946 research outputs found

    Resolving the masers in M82

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    Despite first being detected in the 1970s, surprisingly little is known about the OH main line maser population in the nearby starburst galaxy M82. Sometimes referred to as 'kilomasers', they have isotropic luminosities intermediate between Galactic masers and those found in more distant megamasers. Several observations have been carried by this group over the last ten years in an attempt to get a better handle on their nature. High velocity resolution VLA observations in 2006 showed that almost all of the maser spots, distributed across the central arcminute of the galaxy, were apparently coincident with background continuum features, and a handful displayed multiple velocity components. The majority of those with velocity structure are located on a blue-shifted arc in the pv-plane, spatially located on an arc northward of the peculiar source known as B41.95+57.5. Now, new results from high spatial and spectral resolution observations with the EVN have resolved several of these masers into multiple spatial components for the first time. The maser emission is compared with known continuum sources in the galaxy, and we conclude that at least some of the maser emission is from high-gain maser action.Comment: Six pages, one table, one figure. To appear in proceedings of the 11th EVN Symposium (Bordeaux, 9-12 October 2012

    Hip Joint Angles and Moments during Stair Ascent Using Neural Networks and Wearable Sensors

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    End-stage hip joint osteoarthritis treatment, known as total hip arthroplasty (THA), improves satisfaction, life quality, and activities of daily living (ADL) function. Postoperatively, evaluating how patients move (i.e., their kinematics/kinetics) during ADL often requires visits to clinics or specialized biomechanics laboratories. Prior work in our lab and others have leveraged wearables and machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) to quantify hip angles/moments during simple ADL such as walking. Although level-ground ambulation is necessary for patient satisfaction and post-THA function, other tasks such as stair ascent may be more critical for improvement. This study utilized wearable sensors/ANNs to quantify sagittal/frontal plane angles and moments of the hip joint during stair ascent from 17 healthy subjects. Shin/thigh-mounted inertial measurement units and force insole data were inputted to an ANN (2 hidden layers, 10 total nodes). These results were compared to gold-standard optical motion capture and force-measuring insoles. The wearable-ANN approach performed well, achieving rRMSE = 17.7% and R2 = 0.77 (sagittal angle/moment: rRMSE = 17.7 ± 1.2%/14.1 ± 0.80%, R2 = 0.80 ± 0.02/0.77 ± 0.02; frontal angle/moment: rRMSE = 26.4 ± 1.4%/12.7 ± 1.1%, R2 = 0.59 ± 0.02/0.93 ± 0.01). While we only evaluated healthy subjects herein, this approach is simple and human-centered and could provide portable technology for quantifying patient hip biomechanics in future investigations

    Developing a method for quantifying hip joint angles and moments during walking using neural networks and wearables

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    Quantifying hip angles/moments during gait is critical for improving hip pathology diagnostic and treatment methods. Recent work has validated approaches combining wearables with artificial neural networks (ANNs) for cheaper, portable hip joint angle/moment computation. This study developed a Wearable-ANN approach for calculating hip joint angles/moments during walking in the sagittal/frontal planes with data from 17 healthy subjects, leveraging one shin-mounted inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a force-measuring insole for data capture. Compared to the benchmark approach, a two hidden layer ANN (n = 5 nodes per layer) achieved an average rRMSE = 15% and R2=0.85 across outputs, subjects and training rounds

    Interleukin-1 as a mediator of fatigue in disease: a narrative review

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    Fatigue is commonly reported in a variety of illnesses, and it has major impact on quality of life. Previously, it was thought that fatigue originates in the skeletal muscles, leading to cessation of activity. However, more recently, it has become clear that the brain is the central regulator of fatigue perception. It has been suggested that pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), play a prominent role in the development of central fatigue, and several studies have been performed to elucidate the connection between inflammation and these central processes.In this narrative review, mechanisms of action of IL-1 are described, with special attention to its effect on the central nervous system. In addition, we present a summary of studies that (i) investigated the relationship between circulating IL-1α and IL-1β and fatigue severity and/or (ii) evaluated the effect of inhibiting IL-1 on fatigue. We aim to improve the understanding of fatigue in both inflammatory and non-inflammatory illnesses, which could help develop strategies to treat fatigue more effectively.Reviewing the studies that have been performed, it appears that there is a limited value of measuring circulating IL-1. However, inhibiting IL-1 has a positive effect on severe fatigue in most studies that have been conducte

    O2 delivery and CO2 production during cardiopulmonary bypass as determinants of acute kidney injury: time for a goal-directed perfusion management?

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    Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common after cardiac operations. There are different risk factors or determinants of AKI, and some are related to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In this study, we explored the association between metabolic parameters (oxygen delivery (DO(2)) and carbon dioxide production (VCO(2))) during CPB with postoperative AKI. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data at two different institutions. The study population included 359 adult patients. The DO(2) and VCO(2) levels of each patient were monitored during CPB. Outcome variables were related to kidney function (peak postoperative serum creatinine increase and AKI stage 1 or 2). The experimental hypothesis was that nadir DO(2) values and nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratios during CPB would be independent predictors of AKI. Multivariable logistic regression models were built to detect the independent predictors of AKI and any kind of kidney function damage. Results: A nadir DO2 level < 262 mL/minute/m(2) and a nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratio < 5.3 were independently associated with AKI within a model including EuroSCORE and CPB duration. Patients with nadir DO(2) levels and nadir DO(2)/VCO(2) ratios below the identified cutoff values during CPB had a significantly higher rate of AKI stage 2 (odds ratios 3.1 and 2.9, respectively). The negative predictive power of both variables exceeded 90%. The most accurate predictor of AKI stage 2 postoperative status was the nadir DO(2) level. Conclusions: The nadir DO(2) level during CPB is independently associated with postoperative AKI. The measurement of VCO(2)-related variables does not add accuracy to the AKI prediction. Since DO(2) during CPB is a modifiable factor (through pump flow adjustments), this study generates the hypothesis that goal-directed perfusion management aimed at maintaining the DO(2) level above the identified critical value might limit the incidence of postoperative AKI

    HspB5 Activates a Neuroprotective Glial Cell Response in Experimental Tauopathy

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    Progressive neuronal death during tauopathies is associated with aggregation of modified, truncated or mutant forms of tau protein. Such aggregates are neurotoxic, promote spreading of tau aggregation, and trigger release of pro-inflammatory factors by glial cells. Counteracting such pathogenic effects of tau by simultaneously inhibiting protein aggregation as well as pro-inflammatory glial cell responses would be of significant therapeutic interest. Here, we examined the use of the small heat-shock protein HspB5 for this purpose. As a molecular chaperone, HspB5 counteracts aggregation of a wide range of abnormal proteins. As a TLR2 agonist, it selectively activates protective responses by CD14-expressing myeloid cells including microglia. We show that intracerebral infusion of HspB5 in transgenic mice with selective neuronal expression of mutant human P301S tau has significant neuroprotective effects in the superficial, frontal cortical layers. Underlying these effects at least in part, HspB5 induces several potent neuroprotective mediators in both astrocytes and microglia including neurotrophic factors and increased potential for removal of glutamate. Together, these findings highlight the potentially broad therapeutic potential of HspB5 in neurodegenerative proteinopathies

    Regulation of the (pro)renin-renin receptor in cardiac remodelling

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    The (pro)reninrenin receptor [(P)RR] was discovered as an important novel component of the reninangiotensin system (RAS). The functional significance of (P)RR is widely studied in renal and vascular pathologies and has sparked interest for a potential role in cardiovascular disease. To investigate the role of (P)RR in cardiac pathophysiology, we aimed to assess (P)RR regulation in adverse cardiac remodelling of the failing heart. In particular, we evaluated the expression of (P)RR in different models of heart failure and across different species. Significantly increased levels of (P)RR mRNA were found in post-myocardial infarcted (MI) hearts of rats (1.6-fold, P <0.05) and mice (5-fold, P <0.01), as well as in transgenic rats with overexpression of the mouse renin gene (Ren2) (2.2-fold, P <0.01). Moreover, we observed a strong increase of (P)RR expression in hearts of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) patients (5.3-fold, P <0.001). Because none of the tested commercially available antibodies appeared to detect endogenous (P)RR, a (P)RR-specific polyclonal antibody was generated to study (P)RR protein levels. (P)RR protein levels were significantly increased in the post-MI rat heart (1.4-fold, P <0.05) as compared to controls. Most interestingly in DCM patients, a significant 8.7-fold (P <0.05) increase was observed. Thus, protein expression paralleled gene expression. These results demonstrate that (P)RR expression is strongly up-regulated both in rodent models of heart failure and in the failing human heart, hinting to a potential role for (P)RR in cardiac pathophysiology

    Relationships among intramammary health, udder and teat characteristics, and productivity of extensively managed ewes

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    Mastitis is an economically important disease and its subclinical state is difficult to diagnose, which makes mitigation more challenging. The objectives of this study were to screen clinically healthy ewes in order to 1) identify cultivable microbial species in milk, 2) evaluate somatic cell count (SCC) thresholds associated with intramammary infection, and 3) estimate relationships between udder and teat morphometric traits, SCC, and ewe productivity. Milk was collected from two flocks in early (\u3c5 \u3ed) and peak (30 to 45 d) lactation to quantify SCC (n = 530) and numerate cultivable microbial species by culture-based isolation followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS; n = 243) identification. Within flock and lactation stage, 11% to 74% (mean = 36%) of samples were culture positive. More than 50 unique identifications were classified by MALDI-TOF MS analysis, and Bacillus licheniformis (18% to 27%), Micrococcus flavus (25%), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (7% to 18%), and Staphylococcus epidermidis (26%) were among the most common within flock and across lactation stage. Optimum SCC thresholds to identify culture-positive samples ranged from 175 × 103 to 1,675 × 103 cells/mL. Ewe productivity was assessed as total 120-d adjusted litter weight (LW120) and analyzed within flock with breed, parity, year, and the linear covariate of log10 SCC (LSCC) at early or peak lactation. Although dependent on lactation stage and year, each 1-unit increase in LSCC (e.g., an increase in SCC from 100 × 103 to 1,000 × 103 cells/mL) was predicted to decrease LW120 between 9.5 and 16.1 kg when significant. Udder and teat traits included udder circumference, teat length, teat placement, and degree of separation of the udder halves. Correlations between traits were generally low to moderate within and across lactation stage and most were not consistently predictive of ewe LSCC. Overall, the frequencies of bacteria-positive milk samples indicated that subclinical mastitis (SCM) is common in these flocks and can impact ewe productivity. Therefore, future research is warranted to investigate pathways and timing of microbial invasion, genomic regions associated with susceptibility, and husbandry to mitigate the impact of SCM in extensively managed ewes

    Research gaps in the organisation of primary healthcare in low-income and middle-income countries and ways to address them: a mixed-methods approach

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    Introduction Since the Alma-Ata Declaration 40 years ago, primary healthcare (PHC) has made great advances, but there is insufficient research on models of care and outcomes—particularly for low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Systematic efforts to identify these gaps and develop evidence-based strategies for improvement in LMICs has been lacking. We report on a global effort to identify and prioritise the knowledge needs of PHC practitioners and researchers in LMICs about PHC organisation. Methods Three-round modified Delphi using web-based surveys. PHC practitioners and academics and policy-makers from LMICs sampled from global networks. First round (pre-Delphi survey) collated possible research questions to address knowledge gaps about organisation. Responses were independently coded, collapsed and synthesised. Round 2 (Delphi round 1) invited panellists to rate importance of each question. In round 3 (Delphi round 2), panellists ranked questions into final order of importance. Literature review conducted on 36 questions and gap map generated. Results Diverse range of practitioners and academics in LMICs from all global regions generated 744 questions for PHC organisation. In round 2, 36 synthesised questions on organisation were rated. In round 3, the top 16 questions were ranked to yield four prioritised questions in each area. Literature reviews confirmed gap in evidence on prioritised questions in LMICs. Conclusion In line with the 2018 Astana Declaration, this mixed-methods study has produced a unique list of essential gaps in our knowledge of how best to organise PHC, priority-ordered by LMIC expert informants capable of shaping their mitigation. Research teams in LMIC have developed implementation plans to answer the top four ranked research questions

    Interpretation and application of carbon isotope ratios in freshwater diatom silica

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    Carbon incorporated into diatom frustule walls is protected from degradation enabling analysis for carbon isotope composition (δ13Cdiatom). This presents potential for tracing carbon cycles via a single photosynthetic host with well-constrained ecophysiology. Improved understanding of environmental processes controlling carbon delivery and assimilation is essential to interpret changes in freshwater δ13Cdiatom. Here relationships between water chemistry and δ13Cdiatom from contemporary regional data sets are investigated. Modern diatom and water samples were collected from river catchments within England and lake sediments from across Europe. The data suggest dissolved, biogenically produced carbon supplied proportionately to catchment productivity was critical in the rivers and soft water lakes. However, dissolved carbon from calcareous geology overwhelmed the carbon signature in hard water catchments. Both results demonstrate carbon source characteristics were the most important control on δ13Cdiatom, with a greater impact than productivity. Application of these principles was made to a sediment record from Lake Tanganyika. δ13Cdiatom co-varied with δ13Cbulk through the last glacial and Holocene. This suggests carbon supply was again dominant and exceeded authigenic demand. This first systematic evaluation of contemporary δ13Cdiatom controls demonstrates that diatoms have the potential to supply a record of carbon cycling through lake catchments from sediment records over millennial timescales