208 research outputs found

    A longitudinal evaluation of a project-based learning initiative in an engineering undergraduate programme

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    Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known student-centred methodology for engineering design education. The methodology claims to offer a number of educational benefits. This paper evaluates the student perceptions of the initial and second offering of a first-year design unit at Griffith University in Australia. It builds on an earlier evaluation conducted after the initial offering of the unit. It considers the implementation of the recommended changes. Evaluations of the two offerings reveal that students (in both the initial and second offering) generally enjoyed the experience, but that the second offering was found to be a significantly more enjoyable learning experience. Students in the second offering also reported a significantly better understanding of what they needed to do for the design projects and where to find the requisite information. The oral presentation aspect of the initial and second offerings received the lowest satisfaction rating. The inclusion (and delivery) of the computer-aided drawing component of the unit is seen as a positive aspect by some students, but many others comment on it negatively. The best aspects of the PBL unit and those aspects needing further improvement were similar to the findings of other investigations documented in the literature

    DNA barcoding the native flowering plants and conifers of Wales

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    We present the first national DNA barcode resource that covers the native flowering plants and conifers for the nation of Wales (1143 species). Using the plant DNA barcode markers rbcL and matK, we have assembled 97.7% coverage for rbcL, 90.2% for matK, and a dual-locus barcode for 89.7% of the native Welsh flora. We have sampled multiple individuals for each species, resulting in 3304 rbcL and 2419 matK sequences. The majority of our samples (85%) are from DNA extracted from herbarium specimens. Recoverability of DNA barcodes is lower using herbarium specimens, compared to freshly collected material, mostly due to lower amplification success, but this is balanced by the increased efficiency of sampling species that have already been collected, identified, and verified by taxonomic experts. The effectiveness of the DNA barcodes for identification (level of discrimination) is assessed using four approaches: the presence of a barcode gap (using pairwise and multiple alignments), formation of monophyletic groups using Neighbour-Joining trees, and sequence similarity in BLASTn searches. These approaches yield similar results, providing relative discrimination levels of 69.4 to 74.9% of all species and 98.6 to 99.8% of genera using both markers. Species discrimination can be further improved using spatially explicit sampling. Mean species discrimination using barcode gap analysis (with a multiple alignment) is 81.6% within 10×10 km squares and 93.3% for 2×2 km squares. Our database of DNA barcodes for Welsh native flowering plants and conifers represents the most complete coverage of any national flora, and offers a valuable platform for a wide range of applications that require accurate species identification

    Tissue levels of active matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in colorectal cancer

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    The bioactivity of matrix metalloproteinases was studied in tissues from colorectal cancer patients by means of both quantitative gelatin zymography and a fluorometric activity assay. Next to paired samples of tumour tissue and distant normal mucosa (n=73), transitional tissue was analysed from a limited (n=33) number of patients. Broad-spectrum matrix metalloproteinase activity and both the active and latent forms of the gelatinases matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 were higher in tumour than in normal mucosa. The ratio's between active and latent forms of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 were highest in tumour tissue and normal mucosa, respectively. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 levels, both active and latent forms, correlated inversely with stage of disease, the tumours without synchronous distant metastases containing significantly (P=0.005) more active matrix metalloproteinase-2 than the others. At much lower levels of activity, the same trend was observed in distant normal mucosa. The level of latent form of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in tumour depended on tumour location. Neither the active form of matrix metalloproteinase-9 nor broad-spectrum matrix metalloproteinase activity in tumour tissue did correlate with any of the clinicopathological parameters investigated. The results demonstrate explicit differences between the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9, indicating different roles for both gelatinases in tumour progression. Such data are necessary in order to develop rational anti-cancer therapies based on inhibition of specific matrix metalloproteinases

    Energy gain of wetted-foam implosions with auxiliary heating for inertial fusion studies

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    Low convergence ratio implosions (where wetted-foam layers are used to limit capsule convergence, achieving improved robustness to instability growth) and auxiliary heating (where electron beams are used to provide collisionless heating of a hotspot) are two promising techniques that are being explored for inertial fusion energy applications. In this paper, a new analytic study is presented to understand and predict the performance of these implosions. Firstly, conventional gain models are adapted to produce gain curves for fixed convergence ratios, which are shown to well-describe previously simulated results. Secondly, auxiliary heating is demonstrated to be well understood and interpreted through the burn-up fraction of the deuterium-tritium fuel, with the gradient of burn-up with respect to burn-averaged temperature shown to provide good qualitative predictions of the effectiveness of this technique for a given implosion. Simulations of auxiliary heating for a range of implosions are presented in support of this and demonstrate that this heating can have significant benefit for high gain implosions, being most effective when the burn-averaged temperature is between 5 and 20 keV

    Establishing a colorectal cancer research database from routinely collected health data: the process and potential from a pilot study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Colorectal cancer is a common cause of death and morbidity. A significant amount of data are routinely collected during patient treatment, but they are not generally available for research. The National Institute for Health Research Health Informatics Collaborative in the UK is developing infrastructure to enable routinely collected data to be used for collaborative, cross-centre research. This paper presents an overview of the process for collating colorectal cancer data and explores the potential of using this data source. METHODS: Clinical data were collected from three pilot Trusts, standardised and collated. Not all data were collected in a readily extractable format for research. Natural language processing (NLP) was used to extract relevant information from pseudonymised imaging and histopathology reports. Combining data from many sources allowed reconstruction of longitudinal histories for each patient that could be presented graphically. RESULTS: Three pilot Trusts submitted data, covering 12 903 patients with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer since 2012, with NLP implemented for 4150 patients. Timelines showing individual patient longitudinal history can be grouped into common treatment patterns, visually presenting clusters and outliers for analysis. Difficulties and gaps in data sources have been identified and addressed. DISCUSSION: Algorithms for analysing routinely collected data from a wide range of sites and sources have been developed and refined to provide a rich data set that will be used to better understand the natural history, treatment variation and optimal management of colorectal cancer. CONCLUSION: The data set has great potential to facilitate research into colorectal cancer

    Shock Ignition Laser-Plasma Interactions in Ignition-Scale Plasmas

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    We use a subignition scale laser, the 30 kJ Omega, and a novel shallow-cone target to study laser-plasma interactions at the ablation-plasma density scale lengths and laser intensities anticipated for direct drive shock-ignition implosions at National Ignition Facility scale. Our results show that, under these conditions, the dominant instability is convective stimulated Raman scatter with experimental evidence of two plasmon decay (TPD) only when the density scale length is reduced. Particle-in-cell simulations indicate this is due to TPD being shifted to lower densities, removing the experimental back-scatter signature and reducing the hot-electron temperature. The experimental laser energy-coupling to hot electrons was found to be 1%-2.5%, with electron temperatures between 35 and 45 keV. Radiation-hydrodynamics simulations employing these hot-electron characteristics indicate that they should not preheat the fuel in MJ-scale shock ignition experiments

    Evaluation of molecular descriptors for antitumor drugs with respect to noncovalent binding to DNA and antiproliferative activity

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    34 pages, 6 additional files, 5 tables, 4 figures.[Background ] Small molecules that bind reversibly to DNA are among the antitumor drugs currently used in chemotherapy. In the pursuit of a more rational approach to cancer chemotherapy based upon these molecules, it is necessary to exploit the interdependency between DNA-binding affinity, sequence selectivity and cytotoxicity. For drugs binding noncovalently to DNA, it is worth exploring whether molecular descriptors, such as their molecular weight or the number of potential hydrogen acceptors/donors, can account for their DNA-binding affinity and cytotoxicity.[Results] Fifteen antitumor agents, which are in clinical use or being evaluated as part of the National Cancer Institute’s drug screening effort, were analyzed in silico to assess the contribution of various molecular descriptors to their DNA-binding affinity, and the capacity of the descriptors and DNA-binding constants for predicting cell cytotoxicity. Equations to predict drug-DNA binding constants and growth-inhibitory concentrations were obtained by multiple regression following rigorous statistical procedures.[Conclusions] For drugs binding reversibly to DNA, both their strength of binding and their cytoxicity are fairly predicted from molecular descriptors by using multiple regression methods. The equations derived may be useful for rational drug design. The results obtained agree with that compounds more active across the National Cancer Institute’s 60-cell line data set tend to have common structural features.Supported by a grant from the former Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (BFU2007-60998) and the FEDER program of the European Community.Peer reviewe

    The differences in thermal profiles between normal and leukemic cells exposed to anticancer drug evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a heterogenous disease with an imbalance between apoptosis and cell proliferation. Therefore, the main goal in CLL therapy is to induce apoptosis and effectively support this process in transformed B lymphocytes. In the current study, we have compared differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) profiles of nuclei isolated from CLL cells and normal mononuclear cells exposed to cladribine or fludarabine combined with mafosfamide (CM; FM), and additionally to CM combined with monoclonal antibody—rituximab (RCM) for 48 h, as well as in culture medium only (controls). Under current study, the mononuclear cells from peripheral blood (PBMCs) of healthy individuals have been included. The obtained results have shown the presence of thermal transition at 95 ± 5 °C in most of nuclear preparations (92.2 %) isolated from blood of CLL patients. This thermal characteristic parameter was changed after drug exposure, however, to a different extent. These thermal changes were accompanied by the decrease of cell viability, an elevation of apoptosis rate and the changes in expression/proteolysis of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1—main marker of apoptosis. Importantly, in DSC profiles of nuclear preparations of PBMCs from blood of healthy donors exposed to investigated drug combinations and control CLL cells, the lack of such changes was observed. Our results confirmed that DSC technique complemented with other biological approaches could be helpful in tailoring therapy for CLL patients.Research was sponsored by Grant from the Polish National Science Centre (No. 2011/01/B/NZ/0102); Results of presented study were partially presented in oral presentation on 2nd Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Vilnius, Lithuania, 201