7,234 research outputs found

    Model-independent Analyses of Dark-Matter Particle Interactions

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    A model-independent treatment of dark-matter particle elastic scattering has been developed, yielding the most general interaction for WIMP-nucleon low-energy scattering, and the resulting amplitude has been embedded in the nucleus, taking into account the selection rules imposed by parity and time-reversal. One finds that, in contrast to the usual spin-independent/spin-dependent (SI/SD) formulation, the resulting cross section contains six independent nuclear response functions, three of which are associated with possible velocity-dependent interactions. We find that current experiments are four orders of magnitude more sensitive to derivative couplings than is apparent in the standard SI/SD treatment, which necessarily associates such interactions with cross sections proportional to the square of the WIMP velocity relative to the nuclear center of mass.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; talk presented at TAUP201

    Model-independent WIMP Scattering Responses and Event Rates: A Mathematica Package for Experimental Analysis

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    The community's reliance on simplified descriptions of WIMP-nucleus interactions reflects the absence of analysis tools that integrate general theories of dark matter with standard treatments of nuclear response functions. To bridge this gap, we have constructed a public-domain Mathematica package for WIMP analyses based on our effective theory formulation. Script inputs are 1) the coefficients of the effective theory, through which one can characterize the low-energy consequences of arbitrary ultraviolet theories of WIMP interactions; and 2) one-body density matrices for commonly used targets, the most compact description of the relevant nuclear physics. The generality of the effective theory expansion guarantees that the script will remain relevant as new ultraviolet theories are explored; the use of density matrices to factor the nuclear physics from the particle physics will allow nuclear structure theorists to update the script as new calculations become available, independent of specific particle-physics contexts. The Mathematica package outputs the resulting response functions (and associated form factors) and also the differential event rate, once a galactic WIMP velocity profile is specified, and thus in its present form provides a complete framework for experimental analysis. The Mathematica script requires no a priori knowledge of the details of the non-relativistic effective field theory or nuclear physics, though the core concepts are reviewed here and in arXiv:1203.3542.Comment: 30+6 page

    BRIEF COMMUNICATION The projection of species distribution models

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    and the problem of non-analog climat

    Replication Analysis in Exploratory Factor Analysis: What it is and why it makes your analysis better

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    Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is a powerful and commonly-used tool for investigating the underlying variable structure of a psychometric instrument. However, there is much controversy in the social sciences with regard to the techniques used in EFA (Ford, MacCallum, & Tait, 1986; Henson & Roberts, 2006) and the reliability of the outcome. Simulations by Costello and Osborne (2005), for example, demonstrate how poorly some EFA analyses replicate, even with clear underlying factor structures and large samples. Thus, we argue that researchers should routinely examine the stability or volatility of their EFA solutions to gain more insight into the robustness of their solutions and insight into how to improve their instruments while still at the exploratory stage of development. Accessed 13,498 times on https://pareonline.net from November 01, 2012 to December 31, 2019. For downloads from January 1, 2020 forward, please click on the PlumX Metrics link to the right

    Antilocalization of Coulomb Blockade in a Ge-Si Nanowire

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    The distribution of Coulomb blockade peak heights as a function of magnetic field is investigated experimentally in a Ge-Si nanowire quantum dot. Strong spin-orbit coupling in this hole-gas system leads to antilocalization of Coulomb blockade peaks, consistent with theory. In particular, the peak height distribution has its maximum away from zero at zero magnetic field, with an average that decreases with increasing field. Magnetoconductance in the open-wire regime places a bound on the spin-orbit length (lsol_{so} < 20 nm), consistent with values extracted in the Coulomb blockade regime (lsol_{so} < 25 nm).Comment: Supplementary Information available at http://bit.ly/19pMpd

    New Perspective on Galaxy Clustering as a Cosmological Probe: General Relativistic Effects

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    We present a general relativistic description of galaxy clustering in a FLRW universe. The observed redshift and position of galaxies are affected by the matter fluctuations and the gravity waves between the source galaxies and the observer, and the volume element constructed by using the observables differs from the physical volume occupied by the observed galaxies. Therefore, the observed galaxy fluctuation field contains additional contributions arising from the distortion in observable quantities and these include tensor contributions as well as numerous scalar contributions. We generalize the linear bias approximation to relate the observed galaxy fluctuation field to the underlying matter distribution in a gauge-invariant way. Our full formalism is essential for the consistency of theoretical predictions. As our first application, we compute the angular auto correlation of large-scale structure and its cross correlation with CMB temperature anisotropies. We comment on the possibility of detecting primordial gravity waves using galaxy clustering and discuss further applications of our formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The Evolving Accretion Disc in the Black Hole X-ray Transient XTE J1859+226

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    We present HST, RXTE, and UKIRT observations of the broad band spectra of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1859+226 during the decline from its 1999-2000 outburst. Our UV spectra define the 2175A interstellar absorption feature very well and based on its strength we estimate E(B-V)=0.58+/-0.12. Hence we deredden our spectra and follow the evolution of the spectral energy distribution on the decline from outburst. We find that the UV and optical data, and the X-ray thermal component when detectable, can be fit with a simple blackbody model of an accretion disc heated by internal viscosity and X-ray irradiation, and extending to close to the last stable orbit around the black hole, although the actual inner radius cannot be well constrained. During the decline we see the disc apparently evolving from a model with the edge dominated by irradiative heating towards one where viscous heating is dominant everywhere. The outer disc radius also appears to decrease during the decline; we interpret this as evidence of a cooling wave moving inwards and discuss its implications for the disc instability model. Based on the normalisation of our spectral fits we estimate a likely distance range of 4.6-8.0kpc, although a value outside of this range cannot securely be ruled out.Comment: 10 pages including figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The fundamental problem of command : plan and compliance in a partially centralised economy

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    When a principal gives an order to an agent and advances resources for its implementation, the temptations for the agent to shirk or steal from the principal rather than comply constitute the fundamental problem of command. Historically, partially centralised command economies enforced compliance in various ways, assisted by nesting the fundamental problem of exchange within that of command. The Soviet economy provides some relevant data. The Soviet command system combined several enforcement mechanisms in an equilibrium that shifted as agents learned and each mechanism's comparative costs and benefits changed. When the conditions for an equilibrium disappeared, the system collapsed.Comparative Economic Studies (2005) 47, 296–314. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ces.810011

    Secondary circulation in natural streams

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    Secondary circulation which is sometimes referred to as secondary flow, secondary current or transverse current is an important phenomenon in natural streams and plays an important role in many natural processes in streams such as stream channel meander, bank erosion, bed scour, resuspension, and movement of sediment. Secondary circulation is that component of flow which is not in the main flow direction and is small as compared to the main flow velocity. A computerized data collection system for secondary circulation data acquisition in natural streams was developed and utilized in the field. The system includes an electromagnetic current meter, a micro-computer, an interface between the computer and the current meter, and a specially designed supporting structure. Secondary circulation data was collected in the Sangamon River near Mahomet, Illinois, utilizing the data collection system. A mathematical model for secondary circulation based on an existing model has been developed and tested against the data collected in the field. Model results generally reproduce similar secondary circulation patterns as observed from the field data but over-estimate the magnitudes of the velocities.U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyOpe
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