50 research outputs found

    Generalized Non-Homogeneous Morrey Spaces And Olsen Inequality

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    In this paper, we shall discuss some properties of generalized non-homogeneous Morrey spaces. In addition, we will also prove the Olsen inequality in the non-homogeneous setting. Our proof utilizes the result of (GarcĂ­a-Cuerva and Martell, 2001) on the boundedness of the fractional integral operator on Lebesgue spaces of non-homogeneous type

    Analysis of the String Structure Near Break-up of A Slender Jet of An Upper Convected Maxwell Liquid

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    In this paper, we analytically study the string structure near the break-up of a slender jet of a viscoelastic liquid surrounded by air. The governing equations are derived from the conservation laws of mass and momentum, and the rheological equation of the jet. The rheological equation of the jet is assumed to satisfy an Upper Convected Maxwell (UCM) model. Introducing a stretch variable and then applying a transformation, we obtain a coupled system of nonlinear differential equations. Via these equations, we then show that the UCM jet does not break up in finite time, which physically means that it has sufficient time to exhibit the string structure before it breaks up due to the dominant surface force

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Untuk Kursus Mobil Berbasis Website Dan Mobile

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    Car course center is a course center for people who want to learn to drive properly. Today there are many places that provide services course car. But for now this all transaction records are still using the manual system, so that all processes are less accurate recording. In addition to the monthly reporting process that is old and inaccurate, because it must calculate each transaction that occurs every day. Therefore we need a system based on information technology to improve the weaknesses of the old system.In the manufacture of the new information system, it is intended to be able to record income and expenditure transactions quickly and accurately. And can display monthly reports quickly and accurately to the owner of the car course center. Besides this new information systems it can make their own schedule tutoring participants registering through the website. Old systems analyze process by conducting a survey to the course car, and making DFD and ERD using power designer.From the results of the testing of this new information system it can keep records of income and expenses accurately, and course participants can register themselves through the course schedule website, and can display all the reports to the owner. The results of questionnaires completed by 5 people correspondent, application assessment showed 85% overall good

    Studi Penyebaran Kempas (Koompassia Malaccensis Maing.) di Areal Iuphhk PT. Wanasokan Hasilindo Kalimantan Barat

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    Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis Maing) belongs to the family Leguminosae is a timber species of high economic value and is a honey bee nest, so if it is not preserved lead to decreased amounts of this type. This research was conducted to determine the spread Kempas area in IUPHHK PT. Wanasokan Hasilindo Ketapang West Kalimantan. The method used is the analysis of vegetation in a way checkered line with the size of sample plots for vegetation is 20mx20m tree level. The number of sampling plots were made 50 plots or ​​2 hectars are. Sample plots laid out in two (2) location of the observation that the observation area located 25 sample plots. In the first line that starts from the edge of the river, Kempas at the seedling types were dominant in the first type, the saplings and small trees Kempas was ranked eleventh while the tree is on the order of three. In the second pathway that is placed on a ridge, the type Kempas at the seedling was ranked two dominant types, the stake is on the order of eight, the pole is on the order of five, while the tree is on the order Kempas three dominant types. Keyword : Spread, Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis Maing), Dominance, IUPHHK PT.Wanasokan Hasilind

    Kinerja Dan Perspektif Usahatani Konservasi Alley Cropping Di Indonesia

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    Alley cropping as a soil conservation technology owning certain advantages over terracing, particularly in that : a) costs are lower, b) soil productivity can be maintained, and c) it may be applied on all soil conditions. A disadvantage of alley cropping relates to the time taken for soil erosion control to become effective. However, over the longer time period, soil conversation control through alley cropping technology is more economical than that for terracing. The reviewed studies indicate that flemingia congesta is the most effective soil erosion controlling leguminous shrub,of those studied. Alley cropping is effective in maintaining land productivity. The synergic effect of soil productivity increase and soil erosion rate reduction. In some research,alley cropping systems have been shown to significantaly reduce farming costs per unit output,due to a decrease in manday (labour) use and other input reductions. In implementing alley cropping, land-holding status is one determining fector in farmers' willingness to apply the technology. That is why efforts to disseminate soil cinversation technology have often used some incentive in terms of land ownership rights for farmers. It is worthwhile to develop these incentives further, so that there is a legal certainty on cultivated land. Although alley cropping technology has currently been applied and adopted by farmers to a limited degree, there are still four main assues obstructing farmers' adoption of the tecnolog: a) small scale land-holding; b) limited capital ; c) production input availability; and d) lack of technology informatio

    Pembuatan Game RPG Multiplayer Online Berbasis Android

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    Gadget is important now, children of all ages already understand how to use gadgets. This resulted in more children often spend time playing the current gadget. By providing entertainment through games application, so users can be entertained. The application consists of 5 menu that map, shop, inventory, character, and tournaments. On the menu map players can carry out the mission and receive a gift. In the shop menu, players can view and purchase goods. On the inventory menu, players can see the items that are owned and can sell it. On the menu character, players can replace equip and improve skills. On the menu tournament, players can challenge other players to be matched with a character of its own. Overall, the application is able to create and display the mission, as well as be able to give levels to players with a rating. Players can also increase the ability of the characters to wear equip and improve skills

    Dynamic Behavior of Reverse Flow Reactor for Lean Methane Combustion

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    The stability of reactor operation for catalytic oxidation of lean CH4 has been investigated through modeling and simulation, particularly the influence of switching time and heat extraction on reverse flow reactor (RFR) performance. A mathematical model of the RFR was developed, based on one-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous model for mass and heat balances, incorporating heat loss through the reactor wall. The configuration of the RFR consisted of inert-catalyst-inert, with or without heat extraction that makes it possible to store the energy released by the exothermic reaction of CH4 oxidation. The objective of this study was to investigate the dynamic behavior of the RFR for lean methane oxidation and to find the optimum condition by exploring a stability analysis of the simple reactor. The optimum criteria were defined in terms of CH4 conversion, CH4 slip, and heat accumulation in the RFR. At a switching time of 100 s, the CH4 conversion reached the maximum value, while the CH4 slip attained its minimum value. The RFR could operate autothermally with positive heat accumulation, i.e. 0.02 J/s. The stability of the RFR in terms of heat accumulation was achieved at a switching time of 100 s

    Perencanaan Dan Pembuatan Webportal Dengan Penerapan “Market Basket Analysis”

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    The onlinestore "X" is a business entity engaged in clothes and all sorts of accessories. It is effectiveness if to collect data on purchases and sales manually expected with this online portal website can help carry out the customer data as well as its transactions,Website created with the aim to understand the conditions on how make a better communication between the customer and the online shop "X" through a portal website that is able to accommodate the needs of the onlinestore "X" in promoting goods. This Website provide a place for non users onlinestores who want to sell at this website are intended to increase the variety of products and attract buyers for transaction on this website. This website is created using programming languages PHP and SQL. As well as the use of JavaScript to help, while using the MySQL database connection is thus easy to develop his future.To facilitate the user in search of goods, the application of data mining features with the a priori method in which these methods will analyze the habits of the transaction the buyer and the items alternately visited by users to find the relationship between different goods not only by one vendor that but it could be a few sellers. Transaction data and user traffic data is processed by a priori algorithm to generate frequent itemsets that ultimately results in the form apriori table association rules. The addition of the element of time from the time the transaction is expected to also help provide accurate results against the results of the data mining process