291 research outputs found

    A Review of Maser Polarization and Magnetic Fields

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    Through polarization observations masers are unique probes of the magnetic field in a variety of different astronomical objects, with the different maser species tracing different physical conditions. In recent years maser polarization observations have provided insights in the magnetic field strength and morphology in, among others, the envelopes around evolved stars, Planetary Nebulae (PNe), massive star forming regions and supernova remnants. More recently, maser observations have even been used to determine the magnetic field in megamaser galaxies. This review will present an overview of maser polarization observations and magnetic field determinations of the last several years and discuss the implications of the magnetic field measurements for several important fields of study, such as aspherical PNe creation and massive star formation.Comment: 10 pages, Review paper from IAU symposium 242 "Astrophysical Masers and their Environments

    The magnetic field of the proto-planetary nebula candidate IRAS 19296+2227

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    Context: Magnetic fields are thought to be one of the possible mechanisms responsible for shaping the generally spherical outflow of evolved stars into often aspherical planetary nebulae. However, direct measurements of magnetic fields during the transition to the planetary nebula phase are rare. Aims: The aim of this project is to expand the number of magnetic field measurements of stars in the (proto-)planetary nebula phase and find if the magnetic field strength is sufficient to affect the stellar outflow. Methods: We used Very Long Baseline Array observations to measure the circular polarization due to the Zeeman splitting of 22 GHz water masers in the envelope of the proto-planetary nebula candidate star IRAS 19296+2227 and the planetary nebula K3-35. Results: A strong magnetic field of B||=-135+-28 is detected in the water maser region of the proto-planetary nebula candidate IRAS 19296+2227. The water masers of K3-35 are too weak to detect circular polarization although we do present the measurements of weak linear polarization in those masers. Conclusions: The field measured in the masers of IRAS 19296+2227 is dynamically important and, if it is representative of the large scale field, is an important factor in driving the stellar mass loss and shaping the stellar outflow.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; A&A accepte

    Possible magnetic field variability during the 6.7 GHz methanol maser flares of G09.62+0.20

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    (Abridged) Recently, the magnetic field induced Zeeman splitting was measured for the strongest known 6.7 GHz methanol maser, which arises in the massive star forming region G09.62+0.20. This maser is one of a handful of periodically flaring methanol masers. The 100-m Effelsberg telescope was used to monitor the 6.7 GHz methanol masers of G09.62+0.20. With the exception of a two week period during the peak of the maser flare, we measure a constant magnetic field of B_||~11+-2 mG in the two strongest maser components of G09.62+0.20 that are separated by over 200 AU. In the two week period that coincides exactly with the peak of the maser flare of the strongest maser feature, we measure a sharp decrease and possible reversal of the Zeeman splitting. The exact cause of both maser and polarization variability is still unclear, but it could be related to either background amplification of polarized emission or the presence of a massive protostar with a close-by companion. Alternatively, the polarization variability could be caused by non-Zeeman effects related to the radiative transfer of polarized maser emission.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Resolving the extended stellar atmospheres of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars at (sub-)millimetre wavelengths

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    The initial conditions for the mass loss during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase are set in their extended atmospheres, where, among others, convection and pulsation driven shocks determine the physical conditions. High resolution observations of AGB stars at (sub)millimetre wavelengths can now directly determine the morphology, activity, density, and temperature close to the stellar photosphere. We used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) high angular resolution observations to resolve the extended atmospheres of four of the nearest AGB stars: W Hya, Mira A, R Dor and R Leo. We interpreted the observations using a parameterised atmosphere model. We resolve all four AGB stars and determine the brightness temperature structure between 11 and 22 stellar radii. For W Hya and R Dor we confirm the existence of hotspots with brightness temperatures >3000>3000 to 1000010000~K. All four stars show deviations from spherical symmetry. We find variations on a timescale of days to weeks, and for R Leo we directly measure an outward motion of the millimetre wavelength surface with a velocity of at least 10.6±1.410.6\pm1.4~km~s1^{-1}. For all objects but W Hya we find that the temperature-radius and size-frequency relations require the existence of a (likely inhomogeneous) layer of enhanced opacity. The ALMA observations provide a unique probe of the structure of the extended AGB atmosphere. We find highly variable structures of hotspots and likely convective cells. In the future, these observations can be directly compared to multi-dimensional chromosphere and atmosphere models that determine the temperature, density, velocity, and ionisation structure between the stellar photosphere and the dust formation region. However, our results show that for the best interpretation, both very accurate flux calibration and near-simultaneous observations are essential.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to A&A, final version after language editin

    Methanol masers probing the ordered magnetic field of W75N

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    The role of magnetic fields during the protostellar phase of high-mass star-formation is a debated topic. In particular, it is still unclear how magnetic fields influence the formation and dynamic of disks and outflows. Most current information on magnetic fields close to high-mass protostars comes from H2O and OH maser observations. Recently, the first 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization observations were made, and they reveal strong and ordered magnetic fields. The morphology of the magnetic field during high-mass star-formation needs to be investigated on small scales, which can only be done using very long baseline interferometry observations. The massive star-forming regionW75N contains three radio sources and associated masers, while a large-scale molecular bipolar outflow is also present. Polarization observations of the 6.7 GHz methanol masers at high angular resolution probe the strength and structure of the magnetic field and determine its relation to the outflow. Eight of the European VLBI network antennas were used to measure the linear polarization and Zeeman-splitting of the 6.7 GHz methanol masers in the star-forming region W75N. We detected 10 methanol maser features, 4 of which were undetected in previous work. All arise near the source VLA1 of W75N. The linear polarization of the masers reveals a tightly ordered magnetic field over more than 2000 AU around VLA1 that is exactly aligned with the large-scale molecular outflow. This is consistent with the twisted magnetic field model proposed for explaining dust polarization observations. The Zeeman-splitting measured on 3 of the maser features indicates a dynamically important magnetic field in the maser region of the order of 50mG. We suggest VLA1 is the powering sources of the bipolar outflow.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Coldest Place in the Universe: Probing the Ultra-Cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula

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    Our Cycle 0 ALMA observations confirmed that the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known object in the Universe, with a massive high-speed outflow that has cooled significantly below the cosmic background temperature. Our new CO 1-0 data reveal heretofore unseen distant regions of this ultra-cold outflow, out to 120,000\gtrsim120,000 AU. We find that in the ultra-cold outflow, the mass-loss rate (dM/dt) increases with radius, similar to its expansion velocity (VV) - taking VrV\propto r, we find dM/dtr0.92.2dM/dt \propto r^{0.9-2.2}. The mass in the ultra-cold outflow is 3.3\gtrsim3.3 Msun, and the Boomerang's main-sequence progenitor mass is 4\gtrsim4 Msun. Our high angular resolution (\sim0".3) CO J=3-2 map shows the inner bipolar nebula's precise, highly-collimated shape, and a dense central waist of size (FWHM) \sim1740 AU×275\times275 AU. The molecular gas and the dust as seen in scattered light via optical HST imaging show a detailed correspondence. The waist shows a compact core in thermal dust emission at 0.87-3.3 mm, which harbors (47)×104(4-7)\times10^{-4} Msun~of very large (\simmm-to-cm sized), cold (2030\sim20-30 K) grains. The central waist (assuming its outer regions to be expanding) and fast bipolar outflow have expansion ages of 1925\lesssim1925 yr and 1050\le1050 yr: the "jet-lag" (i.e., torus age minus the fast-outflow age) in the Boomerang supports models in which the primary star interacts directly with a binary companion. We argue that this interaction resulted in a common-envelope configuration while the Boomerang's primary was an RGB or early-AGB star, with the companion finally merging into the primary's core, and ejecting the primary's envelope that now forms the ultra-cold outflow.Comment: accepted ApJ, 12 Apr, 201

    The magnetic field of the evolved star W43A

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    The majority of the observed planetary nebulae exhibit elliptical or bipolar structures. Theoretical modeling has indicated that magnetically collimated jets may be responsible for the formation of the non-spherical planetary nebulae. The aim of this project is to measure the Zeeman splitting caused by the magnetic field in the OH and H2O maser regions occurring in the circumstellar envelope and bipolar outflow of the evolved star W43A. We report a measured magnetic field of approximately 100 micro-gauss in the OH maser region of the circumstellar envelope around W43A. The GBT observations reveal a magnetic field strength B|| of ~30 mG changing sign across the H2O masers at the tip of the red-shifted lobe of the bipolar outflow. We also find that the OH maser shell shows no sign of non-spherical expansion and that it probably has an expansion velocity that is typical for the shells of regular OH/IR stars. The GBT observations confirm that the magnetic field collimates the H2O maser jet, while the OH maser observations show that a strong large scale magnetic field is present in the envelope surrounding the W43A central star. The magnetic field in the OH maser envelope is consistent with the one extrapolated from the H2O measurements, confirming that magnetic fields play an important role in the entire circumstellar environment of W43A.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    3D modeling of 1612 MHz OH masers: Monte Carlo modeling of the maser shells and the amplified stellar image

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    We present the first results of our 3D Monte Carlo maser radiative transfer code, used to model the 1612 MHz OH maser shell and the amplification of emission from the stellar radio-photosphere.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to be published in: Proceeding of WS on Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter, Sendai, Japan, Y.Nakada & M.Honma (eds), Kluwer ASSL serie

    Improved VLBI astrometry of OH maser stars

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    Aims: Accurate distances to evolved stars with high mass loss rates are needed for studies of many of their fundamental properties. However, as these stars are heavily obscured and variable, optical and infrared astrometry is unable to provide enough accuracy. Methods: Astrometry using masers in the circumstellar envelopes can be used to overcome this problem. We have observed the OH masers of a number of Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars for approximately 1 year with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). We have used the technique of phase referencing with in-beam calibrators to test the improvements this technique can provide to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) OH maser astrometric observations. Results: We have significantly improved the parallax and proper motion measurements of the Mira variable stars U Her, S CrB and RR Aql. Conclusions: It is shown that both in-beam phase-referencing and a decrease in solar activity during the observations significantly improves the accuracy of the astrometric observations. The improved distances to S CrB (418 +21 -18 pc) and RR Aql (633 +214 -128 pc) are fully consistent with published P-L relations, but the distance to U Her (266 +32 -28 pc) is significantly smaller. We conclude that for sources that are bright and have a nearby in-beam calibrator, VLBI OH maser astrometry can be used to determine distances to OH masing stars of up to ~2 kpc.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in A&A; for a version with high-resolution figures see http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~wouter/papers/astrom/astrom.shtm

    UVMULTIFIT: A versatile tool for fitting astronomical radio interferometric data

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    The analysis of astronomical interferometric data is often performed on the images obtained after deconvolution of the interferometer's point spread function (PSF). This strategy can be understood (especially for cases of sparse arrays) as fitting models to models, since the deconvolved images are already non-unique model representations of the actual data (i.e., the visibilities). Indeed, the interferometric images may be affected by visibility gridding, weighting schemes (e.g., natural vs. uniform), and the particulars of the (non-linear) deconvolution algorithms. Fitting models to the direct interferometric observables (i.e., the visibilities) is preferable in the cases of simple (analytical) sky intensity distributions. In this paper, we present UVMULTIFIT, a versatile library for fitting visibility data, implemented in a Python-based framework. Our software is currently based on the CASA package, but can be easily adapted to other analysis packages, provided they have a Python API. We have tested the software with synthetic data, as well as with real observations. In some cases (e.g., sources with sizes smaller than the diffraction limit of the interferometer), the results from the fit to the visibilities (e.g., spectra of close by sources) are far superior to the output obtained from the mere analysis of the deconvolved images. UVMULTIFIT is a powerful improvement of existing tasks to extract the maximum amount of information from visibility data, especially in cases close to the sensitivity/resolution limits of interferometric observations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in A&A. Code available at http://nordic-alma.se/support/software-tool