24 research outputs found


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    Pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW merupakan metode yang paling rasional dan efektif. Selain relatif aman dan bebas efek samping aspek yang paling penting dari metode ini adalah permanen sehingga sangat penting bagi calon akseptor untuk memahami dan mengerti bagaimana, apa dan kapan metode ini dapat dilakukan. Ada beberapa faktor yang harus diperhatikan antara lain umur, jumlah kelahiran, jarak kehamilan, pendidikan, pendapatan, kondisi kesehatan, pengetahuan, informasi tentang KB berkaitan pemilihan MOW yang dilakukan pasca persalinan ataupun bukan pasca persalinan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan beberapa faktor akseptor KB dengan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW pasca persalinan di RSUD Tugurejo Semarang tahun 2005. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan jenis penelitian ekplanatori menggunakan pendekatan studi kross seksional. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah umur responden, paritas, jarak kehamilan, pendidikan responden, pendapatan keluarga, kondisi kesehatan responden, pengetahuan responden tentang KB, informasi tentang KB. Sebagai variabel terikat adalah pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW Pasca persalinan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 57 akseptor MOW yang merupakan total populasi.Pengumpulan data dari data primer (kuesiner) dan data sekunder. Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu uji Chi Squaredengan program komputer versi SPSS. Data diolah secara univariat, bivariat deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 65% responden berpendidikan tidak sehat, 74% responden mempunyai anak lebih dari 2 anak, jarak kehamilan responden kurang dari atau sama dengan 3 tahun 615,38% responden berpendidikan lanjut, responden berpendapatan tinggi 70%, 60% kondisi kesehatan responden mendukung, pengetahuan responden tentang KB 58% baik, informasi tentang KB 68% tersedia, 60% responden lebih memilih alat kontrasepsi MOW bukan pasca persalinan. Dilihat dari ada hubungan dengan pemilihan alat kontrsepsi MOW bukan pasca persalinan adalah faktor umur, pendidikan, kondisi kesehatan responden, pengetahuan tentang KB. Sehingga disarankan petugas PLKB baik rumah sakit, The choice of the contraception equipment of MOW is the most rational and effective method. In addition to be relatively safe and far and far away from bad effects, the most imprortant of this method is permanent that it's so significant for the acceptor aspirant to recognize and understand how, what and when this method this method is performed. There are several factors that should be paid attention, such as age, bith number, pregnancy interval, education, income, health condition, knowledge, information of family planning relating to the choice of MOW performed after post child-birth or not post child-birt. This family planning and the choice of the MOW contraception equipment of post child-birt in RSUD of Tugurejo Semarang 2005. The research method used is a survey method in the kind of explanatory research by using the approach of cross sectional study. The free variable of this research areobtained by respondents, parity, pregnancy interval, education, income family, healthcondition, respondents knowledge of family planning informationof family palnning. The tied variable utilized is contraception equipment of MOW of post child-birth. Meanwhile, the research samples are about 57 acceptors of MOW that are total of population. data collection is attained from primary Data are arranged in bivariate descriptive and analytic bivariat.The result of this research shows that 63% of respondents are not health, 74% of them have more 2 children, 61% of the pregnancy interval are less than or equal to 3 years, 38% of the have highereducation, 70% of them have high income, 60% of information concerning to family planning are available, 60% of respondents prefer to use MOW contraceptionequipment not post child-birth. The relation of the choice of MOW contraception equipment of post child-birth is in age factors, education condition of respondents and knowledge of family planning. Thus, it is advised for the officials of family planning in hospital and public health center to be more active in giving knowledge of MOW, the possibility occurring if the mother grows pregnant and get birth move for pregnant mothers (for those who meet the requipments of MOW usage)as checking their pregnancy so that mental preparation is more stable. Kata Kunci: Faktor akseptor KB, Pemilihan alat kontrasepsi, MOW pasca persalinan, RSUD Tugurejo Semarang, 2005. Acceptor factors of family planning, the choice of contraception equipment, mow of post chil-birth, RSUD Tugurejo of Semarang

    Inclusion and Exclusion in Political Discourse: Deixis in Barrack Obama’s Speeches

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    This study examines the use of deixis for personal, spatial, and temporal anchorage of political discourse. Using two thematically and contextually different speeches of obama as its database., the paper recognize how politicians can associate with and dissociate from actions taken by them or their officer at different time. I conclude by locating some of antics of political leaders to conscript their subjects into accepting their views on conversial issues or position. Key word: inclusion and exclusion, political discourse, deixi


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    The problems of the study  can be formulated as follows (1) How effective is peer assessment technique applied to students with low and high grammar ability in writing descriptive text?, (2) How effective is teacher assessment technique applied to students with high and low grammar ability in writing descriptive text, (3) Is there any significant interaction among grammar ability, peer assessment technique and writing ability. The research design employed in this study was Experimental Design (factorial design) consisting of a pre test, and post test for control group design and Experiment group. This research involved three variables which consisted of dependent variable (writing ability), independent variable (Peer Assessment Technique) and Grammar ability as moderator. This study found that peer assessment technique can be used to give practice in writing as well as in conducting this technique for teaching writing because it had given effect to the student writing descriptive text. It can be proven from the students’ score. Through this technique, the students could develop and improve their skill either in writing, grammar or vocabulary. They also became responsible to asses their friend’s work and increased their motivation. So, this technique of peer assessment should be used to improve English writing and grammar skill and an English teacher must improve his knowledge in English teaching method so the goal of teaching is gained


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    Abstract The study examines the teachers techniques in developing speaking ability, to identifies the difficulties faced by the students and, to finds out the teachers’ solution for the classroom problem in teaching and learning process in speaking. Design used is descriptive-qualitative study in describing the students’ ability to tell the past experience. To collect  the data, the writer uses observation and interview and using a spoken test as the research instrument. Sample used is 38 students of Junior High School. The result of the research after being taught by using Telling  past Experience is 76.42. Telling past experience was a bringing out a person’s individuality and personality at the past time. So, telling past experience can be used to give practice in speaking as well as in conducting this technique for teaching speaking. Yet student tend to get problems of being afraid of making mistakes and nervous. To overcome or to solve the problems making mistakes is a natural part of performing, convince to the students not to be scared of their audience, convince that the audience doesn’t know the students have made a mistake unless they tell them so and give them motivation not to give in to the fear. Key Word: Technique, Speaking Ability, Past Experienc

    the students' ability to identify the generic structure of recount text

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    The purpose of the study is to find out the students ability in identifying the generic structure of recount text, the problems faced by the students and solution of the problems faced by the students in identifying the generic structure of recount text. This method used descriptive qualitative method. The writer used essay test, 10 items. The writer took sample randomly, thirty six students. The findings of this research are by analyzing the students’ test which are done by the students about of identifying the recount text . After the data have been collected and analyzed, the score of the students’ ability to identify the generic structure of recount text is 73.9. It means that the students’ ability in identifying the generic structure of recount text is fair. However, the problems that faced by the students in identifying the generic structure of recount text are the students found the difficulty in understanding the meaning of the word and question, and they can’t identify the generic structure of recount text completely especially the part of event. Then, to overcome the problems, the writer offers some suggestions. They are the teacher should give more exercises in analyzing the generic structure especially event, give more attentions to the result of the assignment which are given to the students.Key words: genre, generic structure, and recount tex


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    ABSTRACT Wiwik Widyawati. 2007. THE EFFECTS OF LEAVES SAMBUNG NYAWA (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr.) EXTRACT TO METHYL MERCURY CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD AND THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ERYTROCYTE AFTER EXPOSED BY METHYL MERCURY CHLORIDE OF RAT (Rattus norvegicus L.). Biologi. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. Methyl mercury is the most toxic of the kind of mercury wich used society in various level since long ago. Naturally, methyl mercury is produced from methylation process of anorganic mercury by methanogenic bacterias on aquatic sediment. The over existency of methyl mercury in distric area will makes toxic if entry to the organism bodies. The aim of the research were to study the effects of leaves sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr.) extract to methyl mercury concentration in blood and the characteristics of erytrocyte after exposed by methyl mercury chloride of rat (Rattus norvegicus L.) and to study the effectiveness dose of leaves sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr.) to reduce the concentration of methyl mercury in blood and to repaire the characteristics of eritrocyte after exposed by methyl mercury chloride. The research used Completed Random Design with 6 groups, each group there were 4 repetitions. The treatments of each group were aquadest 2,5 ml (placebo), methyl mercury chloride 2.99 mg/kg BW (negative control), L-Cystein 5.4 mg/kg BW (positive control), and the extract of sambung nyawa leaves 1.945; 3.889; and 5.834 g/kg BW. The observation were included the concentration of methyl mercury in blood, hemoglobin concentration, erytrocyte number, and Packed Cell Volume (PCV), which is analyzed by Analysis of Variance (Anova) and continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at significance 5 %. Morphologycal of erytrocyte observation was analyzed qualitatively. The result of the research showed that the extract of sambung nyawa leaves at dose of 1.945; 3.889; and 5.834 g/kg BW were affected to reduce the concentration of methyl mercury in blood significantly and to repaire the characteristics of erytrocyte. The extract of sambung nyawa leaves that had the highest effectiveness to reduce the methyl mercury concentration in blood and to repaire the characteristics of erytrocyte was on dose 5.834 mg/kg BW

    ANALISIS KOMPARATIF TINGKAT KESEHATAN PERBANKAN DENGAN METODE CAMELS DI ASEAN (Studi pada Bank Umum Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan Filipina Tahun 2012-2016)

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    This study aims to determine differences between Indonesian banking soundness with four other ASEAN countries namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines using CAMELS indicator. Type of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The research sample is three largest banks assets in each country. The data used in the form of annual reports are published on the official website of each bank. The data analysis technique used is based on the data distribution tested using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Hypothesis testing using One-Way ANOVA and Kruskall-Wallis test. The result of statistical test shows that all indicators of financial ratios between Indonesian, Malaysian, Singaporean, Thailand and Philippines banks are significantly different. Overall, based on the CAMELS method approach, it can be concluded that Indonesian banking is better compared to other four ASEAN countries when viewed based on capital, asset quality and earnings indicators. Based on the indicators of management quality Singaporean banking are better than the banking four other ASEAN countries. Meanwhile, Thailand banking is better than the four other ASEAN countries seen by liquidity and sensitivity to market risk indicators. Keywords: ASEAN Banking Soundness, CAMELS, ANOVA, Kruskal-Walli


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Metode Mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar. Model penelitian ini menggunakan metode mirip eksperimen dengan tes pilihan ganda sebanyak 25 butir mengenai kosakata bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampling secara random sampling terpilih sebanyak 29 siswa sebagai sampel. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t pada taraf signifikan 0,05.Setelah peneliti meneliti Pengaruh metode Mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris, akhirnya peneliti mendapatkan kesimpulan dengan membandingkan nilai t hitung sebesar 7,19 dan t tabel 1,67 ( thitung > t tabel), berarti hipotesis yang peneliti ajukan diterima yaitu ada pengaruh metode Mind mapping yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, guru disarankan untuk menggunakan metode Mind mapping untuk memperkaya kosakata bahasa inggris.Kata Kunci : Metode, Mind mapping dan Kosakata Bahasa InggrisAbstractThe purpose of the study is to know the effect of Mind mapping method toward the result of English Vocabbulary study for fifth grade the students of Elementary School. This method used experimental method. The writer used option test as the instrument. The sampling technique that was used in this research was random. The writer took twenty-nine students as sample. The data was analyzed by using t-test on the significance level ï¡= 0.05.After the researcher had done the research about the effect of Poster’ Media toward the result of vocabulary, the researcher got the conclusion by comparing the value of t-value = 7.19 and t-table =1.67 (t-value>t-table). It meant that the hypothesis which the researcher observed is accepted; there is the effect of Mind mapping method toward the result of English vocabulary . So the teacher is suggested to use the Mind mapping method to enrich the vocabulary.Key words: Method, Mind mapping, and Vocabular

    Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture Dalam Keterampilan Menulis Untuk Tingkat Universitas

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    penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model picture and picture efektif atau tidak untuk meningkatkan hasil tulisan teks recount mahasiswa semester 4 tingkat universitas. subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa. sampel yang digunakan  dalam penelitian ini adalah  60 mahasiswa yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, 30 mahasiswa untuk kelas eksperiment dan 30 mhasiswa untuk kelas kontrol. penelitian ini menggunakan buku dan tes sebagai sumber data. dalam hal ini test yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah test menulis teks recount. penelitian ini menggunakan metode quantitatif yaituekperiment. temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui analisis test yang dilakukan mahasiswa tentang menulis teks recount. setelah menganalisis data, hasil dari tes yang diterapkan kepada mahasiswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran picture and picture menunjukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi  adalah 92, nilai terendah adalah 56, dibandingkan mahasiswa yang tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran picture and picture. nilai rata -rata dan median kelas experiment yaitu 81,63 dan 77,5. jika dikonsultasikan ke klasifikasi tingkatan nilai menulis, rata-rata kemampuan menulis dikategorikan bagus. sebaliknya, hasil dari test yang diterapkan kepada mahasiswa  yang menggunakan teknik konvensuional atau kelas kontrol, menu njukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi dan terendah adalah 83 dan 50. nilai rata-rata dan median kelas kontrol yaitu 69,1 dan 70. jika dikonsultasikan tingkatan nilai menulis, dikategorikan jelek atau kurang bagus. berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, hal inidapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh yang bagus mengenai penggunaan model pembelajaran picture and picture dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks recount. jadi model pembelajaran picture and picture sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis