756 research outputs found

    Digestibility of Sunflower Seeds in Swine Diets

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    Limited research has been performed using sunflower seeds as an ingredient in swine diets. Because of the large amount of sunflowers produced in South Dakota, it would be beneficial to determine their usefulness as a feed ingredient in livestock rations. Work conducted at North Dakota has shown levels of over 10% sunflower seeds in diets of growing- finishing pigs produced oily carcasses. Previous research at this station (SWINE 80-8) has shown the maximum level of ground, whole sunflower seeds to be fed to sows during late gestation and early lactation is between 25 and 50%. In order to utilize sunflower seeds in swine diets more efficiently, the digestibility of the various nutrient fractions of the seeds must be determined. This study was performed to determine the coefficients of apparent digestibility, digestible energy and nitrogen retention for rations containing various levels of ground sunflower seeds

    Effect of Level of Barley in Finishing Diets of Swine Performance and Carcass Characteristics

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    Barley continues to be a feed ingredient available to swine producers in South Dakota, that can be used as a substitute for corn. In experiments reported in the 1984 South Dakota Swine Day Proceedings we reported that pigs fed barley diets gained slower during the grower period (60 to 125 lbs) but not during the finisher period (125 to 220 lb). This experiment was designed to evaluate various levels of barley, 0 to 100% of the grain, in diets fed to pigs from an average of 80 to 220 lb market weight

    Comparison of Required Energy Intake of Gilts and Sows to Obtain Recommended Gestation Gains

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    Three trials utilizing 104 crossbred sows and gilts were conducted to evaluate energy needs to provide_ predetermined gestation gains for gilts and sows. In trial l» gilts required similar energy levels (6918 kcal ME) to gain .9 lb/day as bred sows required (7008 kcal ME) to gain .5 lb/day during gestation. Open sows and gilts consumed much more energy but were unable to gain at the predetermined levels. In trial 2, 8 month old gilts required more energy than mature sows (5898 vs 5028 kcal ME) and 11 month old gilts consumed more than either other group to gain at an intermediate level. In trial 3, a daily difference in energy consumption of approximately 800 kcal of ME existed between gilts and sows fed to predetermined gestation gains. If the results of the last two trials are averaged, a difference in energy consumption of 840 kcal of ME/day is found between gilts fed to gain .9 lb/day and sows fed to gain .5 lb/day. This difference is approximately .6 lb of additional gestation feed needed per day for the bred gilt if gestation gain is used as a criteria of evaluation

    Influence of Gestation Energy on Large White x Landrace Sow Productivity

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    Production remains extremely important in our swine industry today. In the past 5-10 years, there has been an increase in the usage of white breeds in swine herds. The white or mother breeds are noted for their increased productivity; however, a question has stirred as to the feeding regime of these productive females. This question is important as feed costs are the major portion of operating expenses for the hog producers. Little controlled research has been conducted in the United States to establish the caloric intake requirement of the white sows during gestation. The National Research Council (NRC, 1979) lists the energy requirement of the bred sow and gilt as 6.1 Meal of. digestible energy (DE) or 5.8 Meal of metabolizable energy (ME) daily. This recommendation is largely based on research with traditional 3-way crossbred sows. Great Britain swine researchers in the 1960\u27s and United States researchers Frobish and workers (1966) were the last to evaluate the effect of gestation energy on strictly white sows. To help answer the current concerns of white sow nutrition, this research project was designed to study the influence of gestation energy on Large White x Landrace sow productivity

    Effect of Cooked Corn in Diets of Growing-Finishing Swine

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    Little information is known concerning the effects of cooking corn on the growth performance of growing-finishing pigs. Therefore. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of pigs fed cooked or regular corn in free-choice and complete mixed ration feeding systems

    Design of a fault tolerant airborne digital computer. Volume 2: Computational requirements and technology

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    This final report summarizes the work on the design of a fault tolerant digital computer for aircraft. Volume 2 is composed of two parts. Part 1 is concerned with the computational requirements associated with an advanced commercial aircraft. Part 2 reviews the technology that will be available for the implementation of the computer in the 1975-1985 period. With regard to the computation task 26 computations have been categorized according to computational load, memory requirements, criticality, permitted down-time, and the need to save data in order to effect a roll-back. The technology part stresses the impact of large scale integration (LSI) on the realization of logic and memory. Also considered was module interconnection possibilities so as to minimize fault propagation

    Comparison of Sow and Gilt Performance as Affected by Gestation Energy Intake

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    Gestation energy needs of sows include maintenance as well as tissue growth associated with pregnancy and fetal development. Gilts have the additional demands of body tissue growth but less maintenance needs because of smaller body size. Differences in total daily energy needs between sows and gilts have not been resolved. Results of three trials conducted to compare energy needs for specific gestation gains for sows and gilts were reported last year (Swine 84-10). These results suggested the need for approximately 870 Kcal of additional metabolizable energy (ME) (.6 lb of feed) for gilts with the desired gains of .5 lb/day for sows and .9 lb/day for gilts. The trial reported herein was designed to evaluate comparative performance of sows and gilts fed a wide range of ME levels

    Effect of Environment and Feeding Antibacterial Compounds During Early Growth on Performance on Growing-Finishing Pigs

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    The objectives of this experiment were to study the value of several anti-microbial agents as feed additives when included in the diet of young weaned pigs for approximately 5 weeks and to compare the performance of pigs fed in an enclosed confinement building with those fed in an outside, open-front building

    Feed Additives in Swine Diets

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    An experiment was conducted at the Cornbelt Research and Extension Center near Beresford, South Dakota, to determine the effectiveness of Mecadox and other feed additives fed for a 5-week period, to study the effect of withdrawal of feed additives at this time on future growth performance and to study the effect of the antibiotic tylosin when fed during the finishing period