1,454 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui warna lokal yang tergambar dalam cerpen Analanggai karya Zakiyah M. Husbah. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori sosiologi sastra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Data dari penelitian ini berupa data tertulis berupa kata, klausa dan kalimat yang diambil dari kutipan yang menunjukkan adanya warna lokal dalam cerpen Analanggai, yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen Analanggai karya Zakiyah M. Husbah. Sedangkan sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu cerpen Analanggai yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen Analanggai karya Zakiyah M. Husbah yang diterbitkan oleh Sekarlangit, Kendari, tahun 2019 dengan tebal 144 halaman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah warna lokal dalam cerpen Analanggai yaitu penggunaan bahasa, gambaran budaya, dan gambaran geografis atau alam. Cerpen Analanggai menggunakan bahasa dalam bentuk kosakata bahasa daerah Tolaki dan Wangi-Wangi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Kebudayaan yang tergambar dalam cerpen Analanggai merupakan kebudayaan lisan masyarakat Tolaki dan ritual kabuenga yang ada di Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi, Kabupaten Wakatobi. Gambaran geografis atau alam yang ada dalam cerpen Analanggai adalah gambaran alam di sekitar kawasan Taman Rawa Aopa Watumohai yang terletak di Konawe Selatan.  Kata-kata kunci: Kumpulan Cerpen Analanggai, Sosiologi Sastra, Warna Lokal


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    Kewirausahaan identik dengan Wirausahawan dan wirausaha adalah orang-orang yang mampu mengidentifikasi dan menangkap peluang, mengumpulkan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk memanfaatkan dan mencapai kesuksesan. Pengembangan kewirausahaan merupakan tujuan setiap daerah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada pelaku usaha mengenai strategi pengembangan bisnis dan wirausaha di kabupaten Buton. Strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah kesinambungan pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pendampingan berkaitan dengan pelatihan design, packaging, inovasi serta kualitas produk, izin edar produk, serta penggunaan media online guna memaksimalkan strategi pemasaran. bagi pelaku usaha atau calon pelaku usaha dalam mengasah keahlian dan skill agar bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berwirausaha. Hal ini akan memberikan efek yang besar terhadap masa depan dan pola perilaku mereka di lingkungannya. Secara lebih spesifik permasalahan dari pelaku usaha yang ada ini antara lain diversifikasi prosuk masih rendah, modal yang sangat terbatas, kurangnya inovasi, dan belum mampu mengambil peluang perkembangan teknologi infomasi berkaitan dengan tekhnik pemasaran.   &nbsp

    Lingkungan Pengasuhan dan Tingkat Perkembangan Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun

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    Skills and intelligence in adulthood are a series of developmental processes that children go through from an early age. In addition, the first five years of life are crucial for a child's further development. The future development of children is closely related to the environment in which children are raised. Therefore, a conducive environment is needed to form independent and quality children. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the parenting environment and the level of child development. The research design used a cross-sectional study, carried out in Betoambari District, Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi involving 90 mothers and children who were selected by purposive sampling from complete families and had children aged 4-5 years. Data was collected through interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively and multiple regression. The results showed that the quality of the parenting environment had an average index value that was included in the medium category. Most of the children's developmental levels are also in the moderate category. The parenting environment has a positive and real influence on the level of child development. Keywords: child development, physical environment, social environment, parenting, motor developmen


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    ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat efektivitas ekstrak rimpang jahe putih (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum) sebagai antifertilitas terhadap kebuntingan mencit (Mus musculus L.) tahap praimplantasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan. 16 ekor mencit betina berat 20-30 gr  berumur 2-3 bulan dibagi kedalam 4 kelompok  yaitu;  K1 (Aquades), K2 (0,7 mg/g bb), K3 (1,4 mg/g bb), dan K4 (2,8 mg/g bb) ekstrak. Pemberian Ekstrak diberikan secara oral sebanyak 0,5 ml/ekor/hari pada kebuntingan hari ke-0 sampai ke-3. Mencit dipelihara sampai hari kebuntingan ke-18. Mencit dikorbankan dan dibedah, selanjutnya diamati parameter kebuntingan tahap praimplantasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak rimpang jahe putih menurunkan persentase implantasi yaitu K1 (0,90%), K2 (0,39%), K3. Menurunkan persentase embrio resorbsi yaitu K1 (0%), K2 (0%), K3. Menurunkan persentase fetus hidup yaitu K1 (0,90%), K2 (0,35%), K3. Serta meningkatkan persentase fetus mati K1 (0%), K2 (0,04%) K3 dan pada keempat parameter untuk K4 tidak ditemukan fetus, Ekstrak juga meningkatkan persentase kehilangan gestasi yaitu K1 (0,12%), K2 (0,60%), K3 (1%)dan K4 (1%). Kata kunci : Ekstrak rimpang jahe putih, Kebuntingan tahap praimplantasi ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of white ginger rhizome extract (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum) as an antifertility on pregnancy in the preimplantation stage of mice (Mus musculus L.). This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments. 16 female mice weighing 20-30 grams aged 2-3 months were divided into 4 groups, namely; K1 (Aquades), K2 (0.7 mg / g bb), K3 (1.4 mg / g bb), and K4 (2.8 mg / g bb) extract. The administration of the extract was administered orally as much as 0.5 ml / head / day in the 0 to 3 day pregnancy. Mice are maintained until the 18th pregnancy day. Mice were sacrificed and dissected, then the preimplantation stage pregnancy parameters were observed. The results showed that the white ginger rhizome extract reduced the percentage of implantation, namely K1 (0.90%), K2 (0.39%), K3. Reducing the percentage of resorbsi embryos, namely K1 (0%), K2 (0%), K3. Reducing the percentage of live fetuses, namely K1 (0.90%), K2 (0.35%), K3. As well as increasing the percentage of dead fetuses K1 (0%), K2 (0.04%) K3 and in the fourth parameter for K4 no fetus was found, the extract also increased the percentage of gestational loss, namely K1 (0.12%), K2 (0.60% ), K3 (1%) and K4 (1%). Keywords: White ginger rhizome extract, preimplantation stage pregnanc

    Effects of gamal leaf extract (Gliricidia sepium Jacq.) on body weight and internal organ performance of mice (Mus musculus L.)

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    Gamal leaves (Gliricidia sepium Jacq.) contain toxic compounds that have the potential to act as vegetable rodenticides, such as alkaloids, tannins, dicumerol, and hydrogen cyanic acid (HCN). Coumarin compounds can bind vitamin K, disrupt the circulatory system, and damage liver cells. The compounds dicumerol and warfarin are used as rat poison because of their anticoagulant properties, which prevent blood clots in the heart. Alkaloid and tannin compounds can damage liver cells through liver necrosis and bleeding in the digestive system. This study aims to determine the effect of Gamal leaf extract on body weight and internal organ performance in mice (Mus musculus L.). The experimental research method is based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) pattern. A total of 16 mice weighing 20-22 grams consisting of 4 treatments, namely A0 (water control), A1 (extract 10 mg/g BW), A2 (extract 15 mg/g BW) and A3 (extract 20 mg/g BW). The extract was given orally for 14 days, and body weight was measured every 3 days to obtain data on changes in body weight (PBB). At the end of the treatment, the mice were sacrificed using chloroform and then dissected to observe the performance of the liver, kidney and heart organs in color appearance and organ weight. Quantitative data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and further DMRT test α=0.05. The research showed that mice's mean change in body weight (PBB) decreased significantly as the dose of Gamal leaf extract increased. The percentage of liver organ weight (BOH), kidney organ weight (BOG), and heart organ weight (BOJ) decreased as the dose of Gamal leaf extract increased. The research results concluded that Gamal leaf extract caused color changes in the internal organs of mice and significantly affected the percentage change in body weight (PBB) and internal organ weight (BOD) of mice along with increasing doses of Gamal leaf extract

    Level of Cytokine Interleukin-6 and Interleukin 1-β on Infectious Rat Model Treated with Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Smith Fruit Extract as Immunomodulator

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    Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M Smith or locally in Southeast Sulawesi known as Wualae fruit has activity as an immunomodulator by increasing phagocytosis activity. Prior studies have been conducted to observe the effect of E. elatior as an immunomodulator, thus further study is needed to observe the production of cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-6 which are responsible for the immune responses. Etlingera elatior fruit macerated with 96% ethanol for three days and produced a total of ±74.6 g concentrated extract. Experimental animals used were divided into four groups (n=4) and treated orally once a day for seven days as follows: group I (0.5% Na CMC); group II (Stimuno®); group III (E. elatior fruit extract dose of 300 mg/kg BW); and group IV (E. elatior fruit extract dose of 400 mg/kg BW). On the eight-day, animals were infected with Staphylococcus aureus intraperitoneally and left for an hour. Thereafter, blood was collected and assayed using ELISA Kit (Elabscience rat IL-1β and Elabscience rat IL-6). Results demonstrated that group IV increased levels of IL-1β and group III and IV increased level of IL-6 (p<0.05). Increased levels of IL-1β and IL-6 are associated with phagocytosis in the immune response. In conclusion, E. elatior fruit extract at doses of 300 and 400 mg/kg BW increases levels of IL-1β and IL-6

    Spectral morphometric characterization of breast carcinoma cells

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    The spectral morphometric characteristics of standard haematoxylin and eosin breast carcinoma specimens were evaluated by light microscopy combined with a spectral imaging system. Light intensity at each wavelength in the range of 450–800 nm was recorded for 104 pixels from each field and represented as transmitted light spectra. A library of six characteristic spectra served to scan the cells and reconstruct new images depicting the nuclear area occupied by each spectrum. Fifteen cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma and six cases of lobular carcinoma were examined; nine of the infiltrating ductal carcinoma and three of the lobular carcinoma showed an in situ component. The spectral morphometric analysis revealed a correlation between specific patterns of spectra and different groups of breast carcinoma cells. The most consistent result was that lobular carcinoma cells of in situ and infiltrating components from all patients showed a similar spectral pattern, whereas ductal carcinoma cells displayed spectral variety. Comparison of the in situ and the infiltrating ductal solid, cribriform and comedo carcinoma cells from the same patient revealed a strong similarity of the spectral elements and their relative distribution in the nucleus. The spectrum designated as number 5 in the library incorporated more than 40% of the nuclear area in 74.08% of the infiltrating lobular cells and in 13.64% of the infiltrating ductal carcinoma cells (P < 0.001). Spectrum number 2 appeared in all infiltrating ductal cells examined and in none of the lobular cells. These results indicate that spectrum number 5 is related to infiltrating lobular carcinoma, whereas spectrum number 2 is characteristic for infiltrating ductal carcinoma cells. Spectral similarity mapping of central necrotic regions of comedo type in situ carcinoma revealed nuclear fragmentation into defined segments composed of highly condensed chromatin. We conclude that the spectral morphometric features found for lobular and ductal cell populations may serve future automated histological diagnostics. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Source of Previous Treatment for Re-Treatment TB Cases Registered under the National TB Control Programme, India, 2010

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    BACKGROUND: In 2009, nearly half (289,756) of global re-treatment TB notifications are from India; no nationally-representative data on the source of previous treatment was available to inform strategies for improvement of initial TB treatment outcome. OBJECTIVES: To assess the source of previous treatment for re-treatment TB patients registered under India's Revised National TB control Programme (RNTCP). METHODOLOGY: A nationally-representative cross sectional study was conducted in a sample of 36 randomly-selected districts. All consecutively registered retreatment TB patients during a defined 15-day period in these 36 districts were contacted and the information on the source of previous treatment sought. RESULTS: Data was collected from all 1712 retreatment TB patients registered in the identified districts during the study period. The data includes information on 595 'relapse' cases, 105 'failure' cases, 437 'treatment after default (TAD)' cases and 575 're-treatment others' cases. The source of most recent previous anti-tuberculosis therapy for 754 [44% (95% CI, 38.2%-49.9%)] of the re-treatment TB patients was from providers outside the TB control programme. A higher proportion of patients registered as TAD (64%) and 'retreatment others' (59%) were likely to be treated outside the National Programme, when compared to the proportion among 'relapse' (22%) or 'failure' (6%). Extrapolated to national registration, of the 292,972 re-treatment registrations in 2010, 128,907 patients would have been most recently treated outside the national programme. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of the re-treatment cases registered with the national programme were most recently treated outside the programme setting. Enhanced efforts towards extending treatment support and supervision to patients treated by private sector treatment providers are urgently required to improve the quality of treatment and reduce the numbers of patients with recurrent disease. In addition, reasons for the large number of recurrent TB cases from those already treated by the national programme require urgent detailed investigation

    Sosialisai Penerapan Sapta Pesona Dalam Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Air Terjun Tirta Rimba Kelurahan Kadolomoko, Kecamatan Kokalukuna Kota Baubau

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    Abstrak Air terjun tirta rimba adalah salah satu objek wisata alam di Baubau. Eksotisme alam yang ditawarkan tak dimiliki di objek wisata lain. Dengan destinasi tinggi sekitar 6 meter dan lebar 5 meter memiliki kolam-kolam kecil dibawahnya. Objek wisata ini merupakan salah satu daerah konservasi dan pengawasan secara langsung dari pihak Kementrian Hutan Lindung Republik Indonesia. Air terjun tirta rimba masih sangat minim dalam segi fasilitas umum, sarana, prasarana dan sumberdaya manusia yang paham tentang pariwisata. Oleh karena itul maka tim pelaksana Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton bekerjasama dengan Mitra yaitu Kelompok Masyarakat Wisata (Pokmasta) kelurahan Kadolomoko dalam bentuk sosialisasi Penerapan sapta pesona dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan destinasi pariwisata berkelanjutan di air terjun tirta rimba Kelurahan Kadolomoko Kecamatan Kokalukuna Kota Baubau. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini Hasilnya di sambut positif oleh seluruh warga masyarakat dan mitra yang membuat mereka terbuka dalam segi pandangannya tentang Perencanaan dan Perkembangan dunia pariwisata saat ini. Selain itu hasil lainnya dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini mulai berwujud dengan pembukaan kembali akses jalan menuju hutan Jati Alam yang berpotensi menjadi daya tarik wisata alam. Kata Kunci: Sosialisasi Penerapan Sapta Pesona, Perencanaan, pengambangan, Pariwisata Berkelanjutan
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