670 research outputs found

    Literature, Rhetorical Devices, and Juridical Imagination: A Symbiotic Dynamic

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    Literature has long been held as a powerful medium by which the world can be perceived through aesthetic forms of rending. Literary devices have often been deployed as vehicles of meaning outside their original contexts and one key instance of this practice is the area of legal doctrine. Detailed analysis of legal practice illustrates the deeply ingrained aesthetic nature of the area that relies heavily on literary tropes that are frequently applied in the service of authority and reason. Imagistic language and literary devices remains a central driving force in the creation and expression of legal principle and key concepts it relies upon to effect its judgements and decisions. This text seeks to explore and illustrate the manner and means of how this relationship has developed in certain contexts dating back a number of centuries to a time when important legal concepts where first being developed and which required the imaginative use of language to ensure their coming into being was as effective as possible. Certain rhetorical devices in this context are thus explored to illustrate their nature and impact.&nbsp

    A Preliminary Study of a Spanish Graphic Novella Targeting Hearing Loss Prevention

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    Purpose: This preliminary study developed a digital graphic novella targeting hearing protection beliefs of Spanish-speaking agricultural workers. Researchers used pretest–posttest interview surveys to establish if the novella had an immediate influence on the participants’ beliefs about noise-induced hearing loss and usage of hearing protection devices. Method: Researchers developed a digital graphic novella directed to increase knowledge about noise-induced hearing loss and increase the proper use of hearing protection devices. The novella was tailored to meet the specific linguistic and literacy needs of Spanish-speaking agricultural workers. Thirty-one Spanish-speaking farmworkers of Mexican nationality participated. This study included an interview survey with specific questions on noise-induced hearing loss, myths, and hearing protection device usage. A pretest–posttest design was applied to measure the graphic novella’s immediate influence on workers. Results: The posttest scores on Hearing Protection Beliefs statements were significantly better than pretest scores, with a large effect size observed. Conclusion: Digital media may be an effective way to overcome language and literacy barriers with Spanish-speaking workers when providing health education and prevention efforts

    Interculturality in the Primary EFL Classroom: Increasing Tolerance through (Inter) Cultural Awareness

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessĂĄrios Ă  obtenção do grau de Mestre em DidĂĄctica do InglĂȘs,Os alunos de inglĂȘs como lĂ­ngua estrangeira aprendem as regras e convençÔes da lĂ­ngua para facilitar o seu percurso atĂ© se tornarem utilizadores competentes da lĂ­ngua inglesa. Este processo Ă© justificado pelo facto de o inglĂȘs ser amplamente reconhecido como a lĂ­ngua mais utilizada na comunicação intercultural e comĂ©rcio internacional. Este texto vai argumentar que o inglĂȘs, como lĂ­ngua estrangeira, Ă© uma ferramenta essĂȘncial na economia moderna. Portanto, pode ser usada para ampliar os horizontes tanto filosĂłficos como intelectuais dos alunos de inglĂȘs como lĂ­ngua estrangeira pois utiliza completamente as competĂȘncias adquiridas atravĂ©s da promoção de princĂ­pios fundamentais da educação para a cidadania. Os conceitos de capital cultural, capital linguĂ­stico e facilidade linguĂ­stica de Bourdieu farĂŁo parte dos fundamentos da discussĂŁo acerca da importĂąncia e utilidade social de adquirir competĂȘncias linguĂ­sticas adcionais (ex: a lĂ­ngua inglesa). Focado principalmente no aumento da consciĂȘncia de outras culturas entre alunos de inglĂȘs como lĂ­ngua estrangeira, especialmente de culturas de paĂ­ses onde a lĂ­ngua oficial Ă© o inglĂȘs. O objectivo deste texto Ă© identificar e reduzir a intolerĂąncia dentro da abordagem inter-cultural, sendo que especial atenção vai ser dada ao racismo

    Influence of Work-Interval Intensity and Duration on Time Spent at a High Percentage VO2max During Intermittent Supramaximal Exercise

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of work-interval duration (WID) and intensity on the time spent at, or above, 95% V̇O2max (T95 V̇O2max) during intermittent bouts of supramaximal exercise. Over a 5-week period, 7 physically active men with a mean (±SD) age, height, body mass, and V̇O2max of 22 ± 5 years, 181.5 ± 5.6 cm, 86.4 ± 11.4 kg, and 51.5 ± 1.5 ml·kg−1·min−1, respectively, attended 7 testing sessions. After completing a submaximal incremental test on a treadmill to identify individual oxygen uptake/running velocity relationships, subjects completed a maximal incremental test to exhaustion to establish V̇O2max and subsequently (from the aforementioned relationship) the minimum velocity required to elicit V̇O2max (vV̇O2max). In a random order, subjects then carried out 3 intermittent runs to exhaustion at both 105% and 115% vV̇O2max. Each test used a different WID (20 s, 25 s, or 30 s) interspersed with 20-second passive recovery periods. Results revealed no significant difference in T95 vV̇O2max for intermittent runs at 105% versus 115% vV̇O2max (p = 0.142). There was, however, a significant effect (p < 0.001) of WID on T95 V̇O2max, with WIDs of 30 seconds enabling more time relative to WIDs of 20 seconds (p = 0.018) and 25 seconds (p = 0.009). Moreover, there was an interaction between intensity and duration such that the effect of WID was magnified at the lower exercise intensity (p = 0.046). In conclusion, despite a number of limitations, the results of this investigation suggest that exercise intensities of approximately 105% vV̇O2max combined with WIDs greater than 25 seconds provide the best way of optimizing T95 V̇O2max when using fixed 20-second stationary rest periods

    Beam to Chart: A Case Study of the LIDAR Survey of the Sound of Harris

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    Tenix LADS Corporation conducted the LIDAR survey of the Sound of Harris in March 2004, for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). The survey was conducted using the LADS Mk II system. The survey area was most complex with many islands, shoals and narrow channels (see Figure 1). Survey data extended from topographic heights up to 50 metres above the sea surface to maximum depths of 25 metres below chart datum.Tenix LADS Corporation llevĂŽ a cabo un levantamiento LIDAR del Pasaje de Harris para la Agenda MarĂźtima y de Guardacostas (AMG), en Marzo del 2004. El levantamiento fue realizado utilizando el sistema LADS Mk II. El Ăąrea del levantamiento era bastante compleja, con muchas islas, bajos fondos y canales angostos (ver Figura 1). Los datos del levantamiento comprendieron desde alturas topogrĂąficas de hasta 50 metros sobre la superficie del mar, hasta profundidades mĂąximas de 25 metros por debajo del dĂątum de la carta.Tenix LADS Corporation a exĂ©cutĂ© un levĂ© LIDAR du passage Harris en mars 2004, pour la MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency). Le levĂ© a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ© Ă  l ’aide du systĂšme LADS Mk II. La zone de levĂ© Ă©tait trĂšs complexe, avec de nombreuses Ăźles ainsi que de nombreux hauts fonds et passages Ă©troits (voir Figure 1). Les donnĂ©es des levĂ©s vont de hauteurs topographiques atteignant 50 mĂštres au-dessus de la surface de la mer jusqu’à des profondeurs maximum de 25 mĂštres au-dessous du niveau de rĂ©fĂ©rence des cartes marines

    Creation of a database, inconsistencies that arise, and implications on clinical outcomes for patients undergoing MRI fusion prostate biopsy

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    Poster presented at the 2017 Health Sciences Research Day which was organized and sponsored by the University of Missouri School of Medicine Research Council and held on November 9, 2017.Conclusion: Accurate clinical charting and information is highly critical for quality patient care and follow up ; The utilization of MRI fusion biopsy identified prostate cancer in 60.7% of screened patients compared to historical 25% using standard biopsy ; Our results show the potential need for a charting template that captures all relevant information, otherwise there is variable and incomplete data collection. This demonstrates the potential need for a phase 2 of this project

    Intelligent Equalisation Principles and Techniques for Minimising Masking when Mixing the Extreme Modern Metal Genre.

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    The intensity, complexity and energy of performance, combined with the power and density of the tones involved are characteristics of the extreme metal genre. These characteristics present numerous problems when striving to achieve the clarity, definition and hyper-realism of performance required for this genres production. Avoiding masking in a mix is a fundamental aspect of clarity, definition, intelligibility and perceived loudness and due to the fact that masking especially occurs in a dense mix, and is more pronounced in low frequencies, is particularly applicable to mixing the downtuned extreme metal genre. Masking in simple terms is the ability of frequencies of one sound to obscure or inhibit (i.e. mask) the frequencies of another sound. This paper will draw upon the first author’s eight years of experience producing within the metal genre, including releases through Sony and Universal and working with the likes of Colin Richardson and Andy Sneap

    Alleviating Linear Ecological Bias and Optimal Design with Subsample Data

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    In this paper, we illustrate that combining ecological data with subsample data in situations in which a linear model is appropriate provides three main benefits. First, by including the individual level subsample data, the biases associated with linear ecological inference can be eliminated. Second, by supplementing the subsample data with ecological data, the information about parameters will be increased. Third, we can use readily available ecological data to design optimal subsampling schemes, so as to further increase the information about parameters. We present an application of this methodology to the classic problem of estimating the effect of a college degree on wages. We show that combining ecological data with subsample data provides precise estimates of this value, and that optimal subsampling schemes (conditional on the ecological data) can provide good precision with only a fraction of the observations

    Exploring the differences and similarities in sexual violence as forms of genocide and crimes against humanity

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    Magister Legum - LLMEven though sexual violence has always been a part and parcel of conflicts and atrocities throughout the ages, it never found any interpretation by subsequent tribunals who were responsible for prosecuting offenders.The case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu was the first of its kind to give jurisprudential recognition and interpretation to sexual violence as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide respectively. This case was important for the following reasons:1. It acknowledged that sexual violence can amount to an act of genocide; 2. It acknowledged that sexual violence can amount to a crime against humanity; and 3. It was the first case to define rape within an international context.Following the case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu many tribunals gave recognition to the extent of which sexual violence takes place during atrocities by correctly convicting accused for either participating in sexual violence or aiding and abetting to sexual violence. Amidst the various interpretations on what constitutes sexual violence and how it is defined, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Special Court for Sierra Leone all either conceptualised sexual violence as genocide, war crimes or/ and crimes against humanity.At the same time, the development of sexual violence as either a crime against humanity or a war crime did not end with the courts. The case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu sparked a fire in the international community, which led to it paying more attention to the place of sexual violence in treaty law. Taking into account that rape is listed as a crime against humanity in both the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda statutes, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court statutes both list more than one form of sexual violence as a crime against humanity. It is interesting to note that the latter two treaty developments took place only after the International Criminal Tribunal conceptualised sexual violence as a crime against humanity.Thus apart from merely listing rape as a crime against humanity, the Statute establishing the Special Court for Sierra Leone, states in article 2(g) that sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy and any other form of sexual violence constitutes a crime against humanity. The Statute establishing the International Criminal Court states in article 7(1)(g) that rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilisation or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity constitutes a crime against humanity. The interpretation of these acts is further guided by the ‘Elements of Crimes’ which are annexed to the International Criminal Court statute.Once again it is interesting to note that the ‘Elements of Crimes’ for these acts are similar to how the International Criminal Tribunals (both the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals) conceptualised various acts of sexual violence.On the other hand, the definition of genocide remained the same as it was defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948. This definition does not expressly mention any form of sexual violence as a form of genocide.However, once again, the trial chamber in the case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu set the benchmark for sexual violence to constitute a form of genocide by way of interpretation. The definition of genocide did not subsequently change in the Statute establishing the International Criminal Court.Based on these premises, this thesis attempts to investigate the similarities and differences in sexual violence as a form of both genocide and a crime against humanity,by addressing the following question:What are the essential and practical differences between sexual violence as crimes against humanity and genocide and what is the legal effect of the differences, should there be any? Chapter 1 highlights the historical overview and developments of sexual violence as genocide and crimes against humanity, while chapter 2 investigates how sexual violence can amount to a form of genocide. Chapter 3 assesses the advances made in sexual violence as a crime against humanity, while chapter 4 importantly draws a comparative analysis between sexual violence as genocide and a crime against humanity. Chapter 4 draws this comparison by weighing up four differences and four similarities in sexual violence as genocide and a crime against humanity.Chapter 5 highlights the conclusion and provides an answer for the research question that is posed above. Here it is concluded that even though there exist multiple differences in sexual violence as crimes against humanity and genocide, there are also multiple similarities which could possibly amount to a better chance for conviction of an accused under a crime against humanity than genocide. Chapter 5 also provide possible recommendations for the consequences that might flow should sexual violence as a crime against humanity be fairly similar to sexual violence as genocide
