1,897 research outputs found

    Comments and Proposals Concerning Chianca’s “The OECD/DAC Criteria for International Development Evaluations: An Assessment and Ideas for Improvement”

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    aving been involved in the discussions preceding the establishment of the OECD/DAC criteria as member of the DAC Working Party on International Development Cooperation Evaluation (IDCE) representing the European Commission, it is understandable that I have read Chianca’s (2008) article with exceptional interest. There is hardly anything in this article that I would disagree with, except a few minor aspects that I will mention in due course. I also fully support the idea of taking a critical look at the DAC criteria and at IDCE approaches in general, a critical review that should always continue as an ongoing process. “If followed, ” Chianca says the changes he proposes “could contribute for increasing the quality of evaluation for the purposes of... decision options ” (p. 1). I will try to formulate some proposals with a view to bringing that “If followed ” premise a bit closer to reality. My comments have been written with the contents of my article, “Planning and Evaluation, Two Sides of the Same Coin, ” in mind and should be understood in that context. (Eggers, 2006). The author lists the five DAC criteria o

    Rapid deconvolution of low-resolution time-of-flight data using Bayesian inference

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    The deconvolution of low-resolution time-of-flight data has numerous advantages, including the ability to extract additional information from the experimental data. We augment the well-known Lucy-Richardson deconvolution algorithm using various Bayesian prior distributions and show that a prior of second-differences of the signal outperforms the standard Lucy-Richardson algorithm, accelerating the rate of convergence by more than a factor of four, while preserving the peak amplitude ratios of a similar fraction of the total peaks. A novel stopping criterion and boosting mechanism are implemented to ensure that these methods converge to a similar final entropy and local minima are avoided. Improvement by a factor of two in mass resolution allows more accurate quantification of the spectra. The general method is demonstrated in this paper through the deconvolution of fragmentation peaks of the 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid matrix and the benzyltriphenylphosphonium thermometer ion, following femtosecond ultraviolet laser desorption

    Planetary explorer liquid propulsion study

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    An analytical evaluation of several candidate monopropellant hydrazine propulsion system approaches is conducted in order to define the most suitable configuration for the combined velocity and attitude control system for the Planetary Explorer spacecraft. Both orbiter and probe-type missions to the planet Venus are considered. The spacecraft concept is that of a Delta launched spin-stabilized vehicle. Velocity control is obtained through preprogrammed pulse-mode firing of the thrusters in synchronism with the spacecraft spin rate. Configuration selection is found to be strongly influenced by the possible error torques induced by uncertainties in thruster operation and installation. The propulsion systems defined are based on maximum use of existing, qualified components. Ground support equipment requirements are defined and system development testing outlined

    Shuttle S-band communications technical concepts

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    Using the S-band communications system, shuttle orbiter can communicate directly with the Earth via the Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (GSTDN) or via the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). The S-band frequencies provide the primary links for direct Earth and TDRSS communications during all launch and entry/landing phases of shuttle missions. On orbit, S-band links are used when TDRSS Ku-band is not available, when conditions require orbiter attitudes unfavorable to Ku-band communications, or when the payload bay doors are closed. the S-band communications functional requirements, the orbiter hardware configuration, and the NASA S-band communications network are described. The requirements and implementation concepts which resulted in techniques for shuttle S-band hardware development discussed include: (1) digital voice delta modulation; (2) convolutional coding/Viterbi decoding; (3) critical modulation index for phase modulation using a Costas loop (phase-shift keying) receiver; (4) optimum digital data modulation parameters for continuous-wave frequency modulation; (5) intermodulation effects of subcarrier ranging and time-division multiplexing data channels; (6) radiofrequency coverage; and (7) despreading techniques under poor signal-to-noise conditions. Channel performance is reviewed

    Nontraumatic lower extremity amputations in the Medicare end-stage renal disease population

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    Nontraumatic lower extremity amputations in the Medicare end-stage renal disease population.BackgroundNontraumatic lower limb amputation is a serious complication of both diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease. Many people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) suffer from advanced progression of these diseases. This study presents descriptive information on the rate of lower limb amputation among people with ESRD who are covered by the Medicare program.MethodsUsing hospital bill data for the years 1991 through 1994 from the Health Care Financing Administration's ESRD program management and medical information system (PMMIS), amputations were based on ICD9 coding. These hospitalizations were then linked back to the PMMIS enrollment database for calculation of rates.ResultsThe rate of lower limb amputation increased during the four-year period from 4.8 per 100 person years in 1991 to 6.2 in 1994. Among persons whose renal failure was attributed to diabetic nephropathy, the rates in 1991 and 1994 were 11.8 and 13.8, respectively. The rate among diabetic persons with ESRD was 10 times as great as among the diabetic population at large. Two thirds died within two years following the first amputation.ConclusionsThe ESRD population is at an extremely high risk of lower limb amputation. Coordinated programs to screen for high-risk feet and to provide regular foot care for those at high risk combined with guidelines for treatment and referral of ulceration are needed

    Simulation of a Dripping Faucet

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    We present a simulation of a dripping faucet system. A new algorithm based on Lagrangian description is introduced. The shape of drop falling from a faucet obtained by the present algorithm agrees quite well with experimental observations. Long-term behavior of the simulation can reproduce period-one, period-two, intermittent and chaotic oscillations widely observed in experiments. Possible routes to chaos are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (in press

    Leading and Managing Those Working and Living in Captive Environments

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    I magine you are the warden of a prison or the administrator of a jail, you enter the facility, and the heavy metal door clangs shut behind you. A riot breaks out and several members of your staff are taken hostage. Fires are set in various locations. The rioting inmates, members of a gang, attack other inmates who want no part in the rebellion and are only concerned for their safety. The decisions you as a leader make are literally matters of life or death, not only for yourself, but also for your staff and those incarcerated. The dynamics of power and guarding against potential corruption are also a constant concern. The leader of an incarceration facility must account for and respond to public opinion and political demands, as well as the individual needs and group dynamics of corrections officers and inmates. Some of the desired outcomes for leaders in a confinement setting are a reduction in recidivism, security of the facility, prevention of escape, and efforts at rehabilitation. While some would argue that depending upon the reason for incarceration, the inmates do not deserve much more consideration than would an animal in a zoo, others-leaders-in this situation strive for much more. Accomplished leaders in a confinement setting seek to develop a culture that creates and sustains the psychological health and well-being of the corrections officers and provides inmates opportunities to develop skills and their potential. After all, they are in the people business. Such an approach would conceivably result in an institution that functions based on the strengths of the corrections officers and inmates, thereby allowing them the greatest opportunity for self-development, physical and psychological security, and indirectly decreased chances of recidivism. This chapter discusses the contexts of confinement, the psychology of corrections officers and inmates, and the forces at work on a leader and the population being led
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