162 research outputs found

    Interkulturelle Kompetenz(en) für ländliche Regionen : Aufgaben für die Soziale Arbeit

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    Ländliche Regionen - insbesondere solche in peripheren Lagen - weisen meist geringe Infrastrukturen in verschiedenen Bereichen auf. Auch bezogen auf Migration bzw. Integrationsangebote ist dies in der Regel ein Kennzeichen peripherer ländlicher Gebiete. Zudem wurde Migration in ländliche Räume lange Zeit nicht als zu bearbeitendes Thema wahrgenommen. Das gilt für Politik, Gesellschaft und Soziale Arbeit sowie Migrationsforschung gleichermaßen. Roland Roth weist auf einen damit einhergehenden „paradoxen Effekt“ hin, „dass dort wo Zuwanderung demographisch am dringendsten nötig wäre, die geringsten institutionellen Vorkehrungen bestehen“. Das hat zur Folge, dass sowohl Kenntnisse über die in den ländlichen Regionen lebenden Migrant_innen nicht oder nur wenig vorhanden sind als auch dass Migration als Gestaltungsaufgabe und -notwendigkeit häufig nicht gesehen wird und entsprechend wenig strukturelle Unterstützungs- bzw. Integrationsangebote vorhanden sind. Darüber hinaus fehlen an vielen Stellen interkulturelle Sensibilität und entsprechende Kompetenzen

    Oral formulations for children : the microstructure of functionalized calcium carbonate as key characteristic to develop age-appropriate and compliance enhanced formulations

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    The development of age-appropriate formulation for children is a challenging task. Children cannot easily swallow a conventional tablet, therefore alternative dosage forms that can be administered orally are required. These are buccal tablets, oral films as well as orally disintegrating tablets or rapid disintegrating tablets. The age-appropriate formulations are contributing enormously to compliance, as such formulations ensure acceptable palatability. Therefore, there is a need of suitable excipients. Functionalized calcium carbonate (FCC) has already been investigated for different applications. It was used to develop orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) because the tablets were characterized by high physical stability at low compressive stress. To ensure acceptable palatability, a taste masked and mouthfeel enhanced formulation based on FCC-granules was developed and tested for its acceptance in 20 healthy volunteers. This formulation was also analyzed with a novel in vitro model to determine rate constants for liquid sorption and disintegration as well as disintegration time. As a further step, the stability of the FCC-based granules combined with two model drugs were investigated in form of tablets for oral suspension (TOS). The influence of stress conditions on content, disintegration time and hardness was assessed. To understand and describe the distribution of drug in different drug loads, moxidectin containing mini-tablets were analyzed with synchrotron X-rays micro tomography. Moreover, a mineral polymer composite material (FCC-PCL) was developed and investigated for the use in geometry constrained sustained release formulation in form of a tablet-in-cup (TIC) device. The results show that the FCC-based ODTs with enhanced mouthfeel and taste-masking show good acceptability in vivo and the analysis with the in vitro model showed, that the ODTs do not need more liquid to completely disintegrate than available in the human mouth. The additional excipient in the formulation did not change the characteristics of the FCC under pressure. TOS were found to be stable in stress conditions and there was no chemical degradation detected. Humidity and temperature affected disintegration time, highlighting the importance of correct storage conditions. It was possible to analyze content distribution based on the data obtained from synchrotron X-ray micro tomography. The composite material was successfully used in the TIC device providing higher drug load than a commercial product by ensuring the same sustained release kinetic. The FCC, with the unique lamellar structure on its surface, is able to provide a novel formulation platform based on a ready-to-use granule that ensures fast disintegration times, whether formulated in ODTs, TOS or mini-tablets. It was also possible to compact mini-tablets with different drug loads. The composite material showed to have plastic flow under pressure which is based on the fact that the FCC particles are embedded in the PCL. Even though they were exposed to shear stress the lamellae stayed intact and resulted in stable compacts, whereas the pure polymer PCL is not compactable. It can therefore be concluded, that the microstructure is the key characteristic to the development of age-appropriate as well as compliance enhanced formulations

    "Mit Geschlecht hat das aber nichts zu tun": Ăśber die Schwierigkeiten von Professorinnen, ĂĽber Geschlecht (nicht) zu sprechen

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    Historisch wie aktuell finden sich in Interviews mit Professorinnen Konstruktionen von Geschlechtsneutralität, mit denen sie versuchen, die Widersprüche zu bearbeiten, die sich aus der Meritokratienorm der Wissenschaft und gleichstellungspolitischen Versprechungen einerseits und alltäglichen Erfahrungen in der Hochschule andererseits ergeben. In einer aktuellen qualitativen Untersuchung an Hochschulen (Universitäten, Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften, Kunst- und Musikhochschulen) wurden erstmals seit den 1980er-Jahren Erzählungen von Professor:innen über alltägliche Erfahrungen bzw. deren Einordnung in eine vergeschlechtlichte Organisationskultur analysiert. Zentraler Befund ist die regelmäßige und proaktive Dethematisierung von Geschlecht als relevanter Faktor für erfahrene Marginalisierungen. Diese Aussagen werden im vorliegenden Beitrag nicht als nahtlose Deskription einer heute erreichten Geschlechtsegalität gedeutet, sondern als Praktiken der Bürgschaft für eine vermeintlich erreichte geschlechterneutrale Hochschule sowie als eigene Statussicherung auf der Position als Professorin und meritokratisch anerkannte Leistungsträgerin.Both historically and currently, interviews with women professors reveal constructions of gender neutrality with which they try to work through the contradictions that arise from the meritocratic norm of science and equality policy promises on the one hand and everyday experiences in higher education on the other. In a recent qualitative study conducted at higher education institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, art and music academies) professors’ narrations about everyday experiences and their placement within a gendered organizational culture were analysed for the first time since the 1980s. The key finding is the regular and proactive de-thematization of gender as a relevant factor in experienced marginalization. In this article, these statements are not interpreted as a seamless description of that gender equality that has been achieved to date, but as practices that vouch for a supposedly achieved gender-neutral university and that serve to protect one’s status as women professors and meritocratically recognized high achievers

    Impact of noise on spinodal dewetting of liquid-liquid films

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    Spinodal dewetting provides fundamental insights into the physics at interfaces, such as van der Waals forces driving dewetting, dissipation processes or thermal fluctuations. The dewetting process of liquid bilayer systems still raises open problems involving two coupled moving interfaces. Comparison of experimental results of spinodally dewetting liquid polystyrene films from liquid polymethylmethacrylate substrates, with predictions from linear stability analysis, we demonstrate that both the spinodal wavelength and the rupture times show significant differences. Key for this discrepancy is the altered mode selection process due to the initial surface roughness of the liquid-air and liquid-liquid interfaces, which is perturbed by partially correlated colored noise in the linearly unstable region. The strong effect of noise on mode selection and rupture time is confirmed by comparing experimental results with numerical solutions of the full dynamic nonlinear model and suggest new strategies to include thermal fluctuations into modeling these processes

    On the spinodal dewetting of thin liquid bilayers

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    We investigate the spinodal dewetting of a thin liquid polystyrene (PS) film on a liquid polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) subtrate. Following the evolution of the corrugations of the PS film via in situ measurements by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and those of the PS-PMMA interface via ex situ imaging, we provide a direct and detailed comparison of the experimentally determined spinodal wavelengths with the predictions from linear stability analysis of a thin-film continuum model for the bilayer system. The impact of rough interfaces and fluctuations is studied theoretically by investigating the impact of different choices of initial data on the unstable wavelength and on the rupture time. The key factor is the mode selection by initial data perturbed with correlated colored noise in the linearly unstable regime, which becomes relevant only for liquid bilayers to such an extent. By numerically solving the mathematical model, we further address the impact of nonlinear effects on rupture times and on the morphological evolution of the interfaces in comparison with experimental results

    Gleiche unter Gleichen? : Zur geschlechtlichen Strukturiertheit von Informalität im Arbeitsalltag von Professor:innen

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    Der Beitrag arbeitet auf Basis einer qualitativen empirischen Studie die geschlechtliche Strukturiertheit informeller Bestandteile des Hochschulalltags auf der Professur heraus. Dabei wird gezeigt, wie eine vergeschlechtlichte Wissenschaftskultur an Hochschulen aufrechterhalten wird, innerhalb derer Professoren und Professorinnen unterschiedliche hierarchische Positionen informell zugewiesen werden. Aus der empirischen Untersuchung lässt sich rekonstruieren, dass hierfür Muster einer persönlichen Förderung ausschlaggebend sind. Darin ist eine kulturelle Tradition der Hochschulen als historische Männerdomäne erkennbar, in der „akademische Lehrer“ ihre „Schüler“ in die spezifischen Regeln der Hochschulpolitik einführen. In der Folge haben Professoren erhöhte Chancen, bereits zu Beginn der Professur auch in informelle Machtbereiche an der Hochschule eingebunden zu werden, während Professorinnen erhöhte Anstrengungen unternehmen müssen, um an der Gestaltung des eigenen Arbeitsumfeldes und der Hochschule zu partizipieren

    Gleiche unter Gleichen?

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    Der Beitrag arbeitet auf Basis einer qualitativen empirischen Studie die geschlechtliche Strukturiertheit informeller Bestandteile des Hochschulalltags auf der Professur heraus. Dabei wird gezeigt, wie eine vergeschlechtlichte Wissenschaftskultur an Hochschulen aufrechterhalten wird, innerhalb derer Professoren und Professorinnen unterschiedliche hierarchische Positionen informell zugewiesen werden. Aus der empirischen Untersuchung lässt sich rekonstruieren, dass hierfür Muster einer persönlichen Förderung ausschlaggebend sind. Darin ist eine kulturelle Tradition der Hochschulen als historische Männerdomäne erkennbar, in der „akademische Lehrer“ ihre „Schüler“ in die spezifischen Regeln der Hochschulpolitik einführen. In der Folge haben Professoren erhöhte Chancen, bereits zu Beginn der Professur auch in informelle Machtbereiche an der Hochschule eingebunden zu werden, während Professorinnen erhöhte Anstrengungen unternehmen müssen, um an der Gestaltung des eigenen Arbeitsumfeldes und der Hochschule zu partizipieren.  

    Hesitation Processing Analysis Using Continuous Mouse-Tracking and Gamification

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    Betz S, Székély E, Zarrieß S, Schröer M, Schade L, Wagner P. Hesitation Processing Analysis Using Continuous Mouse-Tracking and Gamification. In: Wendemuth A, Böck R, Siegert I, eds. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2020. Tagungsband der 31. Konferenz. Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation. Vol 95. Dresden: TUD Press; 2020: 85-92

    Imaging of alert patients after non-self-inflicted strangulation: MRI is superior to CT.

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the accuracy of CT and MRI reports of alert patients presenting after non-self-inflicted strangulation (NSIS) and evaluate the appropriateness of these imaging modalities in NSIS. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study was a retrospective analysis of patient characteristics and strangulation details, with a comparison of original radiology reports (ORR) to expert read-outs (EXR) of CT and MRI studies of all NSIS cases seen from 2008 to 2020 at a single centre. RESULTS The study included 116 patients (71% women, p < .001, χ2), with an average age of 33.8 years, mostly presenting after manual strangulation (97%). Most had experienced intimate partner violence (74% of women, p < .001, χ2) or assault by unknown offender (88% of men, p < 0.002 χ2). Overall, 132 imaging studies (67 CT, 51% and 65 MRI, 49%) were reviewed. Potentially dangerous injuries were present in 7%, minor injuries in 22%, and no injuries in 71% of patients. Sensitivity and specificity of ORR were 78% and 97% for MRI and 30% and 98% for CT. Discrepancies between ORR and EXR occurred in 18% of all patients, or 62% of injured patients, with a substantial number of unreported injuries on CT. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate that MRI is more appropriate than CT for alert patients presenting after non-self-inflicted strangulation and underline the need for radiologists with specialist knowledge to report these cases in order to add value to both patient care and potential future medico-legal investigations. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT MRI should be preferred over CT for the investigation of strangulation related injuries in alert patients because MRI has a higher accuracy than CT and does not expose this usually young patient population to ionizing radiation. KEY POINTS • Patients presenting after strangulation are often young women with a history of intimate partner violence while men typically present after assault by an unknown offender. • Expert read-outs of CT and MRI revealed potentially dangerous injuries in one of 14 patients. • MRI has a significantly higher sensitivity than CT and appears to be more appropriate for the diagnostic workup of alert patients after strangulation
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