1,960 research outputs found

    Multiple Criminal Representation Examined: Holloway v. Arkansas

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    Effect of 3 dietary phytogenic products on production performance and coccidiosis in challenged broiler chickens

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    A pen trial using 1,080 male Ross 308 broiler chicks (6 treatments with 6 replicates each) was conducted to examine the effects of 3 dietary phytogenic products on avian coccidiosis. The dietary treatments included (1) a negative control (NC), (2) a positive control (PC) without feed additive, (3) Narasin at 0.7 kg/t (COCC), (4) PHYT1 (oregano) at 2.0 kg/t, (5) PHYT2 (combination of Curcuma, saponins, and inulin) at 1.0 kg/t, and (6) PHYT3 (Quillaja) at 1.0 kg/t. Treatments 2 through 6 were challenged with a mixture of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella at d 15 via feed. Standard performance parameters and coccidial lesion scoring (d 22) were conducted. One week after coccidial challenge, chicks BW of the COCC treatment and the NC were higher than all other treatments. Body weights on d 39 were 2.47 (NC), 2.34 (PC), 2.51 (COCC), 2.35 (PHYT1), 2.39 (PHYT2), and 2.41 kg (PHYT3) with an SEM of 0.033. For the entire trial period, Narasin yielded a significantly better FCR in comparison with the PC and PHYT3. Overall mean lesion score was 0.54 (NC), 0.91 (PC), 0.50 (COCC), 0.81 (PHYT 1), 1.02 (PHYT 2), and 1.13 (PHYT 3) with an SEM of 0.122. It was concluded that all 3 phytogenic products were not effective at the used dosage in alleviating the negative effects observed in coccidiosis-challenged bird

    Unusual DNA Structure and DNA Damage Recognition: Structure and Dynamic Markers

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    Nucleic acids play a central role in many biological processes, including information storage, gene expression, serving as messengers or structural components and even catalysis. Their diverse roles have made them targets of interest to diagnose and treat an array of human disorders such as infections, degenerative diseases and cancer. Nature has evolved proteins and ligands that recognize specific nucleic acid sequences or structures and control their function, demonstrating that this can be efficiently accomplished. This has led to the development of wide variety of synthetic molecules that selectively bind to nucleic acids. In turn, this has precipitated numerous studies which showed that nucleic acid structures and their dynamic properties must be understood in order to efficiently target specific sequences or structures

    Long-term Tennis Participation and Health Outcomes: An Investigation of “Lifetime” Activities

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(7): 1251-1261, 2020. Lifetime sports, such as tennis, provide opportunities for participation throughout the lifespan and has been linked with lower risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. The objective of this study was to consider the influence of chronic tennis participation on various parameters of health. Members of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) completed a survey consisting of questions from International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Satisfaction With Life Survey (SWLS), and specific tennis participation questions. Descriptive characteristics were calculated for all variables and a chi-squared analysis was used to compare prevalence of health variables of this sample and recent BRFSS data. Compared to the BRFSS greater proportion of study participants 45yrs and older frequently reported being in good or better health (χ2=7.946, p = 0.005); lower obesity rates (χ2=19.92, p = 0.0001); and a lower prevalence of heart disease than those of similar age who completed BRFSS (χ2= 8.759, p = 0.003). This study highlights the importance of activities that continue throughout the lifespan such as tennis

    Investigations on the slope efficiency of a pulsed 2.8-µm Er3+:LiYF4 laser

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    A slope efficiency of 40% from an Er3+:LiYF4 laser is demonstrated under pulsed Ti:sapphire pumping at 973 nm. With reduction of the pump-pulse duration a significant decrease of the slope efficiency and an increase of the threshold is observed in the experiment and confirmed with high accuracy in a computer simulation. This behavior is due to interionic upconversion from the lower laser level, which leads to energy recycling into the upper laser level. The upconversion rate is negative at threshold but increases strongly with rising pump pulse energy, thus enhancing the slope efficiency. The conditions are derived that are necessary for achieving the high slope efficiency of the energy-recycling regime

    Skylab S-193 Radscat microwave measurements of sea surface winds

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    The S-193 Radscat made extensive measurements of many sea conditions. Measurements were taken in a tropical hurricane (Ava), a tropical storm (Christine), and in portions of extratropical cyclones. Approximately 200 scans of ocean data at 105 kilometer spacings were taken during the first two Skylab missions and another 200 during the final mission when the characteristics of the measurements changed due to damage of the antenna. Backscatter with four transmit/receive polarization combinations and emissions with horizontal and vertical receive polarizations were measured. Other surface parameters investigated for correlation with the measurements included sea temperature, air/sea temperature difference, and gravity-wave spectrum. Methods were developed to correct the microwave measurements for atmospheric effects. The radiometric data were corrected accurately for clear sky and light cloud conditions only. The radiometer measurements were used to recover the surface scattering characteristics for all atmospheric conditions excluding rain. The radiometer measurements also detected the presence of rain which signaled when the scattering measurement should not be used for surface wind estimation. Regression analysis was used to determine empirically the relation between surface parameters and the microwave measurements, after correction for atmospheric effects. Results indicate a relationship approaching square-law at 50 deg between differential scattering coefficient and wind speed with horizontally polarized scattering data showing slightly more sensitivity to wind speed than vertically polarized data

    Effect of herd health management on the prevalence of Postpartum Dysgalaktie Syndrome (PPDS) and the treatment incidence

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    The Postpartum Dysgalaktie Syndrome (PPDS) also known as metritis agalactia mastitis (MMA), is considered the most common disease of the sow after farrowing. The reasons for PPDS are multifactorial and are to be found in the areas of management and hygiene, feeding, water supply and animal specific factors such as body condition and age of the sows. In this study a veterinary herd health management was carried out in 28 pig farms with PPDS, with the aim to reduce the PPDS prevalence and animal treatment incidence (TI). In 20 of 28 problem farms the PPDS-prevalence could be decreased from 37.4% (± 21.8%) to 24.5% (± 14.1%). The TI was not significantly reduced. The most effective procedures to reduce the PPDS-prevalence were the use of a prepartal transition feed, optimizing the PPDSdiagnostic and the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) and oxytocin in the PPDS-treatment

    Field Observations on the Effect of a Mannan Oligosaccharide on Mortality and Intestinal Integrity of Sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup) Infected by Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida

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    This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of a mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) on the intestinal morphology of sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup) reared under commercial conditions. The dietary inclusion rate for MOS was 0.4% and it was used either alone or in combination with a vaccination regime against bacterial diseases (Pasteurella spp. and Vibrio spp.). One week after the start of the experimental period, a natural outbreak of pasteurellosis, caused by Photobacterium damselae subsp.piscicida,occurred in all the groups of fish.A two-way ANOVA showed that only MOS supplementation reduced fish mortality by ca. 8% (P = 0.050). Additionally, light microscopy examination of the intestine revealed that MOS supplementation significantly increased the mucosal folding by 29% (P = 0.016) in the anterior intestinal region and by 33% (P = 0.002) in the posterior intestinal region. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that both MOS supplementation and vaccination significantly increased microvilli density on the enterocyte surfaces in the anterior intestinal regionby 13% (P = 0.028) and 30% (P = 0.001) respectively. In the posterior intestinal region neither MOS supplementation nor vaccination significantly affected the microvilli density (P = 0.005).The present study suggests that dietary MOS supplementation protects the intestinal morphology of infected sole and hinders the development of pathogenic infection, possibly by binding with Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida, resulting in reduced mortality of infected fish