3,117 research outputs found

    Going Viral with IL: Integrating Information Literacy into Your Library’s Social Media

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    Social media outlets dominate the way many library users consume information and communicate with others. In an effort to promote information literacy instruction beyond the classroom and to spread awareness about the library, this session examines the integration of information literacy concepts into an academic library’s social media platforms. Looking to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for inspiration, the presenters discuss how they developed and implemented a content strategy for the library and government document social media pages which included monthly themes, promotion of services, and more interactive content. The presenters consider what types of content worked well, what did not, and steps for assessing and improving content to reach more users. This presentation aims to inspire new ideas about ways to discuss information literacy and to encourage others to explore what social media platforms would work best for their libraries, design content to engage users, and develop strategies for navigating social media in today’s partisan environment

    2008 Statistics

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    2008 Men\u27s Track and Field Statistics, George Fox College

    Fluoroquinolone versus nonfluoroquinolone treatment of bloodstream infections caused by chromosomally mediated ampc‐producing enterobacteriaceae

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    Objectives: Chromosomally mediated AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CAE) display high susceptibility to fluoroquinolones; minimal clinical data exist supporting comparative clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to compare treatment outcomes between fluoroquinolone and nonfluoroquinolone definitive therapy of bloodstream infections caused by CAE. Methods: This retrospective cohort assessed adult patients with positive blood cultures for CAE that received inpatient treatment for 48 hours. The primary outcome was difference in clinical failure between patients who received fluoroquinolone (FQ) versus non‐FQ treatment. Secondary endpoints included microbiological cure, infection‐related length of stay, 90‐day readmission, and all‐cause inpatient mortality. Results: 56 patients were included in the study (31 (55%) received a FQ as definitive therapy; 25 (45%) received non‐FQ). All non‐FQ patients received a beta‐lactam (BL). Clinical failure occurred in 10 (18%) patients, with 4 (13%) in the FQ group and 6 (24%) in the BL group (p = 0.315). Microbiological cure occurred in 55 (98%) patients. Median infection‐related length of stay was 10 (6–20) days, with a significantly longer stay occurring in the BL group (p = 0.002). There was no statistical difference in 90‐day readmissions between groups (7% FQ vs. 17% BL; p = 0.387); one patient expired. Conclusion: These results suggest that fluoroquinolones do not adversely impact clinical outcomes in patients with CAE. When alternatives to beta‐lactam therapy are needed, fluoroquinolones may provide an effective option

    Validation of a Salivary RNA Test for Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Background: The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) relies on behavioral assessment. Efforts to define biomarkers of ASD have not resulted in an objective, reliable test. Studies of RNA levels in ASD have demonstrated potential utility, but have been limited by a focus on single RNA types, small sample sizes, and lack of developmental delay controls. We hypothesized that a saliva-based poly-“omic” RNA panel could objectively distinguish children with ASD from their neurotypical peers and children with non-ASD developmental delay.Methods: This multi-center cross-sectional study included 456 children, ages 19–83 months. Children were either neurotypical (n = 134) or had a diagnosis of ASD (n = 238), or non-ASD developmental delay (n = 84). Comprehensive human and microbial RNA abundance was measured in the saliva of all participants using unbiased next generation sequencing. Prior to analysis, the sample was randomly divided into a training set (82% of subjects) and an independent validation test set (18% of subjects). The training set was used to develop an RNA-based algorithm that distinguished ASD and non-ASD children. The validation set was not used in model development (feature selection or training) but served only to validate empirical accuracy.Results: In the training set (n = 372; mean age 51 months; 75% male; 51% ASD), a set of 32 RNA features (controlled for demographic and medical characteristics), identified ASD status with a cross-validated area under the curve (AUC) of 0.87 (95% CI: 0.86–0.88). In the completely separate validation test set (n = 84; mean age 50 months; 85% male; 60% ASD), the algorithm maintained an AUC of 0.88 (82% sensitivity and 88% specificity). Notably, the RNA features were implicated in physiologic processes related to ASD (axon guidance, neurotrophic signaling).Conclusion: Salivary poly-omic RNA measurement represents a novel, non-invasive approach that can accurately identify children with ASD. This technology could improve the specificity of referrals for ASD evaluation or provide objective support for ASD diagnoses

    Sleep Insufficiency, Sleep Health Problems and Performance in High School Students

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    A survey on sleep schedule, sleep health, school performance and school start times was conducted in 1,941 adolescents. A high level of early and circadian-disadvantaged sleep/wake schedules during weekdays was observed. Shorter sleep duration on weekdays was reported, especially in upper classmen. Complaints of inadequate sleep and sleepiness during weekdays, alarm clock use, and napping were prevalent. Night awakening and prolonged sleep onset were common and associated with poor school performance. Students with a sleep length of less than 7 hours on both weekdays and weekends exhibited poorer performance, while those who made up this sleep loss on weekends did not. The total number of poor sleep factors in an individual also correlated with poor school performance. Earlier school start times were associated with a perception of poor sleep quality, shorter sleep duration and more sleep health problems. We conclude that sleep inadequacies and sleep health problems were prevalent in this population, especially in those who started school earlier in the morning, and that these poor sleep factors were associated with school performance

    Towards an organisation-wide process-oriented organisation of care: A literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many hospitals have taken actions to make care delivery for specific patient groups more process-oriented, but struggle with the question how to deal with process orientation at hospital level. The aim of this study is to report and discuss the experiences of hospitals with implementing process-oriented organisation designs in order to derive lessons for future transitions and research.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A literature review of English language articles on organisation-wide process-oriented redesigns, published between January 1998 and May 2009, was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 329 abstracts identified, 10 articles were included in the study. These articles described process-oriented redesigns of five hospitals. Four hospitals tried to become process-oriented by the implementation of coordination measures, and one by organisational restructuring. The adoption of the coordination mechanism approach was particularly constrained by the functional structure of hospitals. Other factors that hampered the redesigns in general were the limited applicability of and unfamiliarity with process improvement techniques.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Due to the limitations of the evidence, it is not known which approach, implementation of coordination measures or organisational restructuring (with additional coordination measures), produces the best results in which situation. Therefore, more research is needed. For this research, the use of qualitative methods in addition to quantitative measures is recommended to contribute to a better understanding of preconditions and contingencies for an effective application of approaches to become process-oriented. Hospitals are advised to take the factors for failure described into account and to take suitable actions to counteract these obstacles on their way to become process-oriented organisations.</p

    Health Links: Who Acts as a Source of Health Information in a Social Network?

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    Background: Members of a social network can influence the preventive health choices and cancer screening behaviors of other network members. Study Design: We conducted in-person interviews with 438 insured adults ages 40-70 in Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Georgia. We gathered information on social network communication regarding routine health topics and cancer screening. Participants reported whether family members and friends ask them for information or advice on health topics. Characteristics of each respondent’s social network were explored, including number of people with whom the participant has discussed colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Participants were asked whether communication with social network members had ever led them to seek cancer screening. Principal Findings:80% of respondents in our group described themselves as a source of health information or advice for others in their social network (89% of women vs. 68% of men, p Conclusions: People who identified themselves as a source of health information within their social network were more likely to have discussed CRC screening with others and communicated with more people. Further study is necessary to understand the roles played by these individuals. As “health information ambassadors,” they may be effective targets for interventions that promote preventive screening

    Pass This Message Along: Self-edited Email Messages Promoting Colon Cancer Screening among Friends and Family

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    Encouraging communication within a social network may promote uptake of desired medical services or health behaviors. Little is known about the use of this approach to promote colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. We conducted in-person interviews with 438 insured adults ages 42-73 in Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Georgia. Participants were shown a sample message in which the sender shares that he has completed a colonoscopy and urges the recipient to discuss CRC screening with a doctor. We asked participants to edit the message to create one they would be willing to send to friends and family via email or postcard. Changes to the message were recorded. Edited text was analyzed for content and concordance with original message. The majority of participants (61.6%) modified the message; 14.2% added to or reframed the existing personalizing words (e.g. adding ‘because I love you’), 10.3% added urgency to the message (e.g. “please don’t delay”) and 8% added reassurance (e.g. “It’s really not that bad.”) Almost one in five (18.3%) deleted a negatively framed sentence on colon cancer risks. In 5.7% of cases, the meaning of at least one sentence was changed but only 2.7% created messages with factual inaccuracies. Modifiable messages transmitted within a social network offer a way for screened individuals to promote CRC screening. Further study is needed to identify the optimal combination of user-generated content and pre-written text, allowing for creation of messages that are acceptable to senders, persuasive and factually accurate

    Joint inversions of three types of electromagnetic data explicitly constrained by seismic observations: results from the central Okavango Delta, Botswana

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    The Okavango Delta of northern Botswana is one of the world's largest inland deltas or megafans. To obtain information on the character of sediments and basement depths, audiomagnetotelluric (AMT), controlled-source audiomagnetotelluric (CSAMT) and central-loop transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were collected on the largest island within the delta. The data were inverted individually and jointly for 1-D models of electric resistivity. Distortion effects in the AMT and CSAMT data were accounted for by including galvanic distortion tensors as free parameters in the inversions. By employing Marquardt-Levenberg inversion, we found that a 3-layer model comprising a resistive layer overlying sequentially a conductive layer and a deeper resistive layer was sufficient to explain all of the electromagnetic data. However, the top of the basal resistive layer from electromagnetic-only inversions was much shallower than the well-determined basement depth observed in high-quality seismic reflection images and seismic refraction velocity tomograms. To resolve this discrepancy, we jointly inverted the electromagnetic data for 4-layer models by including seismic depths to an interface between sedimentary units and to basement as explicit a priori constraints. We have also estimated the interconnected porosities, clay contents and pore-fluid resistivities of the sedimentary units from their electrical resistivities and seismic P-wave velocities using appropriate petrophysical models. In the interpretation of our preferred model, a shallow∌40 m thick freshwater sandy aquifer with 85-100 Ωm resistivity, 10-32 per cent interconnected porosity and <13 per cent clay content overlies a 105-115m thick conductive sequence of clay and intercalated salt-water-saturated sands with 15-20 Ωm total resistivity, 1−27 per cent interconnected porosity and 15-60 per cent clay content. A third∌60 m thick sandy layer with 40-50 Ωm resistivity, 10-33 per cent interconnected porosity and <15 per cent clay content is underlain by the basement with 3200-4000 Ωm total resistivity. According to an interpretation of helicopter TEM data that cover the entire Okavango Delta and borehole logs, the second and third layers may represent lacustrine sediments from Paleo Lake Makgadikgadi and a moderately resistive freshwater aquifer comprising sediments of the recently proposed Paleo Okavango Megafan, respectivel
