977 research outputs found

    Recent excitement regarding metallothionein

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    Pengembangan+Buku Kumpulan Cerita+Bergambar Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter)di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini—bertujuan0untuk mengembangkan4dan mengetahui kelayakan6media6pembelajaran=buku cerita’’bergambar berbasis pendidikan]]karakter untuk mata2pelajaran bahasa8Indonesia kelaspIII. Metode yang digunakan]]adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan data hasil validasi dan angket dijadikan sebagai data penelitian. Angket tersebut diberikan kepada ahli=media, ahliqmateri, dan pakar1pendidikan, serta ditambah dengan hasil wawancara. Instrumenppenelitian menggunakan\\angket8validasi0ahli media dengankjumlah 15‘soal, angket validasi materi dengandjumlah 102soal, angket validasi pakar pendidikan 10 soal, angket responden siswa 8 butir pentanyaan. Implementasi model penelitian dilakukan setelah produk yang dikembangkan sudah dinyatakan layak pakai dengan syarat telah melewati tahap uji validasi, evaluasi, revisi. Produk yang telah paten diinterpresentasikan dari data skor yang telah didapatkan kemudian diukur kelayakan media0pembelajaran buku=cerita bergambar yang dilakukan sangat’ layak dilihat dari hasil validasi ahli media dengan nilai 84%, hasil validasi materi 94%, hasil validasi pakar penddidikan sebesar 100%, hasil angket-siswa (uji kelompok=kecil) sebesar 71% dan1hasil angket=siswa (uji kelompok+besar) sebesar 75%

    Observation of the critical regime near Anderson localization of light

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    Diffusive transport is among the most common phenomena in nature [1]. However, as predicted by Anderson [2], diffusion may break down due to interference. This transition from diffusive transport to localization of waves should occur for any type of classical or quantum wave in any media as long as the wavelength becomes comparable to the transport mean free path ℓ∗\ell^* [3]. The signatures of localization and those of absorption, or bound states, can however be similar, such that an unequivocal proof of the existence of wave localization in disordered bulk materials is still lacking. Here we present measurements of time resolved non-classical diffusion of visible light in strongly scattering samples, which cannot be explained by absorption, sample geometry or reduction in transport velocity. Deviations from classical diffusion increase strongly with decreasing ℓ∗\ell^* as expected for a phase transition. This constitutes an experimental realization of the critical regime in the approach to Anderson localization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Assessment of coupled Zn concentration and natural stable isotope analyses of urine as a novel probe of Zn status

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    Zinc is a common trace metal in the human body, present in about 10% of proteins. Despite numerous roles of Zn in health and disease, there is still a need for a robust biomarker of Zn status. Many parameters have been proposed, with varying levels of success, with plasma Zn often favoured. This study investigates if Zn status can be assessed from the natural stable Zn isotope composition of urine. To this end, 60 urine samples were analysed from ten healthy participants. Remarkably, samples with lower Zn concentrations are systematically enriched in heavy Zn isotopes. Most of the low-Zn urine originated from individuals who omitted dairy, meat or both from their diets. When data for blood serum from age-matched, healthy individuals are compared with the urine results, the former plot at the extension of the urine trend at higher Zn concentrations and lighter isotope compositions. The observed co-variation of Zn isotope compositions with concentrations is indicative of an isotope fractionation system where both properties are controlled by the same processes. It is interpreted as arising from filtration and/or reabsorption processes within the kidney, which are associated with absorbed dietary Zn. The data suggest that the Zn in blood serum that is bound to low molecular weight molecules has an isotope composition distinct from total serum, due to the different affinities of molecular Zn-binding residues to heavy and light Zn isotopes. This technique provides additional information into an individual's Zn status compared to urine or plasma Zn levels alone

    Quantum theory of dynamic multiple light scattering

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    We formulate a quantum theory of dynamic multiple light scattering in fluctuating disordered media and calculate the fluctuation and the autocorrelation function of photon number operator for light transmitted through a disordered slab. The effect of disorder on the information capacity of a quantum communication channel operating in a disordered environment is estimated and the use of squeezed light in diffusing-wave spectroscopy is discussed.Comment: Revised text, additional figur

    Resolved Depletion Zones and Spatial Differentiation of N2H+ and N2D+

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    We present a study on the spatial distribution of N2D+ and N2H+ in thirteen protostellar systems. Eight of thirteen objects observed with the IRAM 30m telescope show relative offsets between the peak N2D+ (J=2-1) and N2H+ (J=1-0) emission. We highlight the case of L1157 using interferometric observations from the Submillimeter Array and Plateau de Bure Interferometer of the N2D+ (J=3-2) and N2H+ (J=1-0) transitions respectively. Depletion of N2D+ in L1157 is clearly observed inside a radius of ~2000 AU (7") and the N2H+ emission is resolved into two peaks at radii of ~1000 AU (3.5"), inside the depletion region of N2D+. Chemical models predict a depletion zone in N2H+ and N2D+ due to destruction of H2D+ at T ~ 20 K and the evaporation of CO off dust grains at the same temperature. However, the abundance offsets of 1000 AU between the two species are not reproduced by chemical models, including a model that follows the infall of the protostellar envelope. The average abundance ratios of N2D+ to N2H+ have been shown to decrease as protostars evolve by Emprechtinger et al., but this is the first time depletion zones of N2D+ have been spatially resolved. We suggest that the difference in depletion zone radii for N2H+ and N2D+ is caused by either the CO evaporation temperature being above 20 K or an H2 ortho-to-para ratio gradient in the inner envelope.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 44 pages 13 Figure

    GGD 37: An Extreme Protostellar Outflow

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    We present the first Spitzer-IRS spectral maps of the Herbig-Haro flow GGD 37 detected in lines of [Ne III], [O IV], [Ar III], and [Ne v]. The detection of extended [O IV] (55 eV) and some extended emission in [Ne v] (97 eV) indicates a shock temperature in excess of 100,000 K, in agreement with X-ray observations, and a shock speed in excess of 200 km s(-1). The presence of an extended photoionization or collisional ionization region indicates that GGD 37 is a highly unusual protostellar outflow.Jet Propulsion Laboratory, under NASA 1407NASA 1257184Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) 960803University of Rochester 31419-5714Astronom

    Harmonic lattice behavior of two-dimensional colloidal crystals

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    Using positional data from video-microscopy and applying the equipartition theorem for harmonic Hamiltonians, we determine the wave-vector-dependent normal mode spring constants of a two-dimensional colloidal model crystal and compare the measured band-structure to predictions of the harmonic lattice theory. We find good agreement for both the transversal and the longitudinal mode. For q→0q\to 0, the measured spring constants are consistent with the elastic moduli of the crystal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Dynamic Glass Transition in Two Dimensions

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    The question about the existence of a structural glass transition in two dimensions is studied using mode coupling theory (MCT). We determine the explicit d-dependence of the memory functional of mode coupling for one-component systems. Applied to two dimensions we solve the MCT equations numerically for monodisperse hard discs. A dynamic glass transition is found at a critical packing fraction phi_c^{d=2} = 0.697 which is above phi_c^{d=3} = 0.516 by about 35%. phi^d_c scales approximately with phi^d_{\rm rcp} the value for random close packing, at least for d=2, 3. Quantities characterizing the local, cooperative 'cage motion' do not differ much for d=2 and d=3, and we e.g. find the Lindemann criterion for the localization length at the glass transition. The final relaxation obeys the superposition principle, collapsing remarkably well onto a Kohlrausch law. The d=2 MCT results are in qualitative agreement with existing results from MC and MD simulations. The mean squared displacements measured experimentally for a quasi-two-dimensional binary system of dipolar hard spheres can be described satisfactorily by MCT for monodisperse hard discs over four decades in time provided the experimental control parameter Gamma (which measures the strength of dipolar interactions) and the packing fraction phi are properly related to each other.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure
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