8 research outputs found


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    Basically, the house has important role for human as their living place in order to fulfill their basic necessary and it is a citizen health determiner. The kind of this research is observational cross sectional approach. The method used is observation and interview directly on the respondent. Data analysis using table analysis, that is analyzed descriptively. As the result, it is known that from 86 houses, there are 52 houses (60.5%) with clean kitchen, 34 houses (39.5%) with dirty kitchen, 38 houses (44.2%) with house construction which is closed of mouse, and 48 houses (33.7%) with house construction which is not closed of mouse. The conclusion of this research is based on statistic test by using Chi-Square test, it is resulted sig score in the amount of 0.00 so sig0.005 means that there is relation between house construction and kitchen cleanness with mouse existence. Suggestion should always clean the kitchen from leftover food / food and other scattered waste, construction of a house that has not been tightly mice to make a tight house construction rat

    Ekstraksi Zat Warna Tekstil Alami dari Kulit Buah Naga (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

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    Using synthetic dyes for textile can be harmful human health and can cause environmental pollution. So, it needs a safe and environmental friendly to substitute of textile dye that is natural dyes. The advantage of natural dyes is a relatively low pollution and non-toxic. In addition, the use of natural dyes is in smoothness and softness of the color. This product is highly appreciated and maintained, because of its beauty, prestige, cultural structure that cannot replaced by synthetic dyes. One of organic waste and potential as a natural dyes for textile is a dragon fruit peel, because the dragon fruit peel was contained a lot of betacyanine pigment. It is required to substitute of safe and environmentally friendly textile dye that is natural dyes. This study was carried out to determine the effect of mass quantity of raw material, time extraction and different type of solvent to obtain an absorbance value. The mass of raw materials used is 1, 2 and 3 grams with the extraction time is 15, 30 and 45 minute. As for the solvent, is using water, acids and bases with a fixed volume. Natural dyes for textile can be made from materials that exist in the nature, as well as organic waste. The process is use several types of solvents such as water, acids and bases with a fixed volume. The result of natural dyes for textile indicates that, using a lot of mass of raw material and the longer extraction time will be resulti the highest absorbance value. The best type of the solvent to produce a high absorbance value is an alkaline solvent (base)

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah Oleh Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Moment season rain in Indonesia often happen . One of the causes of flooding is trash . Problem rubbish relate close with increase amount population every year , pattern life indifferent society against existence rubbish in surrounding , as well as waste management that has not been optimal, in Indragiri Hilir Regency Keep going increase even estimated until 2022 to 2025 next will Keep going increase . This caused because part big Public still throw away rubbish reckless , hoard and burn rubbish them . On the other hand . Waste management by the Indragiri downstream government, especially in the Tagaraja sub-district, is still not optimal and the awareness of the community in disposing of waste in its place is still quite low. Destination Research from this study 1. For knowing evaluation policy management rubbish by Service environment Life Indragiri Hilir Regency 2. For knowing what just factors blocker Service Environment Life District of Indragiri Hilir in Management Garbage . Type The research used is descriptive qualitative research. The scope of the research is Tagaraja Village, Kateman Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency. Method analysis used is analysis descriptive qualitative . From the results of the analysis, it can be seen that there is no landfill trash that me ma dai , not yet the existence of a waste transportation fleet by the DLHK. Community participation should be increased to protect the environment so that it is more clean and healthy

    Analysis of the Application of the Whistleblowing System in Detecting Academic Fraud (Perseptions of Accounting Students at University Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo): Analisis Penerapan Whistleblowing System dalam Pendeteksian Academic Fraud (Persepsi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo)

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    This research aims to analyze the application of the whistleblowing system in detecting academic fraud, focusing on accounting students' perceptions of the application of the whistleblowing system as an effective tool in detecting academic fraud. This research uses a qualitative approach.  The data analysis technique used is data collection, data reduction. Data display, and data conclusion drawing. The results of this research show that students have a good understanding of the Whistleblowing System and the importance of its application in detecting Academic Fraud. The role of accounting students and academics in supporting the success of the Whistleblowing System can be the key to creating a learning environment that is fairer, more transparent and has integrity.  &nbsp


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    ABSTRAK Algoritma Huffman Coding adalah algoritma yang biasa digunakan pada permasalahan pemampatan data. Untuk dapat mengefisiensi kanal yang ada dalam proses pengiriman data, mengatasi permasalahan optimasi data, dan menjamin keamanan data maka dibutuhkan proses encoding, pemampatan data dengan algoritma Huffman Coding, dan proses konversi data. Proses pengkonversian dari file teks menjadi file gambar dengan langkah file teks dikompresi terlebih dahulu menggunakan algoritma Huffman Coding melalui proses encoding. Kemudian dikonversikan menjadi file gambar dalam format file bitmap. Setelah file teks sudah terkonversi menjadi file gambar, maka file gambar sudah siap dikirim menggunakan fitur MMS pada telepon selular ke bagian penerima. Pada proyek akhir ini, penulis mengimplementasikan algoritma Huffman Coding untuk kompresi file teks dan akan dikonversikan menjadi file gambar dengan format bitmap. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman J2ME agar dapat diaplikasikan pada telepon selular dan memanfaatkan teknologi MMS pada proses pengiriman data. Huffman Coding dapat mengompress data hingga lebih dari 50% dibandingkan dengan kode ASCII, tanpa menyebabkan adanya data yang hilang dan aplikasi ini dapat optimal penggunaannya apabila menggunakan inputan dengan jumlah karakter yang besar. Kata kunci : Algoritma Huffman Coding, Encoding, bitmap, J2ME, MM

    Application of Soil Content Testing on the Growth Media of Water Henna Plants (Impatiens balsamina) with Qualitative Methods

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    Resistant fertility is very important for plant growth, where soil contains nutrients needed for plant growth and development, soil can be distinguished into two types of soil properties, namely soil chemistry and soil physicality, chemically it can be seen from the value of c-organic, N, and pH, while the physical properties of the soil are related to the type of soil. The water henna plant is one of the potential plants in the Jombang area, the growth of the water henna plant can be maximized by supplying soil nutrients that are still low, one of the potentials is as an antibacterial, and as an economic sector in Jombang City, especially in the dukuh klopo area. To find out the value of the following soil nutrients by entering the previously obtained data into the application, then an application is needed that can calculate the value of soil nutrients. This soil content test application is a new software that can be used to measure soil fertility by entering data or the value of soil nutrient content so that it is in accordance with existing or predetermined standards. This study has the aim of making it easier for the public to know the content in the soil with android-based application media. This research was carried out systematically, which aims to interpret the results descriptively, where this research leads to the creation of an android-based application.   Keywords : Android-Based Applications, Soil Content Test Applications, Soil Nutrients, Water henna Plant


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    Mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan pada persistensi laba, konservatisme akuntansi dan kinerja keuangan antara sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19 adalah tujuan dari penelitian. Karena jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif maka menggunakan data sekunder yang berupa laporan keuangan tahunan untuk sektor barang komsumsi primer (consumer non-cyclicals) periode 2019-2020. Sampel sebanyak 44 diperoleh dengan metode pusposive sampling. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test dipergunakan dalam pengujian hipotesis karena data tidak terdistribusi secara normal. Hasil riset membuktikan terdapatnya variasi yang bermakna pada faktor persistensi laba serta kinerja keuangan sebelum serta saat pandemi Covid-19. Melalui riset tersebut terdapat perbedaan persistensi laba dan profitabilitas  pada kondisi sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19 dimana hasil tersebut sejalan dan mendukung prinsip teori sinyal. Sementara itu, variabel konservatisme akuntansi di masa sebelum dan saat pandemi  dinyatakan secara signifikan tidak berbeda. Dikarenakan perusahaan saat pandemic covid 19 menjadi kurang konservatif dimana hasil ini tidak sejalan dengan pedoman yang melekat pada teori akuntansi positif