5,596 research outputs found

    RSSI-Based Self-Localization with Perturbed Anchor Positions

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    We consider the problem of self-localization by a resource-constrained mobile node given perturbed anchor position information and distance estimates from the anchor nodes. We consider normally-distributed noise in anchor position information. The distance estimates are based on the log-normal shadowing path-loss model for the RSSI measurements. The available solutions to this problem are based on complex and iterative optimization techniques such as semidefinite programming or second-order cone programming, which are not suitable for resource-constrained environments. In this paper, we propose a closed-form weighted least-squares solution. We calculate the weights by taking into account the statistical properties of the perturbations in both RSSI and anchor position information. We also estimate the bias of the proposed solution and subtract it from the proposed solution. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm considering a set of arbitrary network topologies in comparison to an existing algorithm that is based on a similar approach but only accounts for perturbations in the RSSI measurements. We also compare the results with the corresponding Cramer-Rao lower bound. Our experimental evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm can substantially improve the localization performance in terms of both root mean square error and bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017

    Multi-mode Tracking of a Group of Mobile Agents

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    We consider the problem of tracking a group of mobile nodes with limited available computational and energy resources given noisy RSSI measurements and position estimates from group members. The multilateration solutions are known for energy efficiency. However, these solutions are not directly applicable to dynamic grouping scenarios where neighbourhoods and resource availability may frequently change. Existing algorithms such as cluster-based GPS duty-cycling, individual-based tracking, and multilateration-based tracking can only partially deal with the challenges of dynamic grouping scenarios. To cope with these challenges in an effective manner, we propose a new group-based multi-mode tracking algorithm. The proposed algorithm takes the topological structure of the group as well as the availability of the resources into consideration and decides the best solution at any particular time instance. We consider a clustering approach where a cluster head coordinates the usage of resources among the cluster members. We evaluate the energy-accuracy trade-off of the proposed algorithm for various fixed sampling intervals. The evaluation is based on the 2D position tracks of 40 nodes generated using Reynolds' flocking model. For a given energy budget, the proposed algorithm reduces the mean tracking error by up to 20%20\% in comparison to the existing energy-efficient cooperative algorithms. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is as accurate as the individual-based tracking while using almost half the energy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 20th international symposium on wireless personal multimedia communications (WPMC-2017

    Revolutionaries and spies: Spy-good and spy-bad graphs

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    We study a game on a graph GG played by rr {\it revolutionaries} and ss {\it spies}. Initially, revolutionaries and then spies occupy vertices. In each subsequent round, each revolutionary may move to a neighboring vertex or not move, and then each spy has the same option. The revolutionaries win if mm of them meet at some vertex having no spy (at the end of a round); the spies win if they can avoid this forever. Let σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) denote the minimum number of spies needed to win. To avoid degenerate cases, assume |V(G)|\ge r-m+1\ge\floor{r/m}\ge 1. The easy bounds are then \floor{r/m}\le \sigma(G,m,r)\le r-m+1. We prove that the lower bound is sharp when GG has a rooted spanning tree TT such that every edge of GG not in TT joins two vertices having the same parent in TT. As a consequence, \sigma(G,m,r)\le\gamma(G)\floor{r/m}, where γ(G)\gamma(G) is the domination number; this bound is nearly sharp when γ(G)m\gamma(G)\le m. For the random graph with constant edge-probability pp, we obtain constants cc and cc' (depending on mm and pp) such that σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) is near the trivial upper bound when r<clnnr<c\ln n and at most cc' times the trivial lower bound when r>clnnr>c'\ln n. For the hypercube QdQ_d with drd\ge r, we have σ(G,m,r)=rm+1\sigma(G,m,r)=r-m+1 when m=2m=2, and for m3m\ge 3 at least r39mr-39m spies are needed. For complete kk-partite graphs with partite sets of size at least 2r2r, the leading term in σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) is approximately kk1rm\frac{k}{k-1}\frac{r}{m} when kmk\ge m. For k=2k=2, we have \sigma(G,2,r)=\bigl\lceil{\frac{\floor{7r/2}-3}5}\bigr\rceil and \sigma(G,3,r)=\floor{r/2}, and in general 3r2m3σ(G,m,r)(1+1/3)rm\frac{3r}{2m}-3\le \sigma(G,m,r)\le\frac{(1+1/\sqrt3)r}{m}.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures. The most important changes in this revision are improvements of the results on hypercubes and random graphs. The proof of the previous hypercube result has been deleted, but the statement remains because it is stronger for m<52. In the random graph section we added a spy-strategy resul

    The interaction of polyacid-modified composite resins ("compomers") with aqueous fluoride solutions

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    OBJECTIVE : The aim of this study was to investigate how the release of fluoride from two compomers and a fluoridated composite resin was affected by exposure to KF solution. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two compomers (Dyract AP and Compoglass F) and one fluoridated composite (Wave) were prepared as discs (6 mm diameter and 2 mm thick), curing with a standard dental lamp. They were then stored in either water or 0.5% KF for 1 week, followed by placement in water for periods of 1 week up to 5 weeks total. Fluoride was determined with and without TISAB (to allow complexed and decomplexed fluoride to be determined), and other ion release (Na, Ca, Al, Si, P) was determined by ICP-OES. RESULTS: Specimens were found not to take up fluoride from 100 ppm KF solution in 24 h, but to release additional fluoride when stored for up to five weeks. Compomers released more fluoride cumulatively following exposure to KF solution (

    Effects of wall compliance on the laminar–turbulent transition of torsional Couette flow

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    Torsional Couette flow between a rotating disk and a stationary wall is studied experimentally. The surface of the disk is either rigid or covered with a compliant coating. The influence of wall compliance on characteristic flow instabilities and on the laminar–turbulent flow transition is investigated. Data obtained from analysing flow visualizations are discussed. It is found that wall compliance favours two of the three characteristic wave patterns associated with the transition process and broadens the parameter regime in which these patterns are observed. The results for the effects of wall compliance on the third pattern are inconclusive. However, the experiments indicate that the third pattern is not a primary constituent of the laminar–turbulent transition process of torsional Couette flow

    Inteins and affinity resin substitutes for protein purification and scale up

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    The development of self-cleaving fusion-tag technology has greatly simplified the purification of recombinant proteins at laboratory scale. The self-cleaving capability of these tags has recently been combined with additional purification tags to generate novel and convenient protein purification methods at a variety of scales. In this review, we describe some of these methods, and provide a rudimentary economic analysis of hypothetical large-scale applications. This work is expected to provide a rough outline for the evaluation of these methods for large-scale bioprocessing of a variety of products

    Steady-State Analysis of Load Balancing with Coxian-22 Distributed Service Times

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    This paper studies load balancing for many-server (NN servers) systems. Each server has a buffer of size b1,b-1, and can have at most one job in service and b1b-1 jobs in the buffer. The service time of a job follows the Coxian-2 distribution. We focus on steady-state performance of load balancing policies in the heavy traffic regime such that the normalized load of system is λ=1Nα\lambda = 1 - N^{-\alpha} for 0<α<0.5.0<\alpha<0.5. We identify a set of policies that achieve asymptotic zero waiting. The set of policies include several classical policies such as join-the-shortest-queue (JSQ), join-the-idle-queue (JIQ), idle-one-first (I1F) and power-of-dd-choices (Podd) with d=O(NαlogN)d=O(N^\alpha\log N). The proof of the main result is based on Stein's method and state space collapse. A key technical contribution of this paper is the iterative state space collapse approach that leads to a simple generator approximation when applying Stein's method

    Ultrahigh Purcell factors and Lamb shifts using slow-light metamaterial waveguides

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    Employing a medium-dependent quantum optics formalism and a Green function solution of Maxwell's equations, we study the enhanced spontaneous emission factors (Purcell factors) and Lamb shifts from a quantum dot or atom near the surface of a %embedded in a slow-light metamaterial waveguide. Purcell factors of approximately 250 and 100 are found at optical frequencies for pp-polarized and ss-polarized dipoles respectively placed 28\thinspace nm (0.02\thinspace λ0\lambda_{0}) above the slab surface, including a realistic metamaterial loss factor of γ/2π=2THz\gamma /2\pi =2 \mathrm{THz}. For smaller loss values, we demonstrate that the slow-light regime of odd metamaterial waveguide propagation modes can be observed and related to distinct resonances in the Purcell factors. Correspondingly, we predict unusually large and rich Lamb shifts of approximately -1 GHz to -6 GHz for a dipole moment of 50 Debye. We also make a direct calculation of the far field emission spectrum, which contains direct measurable access to these enhanced Purcell factors and Lamb shifts

    Enabling More than Moore: Accelerated Reliability Testing and Risk Analysis for Advanced Electronics Packaging

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    For five decades, the semiconductor industry has distinguished itself by the rapid pace of improvement in miniaturization of electronics products-Moore's Law. Now, scaling hits a brick wall, a paradigm shift. The industry roadmaps recognized the scaling limitation and project that packaging technologies will meet further miniaturization needs or ak.a "More than Moore". This paper presents packaging technology trends and accelerated reliability testing methods currently being practiced. Then, it presents industry status on key advanced electronic packages, factors affecting accelerated solder joint reliability of area array packages, and IPC/JEDEC/Mil specifications for characterizations of assemblies under accelerated thermal and mechanical loading. Finally, it presents an examples demonstrating how Accelerated Testing and Analysis have been effectively employed in the development of complex spacecraft thereby reducing risk. Quantitative assessments necessarily involve the mathematics of probability and statistics. In addition, accelerated tests need to be designed which consider the desired risk posture and schedule for particular project. Such assessments relieve risks without imposing additional costs. and constraints that are not value added for a particular mission. Furthermore, in the course of development of complex systems, variances and defects will inevitably present themselves and require a decision concerning their disposition, necessitating quantitative assessments. In summary, this paper presents a comprehensive view point, from technology to systems, including the benefits and impact of accelerated testing in offsetting risk