313 research outputs found

    Safety of synthetic N‐acetyl‐d‐neuraminic acid as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 258/97

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panelon Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on synthetic N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid (NANA) as a novel food (NF) submitted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No258/97. The information on the composition, the specifications, the batch-to-batch variability, stability and production process of the NF is sufficient and does not raise concerns about the safety of the NF. The NF is intended to be marketed as an ingredient in formulae and foods for infants and young children as well as an ingredient in a variety of foods and in food supplements for the general population. NANA is naturally present in human milk, in a bound and free form. The Margin of Exposure, which was based on the no-observed-adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 493mg/kg body weight (bw) per day from a subchronic study and the anticipated daily intake of the NF, was considered to be sufficient for fortified foods for the general population and for food supplements for individuals above 10years of age, as the anticipated daily intake was in the range of the exposure to free NANA from the consumption of early human milk, which is considered to be safe. The Panelconcludes that the NF is safe when added to foods other than food supplements at the proposed uses and use levels for the general population; is safe in food supplements alone at the proposed uses and use levels for individuals above 10years of age; is safe at the combined intake from fortified foods plus food supplements in individuals above 10years of age; the safety of the NF is not established in food supplements alone at the proposed uses and use levels for individuals below 10years of age

    A new role for human dyskerin in vesicular trafficking

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    Dyskerin is an essential, conserved, multifunctional protein found in the nucleolus, whose loss of function causes the rare genetic diseases X-linked dyskeratosis congenita and Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome. To further investigate the wide range of dyskerin's biological roles, we set up stable cell lines able to trigger inducible protein knockdown and allow a detailed analysis of the cascade of events occurring within a short time frame. We report that dyskerin depletion quickly induces cytoskeleton remodeling and significant alterations in endocytic Ras-related protein Rab-5A/Rab11 trafficking. These effects arise in different cell lines well before the onset of telomere shortening, which is widely considered the main cause of dyskerin-related diseases. Given that vesicular trafficking affects many homeostatic and differentiative processes, these findings add novel insights into the molecular mechanisms underlining the pleiotropic manifestation of the dyskerin loss-of-function phenotype

    MELK is not necessary for the proliferation of basal-like breast cancer cells

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    Thorough preclinical target validation is essential for the success of drug discovery efforts. In this study, we combined chemical and genetic perturbants, including the development of a novel selective maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) inhibitor HTH-01-091, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated MELK knockout, a novel chemical-induced protein degradation strategy, RNA interference and CRISPR interference to validate MELK as a therapeutic target in basal-like breast cancers (BBC). In common culture conditions, we found that small molecule inhibition, genetic deletion, or acute depletion of MELK did not significantly affect cellular growth. This discrepancy to previous findings illuminated selectivity issues of the widely used MELK inhibitor OTSSP167, and potential off-target effects of MELK-targeting short hairpins. The different genetic and chemical tools developed here allow for the identification and validation of any causal roles MELK may play in cancer biology, which will be required to guide future MELK drug discovery efforts. Furthermore, our study provides a general framework for preclinical target validation

    Autophagy mediates degradation of nuclear lamina

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    Z.D. is supported by a fellow award from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. B.C.C. is supported by career development awards from the Dermatology Foundation, Melanoma Research Foundation, and American Skin Association. S.L.B., P.D.A. and R.M. are supported by NIA P01 grant (P01AG031862). S.L.B. is also supported by NIH R01 CA078831. R.D.G. is supported by R01 GM106023 and the Progeria Research Foundation

    Development of an All-in-One Lentiviral Vector System Based on the Original TetR for the Easy Generation of Tet-ON Cell Lines

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    Lentiviral vectors (LVs) are considered one of the most promising vehicles to efficiently deliver genetic information for basic research and gene therapy approaches. Combining LVs with drug-inducible expression systems should allow tight control of transgene expression with minimal side effect on relevant target cells. A new doxycycline-regulated system based on the original TetR repressor was developed in 1998 as an alternative to the TetR-VP16 chimeras (tTA and rtTA) to avoid secondary effects due to the expression of transactivator domains. However, previously described TetR-based systems required cell cloning and/or antibiotic selection of tetracycline-responsive cells in order to achieve good regulation. In the present manuscript we have constructed a dual Tet-ON system based on two lentiviral vectors, one expressing the TetR through the spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) promoter (STetR) and a second expressing eGFP through the regulatable CMV-TetO promoter (CTetOE). Using these vectors we have demonstrated that the TetR repressor, contrary to the reverse transactivator (rtTA), can be expressed in excess to bind and modulate a high number of TetO operons. We have also showed that this dual vector system can generate regulatable bulk cell lines (expressing high levels of TetR) that are able to modulate transgene expression either by varying doxycycline concentration and/or by varying the amount of CTetOE vector genomes per cell. Based on these results we have developed a new all-in-one lentiviral vector (CEST) driving the expression of TetR through the SFFV promoter and the expression of eGFP through the doxycycline-responsive CMV-TetO operon. This vector efficiently produced Tet-ON regulatable immortalized (293T) and primary (human mesenchymal stem cells and human primary fibroblasts) cells. Bulk doxycycline-responsive cell lines express high levels of the transgene with low amount of doxycycline and are phenotypically indistinct from its parental cells

    Resistance of MLL–AFF1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia to tumor necrosis factor-alpha is mediated by S100A6 upregulation

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    Mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL)–AFF1 (MLL–AF4)-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is associated with poor prognosis, even after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). The resistance to graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effects may be responsible for the poor effect of allo-HSCT on MLL–AFF1-positive ALL. Cytotoxic effector mechanisms mediated by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was reported to contribute to the GVL effect. We showed that MLL–AFF1-positive ALL cell lines are resistant to TNF-α. To examine the mechanism of resistance to TNF-α of MLL–AFF1-positive leukemia, we focused on S100A6 as a possible factor. Upregulation of S100A6 expression and inhibition of the p53–caspase 8–caspase 3 pathway were observed only in MLL–AFF1-positive ALL cell lines in the presence of TNF-α. The effect of S100A6 on resistance to TNF-α by inhibition of the p53–caspase 8–caspase 3 pathway of MLL–AFF1-positive ALL cell lines were also confirmed by analysis using small interfering RNA against S100A6. This pathway was also confirmed in previously established MLL–AFF1 transgenic mice. These results suggest that MLL–AFF1-positive ALL escapes from TNF-α-mediated apoptosis by upregulation of S100A6 expression, followed by interfering with p53–caspase 8–caspase 3 pathway. These results suggest that S100A6 may be a promising therapeutic target for MLL–AFF1-positive ALL in combination with allo-HSCT

    Transcriptome Profiling of Bovine Milk Oligosaccharide Metabolism Genes Using RNA-Sequencing

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    This study examines the genes coding for enzymes involved in bovine milk oligosaccharide metabolism by comparing the oligosaccharide profiles with the expressions of glycosylation-related genes. Fresh milk samples (n = 32) were collected from four Holstein and Jersey cows at days 1, 15, 90 and 250 of lactation and free milk oligosaccharide profiles were analyzed. RNA was extracted from milk somatic cells at days 15 and 250 of lactation (n = 12) and gene expression analysis was conducted by RNA-Sequencing. A list was created of 121 glycosylation-related genes involved in oligosaccharide metabolism pathways in bovine by analyzing the oligosaccharide profiles and performing an extensive literature search. No significant differences were observed in either oligosaccharide profiles or expressions of glycosylation-related genes between Holstein and Jersey cows. The highest concentrations of free oligosaccharides were observed in the colostrum samples and a sharp decrease was observed in the concentration of free oligosaccharides on day 15, followed by progressive decrease on days 90 and 250. Ninety-two glycosylation-related genes were expressed in milk somatic cells. Most of these genes exhibited higher expression in day 250 samples indicating increases in net glycosylation-related metabolism in spite of decreases in free milk oligosaccharides in late lactation milk. Even though fucosylated free oligosaccharides were not identified, gene expression indicated the likely presence of fucosylated oligosaccharides in bovine milk. Fucosidase genes were expressed in milk and a possible explanation for not detecting fucosylated free oligosaccharides is the degradation of large fucosylated free oligosaccharides by the fucosidases. Detailed characterization of enzymes encoded by the 92 glycosylation-related genes identified in this study will provide the basic knowledge for metabolic network analysis of oligosaccharides in mammalian milk. These candidate genes will guide the design of a targeted breeding strategy to optimize the content of beneficial oligosaccharides in bovine milk
