93 research outputs found

    Strong Interplay between Stripe Spin Fluctuations, Nematicity and Superconductivity in FeSe

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    Elucidating the microscopic origin of nematic order in iron-based superconducting materials is important because the interactions that drive nematic order may also mediate the Cooper pairing. Nematic order breaks fourfold rotational symmetry in the iron plane, which is believed to be driven by either orbital or spin degrees of freedom. However, as the nematic phase often develops at a temperature just above or coincides with a stripe magnetic phase transition, experimentally determining the dominant driving force of nematic order is difficult. Here, we use neutron scattering to study structurally the simplest iron-based superconductor FeSe, which displays a nematic (orthorhombic) phase transition at Ts=90T_s=90 K, but does not order antiferromagnetically. Our data reveal substantial stripe spin fluctuations, which are coupled with orthorhombicity and are enhanced abruptly on cooling to below TsT_s. Moreover, a sharp spin resonance develops in the superconducting state, whose energy (~4 meV) is consistent with an electron boson coupling mode revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, thereby suggesting a spin fluctuation-mediated sign-changing pairing symmetry. By normalizing the dynamic susceptibility into absolute units, we show that the magnetic spectral weight in FeSe is comparable to that of the iron arsenides. Our findings support recent theoretical proposals that both nematicity and superconductivity are driven by spin fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Ultrafast Radiographic Imaging and Tracking: An overview of instruments, methods, data, and applications

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    Ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking (U-RadIT) use state-of-the-art ionizing particle and light sources to experimentally study sub-nanosecond dynamic processes in physics, chemistry, biology, geology, materials science and other fields. These processes, fundamental to nuclear fusion energy, advanced manufacturing, green transportation and others, often involve one mole or more atoms, and thus are challenging to compute by using the first principles of quantum physics or other forward models. One of the central problems in U-RadIT is to optimize information yield through, e.g. high-luminosity X-ray and particle sources, efficient imaging and tracking detectors, novel methods to collect data, and large-bandwidth online and offline data processing, regulated by the underlying physics, statistics, and computing power. We review and highlight recent progress in: a.) Detectors; b.) U-RadIT modalities; c.) Data and algorithms; and d.) Applications. Hardware-centric approaches to U-RadIT optimization are constrained by detector material properties, low signal-to-noise ratio, high cost and long development cycles of critical hardware components such as ASICs. Interpretation of experimental data, including comparisons with forward models, is frequently hindered by sparse measurements, model and measurement uncertainties, and noise. Alternatively, U-RadIT makes increasing use of data science and machine learning algorithms, including experimental implementations of compressed sensing. Machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches, refined by physics and materials information, may also contribute significantly to data interpretation, uncertainty quantification and U-RadIT optimization.Comment: 51 pages, 31 figures; Overview of ultrafast radiographic imaging and tracking as a part of ULITIMA 2023 conference, Mar. 13-16,2023, Menlo Park, CA, US

    Is Asthma Related to Choroidal Neovascularization?

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    BACKGROUND: Age-related degeneration (AMD) and asthma are both diseases that are related to the activation of the complement system. The association between AMD and asthma has been debated in previous studies. The authors investigated the relationship between AMD and asthma systemically. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The epidemiological study showed that asthma was related to choroidal neovascularization (CNV) subtype (OR = 1.721, P = 0.023). However, the meta-analysis showed there was no association between AMD and asthma. In an animal model, we found more fluoresce in leakage of CNV lesions by FA analysis and more angiogenesis by histological analysis in rats with asthma. Western blot demonstrated an elevated level of C3α-chain, C3α'-chain and VEGF. After compstatin was intravitreally injected, CNV leakage decreased according to FA analysis, with the level of C3 and VEGF protein decreasing at the same time. SIGNIFICANCE: This study first investigated the relationship between AMD and asthma systematically, and it was found that asthma could be a risk factor for the development of AMD. The study may provide a better understanding of the disease, which may advance the potential for screening asthma patients in clinical practice

    Atomically resolved electrically active intragrain interfaces in perovskite semiconductors

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    Deciphering the atomic and electronic structures of interfaces is key to developing state-of-the-art perovskite semiconductors. However, conventional characterization techniques have limited previous studies mainly to grain-boundary interfaces, whereas the intragrain-interface microstructures and their electronic properties have been much less revealed. Herein using scanning transmission electron microscopy, we resolved the atomic-scale structural information on three prototypical intragrain interfaces, unraveling intriguing features clearly different from those from previous observations based on standalone films or nanomaterial samples. These intragrain interfaces include composition boundaries formed by heterogeneous ion distribution, stacking faults resulted from wrongly stacked crystal planes, and symmetrical twinning boundaries. The atomic-scale imaging of these intragrain interfaces enables us to build unequivocal models for the ab initio calculation of electronic properties. Our results suggest that these structure interfaces are generally electronically benign, whereas their dynamic interaction with point defects can still evoke detrimental effects. This work paves the way toward a more complete fundamental understanding of the microscopic structure–property–performance relationship in metal halide perovskites

    Conserved molecular interactions in centriole-to-centrosome conversion.

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    Centrioles are required to assemble centrosomes for cell division and cilia for motility and signalling. New centrioles assemble perpendicularly to pre-existing ones in G1-S and elongate throughout S and G2. Fully elongated daughter centrioles are converted into centrosomes during mitosis to be able to duplicate and organize pericentriolar material in the next cell cycle. Here we show that centriole-to-centrosome conversion requires sequential loading of Cep135, Ana1 (Cep295) and Asterless (Cep152) onto daughter centrioles during mitotic progression in both Drosophila melanogaster and human. This generates a molecular network spanning from the inner- to outermost parts of the centriole. Ana1 forms a molecular strut within the network, and its essential role can be substituted by an engineered fragment providing an alternative linkage between Asterless and Cep135. This conserved architectural framework is essential for loading Asterless or Cep152, the partner of the master regulator of centriole duplication, Plk4. Our study thus uncovers the molecular basis for centriole-to-centrosome conversion that renders daughter centrioles competent for motherhood.J.F., Z.L., S.S. and N.S.D. are supported from Programme Grant to D.M.G. from Cancer Research UK. H.R. is supported from MRC Programme Grant to D.M.G. J.F. thank the British Academy and the Royal Society for Newton International Fellowship and Z.L. thanks the Federation of European Biochemical Societies for the Long-Term postdoctoral Fellowship. The authors thank Nicola Lawrence and Alex Sossick for assistance with 3D-SIM.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncb327

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme I/D polymorphism and preeclampsia risk: evidence of small-study bias

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    BACKGROUND: Inappropriate activation of the renin-angiotensin system may play a part in the development of preeclampsia. An insertion/deletion polymorphism within the angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene (ACE-I/D) has shown to be reliably associated with differences in angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. However, previous studies of the ACE-I/D variant and preeclampsia have been individually underpowered to detect plausible genotypic risks. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A prospective case-control study was conducted in 1,711 unrelated young pregnant women (665 preeclamptic and 1,046 healthy pregnant controls) recruited from five Colombian cities. Maternal blood was obtained to genotype for the ACE-I/D polymorphism. Crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) using logistic regression models were obtained to evaluate the strength of the association between ACE-I/D variant and preeclampsia risk. A meta-analysis was then undertaken of all published studies to February 2006 evaluating the ACE-I/D variant in preeclampsia. An additive model (per-D-allele) revealed a null association between the ACE-I/D variant and preeclampsia risk (crude OR = 0.95 [95% CI, 0.81-1.10]) in the new case-control study. Similar results were obtained after adjusting for confounders (adjusted per-allele OR = 0.90 [95% CI, 0.77-1.06]) and using other genetic models of inheritance. A meta-analysis (2,596 cases and 3,828 controls from 22 studies) showed a per-allele OR of 1.26 (95% CI, 1.07-1.49). An analysis stratified by study size showed an attenuated OR toward the null as study size increased. CONCLUSIONS: It is highly likely that the observed small nominal increase in risk of preeclampsia associated with the ACE D-allele is due to small-study bias, similar to that observed in cardiovascular disease. Reliable assessment of the origins of preeclampsia using a genetic approach may require the establishment of a collaborating consortium to generate a dataset of adequate size

    A Vision for Incorporating Environmental Effects into Nitrogen Management Decision Support Tools for U.S. Maize Production

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    Meeting crop nitrogen (N) demand while minimizing N losses to the environment has proven difficult despite significant field research and modeling efforts. To improve N management, several real-time N management tools have been developed with a primary focus on enhancing crop production. However, no coordinated effort exists to simultaneously address sustainability concerns related to N losses at field- and regional-scales. In this perspective, we highlight the opportunity for incorporating environmental effects into N management decision support tools for United States maize production systems by integrating publicly available crop models with grower-entered management information and gridded soil and climate data in a geospatial framework specifically designed to quantify environmental and crop production tradeoffs. To facilitate advances in this area, we assess the capability of existing crop models to provide in-season N recommendations while estimating N leaching and nitrous oxide emissions, discuss several considerations for initial framework development, and highlight important challenges related to improving the accuracy of crop model predictions. Such a framework would benefit the development of regional sustainable intensification strategies by enabling the identification of N loss hotspots which could be used to implement spatially explicit mitigation efforts in relation to current environmental quality goals and real-time weather conditions. Nevertheless, we argue that this long-term vision can only be realized by leveraging a variety of existing research efforts to overcome challenges related to improving model structure, accessing field data to enhance model performance, and addressing the numerous social difficulties in delivery and adoption of such tool by stakeholders