202 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Modernitas Individu dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Generasi Z Pada Siswa SMA di Kota Malang

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    Generation Z is a generation that has the potential to become successful entrepreneurs in the future. Generation Z, which is in the birth range from 1995-2010, has innovative ideas to create modern business opportunities. Self-confidence and the discovery of new things are elements of individual modernity that build Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship. Generation Z who are recovering in the digitalization era can take advantage of information technology to start entrepreneurship. This study aims to find out how individual modernity and the use of information technology affect Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship partially and simultaneously. 294 high school students in Malang City including SMAN 1 Malang, Brawijaya Smart School Malang High School, Panjura High School, and UM Laboratory High School who were the subjects of this study were given questionnaires using a quantitative descriptive research approach. The research findings reveal a significant positive effect, both partially and simultaneously on individual modernity variables (X1) and information technology utilization (X2) on the interest in entrepreneurship of Generation Z (Y). The results of this study indicate that acquisition, acceptance of new things, and self-confidence encourage Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship. The use of information technology also encourages interest in entrepreneurship for Generation Z by looking for things related to entrepreneurship. Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship will not just end up as a desire if there is awareness from within them to realize business opportunities in real life.Generation Z is a generation that has the potential to become successful entrepreneurs in the future. Generation Z, which is in the birth range from 1995-2010, has innovative ideas to create modern business opportunities. Self-confidence and the discovery of new things are elements of individual modernity that build Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship. Generation Z who are recovering in the digitalization era can take advantage of information technology to start entrepreneurship. This study aims to find out how individual modernity and the use of information technology affect Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship partially and simultaneously. 294 high school students in Malang City including SMAN 1 Malang, Brawijaya Smart School Malang High School, Panjura High School, and UM Laboratory High School who were the subjects of this study were given questionnaires using a quantitative descriptive research approach. The research findings reveal a significant positive effect, both partially and simultaneously on individual modernity variables (X1) and information technology utilization (X2) on the interest in entrepreneurship of Generation Z (Y). The results of this study indicate that acquisition, acceptance of new things, and self-confidence encourage Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship. The use of information technology also encourages interest in entrepreneurship for Generation Z by looking for things related to entrepreneurship. Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship will not just end up as a desire if there is awareness from within them to realize business opportunities in real life

    Pengaruh Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Diri dan Pengalaman Mengajar Terhadap Kinerja Guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Teacher performance is a determining factor in learning which will affect student learning outcomes. Improving teacher performance can be done by increasing factors that influence it, one of which is internal factors such as competence and field experience. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of efforts to increase self-competence and teaching experience on teacher performance partially or simultaneously. This research was conducted in high schools throughout Tulungagung Regency at the end of March to April 2022 with data collection techniques through questionnaires and obtained 39 samples from 45 populations. The analysis technique uses multiple linear regression with SPSS software version 22.0. The results of the analysis show that efforts to increase self-competence have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance while the teaching experience variable has no significant effect on teacher performance, but simultaneously efforts to increase self-competence and teaching experience have a significant positive effect on teacher performance. So it can be concluded that no matter how much teaching experience you have when you do not participate in activities to improve self-competence, the performance you have is meaningless.DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17977/UM014v15i22022p11

    Kajian Pengaruh Kebakaran Terhadap Sifat Karakteristik Bata Beton Geopolimer dari Fly Ash Dan Bottom Ash Limbah PLTU Tanjung Jati

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    Bata beton geopolimer adalah batu bata beton yang pembuatannya menggunakan mortar geopolimer. Bata beton geopolimer yang dikaji dibuat dengan memanfaatkan botom ash sebagai agregat pengisi dan fly ash sebagai perekat pengganti semen yang direaksikan dengan NaOH dan Na SiO2 hingga terjadi polimerisasi yang memiliki sifat merekat. Disisi lain PLTU Tanjung jati merupakan pembangkit listrik cukup besar, menghasilkan limbah sisa pembakaran batu bara sebagai bahan energi berupa fly ash dan botom ash. Tiap hari volume limbah berupa fly ash dan bottom ash di PLTU Tanjung Jati kurang lebih 1.000 ton perhari dan limbah ini tergolong limbah B3.Upaya mengatasi masalah limbah fly ash dan bottom ash, salah satu alternatif yang di kaji dengan dibuat Bata geopolimer. Fly Ash dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pengikat dan botom ash sebagai bahan pengisi, fly ash direaksikan dengan NaOH dan Na SiO2. menjadi binder kemudian ditambahkan bottom ash kemudian dicetak menjadi benda uji bata beton geopolimer. Bata sebagai benda uji dibuat dengan komposisi; 1 binder : 3 agregat dan 1 binder : 4 agregat, sedangkan untuk bindernya ada 2 variasi yaitu 16 molar dan 18 molar. Benda uji setelah mengeras dengan umur 28 hari kemudian dibakar dengan durasi pembakaran selama 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam dan 4 jam, setelah proses pembakaran dilanjutkan dengan uji kuat tekan, uji kembang susut volume, dan uji perubahan bobot isi, simpulan dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan adalah: Kuat tekan maximum terjadi pada binder 18 M dengan campuran 1 Fs : 3 Ba memiliki kekuatan 83,5 Kg/cm2; Terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan akibat pembakaran pada semua tipe campuran; Pada campuran 1 fs : 3 Ba peningkatan kuat tekan maximum terjadi pada pembakaran 2 jam dan untuk campuran 1 fs : 4 Ba terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan maximum pada pembakaran selama 1 jam; Tidak ada beda bobot isi benda uji akibat pembakaran untuk semua jenis campuran; Terjadi pengembangan dan retak retak akibat pembakaran

    Economic Behavior of Eco-Friendly Silk Entrepreneurs

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    Abstract Sustainability of silk business management in Wajo depends on the comprehension, attitude and behavior of the silk entrepreneur. The present study aims at describing the economic behavior of silkentrepreneurs start from feeding the silkworm until marketing eco-friendly silk products. The present study employed qualitative approach and the data were collected through in-depth interview, participant observation, and documentation. The data analysis employed for activities, which are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The finding of this research shows that the comprehension and the action of silkentrepreneurs related to eco-friendly business management is poor. Silkentrepreneurs have done some stegs of cleaner production from providing mulberry leaves up to marketing silk products, as an effort to realize eco-frendly silk industry. Keywords : Comprehension, attitude, behavior, economic behavior of environmentally soud silkentrepreneu

    Developing A Supplementary Book About The Potential and Utilization of Natural Resources for Social Studies Lesson

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    Social studies subject is one of complex and broad lessons for students. This subject is considered as one of the most difficult subjects by students. This researcher, then, aims at developing a supplementary book to support the learning process of Social Studies. This research and development employed a modified Borg and Gall model (consisted of nine major stages). The assessment of the developed product was obtained from expert validators and field trials. The validation from the expert validators concluded that the developed supplementary book is feasible to be applied. In addition, the field trials confirmed that the developed supplementary book is practical to be used and it is able to improve students’ learning outcomes


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    This research is aiming to know the effect of Scholarship Use and Learning Motivation toward Learning Result of Undergraduate Economic Education College Students class of 2012, State University of Malang. This research used quantitative descriptive research. There were 64 persons as the population. The data collection used questionnaires and documentations. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed using SPSS 23.00 for Windows. The results of this research indicated that Scholarship Use and Learning Motivation were a significant and positif effect toward learning results of undergraduate economic education college students class of 2012 who received scholarship on 2015


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    Household investment has become more important in modern economies. This research builds a behavioural model of investment using a quantitative approach. It tests the effect of socioeconomic condition, financial literacy, and attitudes toward intention and investment decision. The data are collected from 400 heads of household through a structured interview. A sample is selected by a multistage technique. It applies a Structural Equation Modelling to answer the research problem. This paper is successful in constructing a good structural and measurement model to explain the behaviour of the dependent variables in the model

    Mediation Effect of Work Stress on the Relationship between Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Employees Performance

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    Purpose – The aim of this study was to examine how role conflict and role ambiguity, mediated by work stress, influenced employees performance.  Methodology – A quantitative analysis was performed by using the Slovin formula for a total sample of 114 employees from PT MSP, a prominent household appliances company in East Java, Indonesia. The collected data were analyzed using SEM SmartPls-3. Results – The results showed that both role conflict and role ambiguity exerted a significant negative impact on employees performance, and also contributed to increased work stress. Moreover, work stress showed a significant negative impact on employees performance. The inclusion of work stress as an intermediary highlighted its role in mediating the negative relationship between role conflict, role ambiguity, and employees performance. Originality – Incorporating work stress as a mediator in the connection between these variables enriched the exploration of the interrelation. This intricate relationship required a deeper understanding for the optimization of employees performance

    Analisis Korelasi Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Orangtua dan Efikasi Diri terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS

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    This research is aimed to know (1) The correlation between social and economic conditions of students\u27 parents with their achievement in learning Social Study (2) the correlation between self effication with achievement in learning social study (3) The correlation of both social and economic conditions of students\u27 parents and self effication with their achievement in learning Social Study in Grade VIII of SMPN 1 Salopa. The whole population on this research is 216 students, so 68 students are taken as a sample in the way of random sampling. The method of this research is correlation analysis, data is obtained from the questioner answered by respondents and documentation from 68 students. The result of this research showed that (1) social and economic conditions of students\u27 parents has a significant and positive correlation with their achievement in learning Social Study with coeficent correlation 0,648 and significancy 0,000 (2) self effication has a significant and positive correlation with achievement in learning social study with coeficent correlation 0,610 and significancy 0,000 (3) both social and economic conditions of students\u27 parents and self effication has a significant and positive correlation with their achievement in learning Social Study with coeficent correlation 0,719 and significancy 0,000.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya (1) hubungan antara kondisi sosial ekonomi orangtua dengan prestasi belajar IPS, (2) hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan prestasi belajar IPS, (3) hubungan secara bersama-sama kondisi sosial ekonomi, efikasi dengan prestasi belajar IPS di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Salopa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas VIII sebesar 216 siswa sehingga diambil sampel secara sample random sampling sebesar 68 siswa. Metode penelitian ini analisis korelasi, data diperoleh dari angket yang dijawab responden dan dokumentasi dari 68 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kondisi sosial ekonomi orangtua memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan positif dengan prestasi belajar IPS dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,648 dengan signifikan 0,000, (2) efikasi diri memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan positif dengan prestasi belajar IPS dengan koefisien korelasi 0,610 dengan signifikasi 0,000, (3) kondisi sosial ekonomi orangtua, efikasi diri memiliki hubungan yang signifikan secara bersama dengan prestasi belajar untuk kofisien korelasi 0,719 dan sigifikansi 0,000


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    Secara umum fungsi dari jalan dibangun adalah untuk prasarana memudahkan mobilitasdan aksesibilitas kegiatan dalam masyarakat. Keberadaan jalan raya sangatlah diperlukanuntuk menunjang laju pertumbuhan ekonomi, perdagangan serta sektor lainnya. Prasaranayang terbebani volume lalu lintas yang tinggi dan berulang-ulang akan menyebabkanpenurunan kualitas jalan sebagaimana indikatornya dapat diketahui dari kondisi permukaanjalan, baik kondisi struktural maupun fungsionalnya yang mengalami kerusakan. Padakonstruksi sebelum ada perkembangan secara modern, wiremesh banyak yangmenggunakan cara konvensional. Diantaranya adalah bahan yang digunakan besi betonpolos/ulir yang dianyam, sehingga memerlukan waktu pelaksanaan yang lama. Hal inisangat berpengaruh terhadap pengeluaran biaya semakin tinggi. Jika dianyam dan diikatmenggunakan kawat bendrat, terkadang ada yang dianyam secara tidak stabil dan terkesanasal, sehingga jika mendapatkan gaya geser gempa dan gaya geser longitudinal kendaraanberat seringkali terjadi keretakan. Ini menjadi persoalan pelaksana jasa konstruksi dilapangan. Berdasarkan pertimbangan di atas, perlu diadakan penelitian dengan membuatpelat beton yang tipis pelat beton menggunakan baja tulangan yang berupa kawat baja las(wiremesh) dengan ikatan yang telah di las untuk menunjang kekuatan geser akibattumpuan kendaraan berat. Maka perlu diadakan penelitian dengan judul “Mitigasi JalanRigid Beton Dengan Konstruksi Jaring-Jaring Tulangan Baja Wiremesh Dari KegagalanKonstruksi Ditinjau Dari Kekuatan Geser Las Sambungan”.
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