329 research outputs found

    q-Deformed Relativistic Wave Equations

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    Based on the representation theory of the qq-deformed Lorentz and Poincar\'e symmeties qq-deformed relativistic wave equation are constructed. The most important cases of the Dirac-, Proca-, Rarita-Schwinger- and Maxwell- equations are treated explicitly. The qq-deformed wave operators look structurally like the undeformed ones but they consist of the generators of a non-commu\-ta\-tive Minkowski space. The existence of the qq-deformed wave equations together with previous existence of the qq-deformed wave equations together with previous results on the representation theory of the qq-deformed Poincar\'e symmetry solve the qq-deformed relativistic one particle problem.Comment: 17 Page

    Topological Hopf algebras, quantum groups and deformation quantization

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    After a presentation of the context and a brief reminder of deformation quantization, we indicate how the introduction of natural topological vector space topologies on Hopf algebras associated with Poisson Lie groups, Lie bialgebras and their doubles explains their dualities and provides a comprehensive framework. Relations with deformation quantization and applications to the deformation quantization of symmetric spaces are describedComment: 13 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Hopf algebras in noncommutative geometry and physics" (VUB, Brussels, May 2002

    Loss and gain of chromosomes 1, 18, and Y in prostate cancer

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    Nuclear suspensions of 42 prostate carcinoma specimens obtained at surgery were used to investigate loss and gain of chromosomes 1, 18, and Y by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with centromere-specific probes. The outcome of FISH analysis was correlated with clinical parameters and the relationship between DNA-FCM (ploidy at cellular level) and FISH (ploidy of individual chromosomes) was assessed. Significant loss of chromosomes 1 and 18 was infrequent (respectively, three and five cases), but 53% of the tested specimens showed loss of Y. Loss was not correlated with DNA ploidy. Significant gain occurred in 36% (chromosome 1), 63% (chromosome 18), and 28% (Y) of the specimens. Gain of chromosome 18 was shown in DNA diploid (7/14) and aneuploid tumors (18/26), while gain of chromosomes 1 and Y was nearly restricted to DNA aneuploid specimens. Significant unbalance between these chromosomes occurred in 11 cases. Most cases which had significant gain of chromosome 1 or 18 showed trisomic as well as tetrasomic cells. Simultaneous loss of some and gain of other investigated chromosomes is suggestive of clonal heterogeneity and/or multiclonality. This was observed in eight tumors. Correlation between DNA-FCM and FISH was best for the Y chromosome. DNA-FCM showed more aberrant histograms with increasing stage and grade of tumors. The presence of numerical aberrations of the investigated chromosomes however, seemed independent of clinical grade or stage

    Spin Networks and Quantum Gravity

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    We introduce a new basis on the state space of non-perturbative quantum gravity. The states of this basis are linearly independent, are well defined in both the loop representation and the connection representation, and are labeled by a generalization of Penrose's spin netoworks. The new basis fully reduces the spinor identities (SU(2) Mandelstam identities) and simplifies calculations in non-perturbative quantum gravity. In particular, it allows a simple expression for the exact solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint (Wheeler-DeWitt equation) that have been discovered in the loop representation. Since the states in this basis diagnolize operators that represent the three geometry of space, such as the area and volumes of arbitrary surfaces and regions, these states provide a discrete picture of quantum geometry at the Planck scale.Comment: 42 page

    q-Quaternions and q-deformed su(2) instantons

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    We construct (anti)instanton solutions of a would-be q-deformed su(2) Yang-Mills theory on the quantum Euclidean space R_q^4 [the SO_q(4)-covariant noncommutative space] by reinterpreting the function algebra on the latter as a q-quaternion bialgebra. Since the (anti)selfduality equations are covariant under the quantum group of deformed rotations, translations and scale change, by applying the latter we can generate new solutions from the one centered at the origin and with unit size. We also construct multi-instanton solutions. As they depend on noncommuting parameters playing the roles of `sizes' and `coordinates of the centers' of the instantons, this indicates that the moduli space of a complete theory will be a noncommutative manifold. Similarly, gauge transformations should be allowed to depend on additional noncommutative parameters.Comment: Latex file, 39 pages. Final version appeared in JM

    Those Barracks Babies

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    This is a book about how a group of folks, in a time long ago, living in a small Minnesota college town, celebrated life. It is a story of reflection. Reflection into the past when times and people were - shall we say - different. The people were veterans returning from the war, the time was the middle of the century-1947 through 1964. The place was Mankato State College in Southern Minnesota. This is the story of The Barracks Babies. After you read these letters, look at the fading photographs, you\u27ll know this is not the \u2790s. What makes these people different? Well, for one thing, explained Margaret Philip, Assistant Professor of Psycholgy at MSU, all of these people seemed to be focused on a goal - dedicated to becoming professionals. Most knew they were going to be teachers from the first day, so they worked hard to get there quickly. Today students don\u27t know what profession they will choose or whether they\u27ll even get a job after col­lege. Yes, it\u27s obvious the Barracks Babies were highly motivated to achieve. After being in the service and surviving the war, they were simply appreciative of being alive. There was a spirit of excitement about their new life -a wife - a family - a home - an education - the prospect of earning a good living in the future. It didn\u27t matter if living conditions weren\u27t the best for a few years - they saw an end to it. After all the rent was cheap! And, they never lost their sense of humor. Most (but not all) of the students were male. Es­pecially in the early days of the Barracks, the wives did not work but stayed home to raise the family and give moral support to their husbands and each other. In fact, they were frequently awarded their Ph.T. (Putting Him Through)! here was quite a bit of no-cost socializing - and all were in the same financial boat. No one had to compete or climb the status ladder. There was definitely a spirit of cooperativeness, said Philip. She also noted they tended to show origi­nality in problem solving behaviors - in other words, learning how to make-do with nothing. After reading the stories, Mrs. Philip felt that the most amazing thing about them is that 40 years later these folks had such clear recollections. I believe that shows they were feeling good about what they were doing and they processed it into long term memory! Turn now to those days and enjoy some of the most wonderful true-life stories you\u27ll ever read. It\u27s Those Barracks Babies ...https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/university-archives-msu-authors/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Watermarking based on discrete wavelet transform and q-deformed chaotic map

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    Hierarchy of one-dimensional ergodic chaotic maps with Tsallis type of q-deformation are studied. We find that in the chaotic region, these maps with q-deformation are ergodic as the Birkhoff ergodic theorem predicts. q-deformed maps are defined as ratios of polynomials of degree N. Hence, by using the Stieltjes transform approach (STA), invariant measure is proposed. In addition, considering Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) measure, Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy for q-deformed maps is calculated analytically. The new q-deformed scheme have ability to keep previous significant properties such as ergodicity, sensitivity to initial condition. By adding q-parameter to the hierarchy in order increase the randomness and one-way computation, we present a new scheme for watermarking. The introduced algorithm tries to improve the problem of failure of encryption such as small key space, encryption speed and level of security. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, some security analyses are presented. By considering the obtained results, it can be concluded that, this scheme have a high potential to be adopted for watermarking. It can be concluded that, the proposed novel watermarking scheme for image authentication can be applied for practical applications. © 2017 Elsevier Lt

    Optimising commercial traits through gene editing in aquaculture: Strategies for accelerating genetic improvement

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    Aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing food production sectors. As the global human population continues to increase and further pressure is added to the prospects of achieving global food security, aquaculture is expected to play an integral role in meeting future nutrition demands. With advances in genetic technologies over recent years, much progress has been made within the realm of selective breeding. Despite success, selective breeding programs have limitations to the rate of genetic gain they can achieve. The incorporation of targeted genetic technologies, such as gene editing, into research related to selective breeding programs will help identify specific genes related to commercially desirable traits, as well as expedite genetic improvement. This review summarises research encompassing the most commonly targeted traits using gene editing within aquaculture, namely reproduction and development, pigmentation, growth and disease resistance. In addition, this review illustrates how the incorporation of gene editing can expedite genetic improvement through the rapid fixation of desirable alleles, as well as suggests strategies to accelerate genetic improvement for aquaculture production
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