8 research outputs found

    Dari Desentralisasi Jaringan ke [De]sentralisasi Kuasa: Dinamika, Kekuatan dan Pukulan Balik

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    Power works in a network where each actor in it is always in a position of power to run and run. Power can not be owned, but circulated, disseminated each other, and exchanged in a wide distribution network. Each of these actors want to remain in the circulation of inter-and intra network so as to follow the current is to survive. Decentralization efforts the network has changed the balance of political power. However, forms of social network communication technology today, although it has tremendous value to be used as power and political consolidation, also risk a backlash. Decentralized system that exists today, in some ways has a crack and centralized, in some aspects still looks centralized: they are too vulnerable to state retaliation and control

    Dari Desentralisasi Jaringan ke [De]sentralisasi Kuasa: Dinamika, Kekuatan dan Pukulan Balik

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    Power works in a network where each actor in it is always in a position of power to run and run. Power can not be owned, but circulated, disseminated each other, and exchanged in a wide distribution network. Each of these actors want to remain in the circulation of inter-and intra network so as to follow the current is to survive. Decentralization efforts the network has changed the balance of political power. However, forms of social network communication technology today, although it has tremendous value to be used as power and political consolidation, also risk a backlash. Decentralized system that exists today, in some ways has a crack and centralized, in some aspects still looks centralized: they are too vulnerable to state retaliation and control

    Politik Media Baru & Perebutan Informasi Publik: Studi atas Kontestasi Politik dalam Media Baru

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    Persoalan utama dalam pemilihan presiden bukanlah persoalan kontestasi praktik politik belaka, melainkan juga kontestasi pesan politik dalam media. Jika yang pertama menekankan pada relasi aktual dari aktor-aktor politik, maka yang kedua mengedepankan mediasi substansi politik lewat pelbagai jalur. Mulai dari konteks pemilu presiden 2014, media internet menjadi salah satu media yang paling sibuk dan aktif sebagai panggung dialog dan perdebatan politik. Kualitas perdebatan itu melintang dalam variasi pesan yang beragam dan teknik penyampaian yang berbeda-beda. Keberagaman penyampaian pesan politik itu dapat merentang secara anekdotical, komedik, hingga yang paling satire, melalui meme atau penggabungan foto/slide dengan teks hingga permainan konten berita. Situasi ini penting disimak karena ia tidak hanya memuat pesan-pesan eksplisit, melainkan juga kritisisme dan sinisme dalam merebut informasi publik. Lewat pisau analisis diskursus, akan dilihat bagaimana politik media baru dan kontestasi informasi ini beroperasi dalam lalu lintas pesan politik di internet, relasinya dengan kekuasaan, serta seberapa besar ruang bagi audiens untuk berpartisipasi. Unit-unit yang akan diperiksa, selain pesan dan ilustrasi di media sosial Twitter dan Facebook, adalah juga jejaring respons atasnya, serta teks-teks lain yang berkaitan (langsung-tidak langsung) dengannya, sekaligus koneksinya atas konteks sosial politik rezim Jokowi-JK. Tujuan makro studi ini hendak menyasar pada bagaimana new media dipakai sebagai alat penetrasi kekuasaan politik, bagaimana keduanya berinteraksi, dan bagaimana kuasa audiens dalam merespons semua pesan dan kampanye politik dengan cara yang sama sekali baru. Teori new media and politics, diskursus media dan kekuasaan, kontestasi informasi publik, adalah tiga teori utama yang dipakai untuk membantu studi ini

    Debunking the normalisation of sexual violence on screen through #MeToo movement: The case of Hollywood films

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    This study examines the denormalisation of sexual violence against women in the #MeToo movement-themed Hollywood films. The strong presence of the social-political #MeToo movement in the past decade has influenced Hollywood films. The movement plays a major role in increasing public awareness of how devastating sexual abuse is against women and in challenging the current patriarchal system in society. This study uses descriptive research methods and adopts thematic analysis to critically analyse the denormalisation of sexual violence against women in Hollywood films with the #MeToo movement as their theme. This research used three Hollywood films as the units of analyses: On the Record, Athlete A, and Bombshell. This study found that these films are essential in denormalising sexual violence against women on screen. The findings show the three important characteristics shared among these three films. First, they shed light on the existence of the power imbalance between the perpetrators and victims. Second, they show the transformation of female victims of sexual violence into feminist figures. Last, they denormalise sexual abuse. The findings benefit academics who are interested in movie and gender studies as well as practitioners who promote gender equality and women’s rights.Keywords : Hollywood film; the #MeToo Movement; Sexual Violence; Denormalisation of Sexual Violenc

    An ambitious artificial intelligence policy in a decentralised governance system: Evidence from Indonesia

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    This study investigates Indonesia’s ambitious artificial intelligence (AI) policy within the context of its decentralised governance structure. Through in-depth case studies in Jakarta, Central Java, and East Java, we analyse emerging AI-based policy responses and their challenges in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Drawing from elite interviews conducted with central and local government officials and documentary research, this study offers rare insights into the local perspective on the struggle to accommodate the central government's ambitious plan with limited resources. This article finds that the divergence in the views and visions of AI between central and local governments has complicated the formulation and implementation of AI-based policies. Central authorities wield a dominant role, evident through regulatory mandates and a centralised decision-making approach that can potentially constrain local autonomy. This power asymmetry, coupled with the lack of specific AI-focused regulations, challenges local governments’ capacity to independently design and manage AI initiatives aligned with their unique contexts. Interestingly, instead of showing their resistance towards the ambitious national plan, local leaders have embraced AI policies, positioning them as innovative tools to enhance popularity in the lead-up to the 2024 general election

    KEBIJAKAN MEDIA LUAR RUANG INDONESIA (Studi Kasus Kebijakan Komunikasi Reklame 56 & 57 Tahun 2010 di Kota Surabaya)

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    Outdoor media communication policy was developed with very problematic, in terms of design plans, authority of the actors that make up , and the substance of regulation itself . Case in Surabaya can be used as an ideal example based on two things . First , the Mayor Regulation (Perwali) of Surabaya�numbers 56 and 57 in 2010 on billboards�finally bring the threat of impeachment in Surabaya Mayor as the executive. This is the first time in Indonesia, when communication policy�s controversy can deliver an impeachment action. Second , the outdoor media policy sued because it is considered a defect in the formulation. These two things can be drawn in two research questions, how the preparation and formulation of Regulation Mayor ( Perwali ) Surabaya No. 56 of 2010 and Perwali No. 57 of 2010 , as well as how the dynamics of the policy process in that formulation? Through the case study method , this research seeks to elaborate the dynamics of policy formulation and legislation billboards in Surabaya. The results of this study demonstrate the gap between the idealization Perwali preparation with practice. Perwali 56 and 57 also leads directly to the economic targets of PAD Surabaya, which at the same time show the political and economic interests . Another finding is the involvement of the political elite that become part of outdoor media corporations in Surabaya. There is needed communication policies�in the form of local regulations�that can provide clarity and position of authority between the executive and the legislative. In addition, it is also important regulation of aesthetic-ethical aspects of outdoor media and outdoor media policy model which has the perspective of public space communication that does not put forward a mere economic outcomes, but also the public interest

    Incestuous abuse of Indonesian girls: An exploratory study of media coverage

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    This study examines the incestuous relationship cases in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to find out the profile of the perpetrators and victims of incest, the incest relationship that occurred and the responses from the families to the known incestuous relationship in Indonesia. Data were obtained from 137 cases of incest for seven years (2010–2017) reported by a media outlet in Indonesia as well as from in-depth interviews with 14 informants in four cities in East Java, Indonesia, namely Kediri, Nganjuk, Gresik, and Surabaya. The main finding of this study is that most incest victims in Indonesia were young women aged 10–17 years (75%) and most incest perpetrators are their biological fathers or stepfathers (77%) who are on average > 50 years old (31%). The cases of incest in this study mostly lasted in more than three years (28%), and experienced by poor (49%) and low educated families (31%). In addition, most cases of incest in Indonesia are known to the perpetrators' wives (9%) and the perpetrators' wives were also the most party who report the incest cases to the legal authorities (63%). The results of this study highlight the need for close attention to the incestuous relationship cases in Indonesia which might affects many young women and underage girls as the victims. The efforts to make policies and programs to prevent sexual violence in the family, by the government and non-government agencies, should take into account the conditions of the incest victims as well as the driving factors for the incest cases that take place in Indonesi