7,820 research outputs found

    Current-driven magnetization decrease in single crystalline ferromagnetic manganese oxide

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    The electrical and magnetic response to a bias current has been investigated in a singlecrystalline ferromagnetic manganese oxide Pr0.8\Pr_{0.8}Ca0.2_{0.2}MnO3_3 . A significant decrease of the magnetization is observed at the same threshold current where a non-linearity of V-I characteristics appears. Such a behavior cannot be understood in the framework of the filamentary picture usually invoked for the non linearity of the other manganese oxides. Instead, an analogy with spintronic features might be useful and experimental signatures seem to be in agreement with excitations of spin waves by an electric current. This provides an example of a bulk system in which the spin polarized current induces a macroscopic change in the magnetization.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Hartree-Fock calculations for the ground and first excited states of H2

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    Hartree-Fock calculation for ground and first excited state of H

    Conditional regularity of solutions of the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and implications for intermittency

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    Two unusual time-integral conditional regularity results are presented for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The ideas are based on L2mL^{2m}-norms of the vorticity, denoted by Ωm(t)\Omega_{m}(t), and particularly on Dm=ΩmαmD_{m} = \Omega_{m}^{\alpha_{m}}, where αm=2m/(4m3)\alpha_{m} = 2m/(4m-3) for m1m\geq 1. The first result, more appropriate for the unforced case, can be stated simply : if there exists an 1m<1\leq m < \infty for which the integral condition is satisfied (Zm=Dm+1/DmZ_{m}=D_{m+1}/D_{m}) 0tln(1+Zmc4,m)dτ0 \int_{0}^{t}\ln (\frac{1 + Z_{m}}{c_{4,m}}) d\tau \geq 0 then no singularity can occur on [0,t][0, t]. The constant c4,m2c_{4,m} \searrow 2 for large mm. Secondly, for the forced case, by imposing a critical \textit{lower} bound on 0tDmdτ\int_{0}^{t}D_{m} d\tau, no singularity can occur in Dm(t)D_{m}(t) for \textit{large} initial data. Movement across this critical lower bound shows how solutions can behave intermittently, in analogy with a relaxation oscillator. Potential singularities that drive 0tDmdτ\int_{0}^{t}D_{m} d\tau over this critical value can be ruled out whereas other types cannot.Comment: A frequency was missing in the definition of D_{m} in (I5) v3. 11 pages, 1 figur

    Coronary artery spasm and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction following intravenous ephedrine in two healthy women under spinal anaesthesia

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    Vasovagal episodes occur frequently in young healthy patients undergoing venous cannulation and loco-regional anaesthesia. We report two cases of severe coronary vasospasm and non-Qwave infarction in healthy young women after administration of ephedrine for vasovagal symptoms at the onset of spinal anaesthesia. In the light of unopposed vagal predominance predisposing patients to coronary vasospasm, even in young healthy patients, atrophine and not ephedrine should be the first line treatment for bradycardia with or without hypotension under spinal anaesthesi

    Hydrology of the surficial aquifer in the Floyd River Basin, Iowa

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    Metal-to-insulator crossover and pseudogap in single-layer compound Bi2+x_{2+x}Sr2x_{2-x}Cu1+y_{1+y}O6+δ_{6+\delta} single crystals in high magnetic fields

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    The in-plane ρab(H)\rho_{ab}(H) and the out-of-plane ρc(H)\rho_c(H) magneto-transport in magnetic fields up to 28 T has been investigated in a series of high quality, single crystal, hole-doped La-free Bi2201 cuprates for a wide doping range and over a wide range of temperatures down to 40 mK. With decreasing hole concentration going from the overdoped (p=0.2) to the underdoped (p=0.12) regimes, a crossover from a metallic to and insulating behavior of ρab(T)\rho_{ab}(T) is observed in the low temperature normal state, resulting in a disorder induced metal insulator transition. In the zero temperature limit, the normal state ratio ρc(H)/ρab(H)\rho_c(H)/\rho_{ab}(H) of the heavily underdoped samples in pure Bi2201 shows an anisotropic 3D behavior, in striking contrast with that observed in La-doped Bi2201 and LSCO systems. Our data strongly support that that the negative out-of-plane magnetoresistance is largely governed by interlayer conduction of quasiparticles in the superconducting state, accompanied by a small contribution of normal state transport associated with the field dependent pseudogap. Both in the optimal and overdoped regimes, the semiconducting behavior of ρc(H)\rho_c(H) persists even for magnetic fields above the pseudogap closing field HpgH_{pg}. The method suggested by Shibauchi \textit{et al.} (Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{86}, 5763, (2001)) for evaluating HpgH_{pg} is unsuccessful for both under- and overdoped Bi2201 samples. Our findings suggest that the normal state pseudogap is not always a precursor of superconductivity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, published in PRB Nov 200