirmed terrestrial exoplanet. LFRic-Atmosphere reproduces the THAI scenarios within the spread of the existing models across a range of key climatic variables. Our work shows that LFRic-Atmosphere performs well in the seven benchmark tests for terrestrial atmospheres, justifying its use in future exoplanet climate studies.Comment: 34 pages, 9(12) figures; Submitted to Geoscientific Model Development; Comments are welcome (see Discussion tab on the journal's website: https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2023/egusphere-2023-647

    Insights into the Importance of Hydrogen Bonding in the γ-Phosphate Binding Pocket of Myosin: Structural and Functional Studies of Serine 236†,‡

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    The active site of myosin contains a group of highly conserved amino acid residues whose roles in nucleotide hydrolysis and energy transduction might appear to be obvious from the initial structural and kinetic analyses but become less clear on deeper investigation. One such residue is Ser236 (Dictyostelium discoideum myosin II numbering) which was proposed to be involved in a hydrogen transfer network during γ-phosphate hydrolysis of ATP, which would imply a critical function in ATP hydrolysis and motility. The S236A mutant protein shows a comparatively small decrease in hydrolytic activity and motility, and thus this residue does not appear to be essential. To understand better the contribution of Ser236 to the function of myosin, structural and kinetic studies have been performed on the S236A mutant protein. The structures of the D. discoideum motor domain (S1dC) S236A mutant protein in complex with magnesium pyrophosphate, MgAMPPNP, and MgADP·vanadate have been determined. In contrast to the previous structure of wild-type S1dC, the S236A·MgAMPPNP complex crystallized in the closed state. Furthermore, transient-state kinetics showed a 4-fold reduction of the nucleotide release step, suggesting that the mutation stabilizes a closed active site. The structures show that a water molecule approximately adopts the location of the missing hydroxyl of Ser236 in the magnesium pyrophosphate and MgAMPPNP structures. This study suggests that the S236A mutant myosin proceeds via a different structural mechanism than wild-type myosin, where the alternate mechanism is able to maintain near normal transient-state kinetic values

    I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am : A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study of why midwives stay in midwifery

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    Aims and objectives: To understand why Western Australian (WA) midwives choose to remain in the profession. Background: Midwifery shortages and the inability to retain midwives in the midwifery profession is a global problem. The need for effective midwifery staff retention strategies to be implemented is therefore urgent, as is the need for evidence to inform those strategies. Design: Glaserian grounded theory (GT) methodology was used with constant comparative analysis. Methods: Fourteen midwives currently working clinically area were interviewed about why they remain in the profession. The GT process of constant comparative analysis resulted in an overarching core category emerging. The study is reported in accordance with Tong and associates’ (2007) Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ). Results: The core category derived from the data was labelled—“I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am.” The three major categories that underpin the core category are labelled as follows: “The people I work with make all the difference”; “I want to be ‘with woman’ so I can make a difference”; and “I feel a responsibility to pass on my skills, knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.” Conclusion: It emerged from the data that midwives’ ability to be “with woman” and the difference they feel they make to them, the people they work with and the opportunity to “grow” the next generation together underpin a compelling new middle‐range theory of the phenomenon of interest. Relevance to clinical practice: The theory that emerged and the insights it provides will be of interest to healthcare leaders, who may wish to use it to help develop midwifery workforce policy and practice, and by extension to optimise midwives’ job satisfaction, and facilitate the retention of midwives both locally and across Australia