170 research outputs found

    Reclaiming Kurosawa Akira\u27s Shakespearean women

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    The Black Seventh-day Adventist Family in South Africa : a Needs Assessment and Implications for Family Life Education

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    Problem. Problems have been identified in the African family that is caught up in a cross-cultural situation between the traditional African culture and the Western culture. This study set out to collect and organize information about the changing patterns of African family life and the new structures which have emerged. The magnitude of the problem and the size of the population involved call for a serious attempt to understand the situation and to suggest probable solutions. Method. Six churches were chosen as a sample, three from the Trans-Orange Conference and the other three from the Cape Field. Adult and youth questionnaires were sent to the presidents of the two organizations who administered the questionnaires to the members of the six churches. The responses were tabulated with the aid of the Andrews University Computing Center and the data were analyzed by means of percentages and Chi-squares. Conclusions. The results of the study showed that in the Trans-Orange Conference, the decrease in church marriages was even more marked than that of the general population. Premarital children and uncertainty about how reliable the future spouse might be were seen as the main contributing factors to decreased church marriages. Although the respondents practiced the lobola custom, they were not sure whether or not it violated any Christian principle. A certain section of the constituency is still holding on to initiation schools and they would like to see a greater involvement of church members rather than kinsmen in the custom. The study also revealed that with little kinsmen structure in urban areas and limited pastoral visitation, the marriage union lacks support from important societal groups. The adult respondents indicated that a greater percentage of them disapproved of companionship between opposite sexes and this lead to fifty percent of them having difficulty in guiding their youth in sex matters. Child rearing practices were found to parallel those of the industrialized societies where mothers worked and had little time for children

    A Taxonomy Of Aspect-Oriented Security

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    Aspect-Oriented Programming is gaining prominence,  particularly in the area of security. There are however no taxonomies available, that classify the proliferation of research done in the area of Aspect-Oriented Security. This paper attempts to categorize research outputs conducted in this area, and evaluate the usability of the aspect-oriented paradigm in terms of software security

    Virtual Reality Sherlock: A Crime Scene Reconstructor

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    When an investigation team arrives to the scene, they only have a limited amount of time to gather as much evidence as they can. Evidence can include, but is not limited to: fingerprints, pictures/videos, blood samples, or any other biological evidence. Due to the limited amount of time, a few risks arise; they may not have collected enough evidence, the evidence itself may not have captured the full scope of the scene, and the possibility that the evidence itself may have been damaged or destroyed. Our aim is to develop a low-cost, customizable VR crime scene reconstructor. This software allows CSI as well as the court to revisit a crime scene by inputting only the necessary components of the crime in question based on previously collected data and witness accounts. Rather than using expensive cameras to capture an overly-realistic scene, a solution that is not computationally expensive is required because of not only the amount time it takes to render the setting, but also the requirement of high-end hardware to process the data. We propose a reconstructor that allows the user to construct the scene piece by piece, which lets the user understand the details individually rather than as a whole picture.We believe our VR simulator will be helpful not only in training CSI investigators but also in the courtroom by allowing juries to concentrate on the most pertinent details of a scene


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    書字や描画などの表記活動の発達については, 1990年代以降それぞれ他のシンボル表記体系と広く関連づけながら研究されるようになり, 領域に固有な知識や共通性の解明を目指す「知識」の観点から新たに捉え直されるようになってきた。書字と描画についてはこうした観点からの知見の積み上げがなされつつあるが, 数表記についてはまだ研究が少なく, また領域的知識として子どもが有する数概念, 数学的理解についても研究者間で見解に相違が見られる。そこで, 本稿では, 今後数表記活動の発達を領域的知識から表記活動への写像原理の観点から検討する上で基盤となる, 数概念, あるいは数学的理解に関する見解を整理したい。具体的にはBryant & Nuñes (2011) とTolchinsky (2003) のそれぞれによる数学的理解の発達に関する概観を紹介しながら, 両者の共通点, 相違点を整理し, 数表記知識の獲得と数概念・数学的理解の関係性について考察した

    Review of the Developmental Studies on Expressivity in Drawings

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    Since Goodman (1976) proposed a definition of the aesthetic properties (repleteness, expression, composition), children\u27s drawings as works of art have been considered. The purpose of this paper is to review the advances and issues in the developmental studies on expressivity in children\u27s drawings and to consider the drawing process. The main findings were as follows. First, the studies on adults\u27line drawings suggest that the three aesthetic properties are interdependent, so the relation among them needs to be examined. Second, considering the findings of developmental studies on comprehension of verbal metaphor, children\u27s knowledge about materials and properties to draw should be considered to construct a model of drawing process because the research into children\u27s drawings deals with some representational drawings. Finally, as a promising model, Theory of Constructive Operators (TCO: Pascual-Leone, 1987) is introduced

    子どもの語用論的側面に関する支援 : 「会話」と「語り」の視点からの検討

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    本稿では, ASD児者を対象とする語用論的能力向上のための支援について, 「会話」および「語り」の発達という観点から検討した。まず, 語用論の対象である「談話」(discourse)の種類について整理した上で, 談話の一つである「会話」と「語り」に焦点を当て, 定型発達の幼児における会話の発達の様相を示した。その知見を踏まえて, ASD児者の語用論的能力を支援するために, 現在どのような実践が行われているのかについて紹介し, 「会話」「語り」という観点から考察を加えた。その結果, 主な知見として次の2点が得られた。第1に, ASD児者の語用論的支援実践は, 会話能力の向上に焦点が当てられているが, 会話と語りが密接に関連していることを考慮すれば, 会話のみでなく, 語りの能力の向上を目指した支援も必要だと考えられる。第2に, 対象児者の年齢や発達の現状に合わせて支援方法を変える必要があり, 幼児期, 児童期初期の子どもにおいては, 対象児の養育者に会話の足場づくりのポイントを指導しながら, 日常生活の中で子どもが会話に参加しやすい環境づくりをしていくことがとりわけ重要である