787 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity and the nonparametric analysis of consumer choice: conditions for invertibility

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    This paper considers structural nonparametric random utility models for continuous choice variables. It provides sufficient conditions on random preferences to yield reduced- form systems of nonparametric stochastic demand functions that allow global invertibility between demands and random utility components. Invertibility is essential for global identifcation of structural consumer demand models, for the existence of well-specified probability models of choice and for the nonparametric analysis of revealed stochastic preference

    Where have all the black holes gone?

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    We have calculated stationary models for accretion disks around super-massive black holes in galactic nuclei. Our models show that below a critical mass flow rate of ~3 10**-3 M_Edd advection will dominate the energy budget while above that rate all the viscously liberated energy is radiated. The radiation efficiency declines steeply below that critical rate. This leads to a clear dichotomy between AGN and normal galaxies which is not so much given by differences in the mass flow rate but by the radiation efficiency. At very low mass accretion rates below 5 10**-5 M_Edd synchrotron emission and Bremsstrahlung dominate the SED, while above 2 10**-4 M Edd the inverse Compton radiation from synchrotron seed photons produce flat to inverted SEDs from the radio to X-rays. Finally we discuss the implications of these findings for AGN duty cycles and the long-term AGN evolution.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    From the Circumnuclear Disk in the Galactic Center to thick, obscuring tori of AGNs

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    We compare three different models of clumpy gas disk and show that the Circumnuclear Disk (CND) in the Galactic Center and a putative, geometrically thick, obscuring torus are best explained by a collisional model consisting of quasi-stable, self-gravitating clouds. Kinetic energy of clouds is gained by mass inflow and dissipated in cloud collisions. The collisions give rise to a viscosity in a spatially averaged gas dynamical picture, which connects them to angular momentum transport and mass inflow. It is found that CND and torus share the same gas physics in our description, where the mass of clouds is 20 - 50 M_sun and their density is close to the limit of disruption by tidal shear. We show that the difference between a transparent CND and an obscuring torus is the gas mass and the velocity dispersion of the clouds. A change in gas supply and the dissipation of kinetic energy can turn a torus into a CND-like structure and vice versa. Any massive torus will naturally lead to sufficiently high mass accretion rates to feed a luminous AGN. For a geometrically thick torus to obscure the view to the center even super-Eddington accretions rates with respect to the central black hole are required.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Subarcsecond Submillimeter Imaging of the Ultracompact HII Region G5.89-0.39

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    We present the first subarcsecond submillimeter images of the enigmatic ultracompact HII region (UCHII) G5.89-0.39. Observed with the SMA, the 875 micron continuum emission exhibits a shell-like morphology similar to longer wavelengths. By using images with comparable angular resolution at five frequencies obtained from the VLA archive and CARMA, we have removed the free-free component from the 875 micron image. We find five sources of dust emission: two compact warm objects (SMA1 and SMA2) along the periphery of the shell, and three additional regions further out. There is no dust emission inside the shell, supporting the picture of a dust-free cavity surrounded by high density gas. At subarcsecond resolution, most of the molecular gas tracers encircle the UCHII region and appear to constrain its expansion. We also find G5.89-0.39 to be almost completely lacking in organic molecular line emission. The dust cores SMA1 and SMA2 exhibit compact spatial peaks in optically-thin gas tracers (e.g. 34SO2), while SMA1 also coincides with 11.9 micron emission. In CO(3-2), we find a high-velocity north/south bipolar outflow centered on SMA1, aligned with infrared H2 knots, and responsible for much of the maser activity. We conclude that SMA1 is an embedded intermediate mass protostar with an estimated luminosity of 3000 Lsun and a circumstellar mass of ~1 Msun. Finally, we have discovered an NH3 (3,3) maser 12 arcsec northwest of the UCHII region, coincident with a 44 GHz CH3OH maser, and possibly associated with the Br gamma outflow source identified by Puga et al. (2006).Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journal (2008) Volume 680, Issue 2, pp. 1271-1288. An error in the registration of the marker positions in Figure 11 has been corrected in this versio

    Massive Clumps in the NGC 6334 Star Forming Region

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    We report observations of dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm toward the star forming region NGC 6334 made with the SEST SIMBA bolometer array. The observations cover an area of 2\sim 2 square degrees with approximately uniform noise. We detected 181 clumps spanning almost three orders of magnitude in mass (3\Msun6×103-6\times10^3 \Msun) and with sizes in the range 0.1--1.0 pc. We find that the clump mass function dN/dlogMdN/d\log M is well fit with a power law of the mass with exponent -0.6 (or equivalently dN/dMM1.6dN/dM \propto M^{-1.6}). The derived exponent is similar to those obtained from molecular line emission surveys and is significantly different from that of the stellar initial mass function. We investigated changes in the mass spectrum by changing the assumptions on the temperature distribution of the clumps and on the contribution of free-free emission to the 1.2 mm emission, and found little changes on the exponent. The Cumulative Mass Distribution Function is also analyzed giving consistent results in a mass range excluding the high-mass end where a power-law fit is no longer valid. The masses and sizes of the clumps observed in NGC 6334 indicate that they are not direct progenitors of stars and that the process of fragmentation determines the distribution of masses later on or occurs at smaller spatial scales. The spatial distribution of the clumps in NGC 6334 reveals clustering which is strikingly similar to that exhibited by young stars in other star forming regions. A power law fit to the surface density of companions gives Σθ0.62\Sigma\propto \theta^{-0.62}.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Improved Rule for While Loops in Deductive Program Verification

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    The performance and usability of deductive program verification systems can be greatly enhanced if specifications of programs and program parts not only consist of the usual pre-/post-condition pairs and invariants but also include additional information on which memory locations are changed by executing a program. This allows to separate the aspects of (a) which locations change and (b) how they change, state the change information in a compact way, and make the proof process more efficient. In this paper, we extend this idea from method specifications to loop invariants; and we define a proof rule for while loops that makes use of the change information associated with the loop body. It has been implemented and is successfully used in the KeY software verification system

    Confirmation and Analysis of Circular Polarization from Sagittarius A*

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    Recently Bower et al. (1999b) have reported the detection of circular polarization from the Galactic Center black hole candidate, Sagittarius A*. We provide an independent confirmation of this detection, and provide some analysis on the possible mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter