38 research outputs found


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    The major problem of this study is how anxiety is reflected in the major character’s personality. The aim of this study is to analyze Catherine Cookson’s The Nice Bloke based on the structural elements and the development of personality of the major character based on Psychoanalytic Approach. This study focuses on the major character, namely Harry Blenheim. The benefit of the study is to give additional information which can be used by other literature researchers who are interested in analyzing this play. This study uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel itself, while the secondary data are taken from some information needed. The method of data collection is qualitative method. Based on analysis, the outcome of this study shows that the problem of major characters encounters causes the conflict of his mental condition. Then, it develops to become anxiety and influences him to do some ways to escape from it. Then his ways are not effective to overcome the problem because finally he was taken into prison


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    The status of women in the Islamdom is a source of frequent criticism. Some Western critics charge that Islam has misogynist tendencies that are often teaches and promoted the inferiority of women in Muslim societies. As a result the debate over female leadership in Islam is a become splinter of the debate on Islam’s views of women in general. The role of Women in Islam, as a political leader is considered a taboo, even sometimes get fierce opposition from a group of people, who interpret the word of God in a veil of monopolistic desires. However, there were numerous women in Islamic history that is capable of being head of state. In the various Arab speaking notes, women have been known as the head of state. In the Sultanate of Delhi, there was Razia Sultan, in Egypt there was Shajarat ad Durr, during Ottoman period, there was Mihrimah Sultan and coincidently, all of them were Turkic origin. The study examines the reason why those women can become leaders within Islamdom. The conclusion, secularism of Islamdom which orchestrated by Turkic Mercenaries, when the institution of Abbasid Caliphate and Sultanate was separated, makes the women are eligible to become sultanah, which consistent with women’s independent nature in Turkic society.Status perempuan di dunia Islam merupakan masalah yang kerapkali diperdebatkan. Beberapa kritikus Barat menuduh bahwa Islam memiliki kecenderungan misoginis yang sering mengajarkan rendahnya posisi perempuan dalam masyarakat Muslim. Akibatnya perdebatan kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam selalu mengarah menjadi perdebatan pada pandangan Islam tentang perempuan pada umumnya. Peran perempuan dalam Islam, sebagai pemimpin politik dianggap tabu, bahkan kadang-kadang mendapatkan perlawanan sengit dari sekelompok orang, yang menafsirkan firman Allah sesuai keinginannya sendiri. Namun, ada banyak perempuan dalam sejarah Islam yang mampu menjadi kepala negara. Dalam berbagai catatan berbahasa Arab, perempuan telah dikenal sebagai pemimpin negara. Di Kesultanan Delhi ada Razia Sultan, di Mesir ada Syajarat al Durr, di Turki Usmaniada Mihrimah Sultan dan kebetulan semua dari orang Turki. Artikel ini mengkaji alasan mengapa para perempuan dapat menjadi pemimpin di dunia Islam. Kesimpulannya, sekularisme di dunia Islam yang dilakukan oleh para tentara bayaran Turki mengakibatkan terjadinya separasi antara institusi Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah dan kesultanan yang memungkinkan perempuan untuk menjadi seorang sultanah serta konsisten dengan sifat perempuan yang mandiri dalam masyarakat Turki

    Investigating Blended Learning Impact on Students Vocabulary Achievement

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    This study attempts to investigate the effect of the blended learning approach on student’s vocabulary achievement. The methodology of this study used Quasi experiment method and randomized post-test only control group design. A sample were 60 grade ten students of SMK Bina Insan Kamil, Bekasi where divided two experiments and control group which the experiment tough by a blended learning approach, and control group learned the same vocabularies trough conventional way. Analyze of the instrument in this study in items of validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination power used SPSS and analyze the data used T-test to know whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted or rejected. The result of this study showed that there was a significant effect of blended learning approach on student’s vocabulary achievement. The significant (Sig) score of 0.003 is smaller than (<) 0.05. So that this study has a significant effect of blended learning on student’s vocabulary achievement. Moreover, the approach of blended learning enhances their motivation to learn vocabularies in the learning process


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    This research was carried out to know how the students’ activities in learning using Grammarly in improving students writing skills. Thirty-three students from class X DKV-E of SMK Bakti Mandiri participated in this study. This research is being conducted in two cycles using a Classroom Action research Approach. Using the Arikunto model, this study was carried out using the action research strategies of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this study, information was acquired through interviews, observations, questionnaires, and tests. The writer then analyzed the data, both quantitative and qualitative. The conclusion of the study demonstrated that there was an improvement in students’ writing abilities. The majority of students gradually improved their results at the conclusion of each cycle. The English lesson's Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) score was 78. The preliminary study's mean score for the students was 76.10, and the percentage was 45%. In the first cycle, the students' mean score was 77.10 while the percentage was 57%. In the second cycle, the mean score was 80.68, and the percentage was 84%. Moreover, there was a positive response from the English teacher about implementing the action. In summary, Grammarly can improve students’ writing ability


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    The utilize of YouTube for teaching and learning English in this era is needed toimplement. This research aims to investigated YouTube Channel: Pronunciation withEmma able to enhance students’ pronunciation at SMK Bina Mandiri Bekasi. The designof this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) and uses a quantitative descriptivemethod. Participants in this research were 36 students from XI TKJ F at SMK Bina MandiriBekasi. The result showed that teaching and learning English using YouTube Channel:Pronunciation with Emma as media able to enhance students’ pronunciation.There were significant enhancements both researcher and the student overall performancewithin the classroom. Researcher can make the class more active, and students have gottop notch motivation to learn good pronunciation. Based on data, there is a significantenhance in students’ mean score. In the pre-test, students’ mean score is 71 there were10 students who reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) with the percentage27% and 26 students with the percentage 73% failed. Then, in post-test 1 score is 82 therewere 24 students who reached the KKM with the percentage 66% and 12 students with thepercentage 34% failed. In post-test 2 score is 86 there were 34 students who reached theKKM with the percentage 94% and 2 students with the percentage 6% failed. Based onthe result of the mean score cycle 1 and cycle 2, there is enhancement of student’spronunciation that are 82 to 86. It can be concluded that the use of YouTube Channel:Pronunciation with Emma is believed to be successful and able to enhance students’pronunciation

    Mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa : Kegagalan Palestina Menjadi Negara Merdeka (1920-1948)

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    AbstrakArtikel ini mengkaji Palestina pada masa Mandat Inggris melalui Metode Historis dengan Pendekatan Politik. Pasca Perang Dunia Pertama (1914-1918), Inggris mendapat mandat dari Liga Bangsa Bangsa untuk mengelola administrasi bekas wilayah wilayah Arab yang sebelumnya adalah bekas wilayah Turki Usmani. Di dalam proses pengelolaan ini, terjadi permasalahan dimana muncul dua kekuatan yang saling bertentangan yaitu Zionis Yahudi sebagai pendatang baru dan rakyat Palestina sebagai penduduk asli. Keinginan Liga Bangsa Bangsa yang menugaskan Inggris untuk memberikan masing masing kedua bangsa itu sebuah negara yang merdeka mendapat penolakan baik dari pihak Palestina maupun dari pihak Yahudi itu sendiri. Studi ini juga mempelajari dampak dari keberhasilan orang Yahudi mendirikan Israel diatas penderitaan rakyat Palestina. Artikel ini ingin menjelaskan mengapa Palestina mengalami kegagalan dalam mendirikan sebuah negara merdeka yang  penulis dapatkan dari pelbagai sumber dan data-data tertulis.  Menurut penelahaan penulis, era Mandat Inggris adalah akar dan awal kegagalan Palestina mendirikan negara merdeka, selain itu terdapat dua faktor penting penyebab kegagalan tersebut. Pertama, adalah faktor internal dari rakyat yang saat itu berupa adanya kesalahan strategi dari elit dan rakyat Palestina sendiri. Kedua yaitu faktor eksternal adalah campur tangan negara-negara Arab tetangga yang memecah Palestina demi kepentingannya.---AbstractThis article examines the period of the British Mandate of Palestine through the Historical Method and Political Approach. Post First World War (1914-1918), the British received the mandate from the League of Nations to manage the administration of the former Arab territories which previously was a former territories of the Ottoman Empire. In this management process, there is a problem which emerged two opposing forces, namely the Zionist Jews as newcomers and the Palestinians as natives. League of Nations assigned Britain to give each of the two nations was an independent country gets a rejection by the Palestinians and  the Jews themselves. This study also studied the impact of the success of the Jews set up Israel over the plight of the Palestinians. This article wants to explain why the Palestinians have failed in establishing an independent state that the author got from various sources and data. According to the review of the author, the British Mandate era is the root and the beginning of the failure of the Palestinians to establish an independent state. There are two important factors causing this failure. First, the internal factors of the people who was in the form of an error in the strategy of Palestinians themselves. A second ,external factor which the interference of neighboring Arab states (Jordan and Egypt) who partitioning the territories of Palestine


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    This paper investigates the impact of financial statements of trading activities on stock volume and return variabilities. In general we found that there is an increase in trading activities in the period in which financial statements are published. Trading activities in this period are higher than trading activities in other periods. There is a significant difference between trading activities for December financial statements (audited) and trading activities for March financial statements (unaudited). We conclude that formalization of accounts has some values, despite lower recognition of public accounts and financial statements. We also found somewhat dissappointing results for the impact of financial statements on return variability. In general there are no differences in return variability before and after the publication of financial statements, and there aren\u27t significant differences between return variability during period in which the financial statements are announced and other periods. We found a significant difference in return variability before and after the publication of March financial statements, but no differences between the December and March financial statements. These results lead us to conclude that March financial statements convey new information a higher return variability before the financial statements are published than after. .We also conclude that December financial statements do not convey new information because they represent only a confirmation of the interim reports. If December financial statements showed some adjusments (possibly negative) on the interim reports, significant differences between return variability in December and March could be expected


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    This study was conducted to achieve the following specific objectives: (a) to obtain data in the process of implementation of automotive training based on partnerships in improving life skills (Life Skills) in Entrepenurical Based Education (EBD) in the Central Services of Non-Formal Education (BPPNF) Banten, ( b) to obtain data on results-based automotive training partnerships in improving life skills on EBL in BPPNF Banten, (c) to obtain a picture of what a limiting factor in the implementation of partnership-based automotive training activities in BPPNF Banten. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The focus is the overall depiction of form, function and meaning of the phrase ban. By using descriptive method, researchers will describe the management BPPNF EBD in Banten Province. Theresearch approach used in this study is a qualitative research. Automotive training processes are carried out in BPPNF Banten including planning, implementation, and evaluation. Automotive training is the result of the increase in employment the trainee's competence after training. Increased job competence aspect is the aspect of skills, aspects of knowledge, aspects of work attitude in the field of automotive motorcycle

    The Evaluation Of The Implementation Of Preceptorship Model Training In Blud Rsud Nabire With Kirkpatrick Approach

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    Background: Preceptorship model is a continuous learning system that involves the role of nurses as role models and students in the clinical setting, the goal of preceptorship model learning is to form students to become professional nurses, having full sense of responsibility and knowledgeable, so that it will be able to improve the quality of nurses especially in the clinical setting as evidenced by accountability in the work, competence, therapeutic communications in the clinical setting. Preceptorship training is an activity to improve preceptor knowledge about nursing science development so that it can be implemented on the practice ground or guidance process. The effectiveness of a training program can be evaluated on the training process. Evaluating the training program is the last stage in the training itself. Kirkpatrick divides four levels in evaluating the process. There are reaction, learning, behavior and result of training.Objective: To analyze the evaluation of the implementation of the preceptorship model training at the BLUD RSUD Nabire with a Kirkpatrick approach.Method: The research method used was a descriptive quantitative. The total sample size was 14 respondents with a total sampling technique. Respondents were given intervention in the form of training of preceptorship modelResult: The reaction level showed a high positive reaction to the training of 86,83%, Knowledge level showed improvement in third measurement with a good category of 100% and attitude showed a positive category of 100%, behavior level showed the implementation of learning in a good category of 71 , 4% and the result level showed the result of B+ of 50%Conclusion: There was an influence of the implementation of Preceptorship Model training on reaction, learning, behavior and result. It was expected that clinical learning method could be integrated into nursing education curriculum. Keywords: Precepthorship Model; Training; Kirkpatric

    Intervensi Senam Lansia terhadap Tekanan Darah pada Lansia Hipertensi

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    This study aims to determine the classification of elderly on blood pressure in hypertensive older adults at the Tresna Werdha Social Institution, Bengkulu City. This study used a quick experiment with Two Group tests and post-test designs. The results showed a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after being given gymnastics for older people, with an average systolic of 143.00 mmHg to 132.73 mmHg. The dependent t-test statistical test results obtained a systolic p-value of 0.000. In conclusion, there is a significant effect between elderly exercise interventions on blood pressure in elderly hypertensives.  Keywords: Hypertension, Elderly Exercis