43 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Pasang Baru Telepon Kabel di Wilayah Pemasangan Baru Surakarta dengan Metode Fault Tree Analysis

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    TELKOM always make an effort to fulfill the society need upon products and services of fixed phone. the effort of TELKOM such as repair the old network (existing) and add the new network in certain area that have high potency of demand, such as in Gentan, Purbayan, Colomadu, Jaten, and Kaliyoso. Those reparation and increament of the network give chances to customer of TELKOM who want to have a new installation of fixed phone (PSB). Process of PSB fixed phone in existing area is different new network area. In new network area, TELKOM not yet had standard business process, and this is stimulate some problems, such as delaying activation, untidy network, lack of access network and escalation (fatal cancel). Evaluation and improvement of business process are conducted using the method of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA). Based on the result of FTA and MBNQA, there is improvement on business process new installation (PSB) of fixed phone in new network area by adding Drop Wire withdrawal in early stage

    Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Karyawan Dalam Hubungannya Dengan Prestasi Kerja Pada PT.Perkebunan Nusantara II (Persero) Tanjung Morawa

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    Perkembangan karyawan dalam mencapai prestasi kerja. Dengan mengadakan latihan-latihan yang d1berikan kcpada karyawan baru dan karyawan lama, guna untuk meningkatkan mutu pelaksanaan tugasnya masa sekarang maupun masa yang akan datang Secara umum program pengembangan karyawan dapat dibagi menJadi 2 bagian. a. Program Pengembangan Per orangan b. Program Pengembangan Perkelompo

    Karakteristik Bahan Bakar Padat Produk Torefaksi Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Reaktor Torefaksi Kontinu Tipe Tubular

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    Cadangan minyak bumi semakin menipis, hal ini disebabkan meningkatnya ekonomi dan pertumbuhan penduduk sejalan dengan menigkatnya komsumsi energi. Selain itu juga  disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan  transportasi. Ketergantungan energi listrik dengan bahan bakar fosil, khususnya batubara di provinsi Lampung, dinilai masih cukup besar. Batubara sendiri diperkirakan dapat bertahan hingga 70 tahun mendatang, sementara cadangan batubara global diperkirakan akan habis sekitar 109 tahun kedepan dengan demikian diupayakan lebih intensif ke arah diversifikasi energi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap bahan bakar fosil, dan biomassa yang paling banyak dan berpotensi di Indonesia adalah kelapa sawit. Pada penelitian ini, kegiatan eksperimen melakukan pengujian produk limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit yang dihasilkan oleh reaktor torefaksi kontinu tipe tubular menggunakan sistem pemanas oil jacket sebagai media torefaksi. Pengujian proksimat menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kandungan fixed carbon akan meningkatkan nilai kalor dari produk padatan hasil torefaksi, semakin meningkatnya temperatur pada proses torefaksi maka produk tandan kosong kelapa sawit semakin mempunyai emisi dan mempunyai sifat hydrophobic yang baik, nilai kalor produk padatan hasil torefaksi tandan kosong kelapa sawit berkisar antara 16357.23 – 21083.98 kJ, setara dengan batubara subbituminous C yang memiliki nilai kalor sebesar 19300 – 2100 kJ.Cadangan minyak bumi semakin menipis, hal ini disebabkan meningkatnya ekonomi dan pertumbuhan penduduk sejalan dengan menigkatnya komsumsi energi. Selain itu juga  disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan  transportasi. Ketergantungan energi listrik dengan bahan bakar fosil, khususnya batubara di provinsi Lampung, dinilai masih cukup besar. Batubara sendiri diperkirakan dapat bertahan hingga 70 tahun mendatang, sementara cadangan batubara global diperkirakan akan habis sekitar 109 tahun kedepan dengan demikian diupayakan lebih intensif ke arah diversifikasi energi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap bahan bakar fosil, dan biomassa yang paling banyak dan berpotensi di Indonesia adalah kelapa sawit. Pada penelitian ini, kegiatan eksperimen melakukan pengujian produk limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit yang dihasilkan oleh reaktor torefaksi kontinu tipe tubular menggunakan sistem pemanas oil jacket sebagai media torefaksi. Pengujian proksimat menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi kandungan fixed carbon akan meningkatkan nilai kalor dari produk padatan hasil torefaksi, semakin meningkatnya temperatur pada proses torefaksi maka produk tandan kosong kelapa sawit semakin mempunyai emisi dan mempunyai sifat hydrophobic yang baik, nilai kalor produk padatan hasil torefaksi tandan kosong kelapa sawit berkisar antara 16357.23 – 21083.98 kJ, setara dengan batubara subbituminous C yang memiliki nilai kalor sebesar 19300 – 2100 kJ

    Baju Batara Kala dalam Resepsi dan Tanggapan Teks: Studi Kasus Lakon Murwakala Sanggit Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno

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    AbstractThis article aims to find Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno’s sanggit about Batara Kala clothes. It is assumed that this sanggit was motivated by the text received by Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno. The research data was in the form of audio-visual recordings of Lakon Murwakala and Lakon Vishnu Ratu. The analysis was conducted with reference to Burhan Nurgiyantoro’s intertextual concept. The intertextual concept says that there is a relationship between one text and another, between text and socio-cultural The resulting text can be said to be a new work. But in the concept of intertext, the framework and ideas of the work being received are still recognizable. Qualitative descriptive methods were used in this study. From the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the phenomenon of Batara Kala clothes was the result of the reception of the text of Serat Pustakaraja Purwa, which was then applied to the Lakon Murwakala and Lakon Wisnu Ratu.AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan menemukan sanggit Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno tentang baju Batara Kala. Diasumsikan sanggit tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh teks yang diresepsi Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno. Data penelitian berupa rekaman audio-visual Lakon Murwakala dan Lakon Wisnu Ratu. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengacu pada konsep intertekstual Burhan Nurgiyantoro. Konsep intertekstual tersebut mengatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara teks satu dengan teks lain, antara teks dan konteks sosial budaya. Teks yang dihasilkan itu dapat dikatakan sebagai karya baru. Namun dalam konsep interteks, kerangka dan gagasan dari karya yang diresepsi masih dapat dikenali. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa fenomena baju Batara Kala tersebut adalah hasil resepsi teks Serat Pustaka Raja Purwa, yang kemudian dituangkan ke dalam Lakon Murwakala dan Lakon Wisnu Ratu

    Effect of Dates (Phoenix Dactilyfera L) on Male Infertility

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      Background: Infertility can be caused by prolonged use of paracetamol that leads to a decrease in the sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. Dates (Phoenix Dactilyfera L) have natural antioxidant effects through several mechanisms, such as neutralizing free radicals, against NO, OH, and H2O2, and also preventing lipid peroxidation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of dates on sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. Methods: An experimental study was conducted in the Laboratory of Cell Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, during October–November 2012. Twenty two infertile male wistar rats were divided randomly into 2 groups. Group A was given 72 mg paracetamol/rat/day orally and group B was given 72 mg paracetamol/rat/day orally and 80% dates infusion/rat/day orally for 28 days and on the 29th day, sperm concentration, motility, and morphology were measured. Results were analyzed using unpaired t-testor Mann Whitney test. Result: In the control group, 502.73(100.66) sperm concentrations were compared to 397.55(143.07) in the treatment group. However, the sperm concentration mean in the treatment group was not significantly decreased (p>0.05) compared to the control group. The percentage of progressive sperm motility in the treatment group increased significantly compared to the control group. Meanwhile, the percentage of nonprogressive immotal sperm morphology was not significantly decreased. The percentage of normal sperm in the treatment group increased significantly (p<0.05) than the control group, while the percentage of abnormal sperm in the treatment group decreased significantly (p<0.05) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The dates affect sperm motility and morphology of infertile rats.Keywords: Dates, infertility, paracetamol, sperm DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n1.437


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    Glodokan called Ashok tree can reach up to 25 feet tall and form columnar shapes. The leaves are glossy green, long, with wavy leaf edges. The problem of glodokan seedling growth which produces seedlings that are not superior in terms of quality. This might be caused by the growing media that less nutrients to supply the growth of glodokan seedlings. To overcome this problem, the application of liquid organic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is able to improve the seedling growth by increasing the total leaf area and the amount of chlorophyll, which in this case is directly related to the photosynthesis process and increased production through accumulation. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth of Glodokan (Polyathia longifolia) seedlings with the addition of liquid organic fertilizer on Moringa (Moringa oleifera L) leaf. The results showed that the effect of the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer of Moringa leaves had a significant effect on height increase, stem diameter,and increase in number of leaves. The best results were in treatment P4 (20% POC daun kelor/l larutan) with an average height increase of 5.11 cm, an average stem diameter growth of 1.49 mm, the average increase in leave numbers were 3.1 sheets.Keywords: Glodokan, seedlings, liquid organic fertilizer, Moringa leaf, Polyalthia longifolia soon


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    Glodokan called Ashok tree can reach up to 25 feet tall and form columnar shapes. The leaves are glossy green, long, with wavy leaf edges. The problem of glodokan seedling growth which produces seedlings that are not superior in terms of quality. This might be caused by the growing media that less nutrients to supply the growth of glodokan seedlings. To overcome this problem, the application of liquid organic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is able to improve the seedling growth by increasing the total leaf area and the amount of chlorophyll, which in this case is directly related to the photosynthesis process and increased production through accumulation. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth of Glodokan (Polyathia longifolia) seedlings with the addition of liquid organic fertilizer on Moringa (Moringa oleifera L) leaf. The results showed that the effect of the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer of Moringa leaves had a significant effect on height increase, stem diameter,and increase in number of leaves. The best results were in treatment P4 (20% POC daun kelor/l larutan) with an average height increase of 5.11 cm, an average stem diameter growth of 1.49 mm, the average increase in leave numbers were 3.1 sheets.Keywords: Glodokan, seedlings, liquid organic fertilizer, Moringa leaf, Polyalthia longifolia soon

    Pengembangan Handout Pembelajaran Tematik untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas III

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    Bahan ajar yang sering digunakan siswa di sekolah adalah Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) karena harganya yang ekonomis dan relatif terjangkau. Banyak sekolah yang hanya menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) saja tanpa adanya handout atau buku penunjang sebagai pegangan siswa sehingga bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan anak belajar secara mandiri kurang dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk bahan ajar berupa handout pembelajaran tematik gambar seri untuk siswa sekolah dasar kelas III pada materi keliling dan luas persegi dan persegi panjang yang valid, efektif dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian R&amp;D (Research and Development). Penelitian ini mengacu pada model desain sistem pembelajaran ADDIE, yaitu: analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data pembuatan dan kualitas handout, yaitu: lembar penilaian handout, lembar pendapat siswa, wawancara guru, dan pretest-postest. Keberhasilan pembuatan produk ini ditinjau dari segi valid, efekif, dan praktis. Hasil penelitian menyatakan: (1) valid yang ditunjukkan dalam dua aspek yaitu (a) aspek materi yang memperoleh persentase penilaian 78,66% menunjukkan kategori kualitatif baik (B), (b) aspek tampilan memperoleh persentase penilaian 80% menunjukkan kategori kualitatif sangat baik (SB); (2) Efektif yang dinilai berdasarkan (a) uji ketuntasan klasikal yang menunjukkan thitung = 5,148 dengan taraf&nbsp; signifikan&nbsp; 5%&nbsp; dan dk = (n-1) = 33 diperoleh nilai ttabel = 1, 697, maka thitung &gt; ttabel sehingga dapat disimpulkan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa melampaui KKM (b) persentase ketuntasan postest&nbsp; banyak siswa yang lulus KKM sekolah yaitu 79,412% siswa; (3) Praktis yang ditentukan oleh (a) penilaian observer memperoleh persentase penilaian 87% menunjukkan kategori kualitatif sangat baik (SB), (b) handout memperoleh respon positif siswa dalam penggunaannya pada pembelajaran matematika. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan produk ini menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan membuat siswa menjadi aktif. Produk ini selain berisi gambar-gambar yang sesuai dengan dan tema yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan rumah juga di dalam materi yang disajikan diberikan proses terbentuknya suatu rumus sehingga siswa dapat belajar secara runtut tentang rumus yang diperoleh

    Genetic variability of porang populations (Amorphophallus muelleri) in West Java and Central Java based on trnL intron sequences

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    Porang (A. muelleri) is herbaceous plant which is included in the family of Araceae. Previous studies showed morphological and genetic variation in A. muelleri. The suitable molecular marker used to indicate genetic variation is trnL intron. It is based on, trnL intron is non-coding regions of chloroplast genome which evolved more rapidly than coding region. The present study is aimed to find out genetic variability and phylogenetic relationship among A. muelleri populations in Central Java and West Java which is based on trnL intron sequences. Porang samples are obtained from central Java (Karangtengah, Wonogiri, Grobogan and Brebes) and West Java (Cisompet Garut). trnL sequences were analyzed by maximum parsimony and neighbor joining method. trnL intron has singletone variation as many as 13 sites, i.e on the order of squences: 49, 109, 144, 145, 159, 253, 297, 298, 300, 302, 379, 461, 463. In addition, trnL intron has 9 parsimony informative sites, i.e on the order of squences: 160, 184, 299, 409, 452, 454, 513, 527, 534. The highest number of haplotypes came from Grobogan populations with values diversity of haplotype is 1, while the least number of haplotypes came from Karangtengah and Wonogiri populations with diversity of haplotype is 0.000. phylogenetic tree shows the clustering of populations into three clade, first clade is A. variabilis and second clade are A. ochroleucus, A. longituberosus and A. sumawongii as outgroup and thirth clade divided into two subclade porang are clustered based on their population in Central Java and West Jav