540 research outputs found

    Technological aspects of the robotic TOPTIG surfacing of boiler steel tubes using alloy inconel 625

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    The research aimed to develop technological parameters of the TOPTIG method-based surfacing (using alloy Inconel 625) of boiler tubes (O 45x5) made of steel 13CrMo4-5 ensuring the obtainment of the iron content on the overlay weld surface below 5%. The research resulted in the development of sets of parameters enabling the obtainment of overlay welds characterised by very high quality and the minimum degree of the stirring of the overlay weld metal with the base material. The above named sets of parameters were utilised when making a number of overlay welds on tubes. The research involved macroscopic metallographic tests of overlay welds, the identification of the base material content in the overlay weld, the determination of the chemical composition of the overlay weld surface as well as the performance of microscopic metallographic tests and the microanalysis of the chemical composition. It was ascertained that the TOPTIG technology enabled the making of overlay welds characterised by very high quality and the minimum degree of the stirring of the overlay weld metal with the base material (only 3.28%) and made it possible to obtain an iron content of 2.75% on the overlay weld surface using forced cooling performed inside the tube. Surfacing without cooling led to a significantly higher base material content in the overlay weld (approximately 14%), where the content of iron on the overlay weld surface amounted to 8.47%.Метою дослідження є розробка технологічних параметрів процесу TOPTIG наплавлення (з використанням сплаву INCONEL 625) труб котлів (45х5), виготовлених зі сталі 13CrMo4-5, які гарантують вміст заліза в поверхневому шарі шва нижче 5 %. Було визначено, що технологія TOPTIG дозволяє виконувати наплавочні шви, які характеризуються дуже високою якістю і мінімальним рівнем перемішування з основним металом (вміст заліза становить 2,75% в поверхневому шарі шва за допомогою примусового охолодження). Наплавлення без охолодження призводить до набагато більшого змісту основного металу в шві (приблизно 14%), а вміст заліза в поверхневому шарі шва досягає 8,47%целью исследования является разработка технологических параметров процесса TOPTIG наплавки (с использованием сплава Inconel 625) труб котлов (45х5), изготовленных из стали 13CrMo4-5, которые гарантируют содержание железа в поверхностном слое шва ниже 5 %. Было определено, что технология TOPTIG позволяет выполнять наплавочные швы, которые характеризуются очень высоким качеством и минимальным уровнем перемешивания с основным металлом (содержание железа составляет 2,75 % в поверхностном слое шва с помощью принудительного охлаждения). наплавка без охлаждения приводит к гораздо большему содержанию основного металла в шве (примерно 14 %), а содержание железа в поверхностном слое шва достигает 8,47 %

    Thoracic Aortic Calcium Versus Coronary Artery Calcium for the Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Disease Events

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    ObjectivesThis study compared the ability of coronary artery calcium (CAC) and thoracic aortic calcium (TAC) to predict coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) events.BackgroundCoronary artery calcium has been shown to strongly predict CHD and CVD events, but it is unknown whether TAC, also measured within a single cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan, is of further value in predicting events.MethodsA total of 2,303 asymptomatic adults (mean age 55.7 years, 38% female) with CT scans were followed up for 4.4 years for CHD (myocardial infarction, cardiac death, or late revascularizations) and CVD (CHD plus stroke). Cox regression, adjusted for Framingham risk score (FRS), examined the relation of Agatston CAC and TAC categories, and log-transformed CAC and TAC with the incidence of CHD and CVD events and receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves tested whether TAC improved prediction of events over CAC and FRS.ResultsA total of 53% of subjects had Agatston CAC scores of 0; 8% 1 to 9; 19% 10 to 99; 12% 100 to 399; and 8% ≥400. For TAC, proportions were 69%, 5%, 12%, 8%, and 7%, respectively; 41 subjects (1.8%) experienced CHD and 47 (2.0%) CVD events. The FRS-adjusted hazard ratios (HR) across increasing CAC groups (relative to <10) ranged from 3.7 (p = 0.04) to 19.6 (p < 0.001) for CHD and from 2.8 (p = 0.07) to 13.1 (p < 0.001) for CVD events; only TAC scores of 100 to 399 predicted CHD and CVD (HR: 3.0, p = 0.008, and HR: 2.3, p = 0.04, respectively); these risks were attenuated after accounting for CAC. Findings were consistent when using log-transformed CAC and TAC Agatston and volume scores. The ROC curve analyses showed CAC predicted CHD and CVD events over FRS alone (p < 0.01); however, TAC did not further add to predicting events over FRS or CAC.ConclusionsThis study found that CAC, but not TAC, is strongly related to CHD and CVD events. Moreover, TAC does not further improve event prediction over CAC

    Galaxy Flow in the Canes Venatici I Cloud

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    We present an analysis of Hubble Space Telescope/WFPC2 images of eighteen galaxies in the Canes Venatici I cloud. We derive their distances from the luminosity of the tip of the red giant branch stars with a typical accuracy of ~12 %. The resulting distances are 3.9 Mpc (UGC 6541), 4.9 Mpc (NGC 3738), 3.0 Mpc (NGC 3741), 4.5 Mpc (KK 109), >6.3 Mpc (NGC 4150), 4.2 Mpc (UGC 7298), 4.5 Mpc (NGC 4244), 4.6 Mpc (NGC 4395), 4.9 Mpc (UGC 7559), 4.2 Mpc (NGC 4449), 4.4 Mpc (UGC 7605), 4.6 Mpc (IC 3687), 4.7 Mpc (KK 166), 4.7 Mpc (NGC 4736), 4.2 Mpc (UGC 8308), 4.3 Mpc (UGC 8320), 4.6 Mpc (NGC 5204), and 3.2 Mpc (UGC 8833). The CVn I cloud has a mean radial velocity of 286 +- 9 km/s, a mean distance of 4.1 +- 0.2 Mpc, a radial velocity dispersion of 50 km/s, a mean projected radius of 760 kpc, and a total blue luminosity of 2.2 * 10^{10} L_{\sun}. Assuming virial or closed orbital motions for the galaxies, we estimated their virial and their orbital mass-to-luminosity ratio to be 176 and 88 M_{\sun}/L_{\sun}, respectively. However, the CVn I cloud is characterized by a crossing time of 15 Gyr, and is thus far from a state of dynamical equilibrium. The large crossing time for the cloud, its low content of dSph galaxies (<6 < 6 %), and the almost ``primordial'' shape of its luminosity function show that the CVn I complex is in a transient dynamical state, driven rather by the free Hubble expansion than by galaxy interactions.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, A&A in preparation. The version does not include Figure 2. High resolution figures 1 and 2 (11311k) are available at http://luna.sao.ru/~sme/figsCVn.tar.g

    Simplified Approach to Predicting Obstructive Coronary Disease With Integration of Coronary Calcium: Development and External Validation

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    BACKGROUND The Diamond-Forrester model was used extensively to predict obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) but overestimates probability in current populations. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a useful marker of CAD, which is not routinely integrated with other features. We derived simple likelihood tables, integrating CAC with age, sex, and cardiac chest pain to predict obstructive CAD. METHODS AND RESULTS The training population included patients from 3 multinational sites (n=2055), with 2 sites for external testing (n=3321). We determined associations between age, sex, cardiac chest pain, and CAC with the presence of obstructive CAD, defined as any stenosis ≥50% on coronary computed tomography angiography. Prediction performance was assessed using area under the receiver-operating characteristic curves (AUCs) and compared with the CAD Consortium models with and without CAC, which require detailed calculations, and the updated Diamond-Forrester model. In external testing, the proposed likelihood tables had higher AUC (0.875 [95% CI, 0.862-0.889]) than the CAD Consortium clinical+CAC score (AUC, 0.868 [95% CI, 0.855-0.881]; P=0.030) and the updated Diamond-Forrester model (AUC, 0.679 [95% CI, 0.658-0.699]; P<0.001). The calibration for the likelihood tables was better than the CAD Consortium model (Brier score, 0.116 versus 0.121; P=0.005). CONCLUSIONS We have developed and externally validated simple likelihood tables to integrate CAC with age, sex, and cardiac chest pain, demonstrating improved prediction performance compared with other risk models. Our tool affords physicians with the opportunity to rapidly and easily integrate a small number of important features to estimate a patient's likelihood of obstructive CAD as an aid to clinical management

    Planetary Nebulae as standard candles XI. Application to Spiral Galaxies

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    We report the results of an [O III] lambda 5007 survey for planetary nebulae (PN) in three spiral galaxies: M101 (NGC 5457), M51 (NGC 5194/5195) and M96 (NGC 3368). By comparing on-band/off-band [O III] lambda 5007 images with images taken in H-alpha and broadband R, we identify 65, 64 and 74 PN candidates in each galaxy, respectively. From these data, an adopted M31 distance of 770 kpc, and the empirical planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF), we derive distances to M101, M51, and M96 of 7.7 +/- 0.5, 8.4 +/- 0.6, and 9.6 +/- 0.6 Mpc. These observations demonstrate that the PNLF technique can be successfully applied to late-type galaxies, and provide an important overlap between the Population I and Population II distance scales. We also discuss some special problems associated with using the PNLF in spiral galaxies, including the effects of dust and the possible presence of [O III] bright supernova remnants.Comment: 38 pages, TeX, with tables included but not figures. Uses epsf.tex and kpnobasic.tex. To be published in the Astophysical Journal. Full paper is available at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/johnf/Text/research.htm

    Loneliness, social support and cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stress

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    Self-reported or explicit loneliness and social support have been inconsistently associated with cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) to stress. The present study aimed to adapt an implicit measure of loneliness, and use it alongside the measures of explicit loneliness and social support, to investigate their correlations with CVR to laboratory stress. Twenty-five female volunteers aged between 18 and 39 years completed self-reported measures of loneliness and social support, and an Implicit Association Test (IAT) of loneliness. The systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) reactivity indices were measured in response to psychosocial stress induced in the laboratory. Functional support indices of social support were significantly correlated with CVR reactivity to stress. Interestingly, implicit, but not explicit, loneliness was significantly correlated with DBP reactivity after one of the stressors. No associations were found between structural support and CVR indices. Results are discussed in terms of validity of implicit versus explicit measures and possible factors that affect physiological outcomes

    A Study of the Type II-P Supernova 2003gd in M74

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the type II-P supernova 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first type II supernova to have a directly confirmed red supergiant progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd with SN 1999em, a similar type II-P supernova, and estimate an explosion date of 18th March 2003. We determine a reddening towards the supernova of E(B-V) = 0.14+/-0.06, using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of 9.6+/-2.8 Mpc, 7.7+/-1.7 Mpc and 9.6+/-2.2 Mpc. The former was estimated using the Standardised Candle Method (SCM), for type II supernovae, and the latter two using the Brightest Supergiants Method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of 9.3+/-1.8 Mpc. SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared to other ``normal'' type II-P SNe bringing into question the nature of this supernova. We present a discussion concluding that this is a ``normal'' type II-P supernova which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of 8(+4/-2) Mo.Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures to appear in MNRA

    Halos of Spiral Galaxies. I. The Tip of the Red Giant Branch as a Distance Indicator

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    We have imaged the halo populations of a sample of nearby spiral galaxies using the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on broad the Hubble Space Telescope with the aim of studying the stellar population properties and relating them to those of the host galaxies. In four galaxies, the red-giant branch is sufficiently well populated to measure the magnitude of the tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB), a well-known distance indicator. Using both the Sobel edge-detection technique and maximum-likelihood analysis to measure the II-band magnitude of the red giant branch tip, we determine distances to four nearby galaxies: NGC 253, NGC 4244, and NGC 4945, NGC 4258. For the first three galaxies, the TRGB distance determined here is more direct, and likely to be more accurate, than previous distance estimates. In the case of NGC 4258, our TRGB distance is in good agreement with the the geometrical maser distance, supporting the the Large Magellanic Cloud distance modulus (mM)0=18.50(m-M)_0 = 18.50 that is generally adopted in recent estimates of the Hubble constant.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure