244 research outputs found

    Deprived of the Sea: Being a Kenyan Final-year Medical Student During the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Five months after the confirmation of the first case of COVID-19 in Kenya, the cases and fatalities due to the disease is still on the rise. The effects of the disease in the developing country have been far-reaching, and closure of all learning institutions has now shifted attention to online learning. However, challenges such as inconsistent access to the internet and electricity have led to inequality in education access. As final-year medical students, online lectures have been a new exciting experience, but it also came with challenges. The halt in clinical medical education has significantly affected the learning and school calendar. Although we are almost done with our journey through medical school, we cannot proceed any further. However, we remain hopeful that a leeway shall be found, and we shall join other healthcare workers in serving our country

    Cost Analysis of Community Health Strategy Implementation: Case Study of Butere District, Kenya

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    Cost analysis of community health strategy is the Identification of current and anticipated costs in operating a community health unit with an examination of the impact of those costs of setting them up. The purpose of the study was to look at the cost of implementing community health strategy in a rural set up in Kenya. The study was a longitudinal and was carried out in Butere District US2549.9wasusedtosetupcommunityhealthunitandUS2549.9 was used to set up community health unit and US7532 was spent in operation costs. The total cost of implementing and running a functional community health unit in Kenya’s rural set up is equivalent to US$10,081.9

    Management of digital libraries : challenges and opportunities redefining the contemporary information professional’s role

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    This paper examines digital libraries principally from the management perspective. For the purpose of appreciating the intrinsic concepts involved, it starts with a comprehensive discussion of definitions, followed by basic principles pertaining to digital libraries. Next, it gives a glimpse into a wide-ranging spectrum of reasons as to why digital libraries are mushrooming predominantly in the developed world and also in a few developing countries. Reasons for the management of these types of libraries are also brought into view. Core competencies expected of digital librarians are outlined, in the wake of the new and continuously dynamic technological dispensation. The paper stresses the need for a paradigm shift in information management strategies, in as far as digital libraries are concerned. This is considered to be crucial if at all information professionals are to gain maximum mileage, in their noble mission of satisfying evolving user needs. Urgent attention ought to be directed towards managing of digital libraries, as a means of enabling contemporary information professionals to assert their unique role in society, not only as information gatekeepers but as information gateways, as well

    Proximate composition and vitamin a contribution of biofortified orange fleshed sweet potato value added products

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    Orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) is rich in provitamin A carotenoids and can thus be utilized to tackle Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Puree with high amounts of β-carotene processed from OFSP roots is currently being incorporated in baked products such as bread, cakes, biscuits, and buns. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional composition of OFSP puree supplemented food products, that is, bread, buns, flakes, cakes, biscuits, muffins, soft cookies, golden biscuits and whole wheat flour bread. The composite products made from OFSP puree were analyzed for β-carotene content and proximate analysis. The highest concentration of β-carotene (19.86 mg/100g) was obtained in OFSP flakes. The concentration in buns with 20% puree was 0.58 mg/100g, while bread with 35% puree had a concentration of 3.02 mg/100g. Biscuits, cookies and cakes with high puree of 40% had β-carotene concentrations of 2.39, 1.83, and 2.30 mg/100g respectively. These concentrations are lower than in bread with 35% puree, and we see different proportions of ingredients and other factors such as cooking method, duration of cooking also play a major role in the final β-carotene concentration of the products. The total Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) for the OFSP products were significantly different with bread (35% puree) having a higher concentration of 216.67 μg/100g and OFSP buns (20% puree) having a lower concentration of 41.19 μg/100g. Orange fleshed sweet potato flakes had the highest concentration of 1443.2 μg/100g and whole wheat flour bread having the least of 6.9 μg/100g. The moisture content, total ash, crude fiber, crude fat, crude protein, and carbohydrate content of the OFSP products varied between 2.4-29.7%, 0.7-2.4%, 1.0-4.5%, 0.7-18.1%, 5.1-7.9% and 50.7-83.7%, respectively. The findings of this study show that different proportions of OFSP puree: wheat flour is not the only determinant on the final β-carotene concentration of the different OFSP products, the type and quantity of ingredients used, cooking time and method also contribute to the VA content. Diversification of OFSP food products helps increase its consumption and its added value.&nbsp

    About Swarms of Long - Period Earthquakes at Volcano Nyamuragira of the Virunga Region, Western Rift Valley of Africa (D.R. Congo)

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    International audienceSwarms of Long Period earthquakes generated by the Nyamuragira volcano for the period from January 2000 to November 2006 before 21 January 2000, 5 February 2001, 25 July 2002, 8 May 2004 and 27 November 2006 Nyamuragira eruptions have been analyzed. Interest is focused on the frequency distribution of these earthquakes and on the variation of the m-value of observed earthquake swarms. It is found that m-values which generally vary between 0.9 and 1.6, and shifts towards larger values of 1.7 to 3.23 two to four months prior to eruptions of the volcano

    Segurança e reação de hipersensibilidade tardia na pele de macacos vervet imunizados com antígeno sonicado de Leishmania donovani junto com adjuvantes

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    In this study, we report on the safety and skin delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), responses of the Leishmania donovani whole cell sonicate antigen delivered in conjunction with alum-BCG (AlBCG), Montanide ISA 720 (MISA) or Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) in groups of vervet monkeys. Following three intradermal injections of the inoculums on days 0, 28 and 42, safety and DTH responses were assessed. Preliminary tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-&#945;) and interferon gamma (IFN-&#947;) levels were also measured and these were compared with DTH. Only those animals immunized with alum-BCG reacted adversely to the inoculum by producing ulcerative erythematous skin indurations. Non-parametric analysis of variance followed by a post-test showed significantly higher DTH responses in the MISA+Ag group compared with other immunized groups (p < 0.001). The MPLA+Ag group indicated significantly lower DTH responses to the sonicate antigen compared with the AlBCG+Ag group. There was a significant correlation between the DTH and cytokine responses (p < 0.0001). Based on this study we conclude that Leishmania donovani sonicate antigen containing MISA 720 is safe and is associated with a strong DTH reaction following immunization.Neste estudo reportamos segurança e resposta de hipersensibilidade tardia (DTH) do antígeno sonicado de células totais de Leishmania donovani introduzidos juntamente com alume-BCG (AIBCG) Montanide ISA 720 (MISA) ou lípide A monofosforilado (MPLA) em grupos de macacos vervet. Depois de três injeções intradérmicas do inóculo nos dias 0, 28 e 42 segurança e resposta DTH foram avaliados. Preliminarmente níveis de fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-&#945;) e interferon gama (IFN-&#947;) foram também medidos e comparados com o DTH. Somente os animais imunizados com alume-BCG reagiram de maneira diversa ao inóculo produzindo indurações ulceradas e eritematosas na pele. Análise não paramétrica de variação seguida por um teste posterior mostraram resposta significantemente mais alta do DTH no grupo MISA + Ag quando comparado com outros grupos imunizados (p < 0.001). O grupo MPLA + Ag demonstrou resposta DTH significantemente menor do antígeno sonicado comparado com o grupo AIBCG + Ag. Houve correlação significante entre o DTH e a resposta às citocinas (p < 0.0001). Baseados neste estudo concluímos que o antígeno sonicado de Leishmania donovani contendo MISA 720 é seguro e está associado com forte reação DTH após imunização


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    This paper examined the influence of coffee marketing agency services provided to members of Co-operatives in Nandi County Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the influence of timely coffee payments on members satisfaction, to investigate the influence of coffee prices on members satisfaction, to investigate the influence of commission charged on members satisfaction and to investigate the influence of advance payments on members satisfaction. The study focused on Songhor Division which is one of the divisions with highest concentration of coffee farmers in Nandi County, Kenya. The target population of the study was 1122 members with a sample size of 285 chosen . Results of the study showed that there was no significant influence on timely coffee payments and coffee prices on member satisfaction but the study established that there exist significant influence on commissions charged on coffee and advance coffee payments on member satisfaction. The study recommended that coffee cooperative societies in the area need to look for better markets for their coffee, members should also improve their coffee quality and coffee payments need to be made within a short period of time


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    Chickpea is a major source of proteins especially in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. However, its average yield per hectare is low when compared to neighbouring countries. This research was carried out to determine the levels of hybrid vigour on yield in the F1 generation. To obtain the F1s, reciprocal crossing between Mwanza 2 and Chaina I was carried out with controls being the parental lines. The experimental layout was a randomized block design replicated thrice for three seasons. A spacing of 50x20cm was used in plants, while all other agronomic practices were maintained constant. Data on grain yield and biomass per plant was obtained by measuring the weight, then subjecting it to a one-way ANOVA in SAS 9.4 software. Mwanza 2 expressed the highest biomass (2.56g), while both parents attained a maximum grain yield of 1.69g per plant. Chaina I x Mwanza 2 hybrid expressed maximum means of F1s for biomass (2.31g) and grain yield (1.4g) per plant. Chaina I x Mwanza 2 hybrid recorded the highest biomass and grain yield in better parent heterosis with 14.36% and 330% respectively. Mid-parent heterosis means were also highest at 24.53% and 405.88% for biomass and grain yield respectively. Further, the heritability was maximum for biomass under Mwanza 2 x Chaina I, varying from 93.1% to 100%, while Chaina I x Mwanza 2, expressed maximum grain yield and harvest index. Better parent heterosis and mid-parent heterosis was highest in Chaina I x Mwanza 2 than its reciprocal, Mwanza 2 x Chaina I

    Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) Fodder Yield Potential and Nutritive Value under Different Levels of Phosphorus in Rainfed Conditions

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    Scarcity of fodder is the major limiting factor for increasing livestock production in Kenya. With rising energy costs and declining water levels in the semi-arid tropics and sub-tropics, crops that use less water like finger millet could become an alternate fodder crop. The fodder potential of three finger millet varieties (U-15, P-224 and a local check) were evaluated under four P fertilizer levels (0, 12.5, 25 and 37.5 kg ha-1 P2O5) at three sites in Kenya for two cropping seasons. The trials were laid in randomized complete block design in factorial arrangement and replicated three times. A maximum of 28,189 kg ha-1 fresh stover yield was realized in the 25 kg ha-1 P2O5 treatment and consequently 11,616 kg ha-1 dry stover yield. The 25 kg ha-1 rate elicited the highest fresh stover yield at Kakamega and Alupe for both seasons while at Kiboko a linear increase was observed on the stover yield with increasing rates where the highest rate had more than 15% yield compared to the control. The varieties also showed significant differences in all the sites with the local variety, Ikhulule, showing the highest fresh and dry stover yield at Kakamega and Alupe peaking at 28,852 and 12,826 kg ha-1 fresh and dry stover yields respectively. Interactions between variety and phosphorus rates were revealed on the crude protein content of the finger millet stover. At Kiboko, the highest crude protein (11.0%) on varieties P-224 and U-15 was exhibited at the highest rate while on the local variety, Ekalakala, the highest protein (10.9%) was realized at the 25 kg ha-1 P2O5. At Kakamega and Alupe, the highest protein was observed on the local variety, Ikhulule at 12.5 kg ha-1 P2O5 rate with variety P-224 and U-15 showing the highest at the 25 and 37.5 kg ha-1 P2O5 respectively. Therefore, finger millet can provide a unique opportunity to improve the availability of fodder to smallholder livestock farmers
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