Comparison of Required Energy Intake of Gilts and Sows to Obtain Recommended Gestation Gains


Three trials utilizing 104 crossbred sows and gilts were conducted to evaluate energy needs to provide_ predetermined gestation gains for gilts and sows. In trial l» gilts required similar energy levels (6918 kcal ME) to gain .9 lb/day as bred sows required (7008 kcal ME) to gain .5 lb/day during gestation. Open sows and gilts consumed much more energy but were unable to gain at the predetermined levels. In trial 2, 8 month old gilts required more energy than mature sows (5898 vs 5028 kcal ME) and 11 month old gilts consumed more than either other group to gain at an intermediate level. In trial 3, a daily difference in energy consumption of approximately 800 kcal of ME existed between gilts and sows fed to predetermined gestation gains. If the results of the last two trials are averaged, a difference in energy consumption of 840 kcal of ME/day is found between gilts fed to gain .9 lb/day and sows fed to gain .5 lb/day. This difference is approximately .6 lb of additional gestation feed needed per day for the bred gilt if gestation gain is used as a criteria of evaluation

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