13 research outputs found


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    Negators in Contrastive Constructions in Old English

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    The purpose of this article is to find out the factors that explain the variation among the different negators in contrastive constructions, X (and) not Y and not X but Y, in Old English prose and glosses. An attempt is also made to answer the question why such structures are used, and why they are more common in some texts than in others. The data consists of a select corpus. The results indicate that in early West Saxon the negators in such constructions are mainly nalles and naes, while the negator na occurs less frequently. The exclusive use of the negator na by aelfric simplifies the system of negators in late West Saxon. Contrastive constructions are mainly employed as rhetorical means for emphasis. They are favoured in texts that are intended to influence people. The results suggest that the variation is partly idiolectal and genre-based, and partly diachronic.Peer reviewe

    Null subjects in Middle English

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    This article investigates the occurrence and distribution of referential null subjects in Middle English. Whereas Modern English is the textbook example of a non-null-subject language, the case has recently been made that Old English permits null subjects to a limited extent, which raises the question of what happens in the middle period. In this article we investigate Middle English using data drawn from the Penn–Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English Prose and the new Parsed Corpus of Middle English Poetry, aiming to shed light on the linguistic and extralinguistic factors conditioning the alternation between null and overt subjects. Generalized mixed-effects logistic regression and random forests are used to assess the importance of the variables included.We show that the set of factors at play is similar to that found for Old English, and we document a near-complete disappearance of the null subject option by the end of the Middle English period.publishe

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    子宮頸癌で2種類の組織型の混合癌の報告例は散見されるが、3種の混合癌の報告はほとんどない。今回、子宮頸癌で3種の組織型の混合癌を経験したので文献的考察を加え報告する。症例は67歳、4 妊3産。不正性器出血を主訴に前医を受診頸部細胞診で小細胞癌が疑われ当科紹介となった。腟鏡診で子宮頸部に肉眼的病変なし、頸部組織診で小細胞癌の診断であった。内診で子宮傍組織浸潤を認めず。MRIで子宮頸部に20mm大、T2強調画像で高信号を示す腫瘤性病変を認めた。画像検査で遠隔転移を認めず、子宮頸癌IB1期の診断で腹式広汎子宮全摘術、両側付属器摘出術を施行した。子宮頸部病変内にはN/C比の高い小型の異型細胞が充実性に増殖しており、免疫染色でCD56,Synaptophysin,NSEが一部陽性を示したため小細胞癌と診断した。また、一部で類基底細胞様の腫瘍細胞が大小の胞巣を形成しながら浸潤増殖を示しており、免疫染色でαSMA,CD10,p63に陽性であったため腺様嚢胞腺癌の混合癌と診断した。さらに角化を伴う低分化な成分も含まれており、扁平上皮癌も混在していると判断した。子宮間質浸潤2/3以上であったが、リンパ管・脈管侵襲はなく、骨盤リンパ節転移も認めなかった。以上より小細胞神経内分泌癌、腺様嚢胞癌、扁平上皮癌の混合癌、pT1bN0M0(UICC第8版より)と診断した。術後再発中リスク群としてエトポシド/シスプラチン療法を行い、術後1年以上再発なく経過している