206 research outputs found

    Fabricating a hybrid imaging device

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    A hybrid detector or imager includes two substrates fabricated under incompatible processes. An array of detectors, such as charged-coupled devices, are formed on the first substrate using a CCD fabrication process, such as a buried channel or peristaltic process. One or more charge-converting amplifiers are formed on a second substrate using a CMOS fabrication process. The two substrates are then bonded together to form a hybrid detector

    Fabricating a hybrid imaging device having non-destructive sense nodes

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    A hybrid detector or imager includes two substrates fabricated under incompatible processes. An array of detectors, such as charged-coupled devices, are formed on the first substrate using a CCD fabrication process, such as a buried channel or peristaltic process. One or more charge-converting amplifiers are formed on a second substrate using a CMOS fabrication process. The two substrates are then bonded together to form a hybrid detector

    MOS Circuitry Would Detect Low-Energy Charged Particles

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    Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) circuits for measuring spatially varying intensities of beams of low-energy charged particles have been developed. These circuits are intended especially for use in measuring fluxes of ions with spatial resolution along the focal planes of mass spectrometers. Unlike prior mass spectrometer focal-plane detectors, these MOS circuits would not be based on ion-induced generation of electrons, and photons; instead, they would be based on direct detection of the electric charges of the ions. Hence, there would be no need for microchannel plates (for ion-to-electron conversion), phosphors (for electron-to-photon conversion), and photodetectors (for final detection) -- components that degrade spatial resolution and contribute to complexity and size. The developmental circuits are based on linear arrays of charge-coupled devices (CCDs) with associated readout circuitry (see figure). They resemble linear CCD photodetector arrays, except that instead of a photodetector, each pixel contains a capacitive charge sensor. The capacitor in each sensor comprises two electrodes (typically made of aluminum) separated by a layer of insulating material. The exposed electrode captures ions and accumulates their electric charges during signal-integration periods

    Modelling across extremal dependence classes

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    Different dependence scenarios can arise in multivariate extremes, entailing careful selection of an appropriate class of models. In bivariate extremes, the variables are either asymptotically dependent or are asymptotically independent. Most available statistical models suit one or other of these cases, but not both, resulting in a stage in the inference that is unaccounted for, but can substantially impact subsequent extrapolation. Existing modelling solutions to this problem are either applicable only on sub-domains, or appeal to multiple limit theories. We introduce a unified representation for bivariate extremes that encompasses a wide variety of dependence scenarios, and applies when at least one variable is large. Our representation motivates a parametric model that encompasses both dependence classes. We implement a simple version of this model, and show that it performs well in a range of settings

    Improving arteriovenous fistula patency : transdermal delivery of diclofenac reduces cannulation-dependent neointimal hyperplasia via AMPK activation

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    Creation of an autologous arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for vascular access in haemodialysis is the modality of choice. However neointimal hyperplasia and loss of the luminal compartment result in AVF patency rates of ~60% at 12months. The exact cause of neointimal hyperplasia in the AVF is poorly understood. Vascular trauma has long been associated with hyperplasia. With this in mind in our rabbit model of AVF we simulated cannulation autologous to that undertaken in vascular access procedures and observed significant neointimal hyperplasia as a direct consequence of cannulation. The neointimal hyperplasia was completely inhibited by topical transdermal delivery of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) diclofenac. In addition to the well documented anti-inflammatory properties we have identified novel anti-proliferative mechanisms demonstrating diclofenac increases AMPK-dependent signalling and reduced expression of the cell cycle protein cyclin D1. In summary prophylactic transdermal delivery of diclofenac to the sight of AVF cannulation prevents adverse neointimal hyperplasic remodelling and potentially offers a novel treatment option that may help prolong AVF patency and flow rates

    Predicting Hemiwicking Dynamics on Textured Substrates

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    The ability to predict liquid transport rates on textured surfaces is key to the design and optimization of devices and processes such as oil recovery, coatings, reaction-separation, high-throughput screening, and thermal management. In this work we develop a fully analytical model to predict the propagation coefficients for liquids hemiwicking through micropillar arrays. This is carried out by balancing the capillary driving force and a viscous resistive force and solving the Navier–Stokes equation for representative channels. The model is validated against a large data set of experimental hemiwicking coefficients harvested from the literature and measured in-house using high-speed imaging. The theoretical predictions show excellent agreement with the measured values and improved accuracy compared to previously proposed models. Furthermore, using lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulations, we demonstrate that the present model is applicable over a broad range of geometries. The scaling of velocity with texture geometry, implicit in our model, is compared against experimental data, where good agreement is observed for most practical systems. The analytical expression presented here offers a tool for developing design guidelines for surface chemistry and microstructure selection for liquid propagation on textured surfaces

    Improving arteriovenous fistula patency : transdermal delivery of diclofenac reduces cannulation-dependent neointimal hyperplasia via AMPK activation

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    Creation of an autologous arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for vascular access in haemodialysis is the modality of choice. However neointimal hyperplasia and loss of the luminal compartment result in AVF patency rates of ~60% at 12months. The exact cause of neointimal hyperplasia in the AVF is poorly understood. Vascular trauma has long been associated with hyperplasia. With this in mind in our rabbit model of AVF we simulated cannulation autologous to that undertaken in vascular access procedures and observed significant neointimal hyperplasia as a direct consequence of cannulation. The neointimal hyperplasia was completely inhibited by topical transdermal delivery of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) diclofenac. In addition to the well documented anti-inflammatory properties we have identified novel anti-proliferative mechanisms demonstrating diclofenac increases AMPK-dependent signalling and reduced expression of the cell cycle protein cyclin D1. In summary prophylactic transdermal delivery of diclofenac to the sight of AVF cannulation prevents adverse neointimal hyperplasic remodelling and potentially offers a novel treatment option that may help prolong AVF patency and flow rates

    Assembly of 809 whole mitochondrial genomes with clinical, imaging, and fluid biomarker phenotyping

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    INTRODUCTION: Mitochondrial genetics are an important but largely neglected area of research in Alzheimer's disease. A major impediment is the lack of data sets. METHODS: We used an innovative, rigorous approach, combining several existing tools with our own, to accurately assemble and call variants in 809 whole mitochondrial genomes. RESULTS: To help address this impediment, we prepared a data set that consists of 809 complete and annotated mitochondrial genomes with samples from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. These whole mitochondrial genomes include rich phenotyping, such as clinical, fluid biomarker, and imaging data, all of which is available through the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative website. Genomes are cleaned, annotated, and prepared for analysis. DISCUSSION: These data provide an important resource for investigating the impact of mitochondrial genetic variation on risk for Alzheimer's disease and other phenotypes that have been measured in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative samples
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