3,501 research outputs found

    Differences between stellar and laboratory reaction cross sections

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    Nuclear reactions proceed differently in stellar plasmas than in the laboratory due to the thermal effects in the plasma. On one hand, a target nucleus is bombarded by projectiles distributed in energy with a distribution defined by the plasma temperature. The most relevant energies are low by nuclear physics standards and thus require an improved description of low-energy properties, such as optical potentials, required for the calculation of reaction cross sections. Recent studies of low-energy cross sections suggest the necessity of a modification of the proton optical potential. On the other hand, target nuclei are in thermal equilibrium with the plasma and this modifies their reaction cross sections. It is generally expected that this modification is larger for endothermic reactions. We show that there are many exceptions to this rule.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 4, Frascati, Italy; to appear in J. Phys. Conf. Serie

    Radiogenic p-isotopes from type Ia supernova, nuclear physics uncertainties, and galactic chemical evolution compared with values in primitive meteorites

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    The nucleosynthesis of proton-rich isotopes is calculated for multi-dimensional Chandrasekhar-mass models of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with different metallicities. The predicted abundances of the short-lived radioactive isotopes 92Nb, 97, 98Tc, and 146Sm are given in this framework. The abundance seeds are obtained by calculating s-process nucleosynthesis in the material accreted onto a carbon-oxygen white dwarf from a binary companion. A fine grid of s-seeds at different metallicities and 13C-pocket efficiencies is considered. A galactic chemical evolution model is used to predict the contribution of SN Ia to the solar system p-nuclei composition measured in meteorites. Nuclear physics uncertainties are critical to determine the role of SNe Ia in the production of 92Nb and 146Sm. We find that, if standard Chandrasekhar-mass SNe Ia are at least 50% of all SN Ia, they are strong candidates for reproducing the radiogenic p-process signature observed in meteorites.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Probing the Production of Actinides under Different r-process Conditions

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    Several extremely metal-poor stars are known to have an enhanced thorium abundance. These actinide-boost stars have likely inherited material from an r-process that operated under different conditions than the r-process that is reflected in most other metal-poor stars with no actinide enhancement. In this article, we explore the sensitivity of actinide production in r-process calculations to the hydrodynamical conditions as well as the nuclear physics. We find that the initial electron fraction Y e is the most important factor determining the actinide yields and that the abundance ratios between long-lived actinides and lanthanides like europium can vary for different conditions in our calculations. In our setup, conditions with high entropies systematically lead to lower actinide abundances relative to other r-process elements. Furthermore, actinide-enhanced ejecta can also be distinguished from the "regular" composition in other ways, most notably in the second r-process peak abundances.Peer reviewe

    Testing the role of SNe Ia for galactic chemical evolution of p-nuclei with two-dimensional models and with s-process seeds at different metallicities

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    Date of Acceptance: 07/11/2014The bulk of p isotopes is created in the "gamma processes" mainly by sequences of photodisintegrations and beta decays in explosive conditions in Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) or in core collapse supernovae (ccSN). The contribution of different stellar sources to the observed distribution of p-nuclei in the solar system is still under debate. We explore single degenerate Type Ia supernovae in the framework of two-dimensional SNIa delayed-detonation explosion models. Travaglio et al. discussed the sensitivity of p-nuclei production to different SNIa models, i.e., delayed detonations of different strength, deflagrations, and the dependence on selected s-process seed distributions. Here we present a detailed study of p-process nucleosynthesis occurring in SNIa with s-process seeds at different metallicities. Based on the delayed-detonation model DDT-a of TRV11, we analyze the dependence of p-nucleosynthesis on the s-seed distribution obtained from different strengths of the 13C pocket. We also demonstrate that 208Pb seed alone changes the p-nuclei production considerably. The heavy-s seeds (140 ≤A < 208) contribute with about 30%-40% to the total light-p nuclei production up to 132Ba (with the exception of 94Mo and 130Ba, to which the heavy-s seeds contribute with about 15% only). Using a Galactic chemical evolution code from Travaglio et al., we study the contribution of SNIa to the solar stable p-nuclei. We find that explosions of Chandrasekhar-mass single degenerate systems produce a large amount of p-nuclei in our Galaxy, both in the range of light (A ≤ 120) and heavy p-nuclei, at almost flat average production factors (within a factor of about three). We discussed in details p-isotopes such as 94Mo with a behavior diverging from the average, which we attribute to uncertainties in the nuclear data or in SNIa modeling. Li et al. find that about 70% of all SNeIa are normal events. If these are explained in the framework of explosions of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs resulting from the single-degenerate progenitor channel, we find that they are responsible for at least 50% of the p-nuclei abundances in the solar system.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Revision of the derivation of stellar rates from experiment and impact on Eu s-process contributions

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    The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 665(1), January 5, 2016, and is available on line at doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012024 Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing LtdA new, general formalism to include experimental data in revised stellar rates is discussed, containing revised uncertainties. Application to the s-process shows that the actual uncertainties in the neutron capture rates can be larger than would be expected from the experimental errors alone. As a specific example for how astrophysical conclusions can depend on the approach selected to derive stellar rates, the 151Eu/(151Eu+153 Eu) abundance ratio from AGB star models is presented. Finally, a recommended workflow for the derivation of stellar rates from experiment is laid out.Peer reviewe

    The Influence of Reaction Rates on the Final p-Abundances

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    The astrophysical p-process is responsible for the origin of the proton rich nuclei,which are heavier than iron. A huge network involving thousands of reaction rates is necessary to calculate the final p-abundances. But not all rates included in the network have a strong influence on the p-nuclei abundances. The p-process was investigated using a full nuclear reaction network for a type II supernovae explosion when the shock front passes through the O/Ne layer. Calculations were done with a multi-layer model adopting the seed of a pre-explosion evolution of a 25 mass star. In extensive simulations we investigated the impact of single reaction rates on the final p-abundances. The results are important for the strategy of future experiments in this field.Comment: 4 page

    The s-process nucleosynthesis : Impact of the uncertainties in the nuclear physics determined by monte carlo variations

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    We investigated the impact of uncertainties in neutron-capture and weak reactions (on heavy elements) on the s-process nucleosynthesis in low-mass stars and massive stars using a Monte-Carlo based approach. We performed extensive nuclear reaction network calculations that include newly evaluated temperature-dependent upper and lower limits for the individual reaction rates. We found β-decay rate uncertainties affect only a few nuclei near s-process branchings, whereas most of the uncertainty in the final abundances is caused by uncertainties in the neutron capture rates. We suggest a list of uncertain rates as candidates for improved measurement by future experiments.Peer reviewe

    Investigation of alpha-nuclear potential families from elastic scattering experiments

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    In this work we present the continuation of the reported analysis [1] of the experimentally measured angular distributions of the reaction Cd-106(alpha, alpha)Cd-106 at several different energies around the Coulomb barrier. The difficulties that arise in the study of Cd-106-alpha-nuclear potential and the so called Family Problem are addressed

    The Path to Improved Reaction Rates for Astrophysics

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    This review focuses on nuclear reactions in astrophysics and, more specifically, on reactions with light ions (nucleons and alpha particles) proceeding via the strong interaction. It is intended to present the basic definitions essential for studies in nuclear astrophysics, to point out the differences between nuclear reactions taking place in stars and in a terrestrial laboratory, and to illustrate some of the challenges to be faced in theoretical and experimental studies of those reactions. The discussion revolves around the relevant quantities for astrophysics, which are the astrophysical reaction rates. The sensitivity of the reaction rates to the uncertainties in the prediction of various nuclear properties is explored and some guidelines for experimentalists are also provided.Comment: 100 pages, 33 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys. E (scheduled for February 2011 issue); the formatting here differs in that it includes a table of contents and numbered paragraphs; v2: updated references; v3: typos fixed; v4: final typo fix, content similar to published version