2,899 research outputs found

    A Working Catalogue of Herbig Haro Objects

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    We present a catalogue of 184 Herbig Haro objects from a literature search complete to 1987.5. It is intended to update the 1974 catalogue of Herbig. The catalogue contains accurate co-ordinates, proper motions, radial velocities and spectral information for these objects. A cross-reference to the two best finding charts is included. A grouping of Herbig Haro objects into is also listed

    Closing remarks

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    Gluon Radiation Off Scalar Stop Particles

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    We present the distributions for gluon radiation off stop-antistop particles produced in e+ee^+e^- annihilation: e+et~t~ˉge^+e^- \to \tilde t \bar{\tilde t} g. For high energies the splitting functions of the fragmentation processes t~t~g\tilde t \to \tilde t g and gt~t~ˉg \to \tilde t \bar{\tilde t} are derived; they are universal and apply also to high-energy stop particles produced at hadron colliders.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures as uuencoded ps files, Latex, uses epsfig, complete postscript version at ftp://x4u2.desy.de/pub/preprints/desy/1994/desy94-235.p

    Two Wolf-Rayet stars at the heart of colliding-wind binary Apep

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    Infrared imaging of the colliding-wind binary Apep has revealed a spectacular dust plume with complicated internal dynamics that challenges standard colliding-wind binary physics. Such challenges can be potentially resolved if a rapidly-rotating Wolf-Rayet star is located at the heart of the system, implicating Apep as a Galactic progenitor system to long-duration gamma-ray bursts. One of the difficulties in interpreting the dynamics of Apep is that the spectral composition of the stars in the system was unclear. Here we present visual to near-infrared spectra that demonstrate that the central component of Apep is composed of two classical Wolf-Rayet stars of carbon- (WC8) and nitrogen-sequence (WN4-6b) subtypes. We argue that such an assignment represents the strongest case of a classical WR+WR binary system in the Milky Way. The terminal line-of-sight wind velocities of the WC8 and WN4-6b stars are measured to be 2100 ± 200 and 3500 ± 100 km s−1, respectively. If the mass-loss rate of the two stars are typical for their spectral class, the momentum ratio of the colliding winds is expected to be ≈ 0.4. Since the expansion velocity of the dust plume is significantly smaller than either of the measured terminal velocities, we explore the suggestion that one of the Wolf-Rayet winds is anisotropic. We can recover a shock-compressed wind velocity consistent with the observed dust expansion velocity if the WC8 star produces a significantly slow equatorial wind with a velocity of ≈530 km s−1. Such slow wind speeds can be driven by near-critical rotation of a Wolf-Rayet star

    Extensive Noachian fluvial systems in Arabia Terra: Implications for early Martian climate

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    Valley networks are some of the strongest lines of evidence for extensive fluvial activity on early (Noachian; >3.7 Ga) Mars. However, their purported absence on certain ancient terrains, such as Arabia Terra, is at variance with patterns of precipitation as predicted by "warm and wet" climate models. This disagreement has contributed to the development of an alternative "icy highlands" scenario, whereby valley networks were formed by the melting of highland ice sheets. Here, we show through regional mapping that Arabia Terra shows evidence for extensive networks of sinuous ridges. We interpret these ridge features as inverted fluvial channels that formed in the Noachian, before being subject to burial and exhumation. The inverted channels developed on extensive aggrading flood plains. As the inverted channels are both sourced in, and traverse across, Arabia Terra, their formation is inconsistent with discrete, localized sources of water, such as meltwater from highland ice sheets. Our results are instead more consistent with an early Mars that supported widespread precipitation and runoff

    The Eastern Canadian Arctic at ca. 6 ka BP: A Time of Transition

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    The middle Holocene was a time of definite environmental transition in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Based on several proxy indicators (pollen, diatoms, foraminifera, molluscs and nearshore sedimentation rates), it appears that a thermal maximum occurred around middle Holocene (6-4 ka), several thousand years after the insolation maximum — a lag caused by the thermal inertia of the earlier massive ice sheet. Terrestrial records indicate that a warming began around 6 ka, both in the subarctic (Labrador - Ungava) and on Baffin Island. Marine records, on the other hand, suggested major water structure changes around 6 ka both in the Northeastern Canadian Arctic and also along the East Greenland coast with evidence of a marine surface water temperature maximum at 8 ka. We hypothesize that the marine circulation changes, both along the Baffin Island and along the East Greenland coasts, were primarily driven by glacio-isostatic uplift of the Arctic Channels. With the cessation of water flow of Atlantic (warmer) origin, and decrease in water volume from the deeper parts of the Arctic Ocean through the Arctic Channels, the export through the Fram and Denmark straits increased and the water column changed. Changes in the concentration and duration of sea ice along the eastern Canadian coast would have had important repercussions on the biota of the coastal marine and terrestrial ecosystems.L'Holocène moyen a été une période de transition bien déterminée dans l'est de l'Arctique canadien. Selon de nombreux indicateurs (pollen, diatomées, foraminifères, mollusques et taux de sédimentation côtiers), il semble qu'un maximum thermique ait été atteint vers le milieu de l'Holocène (6-4 ka), plusieurs milliers d'années après le maximum d'insolation — un retard dû à l'inertie thermique causée par la présence de l'immense inlandsis. Les données terrestres démontrent qu'un réchauffement s'est amorcé vers 6 ka, à la fois dans le subarctique (Labrador, Ungava) et dans l'île de Baffin. Les données marines, d'autre part, indiquent qu'il y a eu des changements de structure de l'eau vers 6 ka à la fois dans le nord-est de l'Arctique canadien et le long de la côte du Groenland avec des indices de températures maximales marines de surface à 8 ka. Nous posons l'hypothèse selon laquelle les changements de circulation marine, à la fois le long de l'île de Baffin et le long de la côte est du Groenland ont été provoqués par le relèvement isostatique des chenaux arctiques. Avec l'arrêt de l'écoulement (plus chaud) en provenance de l'Atlantique et la diminution du cubage d'eau provenant des grandes profondeurs de l'océan Arctique dans les chenaux arctiques, l'évacuation par les détroits de Fram et du Danemark s'est accrue et la colonne d'eau s'est modifiée. Les changements de concentration et de durée de la glace marine le long de la côte est du Canada auraient eu d'importantes répercussions sur les écosystèmes marins côtiers et terrestres.Das mittlere Holozân war eine eindeutige Umwelt-Ùbergangszeit in der ostkanadischen Arktis. Gestùtzt auf zahlreiche Indikatoren (Pollen, Kieselalgen, Foraminiferen, Mollusken und die Sedimentationsrate am Ufer) scheint es, dap ein thermales Maximum um die Mitte des Holozàns erreicht wurde (6-4 ka), mehrere tausend Jahre nach dem Sonneneinstrahlungsmaximum - eine Verzôgerung, welche durch die thermale Trâgheit der frùheren massiven Eisdecke bewirkt wurde. Belege zu Land zeigen, daB eine Erwârmung um 6 ka begann, sowohl in der Subarktis (Labrador-Ungava) wie auch auf der Baffin-lnsel. Meeresbelege andererseits weisen auf bedeutende Wasserstruktur-Ànderungen um 6 ka, sowohl in der nordôstlichen kanadischen Arktis wie auch entlang der Kùste von Ost-Grônland, mit Anhaltspunkten fur maximale Wassertemperaturen an der Meeresober-flâche um 8 ka. Wir stellen die Hypothèse auf, daB die Wechsel der marinen Zirkulation, sowohl entlang der Baffin-lnsel wie auch der Kùsten von Ost-Grônland, in erster Linie durch die glazial-isostatische Anhebung der arktischen Kanâle hervorgerufen wurden. Mit der Beendigung des (wàrmeren) Wasserflusses vom Atlantik und der Abnahme des Wasservolumes von den tieferen Teilen des arktischen Ozeans durch die arktischen Kanâle nahm die Ausfuhr durch die Meeregen von Fram und Danemark zu, und die Wassersàule ânderte sich. Die Wechsel in der Konzentration und Dauer des Meereises entlang der ostkanadischen Kùste sollen bedeutende Auswirkungen auf Ôkosysteme an der Meereskùste und zu Land gehabt haben

    Peer support for people living with rare or young onset dementia: An integrative review

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    Objectives: The aim of this integrative review was to identify and synthesize the literature on peer support interventions for people living with or caring for someone with a rare or young onset dementia. Design: A literature search of articles was performed using the Nipissing University Primo search system, a central index that enables simultaneous searches across databases which included MEDLINE (PubMed), Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Sociological Abstracts, Cochrane Library. Results: The eleven papers that met the inclusion criteria spanned eighteen years and from five countries. Studies reported on peer support programs that were either hospital-based (n = 6) or community-based (n = 4), and were predominantly led by disciplines in the health sciences. Only one study did not involve delivering services. There was a range of methodological quality within the studies included in the review. Further analysis and synthesis led to the identification of three overarching peer support themes. These included: (1) peers as necessarily part of social support interventions; (2) a theoretical portmanteau; and (3) dementia spaces and relationality. Conclusion: Consistent with a much larger body of work examining peer involvement in social interventions, this review reinforced the valuable contribution of peers. A full understanding of the mechanisms of change was not achieved. Notwithstanding, the issue of studies neglecting to sufficiently conceptualize and describe interventions is an important one – drawing attention to the need to continue to explore varied delivery, including co-produced models, and more effective evaluation strategies to inform the dementia care sector

    Molecular-orbital theory for the stopping power of atoms in the low velocity regime:the case of helium in alkali metals

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    A free-parameter linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals approach is presented for analyzing the stopping power of slow ions moving in a metal. The method is applied to the case of He moving in alkali metals. Mean stopping powers for He present a good agreement with local-density-approximation calculations. Our results show important variations in the stopping power of channeled atoms with respect to their mean values.Comment: LATEX, 3 PostScript Figures attached. Total size 0.54

    Questions of perfect lenses by left handed materials

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    We consider questions about the much discussed "perfect lenses" made by left handed materials. The transmission and reflection from a slab of left handed materials are investigated and the coefficients are obtained by the standard transfer matrix method. Possible limitations on such superlenses are explored. It is shown that the quality of the lenses can be significantly affected by the absorption that is necessarily present in the materials.Comment: 3 figure