105 research outputs found


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    The fatwa of the DSN-MUI is the answer issued by the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulama Council (DSN-MUI) as an explanation of the sharia law for people who ask questions about problems in the field of Islamic economics. The goal is that sharia principles in the fatwa be implemented in contracts for Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS). However, public statements often arise that giving gifts to Islamic banks and conventional banks is the same as the scheme and method of giving. This study aims to see how the mechanism and suitability of DSN-MUI fatwa No: 86 / DSN-MUI / XII / 2012 concerning Prizes in Fundraising (Study at Bank Muamalat KCP Parepare). The results of the research can be stated that at Muamalat bank, KCP Parepare has two savings programs with prizes, the first is prizes with prizes, customers deposit funds in the amount set by the bank for a predetermined period of time, second savings plan with prizes, customers deposit money at the beginning of the amount of money that has been determined by saving each month in the amount determined by the bank, the greater the amount of money saved the greater the number of prizes received. In the DSN-MUI fatwa related to the awarding of prizes there are 3 provisions related to this, namely the first provision related to prizes, the two provisions relating to the determination of receipt of implemented prizes according to fatwa, third not the provisions concerning prizes in deposits of Third Party Funds (DPK) all points in this fatwa implemented specifically on the third point that reads should not be the norm (habit, 'urf), that the' urf or custom prohibited by DSN-MUI in the fatwa prize aims to avoid changing intentions from the customer, intention to save become the desire to get something without effort

    Counseling Quality of Dangerous Signs of Pregnancy Health in Work Region of Urban and Rural Puskesmas (Public Health Center) Jeneponto

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    BACKGROUND: Quality healthcare is the standard of care received by citizens who are entitled to guarantee their health status due to the poor quality of health care that affect the high mortality. AIM: This study aimed to determine the difference in counseling quality of pregnancy dangerous signs at the public health centers of urban and rural areas in Jeneponto regency. METHODS: The type of study was analytical observation with a cross-sectional study design. The populations of this research are all pregnant women in Jeneponto regency in October 2015–May 2016 at the work area of Urban and Rural Public Health centers. There were 278 respondents obtained by proportionate stratified random sampling. Data analysis used computer application of SPSS examined with the Chi-square test. RESULTS: The results indicate that 85.3% of counseling quality of pregnancy dangerous signs in the work area of urban and rural Puskesmas are categorized bad. There is a difference of counseling quality of pregnancy dangerous sign component of vagina bleeding (p = 0.000), severe headache (p = 0.000), visual problems/blurred sight (p = 0.000), swelling on face and hand (p = 0.001), and severe abdominal pain (p = 0.000), fetus movement is lacking or not felt (p = 0.000) and fever (p = 0.000). CONCLUSION: There is no difference in counseling quality based on age, education, job, and parities


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan disekolah SMA Negeri 4 Gorontalo dan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang berkualitas dengan menggunakan model Team Based Learning pada proses pembelajaran daring. Perangkat pembelajaran dikembangkan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Hasil penelitian terhadap perangkat menunjukan bahwa perangkat tersersebut berkualitas. Perangkat pembelajaran ini valid untuk digunakan dengan sedikit revisi Hal ini dapat dilihat berdarkan rata-rata hasil validasi dengan nilai 3,0-3,4. Efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran dapat dilihat dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang terdiri dari ranah kognitif pada pertemuan satu sampai pertemuan ketiga diperoleh N Gain iRat 0,66, 0,59, 0,51 dengan kriteria N Gain Sedang,  pada tRat diperoleh N Gain 0,7, 0,66, dan 0,61 untuk ranah sikap dengan rata-rata persentase sebesar 80,44%, serta rata-rata persentase ranah keterampilan sebesar 80,17%, dan hasil pengamatan aktivitas peserta didik selama tiga kali pertemuan yaitu sebesar 81,85% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Perangkat pembelajaran dikatakan praktis dilihat berdasarkan rata-rata hasil persentase keterlaksanaan selama tiga kali pertemuan yaitu sebesar  95%,  serta hasil angket respon guru dan peserta didik terkait perangkat pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran daring mendapatkan respon positif. Kata kunci: hasil belajar; perangkat pembelajaran; team based learning. ABSTRACTThis research was conducted at Gorontalo State High School 4 and aims to produce quality learning tools using the Team Based Learning model in the online learning process. Learning tools are developed using the ADDIE development model. The results of research on the device showed that the device was of quality. Learning devices are said to be valid for use with a slight revision this can be seen based on the average validation result with a value of 3.0-3.4. The effectiveness of learning devices can be seen by the improvement of student learning outcomes consisting of cognitive realms at meetings one to the third meeting obtained N Gain iRat 0.66, 0.59, 0.51 with the criteria N Medium Gain, on tRat obtained N Gain 0.7, 0.66, and 0.61 for the realm of attitude with an average percentage of 80.44%, as well as an average skill realm percentage of 80.17%,  and the results of observation of student activities during three meetings, namely 81.85% with excellent criteria. The learning device is said to be practically seen based on the average results of the percentage of implementation during three meetings, which is 95%, as well as the results of teacher and student response questionnaires related to learning devices in the online learning process get a positive response. Keywords: learning outcomes; learning devices; team based learning

    Quality of Antenatal Care at Urban and Rural Puskesmas (Public Health Center) in Jeneponto Regency

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    BACKGROUND: Increased coverage antenatal care (ANC) occurring in developing countries do not guarantee the success of the ANC, it is because a high rate of maternal and neonatal mortality associated with inadequate and poor quality of maternal care, including ANC. AIM: This study aimed to find out the differences in the quality of ANC in rural and urban primary health centers in Jeneponto Regency. METHODS: This research aims to determine the different quality of ANC at urban and rural puskesmas (public health center), Jeneponto regency. The type of the research was observational analysis with cross-sectional design. There were 139 fixed samples of rural and urban pregnant women visiting the puskesmas, from October 2015 to May 2016. The samples were selected using stratified random sampling method from two puskesmas of each area. RESULTS: The results indicate that 52.6% of ANC quality is categorized bad. There is different ANC quality based on body weight, the height of fundus uteri, and administration of Fe tablet (0.038, 0.029, and 0.006). There is no difference of antenatal quality based on body height, LILA, fetus’ heartbeat, fetus presentation, blood type and Hb, and immunization of TT (0.068, 0.501, 1.000, 1.000, 0.133, 0263, and 0530). Blood pressure is not analyzed. CONCLUSION: There are three components that show differences in rural and urban health centers, namely, weight measurement, fundal height measurement, and FE tablet administration. As for the components of height measurement, assessment of nutritional status (MUAC), fetal presentation, examination of fetal heart rate, administration of TT immunization, and examination of blood type and hemoglobin. The component of blood pressure measurement was not included in the statistical test because all respondents received the examination

    ubungan Pendidikan Karakter dan Kecedasan Emosional dengan Hasil Belajar PKn

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    The purpose of this study was to find out relationship between character education and emotional intelligence of civic education learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SD Negeri 10 Tegineneng. The type of research used is correlational research. The population in this study was 54 students and the number of samples taken based on the proportional stratified random sampling technique that were obtained by 35 students. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire and collection instruments in the form of a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques in hypothesis testing used the current evaluation formula, thus, which related to character education and emotional intelligence with learning outcomes of civic education fourth grade SD Negeri 10 Tegineneng. The result showed that there related the Character Education and Emotional Inteligence (EQ) with PKn Learning Outcomes.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara pendidikan karakter dan kecerdasan emosional dengan hasil belajar PKn peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 10 Tegineneng. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional.  Populasi dalam  penelitian  ini  berjumlah  54 peserta didik dan jumlah  sampel  diambil  berdasarkan teknik  proporsional stratified random sampling yaitu  diperoleh 35 peserta didik.  Teknik  pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner (angket) dan instrumen pengumpul data berupa angket dengan skala Likert. Teknik analisis data dalam pengujian hipotesis menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment demikian. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan antara pendidikan karakter dan kecerdasan emosional dengan hasil belajar PKn kelas IV SD Negeri 10 Tigeneneng. Kata kunci: Hasil, Kecerdasan Emosional,Pendidikan Karakte


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    This study aims to find out about the influence of the Think Pair Share model on subjects of a linear variable system of variables in class VII of SMPN 2 Balocci. This type of research is a quasi experiment with factorial design and treatment design by 2x2 level. The population in this study were all students of class VII at SMPN 2 Balocci, totaling 120 people. The sample in this study was class VII1 as an experimental class and class VII2 as a control class. The research instrument used in this study was a test of concept comprehension ability and a mathematical representation ability test. Based on the results of research conducted on the experimental class and the control class, it was found that (1) Learning using the TPS model for the experimental class the post test value was far better than the pre test value ie the maximum post test value was 88 while in the control class the maximum post test value 85; (2) mathematical communication skills in the experimental class post test results the category is better than the control class, (3) learning activity in the experimental class the category is better than the control class. The conclusion of the results of the study is that there is a significant difference between TPS and conventional methods on the mathematical communication skills of Grade VII students of SMPN 2 Balocci, that learning with the TPS model is more effective in increasing students' mathematical communication abilities than conventional methods. There is also an influence of interaction between learning models in terms of learning activeness towards mathematical communication skills of Grade VII students of SMPN 2 Balocci. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh model Think Pair Share pada mata pelajaran sistem persamaan liniear satu variabel pada kelas VII SMPN 2 Balocci. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan desain factorial desain dan rancangan penelitian treatment by level 2x2. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 2 Balocci yang berjumlah 120 orang. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah kelas VII1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep dan tes kemampuan representasi matematis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  yang dilakukan terhadap kelas eksprimen dan kelas kontrol, diperoleh bahwa (1) Pembelajaran menggunakan model TPS untuk kelas eksperimen nilai post test jauh lebih baik dari pada nilai pre test yaitu nilai maksimum post test adalah 88 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol nilai maksimum post test 85;(2) kemampuan komunikasi matematis pada hasil post test kelas eksperimen kategorinya lebih baik dibanding kelas kontrol;(3) keaktifan belajar pada kelas eksperimen kategorinya lebih baik dari pada kelas kontrol, Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara TPS dan metode konvensional terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Balocci, yaitu pembelajaran dengan model TPS lebih efektif meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa daripada metode konvensional dan juga terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara model pembelajaran ditinjau dari keaktifan belajar terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Balocci


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    Pemetaan risiko tsunami dapat diimplementasikan dengan berbagai cara. Integrasi analisis spasial melalui pendekatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengembangkan pemetaan genangan dan penilaian risiko tsunami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan wilayah risiko akibat skenario bencana tsunami di wilayah Kecamatan Weda Tengah, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengan, Maluku Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis dari data sekunder yang meliputi analisis, peta topografi, citra satelit, kemiringan lereng dan peta kawasan rawan bencana tsunami. Dalam peta risiko tsunami, zona bahaya tsunami diklasifikasikan sebagai kategori tinggi, sedang dan rendah berdasarkan tingkat penggenangan dalam meter (kontur). Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan terlihat bahwa beberapa desa wilayah studi sangat memiliki tingakat kerentanan yang tinggi dan tingkat kerentanan yang sedang, namun semua desa memiliki tingkat risiko yang tinggi. Hasil studi ini menyediakan peta interaktif untuk mengidentifikasi daerah yang terkena dampak tsunami setelah bencana dan menginformasikan desa yang rentan tsunami sebelum merencanakan perencanaan bencana di masa depan.Kata kunci: Risiko tsunami, GIS, Halmahera Tenga

    Identifying motivation factors of the participation of local community in tourism industry in National Park, Pahang, Malaysia

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    This study attempt to identify and elaborate a motivation factors influence participation of local community in tourism industry in Kuala Tahan National Park, Pahang, Malaysia. Using random stratified sampling techniques, a total of 400 respondents were selected from seven villages in Kuala Tahan National Park. A theory of push and pull factor were applied in this study. Results showed that most of the local communities were more motivated by pull factors. The motivation by pull factor is due to reasons this tourism industries offers jobs to local peoples. They realize the tourism activities are one of fastest growing economy in their area and provide an employement in order to augment their socioeconomic

    Menstruation as a Weapon of War – The Politics of the Bleeding Body for Women on Political Protest at Armagh Prison Northern Ireland.

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    This article draws on the voices of women political prisoners who were detained at Armagh Prison during the period of the Troubles or the Conflict in Northern Ireland. It focuses on women who undertook an extraordinary form of protest against the prison authorities during the 1980s, known as the No Wash Protest. As the prisoners were prevented from leaving their cells by prison officer either to wash or to use the toilet, the women, living in the midst of their own dirt and body waste, added menstrual blood as a form of protest