17,393 research outputs found

    Analysis of cybersecurity threats in Industry 4.0: the case of intrusion detection

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    Nowadays, industrial control systems are experiencing a new revolution with the interconnection of the operational equipment with the Internet, and the introduction of cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud Computing or Big data within the organization. These and other technologies are paving the way to the Industry 4.0. However, the advent of these technologies, and the innovative services that are enabled by them, will also bring novel threats whose impact needs to be understood. As a result, this paper provides an analysis of the evolution of these cyber-security issues and the requirements that must be satis ed by intrusion detection defense mechanisms in this context.Springer ; Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Growth factor restriction impedes progression of wound healing following cataract surgery: identification of VEGF as a putative therapeutic target

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    Secondary visual loss occurs in millions of patients due to a wound-healing response, known as posterior capsule opacification (PCO), following cataract surgery. An intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted into residual lens tissue, known as the capsular bag, following cataract removal. Standard IOLs allow the anterior and posterior capsules to become physically connected. This places pressure on the IOL and improves contact with the underlying posterior capsule. New open bag IOL designs separate the anterior capsule and posterior capsules and further reduce PCO incidence. It is hypothesised that this results from reduced cytokine availability due to greater irrigation of the bag. We therefore explored the role of growth factor restriction on PCO using human lens cell and tissue culture models. We demonstrate that cytokine dilution, by increasing medium volume, significantly reduced cell coverage in both closed and open capsular bag models. This coincided with reduced cell density and myofibroblast formation. A screen of 27 cytokines identified nine candidates whose expression profile correlated with growth. In particular, VEGF was found to regulate cell survival, growth and myofibroblast formation. VEGF provides a therapeutic target to further manage PCO development and will yield best results when used in conjunction with open bag IOL designs

    Layer thickness dependence of the current induced effective field vector in Ta|CoFeB|MgO

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    The role of current induced effective magnetic field in ultrathin magnetic heterostructures is increasingly gaining interest since it can provide efficient ways of manipulating magnetization electrically. Two effects, known as the Rashba spin orbit field and the spin Hall spin torque, have been reported to be responsible for the generation of the effective field. However, quantitative understanding of the effective field, including its direction with respect to the current flow, is lacking. Here we show vector measurements of the current induced effective field in Ta|CoFeB|MgO heterostructrures. The effective field shows significant dependence on the Ta and CoFeB layers' thickness. In particular, 1 nm thickness variation of the Ta layer can result in nearly two orders of magnitude difference in the effective field. Moreover, its sign changes when the Ta layer thickness is reduced, indicating that there are two competing effects that contribute to the effective field. The relative size of the effective field vector components, directed transverse and parallel to the current flow, varies as the Ta thickness is changed. Our results illustrate the profound characteristics of just a few atomic layer thick metals and their influence on magnetization dynamics

    Multi-wavelength analysis of 18um-selected galaxies in the AKARI/IRC monitor field towards the North Ecliptic Pole

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    We present an initial analysis of AKARI 18um-selected galaxies using all 9 photometric bands at 2-24um available in the InfraRed Camera (IRC), in order to demonstrate new capabilities of AKARI cosmological surveys. We detected 72 sources at 18um in an area of 50.2 arcmin^2 in the AKARI/IRC monitor field towards the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP). From this sample, 25 galaxies with probable redshifts z>~ 0.5 are selected with a single colour cut (N2-N3>0.1) for a detailed SED analysis with ground-based BVRi'z'JK data. Using an SED radiative transfer model of starbursts covering the wavelength range UV -- submm, we derive photometric redshifts from the optical-MIR SEDs of 18um-selected galaxies. From the best-fit SED models, we show that the IRC all-band photometry is capable of tracing the steep rise in flux at the blue side of the PAH 6.2um emission feature. This indicates that the IRC all-band photometry is useful to constrain the redshift of infrared galaxies, specifically for dusty galaxies with a less prominent 4000A break. Also, we find that the flux dip between the PAH 7.7 and 11.2um emission feature is recognizable in the observed SEDs of galaxies at z~1. By using such a colour anomaly due to the PAH and silicate absorption features, unique samples of ULIRGs at z~1, `silicate-break' galaxies, can be constructed from large cosmological surveys of AKARI towards the NEP, i.e. the NEP-Deep and NEP-Wide survey. This pilot study suggests the possibility of detecting many interesting galaxy properties in the NEP-Deep and Wide surveys, such as a systematic difference in SEDs between high- and low-z ULIRGs, and a large variation of the PAH inter-band strength ratio in galaxies at high redshifts. [abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ, AKARI special issu

    The North Ecliptic Pole Wide survey of AKARI: a near- and mid-infrared source catalog

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    We present a photometric catalog of infrared (IR) sources based on the North Ecliptic PoleWide field (NEP-Wide) survey of AKARI, which is an infrared space telescope launched by Japan. The NEP-Wide survey covered 5.4 deg2 area, a nearly circular shape centered on the North Ecliptic Pole, using nine photometric filter-bands from 2 - 25 {\mu}m of the Infrared Camera (IRC). Extensive efforts were made to reduce possible false objects due to cosmic ray hits, multiplexer bleeding phenomena around bright sources, and other artifacts. The number of detected sources varied depending on the filter band: with about 109,000 sources being cataloged in the near-IR bands at 2 - 5 {\mu}m, about 20,000 sources in the shorter parts of the mid-IR bands between 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and about 16,000 sources in the longer parts of the mid-IR bands, with \sim 4,000 sources at 24 {\mu}m. The estimated 5? detection limits are approximately 21 magnitude (mag) in the 2 - 5 {\mu}m bands, 19.5 - 19 mag in the 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and 18.8 - 18.5 mag in the 15 - 24 {\mu}m bands in the AB magnitude scale. The completenesses for those bands were evaluated as a function of magnitude: the 50% completeness limits are about 19.8 mag at 3 {\mu}m, 18.6 mag at 9 {\mu}m, and 18 mag at 18 {\mu}m band, respectively. To construct a reliable source catalog, all of the detected sources were examined by matching them with those in other wavelength data, including optical and ground-based near-IR bands. The final band-merged catalog contains about 114,800 sources detected in the IRC filter bands. The properties of the sources are presented in terms of the distributions in various color-color diagrams.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 23 pages, 27 figure

    Focusing and Compression of Ultrashort Pulses through Scattering Media

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    Light scattering in inhomogeneous media induces wavefront distortions which pose an inherent limitation in many optical applications. Examples range from microscopy and nanosurgery to astronomy. In recent years, ongoing efforts have made the correction of spatial distortions possible by wavefront shaping techniques. However, when ultrashort pulses are employed scattering induces temporal distortions which hinder their use in nonlinear processes such as in multiphoton microscopy and quantum control experiments. Here we show that correction of both spatial and temporal distortions can be attained by manipulating only the spatial degrees of freedom of the incident wavefront. Moreover, by optimizing a nonlinear signal the refocused pulse can be shorter than the input pulse. We demonstrate focusing of 100fs pulses through a 1mm thick brain tissue, and 1000-fold enhancement of a localized two-photon fluorescence signal. Our results open up new possibilities for optical manipulation and nonlinear imaging in scattering media

    Perovskite solar cells: a deep analysis using current–voltage and capacitance–voltage techniques

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    Perovskite solar cells exhibiting~14–15% efficiency were experimentally measured using current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) techniques in order to extract material and device properties, and understand the action of photovoltaic (PV) operation. Deep analyses were carried out on dark- and illuminated I–V curves, and dark C–V curves. Results were compared with those of graded bandgap solar cells fabricated on inorganic n-type window layers. These analyses according to a physicist’s point of view lead to understand the perovskite solar cell as a graded bandgap solar cell built on a p-type window layer. I–V and C–V results show very similar behaviour and the principle of PV action is identical. Once the stability issues with perovskites are solved, these devices have very high potential of producing next generation solar cells reaching at least mid-20% efficiency values

    Maximum Power Game as a Physical and Social Extension of Classical Games

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    We consider an electric circuit in which the players participate as resistors and adjust their resistance in pursuit of individual maximum power. The maximum power game(MPG) becomes very complicated in a circuit which is indecomposable into serial/parallel components, yielding a nontrivial power distribution at equilibrium. Depending on the circuit topology, MPG covers a wide range of phenomena: from a social dilemma in which the whole group loses to a well-coordinated situation in which the individual pursuit of power promotes the collective outcomes. We also investigate a situation where each player in the circuit has an intrinsic heat waste. Interestingly, it is this individual inefficiency which can keep them from the collective failure in power generation. When coping with an efficient opponent with small intrinsic resistance, a rather inefficient player gets more power than efficient one. A circuit with multiple voltage inputs forms the network-based maximum power game. One of our major interests is to figure out, in what kind of the networks the pursuit for private power leads to greater total power. It turns out that the circuits with the scale-free structure is one of the good candidates which generates as much power as close to the possible maximum total.ope

    Scientific complications and controversies noted in the field of CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells and the way forward for further development

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    Cadmium telluride-based solar cell is the most successfully commercialised thin film solar cell today. The laboratory-scale small devices have achieved ~ 22%, and commercial solar panels have reached ~ 18% conversion efficiencies. However, there are various technical complications and some notable scientific contradictions that appear in the scientific literature published since the early 1970s. This review paper discusses some of these major complications and controversies in order to focus future research on issues of material growth and characterisation, post-growth processing, device architectures and interpretation of the results. Although CdTe can be grown using more than 14 different growth techniques, successful commercialisation has been taken place using close-space sublimation and electrodeposition techniques only. The experimental results presented in this review are mainly based on electrodeposition. Historical trends of research and commercial successes have also been discussed compared to the timeline of novel breakthroughs in this field. Deeper understanding of these issues may lead to further increase in conversion efficiencies of this solar cell. Some novel ideas for further development of thin film solar cells are also discussed towards the end of this paper

    Spitzer Observations of the North Ecliptic Pole

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    We present a photometric catalog for Spitzer Space Telescope warm mission observations of the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP; centered at R.A.=18h00m00s\rm R.A.=18^h00^m00^s, Decl.=66d33m38s.552\rm Decl.=66^d33^m38^s.552). The observations are conducted with IRAC in 3.6 μ\mum and 4.5 μ\mum bands over an area of 7.04 deg2^2 reaching 1σ\sigma depths of 1.29 μ\muJy and 0.79 μ\muJy in the 3.6 μ\mum and 4.5 μ\mum bands respectively. The photometric catalog contains 380,858 sources with 3.6 μ\mum and 4.5 μ\mum band photometry over the full-depth NEP mosaic. Point source completeness simulations show that the catalog is 80% complete down to 19.7 AB. The accompanying catalog can be utilized in constraining the physical properties of extra-galactic objects, studying the AGN population, measuring the infrared colors of stellar objects, and studying the extra-galactic infrared background light.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures and 3 tables. Accepted to the ApJ