203 research outputs found

    Liquid crystal hyperbolic metamaterial for wide-angle negative-positive refraction and reflection

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    We show that nanosphere dispersed liquid crystal (NDLC) metamaterial can be characterized in near IR spectral region as an indefinite medium whose real parts of effective ordinary and extraordinary permittivities are opposite in signs. Based on this fact we design a novel electrooptic effect: external electric field driven switch between normal refraction, negative refraction and reflection of TM incident electromagnetic wave from the boundary vacuum/NDLC. A detailed analysis of its functionality is given based on effective medium theory combined with a study of negative refraction in anisotropic metamaterials, and Finite Elements simulations

    Complete diagrammatics of the single ring theorem

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    Using diagrammatic techniques, we provide explicit functional relations between the cumulant generating functions for the biunitarily invariant ensembles in the limit of large size of matrices. The formalism allows to map two distinct areas of free random variables: Hermitian positive definite operators and non-normal R-diagonal operators. We also rederive the Haagerup-Larsen theorem and show how its recent extension to the eigenvector correlation function appears naturally within this approach.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    Effect of dielectric medium anisotropy on the polarization degree of emission from a single quantum dash

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    This research was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education/the National Science Center Grant No. 2011/02/A/ST3/00152. The experiments have partially been performed within the laboratory infrastructure financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Grant No. 6167/IA/119/2012.Excitonic emission from single InAs/InGaAlAs/InP quantum dashes has been investigated in the context of degree of linear polarization by post-growth modification of its surrounding dielectric medium. We present optical spectroscopy measurements on a symmetric squared pedestal structures (mesas), and asymmetric rectangular ones oriented parallel or perpendicular to the main in-plane axis of the dashes [1-10]. Polarization resolved microphotoluminescence shows a significant quantitative modification of the degree of linear polarization value from -20% up to 70%. These results have been confronted with calculations of the coupling between the exciton transition dipole moment and electromagnetic field distributed in the vicinity of a quantum dash inside a processed mesa.Postprin

    Impairment of the mitochondrial one-carbon metabolism enzyme SHMT2 causes a novel brain and heart developmental syndrome

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    Inborn errors of metabolism cause a wide spectrum of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative conditions [15]. A pivotal enzyme located at the intersection of the amino acid and folic acid metabolic pathways is SHMT2, the mitochondrial form of serine hydroxymethyltransferase. SHMT2 performs the first step in a series of reactions that provide one-carbon units covalently bound to folate species in mitochondria: it transfers one-carbon units from serine to tetrahydrofolate (THF), generating glycine and 5,10-methylene-THF. Using whole exome sequencing (WES), we identified biallelic SHMT2 variants in five individuals from four different families. All identified variants were located in conserved residues, either absent or extremely rare in control databases (gnomAD, ExAC), and cosegregated based on a recessive mode of inheritance (pRec = 0.9918 for this gene). In family F1, a homozygous missense variant present in two affected siblings was located in a region without heterozygosity (~ 10 Mb, the only region > 1 Mb shared by both siblings) in which no other candidate variants were found, providing a strong genetic evidence of causality for these variants. The missense/in-frame deletion nature of these variants, and the absence of loss-of-function homozygous individuals in control databases, combined with the fact that complete loss of SHMT2 is embryonic lethal in the mouse, suggested that these variants may cause hypomorphic effects. Using 3D molecular dynamics models of the SHMT2 protein, we concluded that these candidate variants probably alter the SHMT2 oligomerization process, and/or disrupt the conformation of the active site, thus inducing deleterious effects on SHMT2 enzymatic function

    Readability estimates for commonly used health-related quality of life surveys

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    To estimate readability of seven commonly used health-related quality of life instruments: SF-36, HUI, EQ-5D, QWB-SA, HALex, Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ), and the NEI-VFQ-25. The Flesch–Kincaid (F–K) and Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) formulae were used to estimate readability for every item in each measure. The percentage of items that require more than 5 years of formal schooling according to F–K was 50 for the EQ-5D, 53 for the SF-36, 80 for the VFQ-25, 85 for the QWB-SA, 100 for the HUI, HALex, and the MLHFQ. The percentage of items deemed harder than “easy” according to FRE was 50 for the SF-36, 67 for the EQ-5D, 79 for the QWB-SA, 80 for the VFQ-25, 100 for the HUI, HALex, and the MLHFQ. All seven surveys have a substantial number of items with high readability levels that may not be appropriate for the general population

    Nuclear Import and Export Signals of Human Cohesins SA1/STAG1 and SA2/STAG2 Expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Abstract Background: Human SA/STAG proteins, homologues of the yeast Irr1/Scc3 cohesin, are the least studied constituents of the sister chromatid cohesion complex crucial for proper chromosome segregation. The two SA paralogues, SA1 and SA2, show some specificity towards the chromosome region they stabilize, and SA2, but not SA1, has been shown to participate in transcriptional regulation as well. The molecular basis of this functional divergence is unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: In silico analysis indicates numerous putative nuclear localization (NLS) and export (NES) signals in the SA proteins, suggesting the possibility of their nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. We studied the functionality of those putative signals by expressing fluorescently tagged SA1 and SA2 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Only the Nterminal NLS turned out to be functional in SA1. In contrast, the SA2 protein has at least two functional NLS and also two functional NES. Depending on the balance between these opposing signals, SA2 resides in the nucleus or is distributed throughout the cell. Validation of the above conclusions in HeLa cells confirmed that the same N-terminal NLS of SA1 is functional in those cells. In contrast, in SA2 the principal NLS functioning in HeLa cells is different from that identified in yeast and is localized to the C-terminus. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first demonstration of the possibility of non-nuclear localization of an SA protein. The reported difference in the organization between the two SA homologues may also be relevant to their partially divergent functions. The mechanisms determining subcellular localization of cohesins are only partially conserved between yeast and human cells

    Gut contents, digestive half-lives and feeding state prediction in the soil predatory mite Pergamasus longicornis (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae)

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    Mid- and hind-gut lumenal changes are described in the free-living predatory soil mite Pergamasus longicornis (Berlese) from a time series of histological sections scored during and after feeding on fly larval prey. Three distinct types of tangible material are found in the lumen. Bayesian estimation of the change points in the states of the gut lumenal contents over time is made using a time-homogenous first order Markov model. Exponential processes within the gut exhibit ’stiff’ dynamics. A lumen is present throughout the midgut from 5 min after the start of feeding as the gut rapidly expands. It peaks at about 21.5 h - 1.5 days and persists post-feeding (even when the gut is contracted) up until fasting/starvation commences 10 days post start of feeding. The disappearance of the lumen commences 144 h after the start of feeding. Complete disappearance of the gut lumen make take 5-9 weeks from feeding commencing. Clear watery prey material arrives up to 10 min from the start of feeding - driving gut lumen expansion. Intracellular digestion triggered by maximum gut expansion is indicated. Detectable granular prey material appears in the lumen during the concentrative phase of coxal droplet production and, despite a noticeable collapse around 12 h, lasts in part for 52.5 h. Posterior midgut regions differ slightly from anterior regions in their main prey food dynamics being somewhat faster in processing yet being slightly delayed. Posterior regions are confirmed as Last-In-Last-Out depots, anterior regions confirmed as First-In-First-Out conveyor belt processes. Evidence for differential lability of prey fractions is found. A scheme of granular imbibed prey material being first initially rapidly absorbed (t andfrac12; = 23 min), and also being quickly partly converted to globular material extra-corporeally/extracellularly (t andfrac12; = 36 min) - which then rapidly disappears (t andfrac12; =1.1 h, from a peak around 4 h) is presented. This is then followed by slow intracellular digestion (t andfrac12; = 6.9 h) of the resultant resistant prey residue matching the slow rate of appearance of opaque pre-excretory egestive refractive grains (overall t andfrac12; = 4.5 days). The latter confirmed latent ’catabolic fraction’ (along with Malpighian tubule produced guanine crystals) drives rectal vesicle expansion as ’faeces’ during the later phases of gut emptying/contraction. Catabolic half-lives are of the order of 6.3-7.8 h. Membraneous material is only present in the lumen of the gut in starving mites. No obvious peritrophic membrane was observed. The total feeding cycle time may be slightly over 52.5 h. Full clearance in the gut system of a single meal including egestive and excretory products may take up to 3 weeks. Independent corroborative photographs are included and with posterior predictive densities confirm the physiological sequence of:- ingestion/digestion; egestion; excretion; defecation; together with their timings. Visually dark midguts almost certainly indicate egestive refractive grains (?xanthine) production. Nomograms to diagnose the feeding state of P.longicornis in field samples are presented and show that the timing of these 4 phases in the wild could be inferred by scoring 10-12 mites out of a sample of 20. Suggestions to critically confirm or refute the conclusions are included