1,824 research outputs found

    N-fold way simulated tempering for pairwise interaction point processes

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    Pairwise interaction point processes with strong interaction are usually difficult to sample. We discuss how Besag lattice processes can be used in a simulated tempering MCMC scheme to help with the simulation of such processes. We show how the N-fold way algorithm can be used to sample the lattice processes efficiently and introduce the N-fold way algorithm into our simulated tempering scheme. To calibrate the simulated tempering scheme we use the Wang-Landau algorithm

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Dalam Tema Lingkungan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Menulis Puisi Pada Siswa Kelas III Sekolah Dasar

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    Menulis merupakan suatu kegiatan yang produktif dan ekspresif.Menulis salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa.Di sekolah dasar keterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang ditekankan pembinaannya, di samping membaca dan berhitung.Oleh karena itu pembelajaran menulis perlu mendapat perhatian dari para guru.Dari hasil pengamatan diketahui penyebabnya yaitu belum digunakannya media sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi dan belum pahamnya siswa tentang keterampilan menulis.Untuk mengatasinya, salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi siswa yaitu dengan menggunakan media gambar dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain :1.Mendeskripsikan aktivitas pembelajaran guru kelas III dengan penggunaan media gambar dalam tema lingkungan. 2. Mendeskripsikan penggunaan media gambar dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar menulis puisi siswa kelas III. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK), yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus.Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan pengamatan, tes, dan catatan lapangan.Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dalam pembelajaran.Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya peningkatan aktivitas guru dalam proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada siklus I aktivitas guru mencapai 71,6% mengalami peningkatan menjadi 85% pada siklus II.Kemampuan menulis puisi siswa siklus I sebesar 45% mengalami peningkatan menjadi 89% pada siklus II. Rata-rata nilai kemampuan menulis siswa siklus I sebesar 62,5 meningkat menjadi 81,3 pada siklus II.Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan memanfaatkan media gambar dalam proses pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa khususnya dalam kemampuan menulis puisi

    Incidence of Obesity Among Mentally Retarded Children

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    An international survey of professionals in the field of mental retardation was conducted to determine significant research priorities in the education of students with mild retardation. A total of 67 individuals responded to survey which represented 83.7% of those contacted. Among the issues rated most highly were two clusters: vocational, career education and post-school adjustment and long term effects and generalization of effects of programs. Implications of the survey data are discussed and recommendations are provided

    Predictions for Sivers single spin asymmetries in one- and two-hadron electroproduction at CLAS12 and EIC

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    The study of the Sivers effect, describing correlations between the transverse polarization of the nucleon and its constituent (unpolarized) parton's transverse momentum, has been the topic of a great deal of experimental, phenomenological and theoretical effort in recent years. Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering measurements of the corresponding single spin asymmetries (SSA) at the upcoming CLAS12 experiment at JLab and the proposed Electron-Ion Collider will help to pinpoint the flavor structure and the momentum dependence of the Sivers parton distribution function describing this effect. Here we describe a modified version of the PYTHIA\tt{PYTHIA} Monte Carlo event generator that includes the Sivers effect. Then we use it to estimate the size of these SSAs, in the kinematics of these experiments, for both one and two hadron final states of pions and kaons. For this purpose we utilize the existing Sivers parton distribution function (PDF) parametrization extracted from HERMES and COMPASS experiments. Using this modified version of PYTHIA\tt{PYTHIA}, we also show that the the leading order approximation commonly used in such extractions may provide significantly underestimated values of Sivers PDFs, as in our Monte Carlo simulations the omitted parton showers and non-DIS processes play an important role in these SSAs, for example in the COMPASS kinematics.Comment: 18 pages, 27 figures. V2: updated to version published in PRD, two references have been added and some minor changes done to the tex

    Dominance and leadership: Useful concepts in human-horse interactions?

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    Dominance hierarchies in horses primarily influence priority access to limited resources of any kind, resulting in predictable contest outcomes that potentially minimize aggressive encounters and associated risk of injury. Levels of aggression in group-kept horses under domestic conditions have been reported to be higher than in their feral counterparts but can often be attributed to suboptimal management. Horse owners often express concerns about the risk of injuries occurring in group-kept horses, but these concerns have not been substantiated by empirical investigations. What has not yet been sufficiently addressed are human safety aspects related to approaching and handling group-kept horses. Given horse\u27s natural tendency to synchronize activity to promote group cohesion, questions remain about how group dynamics influence human–horse interactions. Group dynamics influence a variety of management scenarios, ranging from taking a horse out of its social group to the prospect of humans mimicking the horse\u27s social system by taking a putative leadership role and seeking after an alpha position in the dominance hierarchy to achieve compliance. Yet, there is considerable debate about whether the roles horses attain in their social group are of any relevance in their reactions to humans. This article reviews the empirical data on social dynamics in horses, focusing on dominance and leadership theories and the merits of incorporating those concepts into the human–horse context. This will provide a constructive framework for informed debate and valuable guidance for owners managing group-kept horses and for optimizing human–horse interactions

    On nearness measures in fuzzy relational data models

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    AbstractIt has been widely recognized that the imprecision and incompleteness inherent in real-world data suggest a fuzzy extension for information management systems. Various attempts to enhance these systems by fuzzy extensions can be found in the literature. Varying approaches concerning the fuzzification of the concept of a relation are possible, two of which are referred to in this article as the generalized fuzzy approach and the fuzzy-set relation approach. In these enhanced models, items can no longer be retrieved by merely using equality-check operations between constants; instead, operations based on some kind of nearness measures have to be developed. In fact, these models require such a nearness measure to be established for each domain for the evaluation of queries made upon them. An investigation of proposed nearness measures, often fuzzy equivalences, is conducted. The unnaturalness and impracticality of these measures leads to the development of a new measure: the resemblance relation, which is defined to be a fuzzified version of a tolerance relation. Various aspects of this relation are analyzed and discussed. It is also shown how the resemblance relation can be used to reduce redundancy in fuzzy relational database systems

    Autonomes Lernen: ein Prinzip im schulischen Unterricht und in der Lehrerfortbildung:eine Kooperation im Rahmen der Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung zwischen der Bezirksregierung Münster und der Universität Münster (1998-2001)

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    Im Rahmen der Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung zwischen der Bezirksregierung Münster und der Universiät Münster arbeitete die Arbeitsgruppe "Autonomes Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht unter Einbeziehung der neuen Medien" drei Jahre eng zusammen. Regelmässige Workshops boten während dieser Zeit der kontinuierlichen, gemeinsamen Arbeit die Möglichkeit des regelmäßigen Austauschs und der Diskussion zwischen den beteiligten Lehrerinnen und Lehrern und uns, der Vertreterin und den Vertretern der Universität. Dabei wurden die Prinzipien des autonomen Lernens auf die Projektarbeit selbst angewendet. Der Beitrag gibt einen kleinen Einblick in den Verlauf der Projektarbeit.</p