407 research outputs found

    The ecology of benthic macro-invertebrates in earthen trout ponds at Howietoun, central Scotland

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    An Investigation Into the ecology of benthic macro-invertebrates in earthen ponds subjected to intensive trout (Salmo trutta L.) culture practices at Howletoun, Central Scotland, was conducted between May 1984 and January 1986. Soil and water quality, seasonal changes in benthos, its role in the trout diet and the Interaction between fish and benthos were studied. Pond benthos mainly comprised 6 major groups including Oligochaeta. (10 species), Chironomldae (18 species), Molluscs and Hirudinea (2 species each) and an asellid and a sialid species. Oligochaeta formed 78 to 90% of benthic fauna, dominated by Tubifex tubifex. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. udekemianus and Psammoryctides barbatus, with an average population density of 68,400 - 191,200 worms mˉ², and exhibited peaks in summer and late autumn corresponding to two major breeding periods. The principal species of Chironomidae were Chironomus spp., Procladius spp. and Prodiamesa olivacea, with a population density of 5,400 to 14,900 ind. mˉ² and forming 7 to 13% of the total benthos with peaks in spring and autumn. Dry biomass of total benthos varied from 24-59 g mˉ² in the cultured ponds with oligochaetes accounting for 14-49 g mˉ² and chironomids 4-7 g mˉ². The mean annual dry weight production of total benthos varied from 130-215 g mˉ² in the cultured ponds, with oligochaete production of 94-160 g mˉ² and chironomid production of 20.6-33.5 g mˉ². An investigation into the ecology of benthic macro-invertebrates in earthen ponds subjected to intensive trout (Salmo trutta L.) culture practices at Howietoun, Central Scotland, was conducted between May 1984 and January 1986. Soil and water quality, seasonal changes in benthos, its role in the trout diet and the interaction between fish and benthos were studied. Pond benthos mainly comprised 6 major groups including Oligochaeta (10 species), Chironomidae (I8 species), Mollusca and Hirudinea (2 species each) and an asellid and a sialid species. Oligochaeta formed 78 to 90% of benthic fauna, dominated by Tubifex tubifex. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. udekemianus and Psammoryctides barbatus, with an average population density of 68,400 – 191,200 worms mˉ², and exhibited peaks in summer and late autumn corresponding to two major breeding periods. The principal species of Chironomidae were Chironomus spp., Procladius spp. and Prodiamesa olivacea, with a population density of 5,400 to 14,900 ind. mˉ² and forming 7 to 13% of the total benthos with peaks in spring and autumn. Dry biomass of total benthos varied from 24-59 g mˉ² in the cultured ponds with oligochaetes accounting for 14-49 g mˉ² and chironomids 4-7 g mˉ². The mean annual dry weight production of total benthos varied from 130-215 g mˉ² in the cultured ponds, with oligochaete production of 94-160 g mˉ² and chironomid production of 20.6-33.5 g mˉ². In an unstocked control pond the total production was 55 g mˉ², 35 g mˉ² of which was accounted for by oligochaetes and 8.06 g mˉ² by chironomids. Analyses of gut contents of the farmed trout showed that 12% of the diet by volume consisted of natural food, mainly benthos. Fish selectively fed on chironomid larvae, Mollusca, Asellus aquaticus and Sialis lutaria. Fish took maximum natural food in the morning and evening. Experimental enclosures to exclude fish from selected areas of the ponds demonstrated that number of species increased outside the enclosures but, except for chironomids, population density, biomass and production generally increased inside the enclosure. The possibility of explaining this result in terms of differential predation is discussed

    Analisis terhadap tahap-tahap ketagihan menurut teori al-‘Ishq Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah

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    Ketagihan merupakan satu penyakit minda yang mempunyai tahap-tahap ketegarannya yang tersendiri. Ini merujuk kepada realiti kerinduan seseorang terhadap sesuatu itu berbeza-beza dan mempunyai simptom yang berlainan. Para sarjana Islam turut membuat penelitian terhadap aspek kerinduan kepada sesuatu dalam karya-karya mereka. Antaranya tokoh ilmuan Islam yang terkenal, Ibnu Qayyim al-Jawziyyah yang memperincikan hal ini dalam konsep atau teori al-‘Ishq di dalam beberapa kitabnya. Kajian ini akan menganalisis tahap-tahap ketagihan berdasarkan teori al-‘Ishq oleh Ibnu Qayyim. Kajian ini menggunakan metod induktif, deduktif, serta komparatif. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat hubungan yang sangat rapat di antara teori al-‘Ishq dan ketagihan dari sudut definisi dan peringkat-peringkatnya. Justeru, pendekatan terapi al-‘Ishq yang dicadangkan oleh Ibn Qayyim berdasarkan tahap-tahap keasyikan boleh diterokai sebagai suatu input dalam mengemukakan langkah-langkah pemulihan terhadap sebarang isu yang melibatkan ketagihan

    Simulation and experimental study of double holes film cooling

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    In the modern gas turbine, film cooling has been widely used to provide thermal protection for the external surface of the gas turbine blades. Numerous number of geometrical arrangement film cooling have been presented for the past 50 years. The main inspiration of the presented geometrical arrangements film cooling are to minimize the effect of lift off phenomena caused by the formation of the Counter Rotating Vortex Pair (CRVP) which commonly discovered in the Single Cylindrical Hole (SCH) arrangement. In order to reduce the CRVP effects, tremendous efforts from the past researchers have been made including the introduction of the Double Cylindrical Hole (DCH). The present study has made use this DCH along with the employment of several geometrical arrangements including pitch distance (POD), length between holes in streamwise direction (LoD), compound angle and upstream ramp. The evaluation of these parameters involved three different blowing ratios, M and two value of the turbulence intensities, Tu. The diameter of the cooling holes in the present study is 4.75mm which taken based on the previous study. The present study has been divided into two major studies namely experimental study and simulation study. The purpose of the experimental study is to validate the present simulation study which making use of an open end wind tunnel. As the validation process shows a good agreement results, 14 more models have been built and tested using simulation study which the total cases considered are 105. As for the result, all the considered cases of DCH shows improvement in comparison with SCH. Each of the considered geometries and flow parameters have their own effects on the film cooling effectiveness which will be elaborate in details in the further chapter. As conclusion, the simulation is having good agreement with the present experimental study and the previous study which is essential to confirm the reliability of the study. Meanwhile, all DCH shows improvement in term of film cooling effectiveness on each of blowing ratio value

    Bullying in School: Evaluation using CPTED at potential bullying area

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    Bullying in schools is a worrying phenomenon and has an impact on the safety of school children.  This paper aims to identify potential spaces of bullying behaviour in the school area. The questionnaire and observation checklist is an instrument to determine the frequency of student bullying in specific spaces of a school. Students from Form One until Form Three are the respondents in this research. Three areas with high rates of Bullying which are toilet, class and canteen. The maintenance element is the most crucial factor that space is not visited by students and potential area of Bullying. Keywords: Bullying, school, physical environment, CPTED eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v5iSI2.2520

    Mapping Isolated Places in School in Concurrence with Bullying Possibility Elements

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    This study aims to indicate isolated places in school in concurrence with bullying specific environments and elements. Observation student's density was conducted in the school and analysed using the Geographic Information System (GIS). A thorough observation conducted at the isolated areas using CPTED element checklist. The results of the study reveal that the CPTED element which triggers the isolated places mostly cause by maintenance condition on window and wall. Rather than that, shrubs and decorative sculpture could block the sight in isolated areas. These results may help the school's authorities to optimise existing features to decrease the possibility of bullying.Keywords: CPTED; physical environment, bullyingeISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i12.1913

    An Overview of Environmental Design Relationship with School Bullying and Future Crime

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    This article presents an overview of how environmental design is related with school bullying and future crime. Through a discussion of findings from previous studies, gaps in criminology knowledge on the bully-design link and future crime will be highlighted. Bullying is a serious social problem that can affect and impact a student’s future. The previous studies had indicated the link between bullying behaviour and future crime for the bully and the victim. In conclusion, this article will emphasise the need for future research in environmental design and bullying behaviour.Keywords: Environmental design; School bullying; Criminality; CrimeeISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i10.163

    Mould prevention strategies for library buildings in tropical climate / Suriani Ngah Abdul Wahab and Md Yusof Hamid

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    This paper presents mould prevention strategies that should be applied in the library buildings. Library constructed in tropical climatic conditions must be moisture controlled from fungi or mould growth on any potential material. In order to identify the magnitude and the causes for mould growth, comprehensive research was carried out within three libraries in Malaysia universities. Aspergillus, Penicillium, Stachybotrys's and fungal had been identified as a common mould growth found. Thus, the growth of mould on the building elements such as walls and floors carpets, books, air conditioning parts of the surrounding library areas will be inevitable unless prevention strategies applied. Four strategies have been identified as possible mould prevention strategies in the library buildin

    Interpretasi guru Bahasa Melayu terhadap penyerapan elemen falsafah bahasa untuk penyatupaduan nasional: satu kajian analisis keperluan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau keperluan pembangunan model falsafah bahasa untuk penyatupaduan nasional berdasarkan pandangan guru Bahasa Melayu di sekolah kebangsaan dan sekolah jenis kebangsaan. Tatacara penyelidikan ini menggunakan kaedah kajian reka bentuk dan untuk tujuan pembangunan model. Berpandukan kaedah ini fasa analisis keperluan merupakan fasa pertama daripada tiga fasa yang dijalankan bagi memastikan model yang dibangunkan boleh menepati kehendak pengguna. Dalam fasa analisis keperluan ini, pengumpulan data dijalankan melalui kaedah tinjauan menggunakan soal selidik ke atas 200 orang peserta kajian yang meliputi guru Bahasa Melayu yang mengajar di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK), Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) di negeri Kelantan, Pulau Pinang, Negeri Sembilan dan Perak. Analisis data dibahagikan kepada empat tema utama, iaitu: (1) Persepsi guru tentang konsep Falsafah Bahasa dalam pendidikan Bahasa Melayu, (2) Persepsi guru terhadap konsep penyatupaduan Nasional dalam hubungannya dengan pendidikan Bahasa Melayu, (3) Tahap kemahiran guru berkaitan elemen-elemen falsafah bahasa untuk dilaksanakan dalam proses pengajaran bahasa Melayu, (4) Tahap penerimaan guru terhadap penyerapan elemen falsafah bahasa dalam pengajaran Bahasa Melayu sebagai strategi penyatupaduan nasional. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa model falsafah bahasa untuk penyatupaduan nasional berpotensi untuk dibangunkan. Hasil dapatan juga akan digunakan dalam fasa pembinaan model prototaip di fasa berikutnya. Penemuan ini dijangka dapat memberikan gambaran bahawa pembangunan model falsafah bahasa untuk penyatupaduan nasional ini diperlukan untuk memupuk penyatupaduan dalam kalangan murid pelbagai etnik berdasarkan pandangan guru Bahasa Melayu yang mengajar di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar

    A critical review of MANET testbed using mobile robot technology

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    This paper is a continuation of our previous paper under the same topic, MANET testbed using mobile robot technology. In our previous paper, we studied the topic by scrutinizing all the technical aspects and presented it as a technical review. However in this paper, we study the topic and presents it as a critical review that dwells into four aspect, namely (i) purpose, a ccessibility and s cope of testbed facilities, (ii) usability and c ontrollability of robot mobility in t estbed facilities, (iii) repeatability and r e producibility of real m obility in t estbeds, and (iv) tools for MANET implementation, deployment and d ebugging for experiments. With the wealth of information on the topic provided in this paper, the content of this paper is expected to be a source of reference for MANET researchers who are at a crossroad when selecting the preferred mobi le robot technology and approach to sui t thei r own speci f ic needs
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