8 research outputs found

    Feeling Younger in Rural Burkina Faso: Exploring the Role of Subjective Age in the Light of Previous Research From High-Income Countries

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    Objectives: Previous research on subjective age (SA), that is, how young or old a person feels relative to their chronological age, has shown that older adults tend to feel younger than they are (by about 15%–20%), but the extent of this effect depends, in part, on their health. However, as most of the studies have been conducted in Western countries, it is unclear how well these results generalize to culturally different samples. Objectives, therefore, were to examine SA in middle-aged and older adults from a very low-income setting in rural Burkina Faso, to examine associations between SA and health/quality of life-related measures, and to compare findings with Western studies. / Methods: Representative, cross-sectional sample of N = 3,028 adults (≥40 years, recruited in 2018) from north-western Burkina Faso. Data included questionnaires on depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life scale, including subjective health) as well as performance-based and objective health-related measures (Community Screening Instrument for Dementia as cognitive screening, walking speed). / Results: Respondents felt on average 3% younger (SD = 0.13) than their chronological age, with 48% (95% confidence interval: 0.46–0.50) feeling younger—27 percentage points lower than seen in representative Western studies. Lower depression, better walking speed, cognition, and quality of life were all associated with younger SA. / Discussion: Middle-aged and older adults in Nouna felt less young than similar age groups in Western studies. One of the reasons may be that youthfulness is less of a value outside Western cultures. As in Western studies, parts of the variation in SA can be explained by health parameters

    Second-line treatment of pediatric patients with relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma adapted to initial risk stratification: Data of the European Soft Tissue Sarcoma Registry (SoTiSaR).

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    BACKGROUND Outcome of relapsed disease of localized rhabdomyosarcoma remains poor. An individual treatment approach considering the initial systemic treatment and risk group was included in the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe (CWS) Guidance. METHODS Second-line chemotherapy (sCHT) ACCTTIVE based on anthracyclines (adriamycin, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, topotecan, vincristine, etoposide) was recommended for patients with initial low- (LR), standard- (SR), and high-risk (HR) group after initial treatment without anthracyclines. TECC (topotecan, etoposide, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide) was recommended after initial anthracycline-based regimen in the very high-risk (VHR) group. Data of patients with relapse (n = 68) registered in the European Soft Tissue Sarcoma Registry SoTiSaR (2009-2018) were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS Patients of initial LR (n = 2), SR (n = 16), HR (n = 41), and VHR (n = 9) group relapsed. sCHT consisted of ACCTTIVE (n = 36), TECC (n = 12), or other (n = 15). Resection was performed in 40/68 (59%) patients and/or radiotherapy in 47/68 (69%). Initial risk stratification, pattern/time to relapse, and achievement of second complete remission were significant prognostic factors. Microscopically incomplete resection with additional radiotherapy was not inferior to microscopically complete resection (p = .17). The 5-year event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 26% (±12%) and 31% (±14%). The 5-year OS of patients with relapse of SR, HR, and VHR groups was 80% (±21%), 20% (±16%), and 13% (±23%, p = .008), respectively. CONCLUSION Adapted systemic treatment of relapsed disease considering the initial risk group and initial treatment is reasonable. New treatment options are needed for patients of initial HR and VHR groups

    Effect of the network on the director fluctuations in a nematic side-group elastomer analysed by static and dynamic light scattering

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    Static and dynamic light scattering experiments were performed on monodomains of a crosslinked nematic side-group polysiloxane. The depolarized scattering caused by fluctuations of the nematic director was analysed. Due to a superposed strong static scattering produced by heterogeneities the fluctuating part of the scattering intensity was found to be rather small. In contrast to low molar mass nematics, the relaxation rates and strength did not show a significant dependence on the scattering vector. The results can be explained by restoring torques on the director originating from the coupling to the network elasticity which dominate those originating from the Frank elasticity. Quantities describing the coupling as well as effective viscosities for the director reorientation were obtained

    Urticaria, Strophulus, Prurigo, Pruritus

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