7 research outputs found


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    Di Indonesia pasar udang galah konsumsi saat ini terbuka sangat lebar karena itu peluang pasarnya sangat prospektif dan menjanjikan. Misalnya warung makan membutuhkan pasokan tak terbatas, akan tetapi bisnis ini bukan tanpa kendala yang mengakibatkan produksi udang berfluktuasi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil panen tidak maksimal adalah konsep tambak yang tidak sesuai standar, kualitas pakan yang kurang bagus, dan penyakit.Penelitian mengenai pendiagnosaan penyakit udang galah sebagai penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan mesin inferensi dengan metode penelusuran fakta forward chaining yang menggunakan kaidah (If-Then), dan metode kepastian Theorema Bayes. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi diawali dengan tahap analisis dan definisi persyaratan yang menghasilkan rekayasa pengetahuan, kebutuhan data dan kebutuhan sistem. Tahap kedua yaitu perancangan sistem dan perangkat lunak, yang terdiri dari membangun basis pengetahuan diantaranya membuat tabel keputusan, membuat basis aturan, membuat mesin inferensi dan membuat graf penelusuran. Dan perancangan proses yaitu terdiri dari perancangan menu dan perancangan interface. Tahap ketiga yaitu implementasi dan pengujian unit. Tahap selanjutnya adalah integrasi dan pengujian sistem menggunakan  alpha test dan black box test.Dari pengujian yang dilakukan menghasilkan Sistem Pakar Untuk Mengidentifikasi Penyakit Udang Galah Dengan Metode Theorema Bayes yang dapat bekerja seperti layaknya seorang pakar udang galah. Informasi yang dihasilkan adalah nama penyakit, definisi penyakit, penyebab, gejala-gejala yang menyertai, solusi, dan probabilitas penyakit. Hasil uji coba menunjukan bahwa aplikasi layak dan dapat digunakan.Kata Kunci: Sistem Pakar, Udang Galah, Theorema Bayes


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    This study aims to test the influence of educational background, capacity, integrity, and conflict of role in the audit team on audit quality of government internal auditors in Aceh. This study is a hypothesis testing research. The population were 299 auditors working for the inspectorate's office of regency and city in Aceh. Then, by using Slovin formula and proportionate stratified random sampling, the samples were 92 auditors. The data used were primary data for the year 2020 collected through a questionnaire on a one-stage time horizon. The analysis method used multiple linear regression. The result showed that educational background had no influence, while capacity, integrity, and conflict of role in the audit team partially had an influence on audit quality of government internal auditors in Aceh. Limitation of this study was questionaires were sent via internet by using google form, so that not all questionnaires were returned by the respondents. In addition, the time for returning the questionnaires was different between the respondents and some even returned them too long. The implications of this study is that it can help the government, especially the government of regency and city in Aceh, to be able to improve the audit quality of internal auditors by taking into account the factors that influence it, in particular the capacity and integrity of internal auditors

    Rate and efficiency of organic carbon assimilation by aquacultured juvenile sandfish Holothuria scabra

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    Diet assimilation rate is crucial to the growth and survival of Holothuria scabra juveniles during culture. To understand the assimilation rate and efficiency we assess organic carbon assimilation, which is closely related to the growth and source of variations in diet. We conducted a two-factor experiment, i.e., juvenile origin (cultured and wild H. scabra juveniles), and diet treatment (one control with no additional diet, and three additional diets, i.e., rice bran, dried cow manure, and seagrass Enhalus acoroides extract). We monitored the amounts of each diet that the juveniles consumed and the fecal pellets they egested. The diet, sediment, body walls, and organic carbon content of the fecal pellets were measured using an elemental analyzer combined with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Exponential growth was seen in the juveniles fed with rice bran, which had a fecal pellet egestion of 0.12–0.21 gC/d. Stable isotope analysis showed that the contribution of the diet proportion to the growth of the sandfish did not exceed 30%. The range of the assimilation rate was 35.3–62.4 gC/d. The average assimilation efficiency of organic carbon was 43.6 ± 27.7% (max 57.9%). Considering the assimilation rate and efficiency, we suggest a feeding interval of once every two days or twice per week at a rate of 3–5% of the total H. scabra biomass for a juvenile culture system

    Common Practice of Hypospadias Management by Pediatric Urologists in Indonesia: A Multi-center Descriptive Study from Referral Hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: Hypospadias is the second most common congenital anomalies among human congenital disabilities. There are over 300 surgery techniques being introduced to treat hypospadias. The successful of hypospadias repair is assessed by several outcomes as well as complications following surgery. AIM: This study aims to show the multicenter hypospadias data in Indonesia descriptively. METHODS: All the data were compiled based on questionnaires, which were distributed to Indonesian pediatric urologists. The questionnaire includes several questions containing demographic aspect, preferred techniques being used, and complications being found regarding hypospadias repair. RESULTS: Eighteen Indonesian pediatric urologists from 12 centres involved in this study. The data were collected from June – September 2018 based on the surgeon’s experience throughout 2017. From 591 cases based on the returned questionnaire, penile-type hypospadias was the most common type of hypospadias being treated (35.7%) followed by penoscrotal (28.9%) and scrotal-type (12.9%). Moderate severity of chordee was mostly seen among all cases (40.6%). Tubularised incised plate (TIP), + Thiersch Duplay, was the most common technique being used to treat hypospadias (44.3%), followed by onlay island preputial flap (14.9%) and two-stage technique (14%). The incidence of urethrocutaneous fistulae in this study was 13.9%. CONCLUSION: This study showed how Indonesian pediatric urologists dealt with hypospadias cases. TIP + Thiersch Duplay procedure being the preferred technique used by most participants and the rate of urethrocutaneous fistulae as one of the complications was comparable with previous studies

    Strategi Strukturisasi TubagusChasan Sochib Pada PemerintahanProvinsi Banten, 2000-2011

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    v,72 hlm 25 c

    Multitemporal seagrass carbon assimilation and aboveground carbon stock mapping using Sentinel-2 in Labuan Bajo 2019–2020

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    Seagrass is considered one of the most effective and efficient natural carbon sinks. In order to fully understand how it can help to adapt and mitigate climate change, information on the variability of the extent of its area, carbon stock, assimilation, sequestration, and potential emission is critical. However, details on spatially and temporally explicit seagrass biomass carbon stock, assimilation and sequestration are lacking in many parts of the world, including Indonesia as the seagrass biodiversity hot spot. To address this issue, this research aims to develop a remote sensing model to map aboveground seagrass carbon stock (AGC) and seagrass carbon assimilation rates (CA) based on multitemporal Sentinel-2 image analysis that can be used to assess the variability of seagrass over times and assess the potential carbon loss and emission reduction by seagrass. Sentinel-2 images with ideal conditions (cloud, haze, sunglint-free) and less ideal ones (cloud and haze-free, but with sunglint) were both used as the basis to develop the model. The research used two regression models, the random forest (RF) regression and stepwise regression (SW), and four input types, i.e., the reflectance bands, deglint bands, Principal Component (PC) bands, and co-occurrence texture bands. Field AGC and CA data estimated from percent cover were used to train and assess the accuracy of each model. Cross-validation was also performed to determine the model consistency when applied to images with different conditions. The results showed that the SW regression model using reflectance and deglint bands produced the most accurate and consistent AGC and CA maps. Applied to a 24-month Sentinel-2 image, from 2019 until 2020, the model showed a consistent pattern where the AGC and CA were lower from September to February and higher in March to August for both 2019 and 2020. Based on the two-year seagrass AGC and CA maps, the monthly average AGCs for 2019 and 2020 were estimated at 28.4 ± 2.7 and 28.4 ± 1.3 g C/m2, respectively, while the monthly average CAs were 6.7 ± 1.4 and 6.6 ± 0.7 Mg C/ha/year. The total AGCs in 2019 and 2020 were 113.8 ± 10.9 and 113.9 ± 5.2 Mg C, and the total CAs were 2648.3 ± 623.4 and 2636.9 ± 281.4 Mg C/year. All these values were from 400.71 ha of seagrass meadows. Finally, the availability of such remote sensing models helps to solve the time and cost-effectiveness challenges in acquiring spatially and temporally extensive seagrass AGC and CA information. Moreover, the research was able to produce the first map of multitemporal seagrass AGC and CA in specific seagrass meadow environments in Indonesia, which can be further improved to map these data rapidly at the national level and will be very useful for future work that implements Tier 3 methodological approach on carbon inventory. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    Strategi Pengembangan Tenaga Kerja Lokal dalam Meningkatkan Perekonomian Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat

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    West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) is one area with abundant natural resource potential, especially in the mining sector. This causes a high influx of migrant workers so that it has an impact on the absorption of the number of local workers and there is competition for jobs. This study aims to provide an overview of the internal and external conditions of the local workforce and formulate strategies for developing local workers in improving the regional economy of KSB. This research includes descriptive research. Determination of respondents was done by purposive sampling as many as 40 respondents. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the internal condition of the local workforce in KSB was still greater than the weakness factor compared to the strength factor, while for the external factor the opportunity factor was still greater than the threat factor. The strategy for developing local workers in improving the regional economy of  KSB is the WO or Turn Around strategy which includes improving the skills of workers in the formal and informal sectors, especially for local workers, improving facilities and infrastructure as well as supporting human resources for BLK for training and improving business skills. local workers in various sectors, accelerating services and business investment regulations in KSB so that they can absorb more local workers