883 research outputs found

    Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama Dan Multikulturisme Pada Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar

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    Multiculturalism is the best expression that represents the face of Indonesia which describes the reality of this country by mentioning it as a country that has incomparable diversity on this earth. That the diversity of Indonesian society is destiny, it is a gift from God that is not to be bargained for but to be taken for granted. This diversity is a great potential in building and advancing the nation and state, but on the other hand, if this diversity potential is not managed properly it will become the seed of division and potential conflict in the community that can damage the unity and integrity of the nation. In fact, the diversity of religions and cultures gives birth to peace and shade for adherents and citizens. But in reality, religious and cultural differentiation sometimes triggers the emergence of tension and disharmony in society with various accompanying cases, so the values of moderation and multiculturalism are absolutely necessary as an alternative and solution to the attitude of diversity in society which tends to be radical and anarchic. The more complex and diverse the pattern of people's lives, including the pattern of community diversity with the presence of transnational religious and national understandings that can damage the integrity of the Indonesian nation, the role of educational institutions including higher education is very strategic in instilling and providing strengthening values of religious moderation and strengthening multicultural understanding. And that role is recognized and has received attention at the Muslim University of Indonesian Makassar, especially in teaching materials for religious subjects and in the Pencerahan Qalbu progra

    Adaptation of Field Experience Practice Teachers in a School Impacted by the Earthquake and the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aimed to reveal how Teachers of Feld-Practice Program or PPL teachers adapted while teaching at SMA Negeri 1 Malunda, a school affected by the earthquake and the Covid-19 pandemic. Data was collected through reflective journals written every day by five PPL teachers. Reflective journals described PPL teachers’ experiences while teaching at SMAN 1 Malunda, including adaptations they made while on duty. In addition, a Focus Group Discussion was held after the PPL teacher assignment was completed to obtain additional information and some necessary data verification. Qualitative content and thematic analysis using NVivo 12 were implemented. Five phases passed in this analysis process: data import, coding, exploration, visualization, and data presentation. The finding of this study was that the PPL teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Malunda adapted through three stages, namely the period of observation, teaching preparation, and teaching actualization. Moreover, the PPL teachers believed that the earthquake and the Covid-19 pandemic simultaneously resulted in non-conducive educational activities in the school. The findings were significant for the PPL committee, school principals, and tutors in helping PPL students adapt and overcome the problems they face as new teachers


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    Khilafah is one formof government that once existed in the historical and civilizational trajectory of Muslims  in the world.  Allah and His apostles, does not directly mention the model of government that must be formed by Muslims.  Even after the death of the Messenger of Islam the Muslims in Medina at that time only committed them selves in determining who would replace the position of the prophet  Muhammad as the head of the state of Medina, including the non-apostolic spiritual office he was in.  However, in al-Qur'an and al-hadith found a number of designations for leaders such as the Khalifah, Malik, Wali, Shulthân, Ulil Amri, Imam, Ra`inand Amir.  In al-hadith it self, the apost leclearly states the limits of obedience to the leader, there sponsibilities and functions of the leader and the people obligations towards the leader.  This paper examines the sematters through content analysis, especially of text sabout ladership contained in the Qur'an and al-Hadith

    Design of Blowdown Line LNG Filling Station ISO Tank

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    LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) is a liquefied natural gas, with composition of 87% - 96% methane, 1,8-5,1% ethan, 0,1-5,1% propane and other compounds. The composition of natural gas (LNG formation) varies depending on the source and the process of its formation. Methane gas in LNG has odorless, non-corrosive and non-toxic properties (Air Products, 1999). LNG is basically an alternative method to deliver gas from producer to consumer. When cooled to -162˚C at 1 atm pressure, natural gas becomes liquid and its volume decreases up to 600 times (Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas, 2014). With such a large volume reduction, liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be transported through the Tanker Ship and the ISO Tank Truck. PT Badak NGL has 3 (Three) T.U.K.S (Terminal For Ownership) As Tanker Ship Facilities and 1 (One) LNG Filling Station as a means of filling LNG to ISO Tank. Development of business process of PT. Badak NGL leads to an increase in LNG filling Station capacity. Along with the plan to increase the filling station capacity, the problem of BOG (Blow of Gas) wastage along with some LNG to ground flare becomes a serious concern. When the number of fillling stations is only 1 (one) station, the BOG wasted condition is not significant. However, with plans to increase the number of filling stations, BOG wasted need to be considered to be fully utilized. Therefore, there is a thought to utilize BOG to become more economic value, through the design of blowdown line on LNG ISO Tank filling station. In the Design of this line Blowdown, Using Pipe Ø2 "(PIPE BE 40S SS A312-TP305 SMLS) interconnecting with Pipe Ø6" (PIPE BE 40S SS A312-TP305 SMLS) BOG Header of new Filling Station under construction (Beginning January 2018 )

    Religion and Millennial Generation in Indonesia (Efforts to Develop Religious Character in Anticipation of the Negative Influences of Modernization in Indonesia)

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    This article elaborated on the importance of religious character in anticipating the negative influences of modernization on religion in the millennial generation. Religious character is a character contained in the values of every religion adhered to by Indonesian people. Findings showed that religious character was significant in dealing with problems in the current millennial era. Social riots that were triggered from racist views and events of blasphemy can be overcome by promoting an inclusive, humanist and dialogical attitude. Every millennial generation in Indonesia must hold the values of the three attitudes and characters, especially in managing social, interreligious, ethnic, national and linguistic relations in order to create a peaceful life so that the goals of the country, namely welfare for every citizen regardless of religion, ethnicity, nation and race, can be achieved.[Artikel ini menguraikan tentang pentingnya karakter relijius dalam mengantisipasi pengaruh negatif  modernisasi  terhadap  agama  pada  generasi  milenial.  Karakter  relijius adalah  karakter yang terkandung dalam nilai-nilai setiap agama yang dianut oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa karakter relijius sangat penting dalam menangani masalah di era milenium saat ini. Kerusuhan sosial yang dipicu dari pandangan rasis dan peristiwa penistaan dapat diatasi dengan mempromosikan sikap inklusif, humanis dan dialogis. Setiap generasi milenial di Indonesia harus memegang nilai-nilai dari tiga sikap dan karakter tersebut, terutama dalam mengelola hubungan sosial, antar-agama, etnis, bangsa, dan bahasa untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang damai sehingga tujuan negara, yaitu kesejahteraan bagi setiap warga negara tanpa memandang agama, etnis, bangsa dan ras, dapat terlaksana.


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    Maqashid al-Sharia is sharia purposes or secrets which are established by Allah. Accordingto al-Syatib, there are four purposes of Allah to determine the shariah: (1). For the benefit of peoplein the world and the hereafter. (2). To be understood. (3). As a taklif law that must be implementedand to eliminate hardship. (4). To comply and freed from the influence of the passions mukallaf. Thefirst mentioned purpose is the main aim, while other purposes only explains and details the firstpurpose. For the realization of such benefit, there are six essential component


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    This study used the qualitative descriptive method.  The result is as follows. First, the analysis of manuscript discourse aspects was observed with two methods, linguistic and structural methods. The linguistic aspect consist of, intentionality, and acceptability of Bocco Tallu manuscript. The structural method consist of Words, phrases, sentences, stanzas. Second, the analysis of social cultural context of Bocco Tallu manuscript consist of social level (class social), traditional marriage, leadership concepts, arts, and religious system of Mandar tribe. Third, social cultural context of Bocco Tallu manuscript gave contribution to harmonious society in social life of Mandar tribe that is signed with ceremony performed once four years in the presence of all public figures and no other nobles.  Having done some analyzes on this text shows the phrases that lead to the concept of power and history in Mandar, especially the kingdom of Alu, Tara Manu 'and Sendana


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar matematika dengan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 75 Ujungpero Kecamatan Sabbangparu Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi yang selanjutnya tahap-tahap tersebut dirangkai pada siklus yang dilaksnakan pada siklus I dan siklus II. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 75 Ujungpero Kecamatan Sabbangparu Kabupaten Wajo  Tahun ajaran 2015/2016 sebanyak 10 orang yang terdiri atas 7 perempuan dan 3 laki-laki, jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif yang terdiri dari : hasil belajar dan angket observasi yang dikumpulkan dengan cara pemberian tes kepada siswa dan data tentang situasi pembelajaran saat pelaksanaan tindakan diperoleh melalui format observasi dengan teknik analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT cocok diterapkan pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 75 Ujungpero Kecamatan Sabbangparu Kabupaten Wajo. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa setelah diadakan pengembangan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, Hasil belajar yang diperoleh dari tes akhir siklus, pada akhir siklus I dengan skor rata-rata 64,50 dari skor ideal 100 dengan standar deviasi 14,03, sedangkan pada akhir siklus II dengan skor rata-rata 80 dari skor ideal 100 dengan standar deviasi 9,13, dan terjadi perubahan sikap siswa selama proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan hasil observasi yaitu dengan adanya penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa untuk bertanya baik kepada guru maupun kepada temannya tentang materi yang tidak dimengerti serta dapat meningkatkan kehadiran siswa


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    Salah satu tolak ukur keberhasilan siswa adalah dengan melihat hasil belajar siswa, rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal cerita terlihat dari banyaknya kesalahan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal cerita sehingga prestasi matematika siswa rendah. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal cerita matematika, namun dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada kemampuan berpikir logis, kemampuan verbal, kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan berpikir logis, kemampuan verbal, kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi, dan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan berpikir logis, kemampuan verbal, dan kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika pada siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Se-Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ex-post facto yang bersifat kausalitas. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Se-Kota Makassar Tahun Ajaran 2012-2013 sebanyak 1048 siswa yang tersebar di dalam 10 sekolah dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 145 siswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu stratified cluster random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes masing-masing variable dengan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistika deskriptif dan analisis jalur (Path Analisys). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) tingkat kemampuan berpikir logis, tingkat kemampuan verbal, tingkat kemampuan penalaran dan kominikasi, dan tingkat kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Se-Kota Makassar berada pada kategori sedang; 2) kemampuan berpikir logis dan kemampuan verbal berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi; 3) berpikir logis dan kemampuan verbal berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika baik secara langsung maupun melalui kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi; 4) kemampuan penalaran dan komunikasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika pada siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah Se-Kota Makassar