
Revolutionaries and spies: Spy-good and spy-bad graphs


We study a game on a graph GG played by rr {\it revolutionaries} and ss {\it spies}. Initially, revolutionaries and then spies occupy vertices. In each subsequent round, each revolutionary may move to a neighboring vertex or not move, and then each spy has the same option. The revolutionaries win if mm of them meet at some vertex having no spy (at the end of a round); the spies win if they can avoid this forever. Let σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) denote the minimum number of spies needed to win. To avoid degenerate cases, assume |V(G)|\ge r-m+1\ge\floor{r/m}\ge 1. The easy bounds are then \floor{r/m}\le \sigma(G,m,r)\le r-m+1. We prove that the lower bound is sharp when GG has a rooted spanning tree TT such that every edge of GG not in TT joins two vertices having the same parent in TT. As a consequence, \sigma(G,m,r)\le\gamma(G)\floor{r/m}, where γ(G)\gamma(G) is the domination number; this bound is nearly sharp when γ(G)m\gamma(G)\le m. For the random graph with constant edge-probability pp, we obtain constants cc and cc' (depending on mm and pp) such that σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) is near the trivial upper bound when r<clnnr<c\ln n and at most cc' times the trivial lower bound when r>clnnr>c'\ln n. For the hypercube QdQ_d with drd\ge r, we have σ(G,m,r)=rm+1\sigma(G,m,r)=r-m+1 when m=2m=2, and for m3m\ge 3 at least r39mr-39m spies are needed. For complete kk-partite graphs with partite sets of size at least 2r2r, the leading term in σ(G,m,r)\sigma(G,m,r) is approximately kk1rm\frac{k}{k-1}\frac{r}{m} when kmk\ge m. For k=2k=2, we have \sigma(G,2,r)=\bigl\lceil{\frac{\floor{7r/2}-3}5}\bigr\rceil and \sigma(G,3,r)=\floor{r/2}, and in general 3r2m3σ(G,m,r)(1+1/3)rm\frac{3r}{2m}-3\le \sigma(G,m,r)\le\frac{(1+1/\sqrt3)r}{m}.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures. The most important changes in this revision are improvements of the results on hypercubes and random graphs. The proof of the previous hypercube result has been deleted, but the statement remains because it is stronger for m<52. In the random graph section we added a spy-strategy resul

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