46 research outputs found

    Genetic homogenisation of two major orchid viruses through global trade‐based dispersal of their hosts

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    Orchid viruses are capable of causing flower deformities and death, which can se‐ verely impact the horticultural industry and wild orchid conservation. Here we show how two of these quickly evolving viruses display few genetic differences since their first emergence, across countries and host plants. This is concerning as, despite bios‐ ecurity regulations to control the movement of orchids and their related pathogens, these patterns are suggestive of rapid and regular international movement of horti‐ cultural material. Poor biosecurity practices could threaten the orchid horticultural industry and result in the accidental translocation or reintroduction of infected plant material intended to recover wild populations

    The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Eriocaulon nepalense

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    Three New Grass Records for Madagascar

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